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Morale Checks

2d10 - failed if result < current morale

Situational Morale Factors

50% of unit lost -2
75% of unit lost -4
Enemy in rear contact -2
Out of Command -2
Figures lost to enemy magic -1
Unit Commander killed -1
Open or Mob Unit failed Charge -3
Basic Game Rules Summary Melee with level drainers -3
Melee w/ enemy unit can't harm -3
Unit Types Closed Formation +1
Regular Mob w/ friendly unit 6" behind +2
move in Closed or Open formation Unit CO's Charisma Bonus +x
Closed Formation: Base contact
Casualty gaps automatically filled When To Check Morale
Open Formation: 1/2" apart -Lost 25% of starting figures
1" of movement to fill casualty gaps -Lost 50% of starting figures
*only Routs if Morale Check failed while in -Each figure lost past 50% of starting figures
Open Formation -Figures lost to enemy magic
-Unit Commander killed
Skirmish -In base contact with Undead/Level Draining
move in Skirmish formation: >1" apart -In base contact with invulerable enemy
Casualty gaps optionally filled for normal -Per other specific rules
move cost
*Morale Check: nearby friendly unit Routs Effect Of Failed Morale Checks
*No move into base contact with enemies -Unit in Closed Formation -> Open Form.
*Must Withdrawal or Flee if base contact -Otherwise, unit Routs

Mob When To Check Discipline

move in Mob Formation: irregular array -Hated enemy in Charge range
Casualty gaps automatically filled -Mob or Berserkers in Charge range
*Commander must give Order to act: -Enemy of Chaotic Unit* Withdrawls or Flees
Move Forward, Charge, Force March, or -Chaotic Unit* Charging in Closed Formation
Wheel (Rally check to give order) *including units with Low Intelligence
*moves through terrain of least resistance
*fights when in base contact Effect Of Failed Discipline Checks
*cannot use missile weapons or spells -Unit in Closed Formation -> Open Form.
-Unit Charges/Attacks until it or or target
Unit Stats enemy unit is Routed or destroyed
AC - Armor Class -Rally check to reassert command after initial
HD - Hit Dice Charge or attack
MV - Move
AR - Attack Rating Rallied Units
ML - Base Morale -May immediately Change Facing
MR% - Magic Resistance -May Change Formation in Movement Phase
PPD, P/P, RSW, BW, Sp - Saving Throws -May move and attack normally next round

Command Routed Units (flees away from enemy)

In Command -Initial move 1&1/3 rate (later full rate)
Unit within CO's Command Radius & -Friendly unit contact - they check Morale
has not failed Discipline Check or Routed -Cannot attack
-Regular units must be in Command to -If attacked, takes damage and routs again
enter or move in Closed Formation -Removed from play if exits table
Movement Melee (Simultaneous damage)
Changing Formation Eligible Melee Figures
1/3 move rate (no cost if involuntary) Only figures in base contact fight
*Closed Formation: +1 figure to left & right
Changing Direction *Pikes in Closed Formation: figures in two
Skirmish Formation: no cost rows behind contact add one attack each
Closed or Open Formation: up to *Spears, pole arms, & halberds in Closed
45 degree turns at no cost Formation: figures in row behind contact add
one attack each
Wheeling *Units can fight multiple opponents
pivot around one figure, cost per (treat as seperate melees)
distance moved by outermost figure
Attack Rating Modifiers For Melee
Changing Facing Attacker in Open or Skirmish Form. +1
Right or Left Face: 1/3 movement rate Attacking figures out of command +1
About Face: 1/2 movement rate Attacker occupies higher ground -1
Attacker Charging in Closed Form. -1
Changing Frontage Attacking CO fighting -1
1" movement cost per figure Rear attack -2

Forced March (1&1/2 move) Melee Procedure

Must be In Command 1. Determine adjusted attacker AR and
*Cannot contact enemy this round defender AC. Subtract AC from AR.
*Morale Check or -1 AR at end of march 2. Add 2d6.
(AR restored 1 point per round resting) 3. Convert attacker damage:
Single die: as listed
Charge (1&1/2 move) Multiple dice: as listed, multiply results
Must reach and attack enemy unit Plusses or Minuses: column shifts
*Must move at least 2/3 max rate (Wrap around table for results past d20)
*Last 1/3 move must be in straight line 4. Cross reference Dice Type with Attack
Roll on the Combat Results Table. The
Breaking Through result is the Hit Dice of damage inflicted
Charging unit contacts enemy figures 5. Multiply by # of attacking figures.
automatically killed with minimum damage: Determine how many figures are killed or
Remove figures and continue Charge move wounded. (Damage => 1/4 HD of target
figure inflict Wounds. Two wounds kills a
Failed Charges figure - combine wounds at end of phase.)
Closed Formation - change to Open
Open or Mob Formation - -3 Morale Multiple Attacks: multiply results if same,
otherwise resolve individually and add results
Engaged units
only Wrap-Around, Make Withdrawal, or Flee

Wrap-Around (envelope enemy unit)

total frontage change and wheeling costs
*wrapping unit considered in Open
Formation after melee concluded

Fighting Withdrawal
3" backward move
*Enemy may advance 3" to maintain contact

About Face (no cost) and full move away
*Enemy gets one free attack Basic Game Rules Summary

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