Reading Task Summarize - Wendy Yehezkiel Matanari - 222122101

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Name : Wendy Yehezkiel Matanari

NPM : 222122101
Class : C
Summarizing is to express the most important facts or ideas about something or
someone in a short and clear form. Summarize are divided into 4 types which is :

1. Summarizing sentence
2. Summarizing Paragraph
3. Summarizing Short Passage
4. Summarizing Longer Passage

How to summarize : In summarizing you must read a passage closely, finding the

main ideas and supporting ideas. Then you must briefly write down those ideas
in a few sentences or a paragraph. It is important to understand the difference
between a summary and a paraphrase. A paraphrase is simply a rewriting of a passage
in your own words.

1.) Summarizing sentence

Summarize a sentence by taking out the unnecessary word. Take as
few words as possible to describe the entire sentence as it is. The word should
be pertinent to the topic.
Ex : a.)Original : As the bus rolled into her hometown, Liz looked
around at the familiar street and shops which she had not seen for two years.
Summary : Liz went back to her hometown
b.)Original : When the Chen family returned from vacation, they
found the backdoor broken open, the television set missing, and all the food in
their freezer gone.
Summary : Chen family's house was stolen.
c.)Original : In Natasha’s library you can find mysteries, novels,
biographies, travel books, how to manuals, science fiction thrillers, and
reference books.
Summary : Natasha’s books.

2.) Summarizing Paragraph

Summarizing a paragraph has to be as brief as possible, but it must be
a whole sentence it should be the idea of the point of the paragraph.
Ex : a.) Original : Many months of preparation and training followed
the announcement. First, Christa went through intensive physical training. She
had to be in top condition for the flight. Then she learned how to operate some
of the delicate instruments on the Challenger space shuttle. Christa planned
special lesson which she would teach from space. Finally, she trained with the
other astronauts, so they could work as a team in space.
Summary : Christa's struggle to become an astronaut

3.) Summarizing Short Passage

Same as Summarizing Paragraph, summarize short passage be as brief
as possible and summarize the paragraph as short as possible and then
combine them into one paragraph.
Ex ; Original: Text ( New Species in North America)
Summary : Paragraph 1 : Hundred of different species of plants
and animals have arrived in the United States.
Paragraph 2 : Habitats displaced species cause losses
in dollars.
Paragraph 3 : Immigrant species can change new
environments around them

Combined : Hundred of different species of plants and animals have

arrived in the United States. This could cost the animal a dollar in the
construction of its new habitat and could also cause the environment to

4.) Summarizing Long Passage

Same as short passage But in long passage you should
combine the paragraph who have same idea into each one part.

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