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World History 2

Activity No. 1
Program & Year:
Topic: Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution
Activity: Historical Timeline
Instructions: Conduct a research about the important discoveries during
Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution that WERE NOT INCLUDED in the PPT.
And based on your research, make a mind map about it. Attach the image of your
mind map in this document.
Criteria Equivalent Ideal Points

Creativity 10 points

Resourcefulness 30 points

Organization of Concepts and Ideas 30 points

Clarity and Neatness 20 points

Over-all Presentation 10 points

Total 100 points

Suggested materials needed:

 1 piece of paper (preferably 8x12 in size)
 Coloring materials
 Pencil/Marker
* Note: You are encourage to become creative and resourceful. No need to buy
new materials. You may also use online platforms in making your timeline like MS
Word, Adobe Photoshop, and Canva, as long as it meets the criteria above.
Please paste an image of your mind map here:

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