Billones (Week8)

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Create a poster on the advantage and disadvantage of Information Age and write 5 sentences that will
describe your poster

10 8 7 6
All graphics are related All graphics are related All graphics relate to All graphics relate to
to the topic and make it to the topic and most the topic. One or two the topic. One or two
easier to understand. make it easier to borrowed graphics borrowed graphics
All borrowed graphics understand. Some have a source citation. have a source citation.
have a source citation borrowed graphics
have a source citation.
The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy or
in terms of design, design, layout, and though it may be a bit very poorly designed.
layout, and neatness neatness. messy. It is not attractive.
The 5 sentence There is some The description is less The description does
description match the description that does than 5 sentences not match the
illustration not match the illustration

- As you've seen in my poster, the advantage of the Information age is that it is

easy to communicate with everyone or to have a virtual communication wherein
they can share their ideas and opinions. And also it is an easy way to attend
some webinars. But of course there is also a disadvantage in the Information
age, like we are all dependent or addicted on using the internet. This means that
every passing minute the user wants to know what is happening in all of the
social media platforms. And that is a disadvantage because we are not

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