Internation Payment

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In the context of globalization, integration and participation in international

economic organizations is a trend of all factors for each country in its economic
development process. For countries and underdeveloped countries, international
economic integration is the best way to shorten the gap behind other countries
and have conditions to further promote their comparative benefits in public
analysis. labor and international cooperation. Aware of that, Vietnam has taken
the short route to actively and actively integrate into the international economy.
We have established a trade-investment system with many countries and
territories, participated in many international and regional economic and trade
cooperation organizations, signed many free trade associations. bilateral and
multilateral trade (Vietnam - Korea FTA, AFTA, Vietnam - EU FTA, TPP...)
and is negotiating a number of other agreements (RCEP...). This helps
Vietnam's trade turnover to have outstanding growth steps, contributing to the
country's GDP.

Joining the WTO and integrating deeply into the international economy has
opened up great opportunities for Vietnamese businesses to enter new, wide and
attractive markets, especially the US market. However, at the same time mine is
also a risky field, with different types of impediments, of which anti-dumping
measures (CBPG) are particularly significant. It is clear that anti-dumping
legislation is a recipe of commercial automation in general and a difficult reality
to recognize in the market in particular. The fairness and reasonableness of the
search results and anti-dumping and anti-dumping measures will be a long and
controversial story, especially in the context that Vietnam has not yet been
recognized as a country with a market economy. . In the short term, businesses
still have to accept "living with" the risk of anti-dumping when exporting to this
market. Therefore, studying the practice of using US anti-dumping tools helps
Vietnamese enterprises to calculate in advance the impact on their export goods,
thereby taking countermeasures against their owners. than.
The topic "How does the US anti-dumping policy affect Vietnam" Research on
the owners and actions of the US in the use of anti-dumping tools with goods
imported from abroad , affecting Vietnam's exports, thereby providing some
solutions to help Vietnamese exporters export to the US market to limit the
negative effects of the anti-dumping policy. price.

In the history of international trade, there are many studies that have proven that
the phenomenon of dumping began to appear in the sixteenth century and
became more and more common with the development of means of transport.
load. Thanks to the advances of science and technology applied to the
transportation industry, the time and cost of transporting goods are greatly
reduced, the geographical distance between markets gradually becomes no
longer a barrier. ominous to the production and business activities of
enterprises. As early as the late sixteenth century, British paper manufacturers
complained about the phenomenon of foreign traders selling paper in the
English market at very low prices. They believe that foreign traders have
accepted capital losses in order to strangle and destroy the British paper
industry. By the seventeenth century, Dutch merchants also carried out activities
to sell goods at very low prices in order to push competitors from France out of
the Baltic. In the late eighteenth century, British manufacturers were accused of
selling at too low a price in order to destroy the American manufacturing
The act of dumping was first regulated into law in the Canadian legal system,
enacted in 1904 under the term "predatory pricing" to protect the country's steel
enterprises. before the competition of businesses from the US. After that, this
concept has been used by many other countries and regulated in their own laws
(such as New Zealand promulgated in 1905, Australia in 1906, USA in 1916,
European countries in the 1920s...). The concept of "expropriation pricing" is
understood as the behavior of businesses selling goods at a price lower than the
cost to remove competitors from the market in order to maintain a monopoly
position, then take advantage of the market. That monopoly position to self-
determine the selling price of goods, increase profits for businesses, and harm
the interests of consumers.
After the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the member
countries of this organization came to a unified concept of dumping. The WTO
Anti-Dumping Agreement 1994 (ADA 1994) defines: “A product is considered
to be dumped, i.e. introduced into the commerce of another country at a price
lower than the normal price of the product. if the export price of the product
exported from one country to another is less than the comparable price for the
like product consumed in the exporting country under the usual terms of trade.
". When this is the case, the seller's sale of goods is said to be an unfair trade
practice and therefore, this is the reason for the importing countries to apply a
trade remedy measure that is against the sale of goods. Price break. International
trade law and practice recognize that dumping can lead to unfair international
trade because the domestic industry of the importing country may suffer
damage from such dumping. In the event that dumping is identified, the
authorities of the importing country have the right to take measures against such
dumping to protect the domestic industry. Dumping behavior can be punished
with trade remedies by the importing country's government, known as anti-
dumping measures.
To gain market share in the importing country. • Destroy the local completion and
industry in the importing country/target country. • It helps the company to minimize its
investment risk by having a large market share in the importing country. • Helps an
exporting nation reap the benefits of economies of large-scale. • It helps to export
countries clear their unsold inventory. • Eventually, it helps the company to reduce the
price in the domestic market as well as a cost-volume benefit effect. • It also helps the
company to earn various export incentives, recognition, and cheap funds for exports.

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