Bab Xii Social Control Theory

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Nefa Claudia Meliala

• Materi ini diberikan khusus untuk peserta mata kuliah
Kriminologi (LAW182113-2) Kelas A Semester Pendek
2021/2022. Mohon untuk tidak menyebarluaskan dan/ atau
memperbanyak bahan kuliah ini.
A stake of Conformity
• All youths are tempted to break the law, but some youths risk
a great deal more by giving in to those temptations

• Youths who do well in school risk not only being punished for
breaking the law, but also jeopardize their future careers.
Thus they have a high stake in conforming to the laws

• But those who do poorly in school have much less to lose.

They risk only being punished for their offense, since their
future prospects are already dim. Thus they have less
incentive to resist the temptations to do what they want to do

• Fokus pada studi yang dilakukan terhadap keluarga sebagai

sumber kontrol sosial yang paling penting bagi remaja
• The most delinquent behavior was the result of insufficient
social control
• Social control included :
1. Direct control à restriction, punishment
2. Internal control à conscience
3. Indirect control à affectional identification with parents and
other noncriminal persons and the alvailibiilty of legitimate
means to satisfy needs

• Containment Theory à All individuals are affected by a

variety of forces driving them toward, and variety of other
forces restraining them from crime and delinquency

• The driving forces include :

1. Social pressures à bear down on the individual à living
conditions, family conflicts, minority group status and lack of
2. Social pulls à draw the person away from accepted norms of
living à bad companions, delinquent or criminal subculture,
deviant groups, mass media
3. Biological or psychological pushes à from within each
individual that drive him or her toward crime and
delinquency à restlesness, discontent, inner tensions,
hostility, aggressiveness, need for immediate gratification,
rebellion against authority
• Forces that restraining the individual from moving in the
direction of criminality à against the driving forces
1. External containment à effective family living and support
group, consistent moral front, institutional reinforcement,
reasonable norms and expectations, cohesiveness, effective
supervision and discipline, fostering a sense of belongingness
and identity
2. Inner containment à self control, ego strength, superego,
frustration tolerance, sense of responsibility, resistance to
diversions, goal orientation, ability to find subsitute
Social Bonds
• Social Bonds :
1. Attachment à elemen terpenting dalam social bonds à
membentuk afeksi dan kepekaan terhadap orang lain à
elemen mendasar yang paling penting dalam proses
internalisasi nilai-nilai à hampir sama dengan konsep internal
control dan indirect control dari Ivan Nye
2. Commitment à elemen kedua à hampir sama dengan konsep
stake in conformity dari Jackson Toby
3. Involvement à elemen ketiga à keterlibatan dalam aktivitas
konvensional à “idle hands are the devil’s workshop “
4. Belief à the less a person believes he should obey the rules,
the more likely he is to violate them ; delinquents are free from
the conventional order
• The stronger these bonds, the less likelihood of delinquency

• Weakness in any of these bonds was associated with

delinquent behavior

• Individuals who were tightly bonded to social groups such as

the family, the school and peers would be less likely to commit
delinquent acts

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