A Former CLA Office Has Spied On Top Football Officials For Years While Working For Qatar

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A former CLA office has spied on top football officials for years while working for

Qatar, the hosts next year’s football World Cup, an investigation by The Associated
Press has found. Qatar sought an edge in securing hosting right from rivals like the
United States and Australia by hiring fomer CLA officer turned private contractor
Kevin Chalker to spy on hiring formerand key football officials who picked the winner
in , the AP’ s investigation found.

Chalker also worked for Qatar in the years that followed to keep tabs on Qatar’s
critics in the football world, according to interviws with Chalker’s fomer associates as
well as co0ntracts, invices , emails ,and a review of business documents. It’s part iof a
trenda of fomer US intelligence officers going to work for foreign gocernment with
questionable human rights records. The World Cup is the planet’s most popular sports
tournament. It’s also a chance for Qatar, one of the wealthiest countries in the world ,
to have a coming-out party on the world, to have a coming- out party on the world

THE AP’s investigation shows Qatar left to chance. The surveillance work included
having someone pose as a photojournalist to keep tabs on a rival nation’s bid and
deploying a facebook honeypoit, in which someone posed online as an attractive
woman, to get close to a target, a review of the records show. Boy’s

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