Emerut Langs

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Our performance was a blast. Millie was able to reach the note that I want her to reach.

It became the
highlight of our performance. Everyone in our group gave all of their best while performing. I’m so proud
to all of my members. I was still catching my breath when I saw the members of the group named
Phoenix, including Felix walking towards us. I smirk at Felix when I saw his arms reaching for my waist, I
gave him a pat on his shoulder then I took a step backwards which made him confused.

“Why?” He asked. “I’m sweating. Can’t you see? And I still can’t breathe properly.” I answered and he
nodded but didn’t let go of my waist. Napatingin ako sa mga kasamahan ko pati sa mga kasama ni Felix
and I saw them being clingy to each other as well. The only exception is Megan who is looking at them
with a disgusted look etched on her face. I saw Simon walking towards us as well I didn’t bother calling
his name coz I know too well where he is headed. I felt Felix’s hand loosening a bit when Simon reached
us. But before he could say anything I raised my hand at his face motioning him to not talk, thankfully he
understood what I want him to do that’s why he only nodded and reached for my right hand as he took
a glance at Felix on my left side. “Guys, to our room. Now” sambit ko sa grupo sabay lakad papunta sa
kwarto kung saan kami nakaassign.

When I reached the door of our waiting room Immediately opened it and went in first to hold the door
for everyone who’s going inside and to make sure that all of my members are with me, also the other
Phoenix members.After making sure that everyoneis inside I instantly locked the door to make sure that
no one would just barge in without our permission and since all of our staff who are with us inside the
room knows what to do we don’t need to stop ourselves from doing something that we want. When I
looked at Simon and Felix, they are already standing side by side waiting for me to say something.

But before I can even mutter a word, Serena walked towards me “You still have a solo performance,
right?” she asked. “Yeah. I’m going to perform after them” I said nodding my head towards Felix and his
members. “You have a solo performance today?” Simon asked and I nodded my head “yeah, but let’s
not talk about it.” I said walking towards them to grab their arms and pull them towards my corner
wherein no one will be able to see us. I am still catching my breath when I sat down, Simon took my
tumbler that was on the table that we just passed by and gave it to me. “Do you know what’s inside this
tumbler?” I asked both of them while opening the lid of the tumbler. I eyed them while talking a big gulp
of the tequila inside my tumbler. Felix took a step closer and leaned near on my face, close enough to
smell my breath when I put down the tumbler. “You’re drinking alcohol? Seriously?” he asked me with a
knotted forehead. I nodded my head a little bit while peeking at Simon who has a slight smile on his face
while shaking his head.

“Oh c’mon, you know that this won’t make me drunk, right? This is just to make my performance later
better” his faced got more distorted after I said that, the reason why I decided to stood up and link both
of my arms on his waist while looking up on him coz he’s taller than me even though I’m wearing boots
with heels.

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