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Bella Coughlin
◦ Anyone can practice meditation, anywhere, any time, and any place. It's greatly used for
relaxation and stress reduction.
◦ Meditating brings calmness to the mind while decreasing stress. It also promotes peace
and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being as well as your overall health.
◦ Remind yourself to take big, deep breaths to calm your breathing and relax your mind and
◦ There are so many different types of meditation used today but it can be as simply
as isolating yourself, (it's best when you have no outside distractions). Be comfortable,
close your eyes, breathe in and out calmly, relax your mind and thoughts.
Break Time
◦ In some situations, people have so much racing through their minds at once that causes
stress to build up and keep building up until it feels almost unbearable. Allow yourself to
take a break, walk out of that room, get some fresh air. It's very hard to focus or work
while being over-stimulated and stressed.
◦ It's normal for life to get chaotic at times so it's important to know what helps you
personally manage your emotions.
◦ Don't be hard on yourself, give yourself a break, even if it's just for five minutes or until
you feel calm again and mentally prepared to resume.
Talk to Someone
◦ Everyone has been stressed before, talk to someone you know, a family member or close
friend, sometimes just talking and venting your feelings to someone trusted can help. It
feels nice having someone listen to you, and someone might even be able to give you
useful advice.
◦ Communicating and expressing your feelings out-loud can help you re-think the situation
and understand more exactly how you feel.
◦ You can also journal and write down how you're feeling.
Listen to Music
◦ Under a lot of stress, listen to your favorite music, it's an easy way to distract yourself and
reduce your stress levels.
◦ Research suggests music has significant power to help reduce both stress and anxiety.

◦ Listening to music helps block out and distract you from external things that cause anxiety.
◦ Music can also boost one's confidence and self-esteem, which benefits you in all aspects.
◦ Lack of sleep is crucial to the mind. You're at higher risk for being overly stressed or
anxious if you're lacking sleep at night.
◦ This goes both ways, becoming stressed before bed is common and usually results in
difficultly falling asleep because of that stress or anxiety so it's necessary to practice good
sleep hygiene along with stress- lowering tactics.
◦ Lack of sleep causes one to be un-patient and agitable and more prone to being stressed.
However, adequate sleep has been proven to drastically reduce feelings of anxiety by
improving your ability to process stress and react in a reasonable manner.

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