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THE COVID PRINCESS- Cinderella in 2021

It's march 2021 ,the world is getting used to the new normal, so is our heroine, Cinderella!
She is getting used to living with her witchy stepmother and two pumpkin like step sisters.
Pumpkin 1 and pumpkin 2, LOL..

it's really a high time for Cinderella to be able to come out of her parents' death slowly and
steadily but Corona just slapped her right then. Stepmother came with a high head, slapping her

"What a messy and helpless life?" worried Cinderella while filling in the vacuum cleaner twice
already through the hallway. Pumpkin sisters came running with half eaten pizza leaving it in the
hallway making Cinderella more miserable.

It's been a long time , England needs princesses. I mean , the prince of England needs a
Princess. Once again, I mean the king of England wants a Princess for the prince. So the king
threw a lavish party, inviting all the beautiful young chicks of England. The invitation was sent to
every house via mail with terms and conditions.

"Terms and conditions?" Yes! All the chicks were supposed to wear a mask of any kind, without
a mask they weren't allowed in.

Back to the messy world of our heroine, Cinderella was busy speaking to washing machine with
sack of clothes, pumpkin1 was the first to read the mail, her eyes widened, she flew to the mars
for a second and came back with the speed of light to the earth , running to the witch , I mean
her mother and her sister,They were all excited so much like a hungry cat finally catching a rat.

Cinderella, after finishing her chores, received the mail. She was excited too, with a humble
smile but was still confused because she knew her step mother and the pumpkin sisters are
going to make it difficult for her.

Party day! Yahoooooo! Shouted the pumpkins. The pumpkin sisters managed to let their thick
thighs into the jeans and their arms into the western top. Stepmother, "Gosh!!", Came running to
them with a make up kit giving them a makeover , "beautiful smoky eyes and red lips"
complemented . All set with their ugly looks they booked a car,waiting at their doorstep.

Cinderella came running with an elegant party wear which her mother left under the bed before
she met Corona and died. The pumpkins blasted out and slammed their fist against Cinderella's
chest, with the force of 3910 owls. Ruined! "Job done" said the stepmother in a proud tone and
left with her pumpkin daughters.

It's a fairy tale guys, yes!!!

so there came a godfather who was hiding behind the bushes for years , Cinderella weeped and
the tears roll down her cheeks, the godfather collected them and sprinkled it all over her saying "
jee boom baa", Cinderella turned into a hotty in a new party wear with high red heels ," jee
boom baa" again, a BMW car arrived at her door ," jee boom baa gain", the stranger crossing
the street became her driver. "Jee boom baa" once again, her face was covered with a pretty
glass mask, however her face was not revealing . Wow!! Finally, Cinderella is all set to attend
the party. She thanked the godfather for still not hiding behind the bushes like he did for the
years when she was miserable and helped her today.

12:00? Terms and conditions? Nope! It's 2021, a new year and a new beginning so Cinderella
can return any time and her BMW car will still remain the same. She left the party and was
caught by our prince at the very first sight.

Yep! Love at first sight,LoL!!

They enjoyed red wine and had fun playing truth or dare . Clever prince managed to get her
phone number during the party.

Then she saw something at a distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of a pumpkin and
in-between an old rat.. oh no it's her step mother and her pumpkin sisters. Cinderella ran out of
the party but was caught by the witchy stepmother. However, she managed to run out leaving
behind her pretty glass mask at the parking and left in her car.

Prince came running behind her , he was left only with her pretty mask and the chick ran away
without a goodbye. The prince fell in love with the mask! Oh crap.. I mean fell in love with the
owner of the mask. Lol!! He was determined to find Cinderella, tried to her number several times
but Cinderella was busy doing chores. The prince tracked the number and found her address .

Reminder: it's 2021 guys!!!

"Ding ding!" The door bell rang, the stepmother opened and was shocked to see the prince at
the door. The prince explained the scene to stepmother claiming that he want to marry her
daughter. I will marry your daughter If the mask suits her face.

Witchy mother at once found it was Cinderella that the mask belonged to but managed to hide
her in the soundproof room so that she doesn't make sound and called out her pumpkin
daughters to try on the mask. Both tried on the mask but it was too small to show the half side of
thier skin. Prince was devastated, dissatisfied, his footsteps stopped upon leaving the entrance
door. He received a message "I am here!", texted Cinderella.
Oh no!! Witchy mother forgot to tie her up..

The prince got Cinderella out of the room and tried on the mask. His eyes shined with
happiness upon finding his princess. god father smiled at them hiding in the bushes. Cinderella
is not a maid anymore ,she became the princess of England .

Corona took away Cinderella's parents leaving her life miserable.

The mask gave Cinderella a life making her princess of England..


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