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Unity means the state of being whole or joined as one. It doesn’t matter whether it is
between 2 persons or 2 billion people. When they are on the same page, and work for the
betterment of each member in that lies unity. And unity is truly a strength as our history is
evidence of many such incidents. It is through unity that people work as a team, and
teamwork is always more valuable as it brings people together.

In our School, there is a diversity of different kinds of people, coming from different
districts, regions or states of the country. And because we fought back and rebelled against
the British who had for long treated us as slaves in our country we could attain

We would not be living in a free nation like ours if it were not for the unity demonstrated
by our freedom fighters who sacrificed so much for us. History is evident for what a
revolution unity can bring.

Today abroad, wherever there are people belonging to a particular nation, invariably form
a community. Unity of communities is seen where they have a history of shared
experiences and relate to one another. This feeling of belongingness because of unity gives
them the strength to live their lives courageously in a foreign land far away from home.

Unity is not just limited to the nation. It is a broad term that can also be associated with
unity among families, students in a classroom, marriages and religion. When the students
are united, they can deal with difficulties easily.

Sadly today, there is less unity among the people and they are hell-bent on rising above
one another. While it is important to be ambitious, one must remember that spending time
with family and finding time for the things we love is even more important. Because of
this driven nature, we are not spending time with one another. This lack of having quality
time has made us more reserved and averse to other people.

This aversion leads to indifference, which creates a division that is the opposite of unity. It
is through unity that our country fought and won against the British for independence. And
today we do not bother to acknowledge each other for anything. The world that we live in
is also diverse and our nation alone stands at the peak of diversity. And if we don’t stand
united on all fronts then who are we supposed to reach out for? All that is good, lies in
unity, it is through unity that we can move mountains and face every adversity or threat. Page 1 of 3
Unity must be an inherent part of families, marriage, communities, religions and nations
regardless of our differences. Fights and misunderstandings based on our differences are
baseless, our uniqueness and diversities should be our strength.
The famous quote ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ truly captures the essence and spirit
of Unity is a strength.
We, all, realize that Unity is Strength, and without unity, human progress can't develop.
Living in unity is of most extreme significance on the off chance that we need to progress
and grow as a community; as Kitabi Seminary.

As I continue hearing incidents of conflicts amongst ourselves, it turns out to be genuinely

humiliating for me.

I am sure all of you comprehend the significance of unity as you have turned out to be
very mature at this point. Isn't that right? You ought to likewise comprehend that these
fights and conflicts that go on amongst us are completely pointless as these only get worse
and ruin the significance of any relationship.

A story is told of an old farmer who was very near to death. He had three children who
used to fight a ton among themselves. One day he called every one of his children and
gave a stick to every one of them to break; each child managed to break the stick. At that
point, he gave a heap of sticks to his oldest child and requested that he break it. He
couldn't do it, and similarly, the farmer gave the pile of sticks to his other children who
likewise failed to break the heap.

At that point, he told his children, “Much the same as, anybody can without much of a
stretch break a single stick, it is additionally simple to decimate a single person. So if you
live independently after my death, anybody would exploit your circumstance and damage
you. In the case that all of you live like this heap of sticks, then, none of your adversaries
will most likely harm you.”

After hearing this, every one of his children guaranteed to live together for the remainder
of their lives. So the lesson of the story is. Unity is Strength.

This circumstance applies to you also. In the case that every one of my students will live in
unity, at that point, none would most likely point a finger on my class and exploit the
circumstance. Indeed, all of you should live in harmony and if any time of conflict
emerges attempt to resolve it gently. No fight can be big enough, which can't be settled
through discussions.

Discussions demonstrate extremely helpful because then you will, in general, discover a
solution to such issues again and life becomes peaceful for everybody. Continuously
recollect that never become a laughing stock for other people and dependably attempt to
pacify the circumstance with friendly methods.

Unity is key; whether it be in the workplace or on the sports field, without it comes
imminent failure. Teamwork makes a business run like a well-oiled machine, ultimately
propelling it to greater success which is essential if sustainable growth is on the goal
agenda and reflected in your company’s bigger picture. Unity is the glue that sticks the Page 2 of 3
team together, not only increasing morale in the workplace but productivity and
collaborated innovation too. After all, 97% of professionals in the workplace believe that a
lack of alignment within teams directly impacts a business.

From the onset, it is imperative that you set goals. Ensuring that every member of the team
is on the same page is crucial when implementing any strategy – if you do not want to
achieve the same goal, you will continue to go against the grain, resulting in

My brothers; the fruits of being united are immense; no one can fail when we are united.
This week should be a success because we are going to work as a team…. I expect unity in
whatever we lay our hands upon this week. I wish you a nice week full of success and
God’s blessings. Thank you for listening.

Prepared by;

HEAD PREFECT 2022-2023 Page 3 of 3

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