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Interview at least 2 Persons and ask them how they understand the concept

“treating people as the end in themselves”. If their answer is right, ask them how would
they feel about it if they were treated that way? If they answer wrongly, supply the answer
and ask the same question. **Not more than 2 paragraphs
Interview 1:
How do you understand the concept “treating people as the end in themselves”? And how
would you feel if you are treated that way?
For me, treating people as an end in themselves mean that we must respect others
and value them regardless of anything, whether they are good or bad, happy or angry.
Respecting others should always be the default. And I would feel great and happy if
people treat me good or respect me regardless of anything, I think the world would be
much happier if everyone is treated that way.
Interview 2:
How do you understand the concept “treating people as the end in themselves”? And how
would you feel if you are treated that way?
The way I understand it is like not using people to get what you want, like you treat
people as people, not tools or objects that you can use to achieve your desires. I would
feel relieved because I don’t want to be used and I am scared that people are fake and
just using me to get what they want. So yeah, that would be great.

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