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End of Semester 1 Examination



Year 9 April 2022

Economics 1 hour 30 Minutes


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There are 30 multiple choice questions on this paper. Answer all questions.
For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the
one you consider correct and circle the most correct choice.
1. Carlos has been offered a new job with a large multinational company. He is
undecided whether to accept the position.
What is a non-wage factor he might consider?
A bonus payments
B holiday entitlement
C overtime rate
D salary level

2. Unlike the UK and US, a significant proportion of the shares on the stock
exchanges of China and Russia are of state-owned enterprises.
Which judgement about China and Russia can be made from this
A their distribution of income and wealth
B their level of development
C their stages of production
D their type of economic system

3. What is the most important factor that affects how much a family saves?
A the income of the family
B the level of taxation
C the rate of inflation
D the reliability of banks

4. The table shows the change in real incomes for a number of occupations
between 1985 and 2015.

What can be concluded from the table?

A All occupations were better off in 2015 than in 1985.
B Fork-lift truck drivers earned the lowest wages in 2015.
C Doctors have earned more than lawyers since 1985.
D Professionals received higher percentage increases in income than
manual workers.

5. A large bakery buys a flour mill.

Which form of integration (merger) is this?
A conglomerate
B horizontal
C vertical backwards
D vertical forwards

6. Why is the energy supply industry dominated by very large firms in many
A Government controls prevent the exploitation of consumers.
B High fixed capital costs exist.
C Labour-intensive production techniques are used.
D Non-price advertising increases competition.

7. The diagram shows the fixed costs, variable costs and total costs of a firm.

Which distance represents the firm's fixed costs?


8. An entrepreneur buys a workshop for $200 000 to make plastic boxes. In the
first year of operation he spends $70000 on materials, employs ten production
workers paid by the amount produced (piece rate) at a total cost of $80 000
and buys two delivery vehicles for $10000 each.
What are his total variable costs?
A $100 000
B $150 000
C $220 000
D $370000
9. Why does specialisation increase the productivity of employees?
A Average cost of production increases.
B Staff turnover is high.
C Time is saved by not moving between tasks.
D Workers lose interest in their job.

10. In recent years some central banks have reduced interest rates below 1% per
What is the purpose of this monetary policy?
A to discourage lending by the commercial banks
B to encourage investment to stimulate the economy
C to increase individual savings
D to reduce inflation

11. What is the main difference between capital-intensive production and labour
intensive production?
A the market structure of the production process
B the output that the production process creates
C the resources on which the production relies
D the size of the firm that uses the production process

12. What is the definition of diseconomies of scale?

A the decrease in average revenue as output increases
B the decrease in fixed cost as output increases
C the increase in average total costs as output increases
D the increase in total costs as output increases

13. What is a function of a central bank?

A accepting deposits from the public
B determining tax rates
C implementing monetary policy
D lending to businesses

14. What is likely to lead to an increase in the wages of university lecturers?

A an increase in the fringe benefits provided to university lecturers
B an increase in the tuition fees paid by university students
C government policies reducing the length of the training for university
D increased demand from students to study at university

15. When is a trade union likely to have more power to increase its members'
A when imports are increasing
B when labour supply is increasing
C when output is increasing
D when unemployment is increasing

16. The table shows the percentage (%) of income saved by different age groups.

What can be concluded from the table?

A Over the age range shown total savings equalled total dissavings.
B The 15-29 age group has the lowest level of income.
C The 50-64 age group saves the highest percentage of its income.
D The 65+ age group has a lower income than the 30-39 age group.

17. Which feature is a characteristic of money?

A indivisibility
B durability
C unlimited supply
D intrinsic value

18. An industry is experiencing diseconomies of scale.

What will be happening to long run average cost and total cost?
19. A firm that sells its product for $6 a unit has the following total costs.

Which statement is correct?

A Average cost is lowest when 10 units are produced.
B The firm does not make any profit when 20 units are sold.
C The firm has no fixed costs.
D Total variable costs fall continuously over these outputs.

20. Which statement about fixed costs is correct?

A They exist only in the long run.
B They include raw material and direct labour costs.
C They increase at the same rate as output.
D They must be paid even if there is no output.

21. What does a commercial bank not provide?

A cash
B bonds
C loans
D mortgages

22. What will be likely to increase the wages of airline pilots?

A Incomes increase in the world's major economies.
B Terrorist attacks decrease tourist travel.
C The cost of aviation fuel rises.
D The world economy goes into recession.

23. What is most likely to help a trade union's claim for wage increases in an
A a decrease in the price of a close substitute for the product
B a decrease in the qualifications needed for the job
C an increase in the number of workers
D an increase in the profits of the industry

24. The table shows some information for a computer engineer in 2015.

Income tax is fixed at 20%. The engineer saved 10% of the disposable
How much was saved?
A $3200
B $4000
C $4400
D $5500

25. What is a possible cause of diseconomies of scale?

A an increase in extra administration
B an increase in raw materials costs
C an increase in taxation on company profits
D an increase in the national minimum wage

26. What is not a function of a central bank?

A It is the lender of last resort to financial institutions.
B It is the sole issuer of notes and coins.
C It lends to individual firms and consumers.
D It manages the national debt for the government.

27. Which change will make a manufacturing company replace labor with capital
to maintain the most efficient combination of factors of production?
A The price of machinery has increased.
B The productivity of labour has increased.
C The productivity of machinery has increased.
D The supply of labour has increased.
28. What is the most likely reason a firm might welcome the introduction of a
trade union for its workers?
A Unions advise on the level of company dividends.
B Unions press for higher minimum wage rates.
C Unions simplify the process of wage bargaining.
D Unions wish to operate labour-intensive production methods.

29. What is least likely to lead to an increase in consumer spending on a new

A a decrease in the cost of car repairs
B a decrease in the price of petrol
C a decrease in the rate of interest
D a decrease in train fares

30. A television manufacturer claims to have the most technically advanced

production in the industry.
What is this most likely to mean when compared with its rival producers?
A It has a greater share of the television market.
B It is a more diversified company.
C It is less likely to be disrupted by strike action.
D It needs a more highly skilled workforce.
Section B
Answer all questions from this section.
Nearly 80% of employees in the United Arab Emirates work in the service sector.
The region has attracted many large firms in industries such as tourism and finance
and energy. Operating on a large scale may give these firms lower unit costs,
helping them to be globally competitive. However, the region also has many startups
and small businesses. Small and medium-sized enterprises account for around 40%
of all jobs and income in the region.

a) Define tertiary sector. [2]

b) Explain how the size of a business may be measured. [4]
c) Analyse the benefits small firms can bring to an economy. [6]
d) Discuss whether large firms inevitably have lower unit costs than smaller firms.[8]

The trade union representing thousands of low-paid production workers employed by
the BBC in the UK recently called for a minimum salary of $26000. BECTU the
Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union said it was
'unjustifiable' for some in the organisation to be earning more than $198000 when
thousands of engineers, technical and other production staff were paid much less
than that amount. The minimum wage in the UK is around $9.90 per hour.

a) Identify three factors that may determine an individual's choice of occupation. [2]
b) Explain why the minimum wage legislation in the UK may not have an effect on
the earnings of most BBC staff. [4]
c) Analyse the factors that determine how much someone earns. [6]
d) Discuss whether membership of a trade union will always benefit a worker. [8]

Section A / 30

Section B / 40





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