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CES 3238






Name Matric Number

Thivany A/P Manogaran 4183007251

School Curricular and Co-curricular Activities

Curricular activities are called academic activities, organised in the classroom, library, and labs.
Classroom activities are related to instructional work of each subject such as answering quizzes,
classroom experiments, discussions, question-answer sessions, scientific observations, use of
audio-visual aids, and examination. These activities will become very important later, such as
when the students are applying to colleges, because it will help the students to develop their
talents, interests, and passions. They can also teach them practical skills like time management.

From my experience in the school, they have organised a lot of curricular activities for the
students such as speaking test, poetry writing, essay writing, poetry recitation, singing choir, and
creating and exhibiting art works. Skill based curriculum aims towards building the skills of the
student who has already acquired knowledge through classroom lectures and encourages them to
experiment and apply those concepts to strengthen the learning process. In a skill-based
classroom, teachers need to focus on imparting education through planning and practice.

From my experience, for english classes every student needs to participate in the school level
speaking competition and they students are provided with the situation. The students need to
record themselves speaking and send it to their english teachers. So for me, I have 2 classes and
both classes have participated in this test and I’m really proud that most of the students' opinion
about me as a favourite teacher was so interesting to listen to. And also I need to choose the best
and provide them marks and also give marks to all the students who have submitted their videos.
The marks will be included in their english subject marks as one of the examinations.

Co-curricular activities are those activities which are organised outside the classroom situation.
These activities are otherwise called extra-curricular activities. It is therefore said that the
co-curricular or extra-curricular activities are to be given importance like the curricular activities.
So now organisation of co-curricular activities is accepted as an integral part of the entire
curriculum. These activities include games, sports, athletics, yoga, and swimming. Each of the
co-curricular activities have their own specific clubs such as science club, history club,
ecological club, economics club, geographical club, civic club, english club, sports club and so

Before this covid-19 pandemic the activities that have been organised by the schools are The
drawing, painting, music, dancing, dramatics, folk song, fancy dress, variety show, community
activities, exhibition, celebration of festivals, visit to cultural places having importance in local,
state, national and international perspective come under this category. I have joined the robotics
club in my school now and the club is progressing really well for each of the meetings through
google meet because of this pandemic.
Once I joined the robotics club, the head teacher told me to have a fun activity section with the
students for next week and I have been given 1 week duration to prepare the games and activities
for robotics club students. As I saw from the first meeting the students are really interested in
creating a product or any invention, so I plan to show an example invention video and I told
them to do a product review that is related to robotics. The students were so interested to join and

Moreover, after 6 weeks english club and robotics club need to collaborate and have an interclub
competition. The topic or the activity given for the clubs are gadget product review. The students
need to get into pairs and record a video of themselves talking about their own opinion on the
gadget product review. The competition is still going on and the students have 2 weeks more
time to submit their video to me and english club teacher. Once they submitted we needed to
choose the best three product reviews for exciting gifts to present. Those who participated in the
competition will also receive certificates of participation and will also get co-curriculum marks
for this year. In my opinion, both curricular and co-curricular activities are important for each
student and it will be really helpful for the students in future.

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