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Definition : those elements in which the last electron enters s-orbital are called as s- block elements. For
Na: 1s22s22p63s1
The last electron enters 3s orbital of sodium, hence it is placed in the s-block of the periodic table

Q) Suppose that an orbital can accommodate a maximum of 5 electrons then what is the block of Zn and Cs?

Li Na K Rb Cs Fr

❖ Their hydroxides are strongly alkaline in nature therefore they are called as Alkali metals.

❖ Among all the alkali metals, Na and K are found in abundance and they are 6th and 8th most abundant elements on the
earth crust by mass. The mass-abundance of the nine most abundant elements in the Earth's crust is approximately:
oxygen 46%, silicon 28%, aluminum 8.3%, iron 5.6%, calcium 4.2%, sodium 2.5%, magnesium 2.4%, potassium 2.0%,
and titanium 0.61%. Other elements occur at less than 0.15%.

❖ Francium is radioactive and have Half-life of 21 minutes.

❖ All the elements from Lithium to Francium are metals.

❖ Li, Na, K, Rb are solids at room temperature, while Cs has melting point of 280C therefore it is solid in winters while
liquid in summers.

❖ They are silvery white soft metals and can be cut by the knife.

❖ They have less range of melting point as compared to alkaline earth metal since they have weak cohesive force (metallic
bond) on the account of only one electron in their valence shell.
Variation in properties

Atomic rad. Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs

I.E Li > Na >K > Rb > Cs

Melting Pt. Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs

1810C 980C 630C 390C 280C

Boiling Pt. Li > Na >K > Rb > Cs

Density Li <K <Na < Rb < Cs

(volume factor dominates)
❖ Electropositivity :- Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs

❖ Hydration Energy :- Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+
Due to small size of Li+ ion-dipole interaction with water is high and it is most hydrated. While Cs has large surface
area hence the charge is dispersed, and it is less hydrated. Some water molecules touch the metal ion which bond
to it, forming a complex. These water molecules form primary sphere of water and thus complex is formed. The Li+
ion is tetrahedrally surrounded by four water molecules. A secondary layer of water hydrates this ion which is
attracted by weak ion-dipole interaction.
O Li

The heavier ions, specifically Rb+ and Cs+, the number of water molecules in the primary sphere increases to six.
Nearly all the Lithium salts are hydrated. Many sodium salts are hydrated e.g. Na2CO3.10H2O, Na2SO4.10H2O ,
few potassium salts are hydrated and almost no Rubidium and Cesium salts are hydrated
❖ Electronic configuration :-

[I.G] ns1 (where I.G is Inert gas)

❖ Reducing nature :-

(a) In gaseous state:

Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs

(I.E decreases)

(Reducing nature increases)

(b) In aqueous state:

Na < K < Rb < Cs < Li (hydration factor dominates)

❖ Ionic Mobility :- Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ < Cs+

NEET 2017
Q) Ionic mobility of which of the following
alkali metal ions is lowest when aqueous
solution of their salts are put under an
electric field

(1) Na
(2) K
(3) Rb
(4) Li
❖ Flame Test :
1. A platinum wire is taken which is cleaned with HCl solution
2. The wire is dipped into the salt either powder or solution.
3. Salt sample is taken to flame, and color is observed.

salt sample
cleaned with HCl and then
dipped into the salt
take a platinum wire
oxidizing flame

reducing flame

taken to flame
and color is
metal Flame color

Lithium Crimson red

sodium Golden yellow

potassium Pale violet/lilac red

Rubidium Reddish Violet

Cesium Blue

The heat from the burner excites one of the orbital electrons to
a higher energy level. When the excited electron returns to its
original energy level it gives out the extra energy it obtained, in
the form of electromagnetic radiations.
Solubility in liquid ammonia:
Alkali metals are soluble in liquid ammonia and dissolves in it. Dilute solutions of alkali metals in liq.
Ammonia are blue in color.
M(s) M+ + e-

M+ + x(NH3) [M(NH3)x]+

e- + y(NH3) [e-(NH3)y]
solvated electron/ ammoniated electron

•Due to these solvated electrons

1. The solution becomes paramagnetic and thus pale blue in colour. These electrons absorb energy in the visible region of
light, near infrared region and thus impart blue colour to the solution.
2. The solution becomes good conductor of electricity, better than any salt in any liquid. The conductivity is like that of
pure metals
e.g. specific conductivity of
Hg = 104ohm-
Na/liq.NH3 = 0.5x104ohm-
K/liq.NH3 = 0.45x104ohm-
3. The solution behaves as a reducing agent and can reduce even aromatic compounds.
• On standing, the blue colour fades away and H2 gas is evolved.

M+(amm) + e_ + NH3 MNH2(amm) + H2(g)

• At concentration above 3 M, solution becomes copper-bronze in colour and have

metallic lustre due to the formation of metal clusters and due to pairing of electrons
paramagnetic nature decreases.
Li 10.9

Na 25.1

K 47.1
1. Reaction with air:
On exposure with air alkali metals tarnish quickly due to the formation of oxides and nitrides(in Li).
They burn vigorously to form their oxides. Therefore, they are kept under kerosene to prevent from
atmosphere. Li forms a mixture of oxide and nitride, while Na, K, Rb, Cs form oxides of various types

O2 moisture
(alkali metal) (metal oxide) (metal hydroxide)


(metal peroxide and

Tarnishing of lithium on exposure to air

❖ Li forms monoxide, Na forms peroxide while K, Rb, Cs forms superoxide because larger anions like
superoxide are stabilized by larger cations, since if both ions are similar in size then coordination number
will be high resulting high lattice energy.

Li + O2 Li2O

Na + O2 Na2O2
(pale yellow)

K/Rb/Cs + O2 KO2/RbO2/CsO2
(orange) (brown) (orange)

❖ On reaction with N2 only Li forms Nitrides

Li + N2 Li3N
ruby red

❖ Other alkali metal nitrides (e.g. Na3N, K3N) are thermally unstable and
behave as explosives. Reaction of Na with O2
(the fumes are of sodium peroxide)
2. Reaction with water:
Alkali metals react with water forming hydroxides and liberating H2 gas. Lithium reacts gently, while
reaction becomes increasingly violent on moving down the group.

M + H2O M(OH) + H2

LiOH + H2

NaOH + H2

KOH + H2

RbOH + H2
Lithium reacting with water producing hydrogen gas
CsOH + H2
Q) Hydration Energy for Lithium is more than K, but lithium reacts gently with water whereas potassium
reacts violently and always catches fire. Explain.

The explanation lies in kinetics rather in thermodynamics. Potassium has low melting point , and the heat
of reaction is enough to make it melt or even vaporize, so that its surface area increases as it spreads out
and exposes a larger surface area to the water. Therefore, it reacts even faster and due to presence of H2 it
catches fire. Similarly, sodium also reacts vigorously. Also, Li has higher IE and hence does not easily looses
electron and thus have less reactivity.

Lithium with water Sodium with water Potassium with water

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