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Discipline is very important in all stages of life. When we talk about school life, discipline
plays a key role in developing the character of the person. It teaches a person how to
manage his work effectively and efficiently. One cannot imagine having success without
having discipline in life.

The word discipline is originated from the word disciple which means follower or admirer.
The word discipline refers to the following of a certain set of rules and regulations that are
a must to lead a happy and successful life. Hence, discipline plays a very vital role in
everyone’s life, especially students.

Discipline is a word we hear in our daily life. But many a time we fail to understand its
importance. Right from kindergarten, every stage demands discipline in students. But it is
often seen that students view discipline as restrictions rather than a lesson to learn.

To be disciplined, it does not mean that you have to do something extraordinary. Small
acts like wearing a neat uniform, combing hairs properly, listening to others, being on
time, respecting others, following guidelines, and various others are all part of being in the
discipline. As you grow up you will see that there is no one to imply strict discipline on
you but you need to imply self-discipline.

it is important to understand discipline in student life as a responsibility, only then the

problem can be solved and the application can be started. In life, everything is important,
but discipline should go hand-in-hand.

There are times when you won’t feel good and don’t want to do anything – but these are
the most important days to keep focus and drive forward, as your mind will be at it’s most
weakest – it would be easy to give up. Don’t use this as an excuse, use it as a motivator.

Schedule your days out. This is key as it will your map to success and allow you to see the
path ahead. Build up to the big things which will take you to your destination by starting
small and adding to your abilities.

Play the long game in building up your character to get to your goals. You’ll get knocked
down, everyone does – but we always get up again. Page 1 of 2
Discipline is such an indispensable part of a student's life that we can't envision our reality
without it. We regularly talk about it when we become tired of carrying on with a
disciplined life and wish to break free from it.

Discipline is the very embodiment of our lives, and if we get rid of it, at that point, surely
a negative effect on our future prospects would pursue.

Even though abiding time will give you impermanent joy, however, at last, it will bring
about just an excruciating knowledge. It, along these lines, ends up critical to train our
lives directly from the earliest starting point and make it a premise of leading our lives.

Actually, discipline is required at all phases of life, yet in each circle of life as well. For
example, a military can't envision its reality without it, thus authorizes severe discipline in
their area of expertise and divisions with zero toleration approach. An instructive
foundation also can't work without it; this is the motivation behind why fixed hours are
dispensed to both the teachers and students, and everyone is made to pursue the suit, so the
principles and guidelines of the organization are kept unblemished. That is actually why
we are gathered here…. To build our discipline.

So basically, life is best delighted when discipline is observed. Nothing gives fulfilment in
life when the very substance of living that is discipline is missing, and our reality ends up
making us something unworthy living with.

Discipline in life makes it easy for us to get to the goals we set. You are disciplined, you
have a clear mind thus planning becomes a play and, in the end, realizing your dream
seems easier. Discipline takes us higher in life, creates opportunities for us and makes life
seem meaningful all the days of our life.

Therefore, this week, to make our lives more meaningful and productive, discipline is
paramount. We have set our purpose, we must work for it, we must be committed; we
have realized the power of unity and prayer now, lets mix all those with discipline and get
the best out of our stay here this week.

I wish you a nice week, a discipline-based week, a successful week full of God’s

Prepared by;

HEAD PREFECT 2022-2023 Page 2 of 2

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