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1- Log in to EMC
2- Select Location

3- Click on Edit Batch to check for any batches that were created but not settled. Click Select on
the batch line

This window shows no

batch has been created

4- Click on Select (if batch was already created continue on step 14) If batch is not there (was not
created) continue with step 5
5- Click on Create Report (to look for the last batch created)
6- Create Report

8- Click select (at the bottom will be the last batch)

9- Always look for the date from the previous date. For example the information for the 21st will
show on the batch with date for the 22nd
10- Click Create CC Batch if the date needed doesn’t show in the report
11- Select Yesterday

12- Click Create

13- You will see the batched created and the number or records batched

If No Records were found, provably the site has been offline.

14- Go back to Edit Batch before transferring to look for any errors. If there is any error on a
transaction, click Edit and Omit Record (flag record) so it won’t be included on the batch. This
needs to be approved by CC Processor. Take screen shot and send to customer. Any re-key has
to be done by the customer and the CC Processor. On that case we can close the case and leave
a note that they will re-key.

15- Go to Transfer Batch

16- Select and Transfer CC Batch

17- You will see the confirmation on the screen

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