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DATE 30 oGTOBER 2020

1 ln line with IFSU's goal to pursue academic excellence and excellent public
service and good govemance in the delivery and implementation of the
University's Distance Education Program, the University hereby adopts and
implements the herein Operational Guidelines of the College of Open Distance
Education and Transnational Education (CODETE).





lfugao State University (IFSU) is the lone premier higher leaming

institution in the Province of lfugao. lt is one of the recognized active
performing State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the Cordillera
Administrative Region (CAR) and in the Philippines.

Established in 1920 as a Farm Settlement School, IFSU, through the

years, has undergone remarkable transformation. ln 1959, it was renamed
as lfugao Pilot Opportunity School of Agriculture (IPOSA). ln 1967, the
high school department was established and subsequently renamed as
Payon Bugan Pilot Opportunity School of Agriculture (PBPOSA). ln 1972,
il was elevated into lfugao Agricultural and technical College (IATC)
offering secondary and lerliaryl undergraduate course. ln "1982, it was
further expanded into lfugao State College of Agriculture and Forestry
(ISCAF) offering various baccalaureate and master's degree courses. ln
2009, IFSU marked a major leap by becoming a comprehensive State
University by virtue of Republic Act 9720. Currently, it has six campuses
spread in the province: Lamut (Main Campus); Aguinaldo; Hapao,
Hungduan; Lagawe; Potia, Alfonso Lista; and Tinoc.

Inslruction Research * Extension Resource Generation I

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With IFSU's vision to be a globally recognized university, the College of

Open Distance Education and Transnational Education (CODETE) of
lfugao State University (IFSU) is created and approved through BOR
Resolution No. 585, series of 2016. lt shall take charge in expanding
program implementation to cover not only onshore but offshore clienteles.

Thus, this operational guideline is crafted to serve as a supplemental

document of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered into by IFSU
and all partner agencies in the implementation of Distance Education. This
guideline is generally pattemed from the Revised Graduate Manual in the
implementation of its graduate programs; however, it was simplified for
easier understanding. Other policies not contained herein must be
refened to the graduate manual, CMO No. 15, series of 2019 and CMO
27, series ol 2007.


lfugao State Un iversity (IFSU)

- IFSU is the degree granting university. As such, it has the overall

responsibility in the management and operations of the program through
its College of Open Distance Education and Transnational Education
(CODETE) to comply with quality and standards. lt decides on the content
of the curriculum, how to teach it and how to rate compliance thereto by
both the teacher and students. IFSU accepts application for admission and
enrollment forms, processes, then issues evaluation and decision in
formal documents. ln consuhation with partner agency/ies, IFSU
schedules classes, assigns professors, receives grade sheets, records it
and issues pertinent documents as per request through the College.

Partner Agency (PA)/ lnstitution

- The partner agency/ institution takes responsibility in promoting the IFSU

ODE/TNE and extension programs ONLY as stipulated in the MOA,
arranges venues, schedules for onshore and offshore successful conduct
of activities in relation to the program. lt accepts admission forms and all
required documents, ensures that these are all in order and officially
transmits to IFSU-CODETE for evaluation and processing of admission by
the Department of Registrar and Admission Services (DRAS)' lt follows
up action on transmitted documents and issues to students their
admission and other documents from IFSU. lt must maintain individual
records of studenls In its own office. lt scaffolds studsnts admitted in
IFSU's programs for them to succeed in finishing their study programs. ln
no case shall partner agency/ies are allowed to promote programs that
are offered by the other colleges in the University. Finally, the PA shall, at

Inslruction Research Exlension Resource Generalion Z

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all times, observe the responsibilities agreed upon in the Memorandum of

Agreement (MOA).



1 The programs to be offered in the CODETE will be the Level lll

Accredited programs or programs with COPC or with CHED
Permit. The Policy Guidelines of the programs to be offered, the
Curriculum and the Curricular Structure are attached as Annex

2. The program structure must be followed in the preparation of

class schedules. Annex B presents the cuniculum and the
curricular structure.


1. Admission Requirements

1 .1 . An applicant to the Master's degree programs must

presenV submit his/her authenticated Transcript of
Records indicating that he/she is a holder of an
appropriate bachelo/s degree from a recognized

1.2. Applicants to the MAED and MAT programs who are non-
education graduates must finish eighteen (18) units of
Professional Education subjects in the undergraduate
level before they shall be admitted in these programs.

1 .3. Applicants to the MAT program whose fields of

specialization are not in line or aligned with the degree
applied for may be required to take twelve (12) units
specialization subjects in the undergraduate level.

'l.4. An applicant to the doctorate degrees, PhD in Educational

Management (PhD-EM) and PhD in Management (PhD-
M) must possess a master's degree with thesis from
recognized institutions of higher leaming.

1.5. Applicants to the doctorate programs whose maste/s

degree is in another field may be asked to enroll eighteen
(18) units of additional subjects prescribed in the program

Inslruction Research * Exlension Resource Generation 3

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of study applied for. The subjects to be taken are the two
(2) corel foundation courses and four (4) major courses
- and Statistics) in the master's program.
(except Research

1.6 An applicant whose master's degree is without thesis is

required to undergo bridging subjects equivalent to six (6)
units (Methods of Research and Statistics). The student
must present his/her research output through a public

'l .7 . Applicant to the program Certificate in Teacher Education

must have an undergraduate or baccalaureate degree in
any field of study. This program will qualify them to take
the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) or qualify
them to work as teacher.

2. DocumentaryRequirements

2.1. Duly accomplished Application for Admission (Annex C)

2.2. Certificate of Transfer Credentials from last school

2.3. Photocopy of Transcript of Records

2.4 Photocopy of birth certificate issued by the Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA)

2.5. Three (3) copies of recent passport size lD pictures with

name tag (one copy for the College for the lD printing)

2.6. Payment of non-refundable application fee of


2.7. Submission of three to five Research Titles (Thesis or

Dissertation titles) anchored in the IFSU Graduate School
Research Agenda

3. Rules of Registrationl Enrollment Procedures

3.1. A student may enroll after the lapse of the registration

period specified in the approved University Calendar, and
be admitted in accordance with the reasonable rules of the
university for late enrollment, but shall not exceed two (2)

Instruction Research Exlension Resource Generalion


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weeks after- the opening of classes. Thereafter, no

enrollment shall be allowed.

3.1.1 Application for admission with the documentary

requirements are to be processed first by partner
agency/ institution.

3.1.2. PA must transmit the list of applicants for

admission and their conesponding documentary
requirements to the College Dean for review and
final evaluation before transmitting to the DRAS
for admission in the programs applied for.

3.1.3. Department of Registrar and Admission Services

(DRAS) issues Notice of Admission (NOA)

3.1 .4. The College shall facilitate the sending of the

notice of admission via e-mail and courier.

3.1.5. Upon payment of application fee and issuance of

official receipt by the cashier, the College
Program Chairperson and/or college staff will
facilitate the printing of lDs for each student.

3.2. No student shall be accepted for enrollment unless he/she

presents the propor school credentials on or before the
end of the enrollment period for the school term.

3.3. A student is deemed officially enrolled afler he has

submitted his appropriate admission or transfer
credentials, made an initial payment of his tuition and
other fees to the university and was allowed to attend
classes by the university.

3.4. lf a student is unable to settle his/her financial obligation

(tuition) after the enrollment period set by the DRAS and
if his/her name does not appear in the list of officially
enrolled students but continues to attend classes, he/she
will neither receive any credit or grade nor be endorsed to
the DRAS for consideration.

3.5. No student shall be admitted to any class without ths

registration form validated by the Cashie/s Office. lf the
name(s) of the student(s) do not appear in the list of
officially enrolled students, it is the responsibility of the

Inslructio Research Exlensiotx Resource Genet alion

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professor to immediately report such concern to the

College and to call the attention of the concerned

4. Removal of lncomplete cftades

4.1. An "lncomplete' grade must be completed within a period

of one (1) academic year counted from the semester when
the "lNC" grade was incurred.

4.2. After a year, the student is required to repeat the same

course (not necessarily under the same professor) or get
a failing grade of 5.00, or it remains "lNC" and will earn no
graduate credit whatsoever.

5. Changing/ Dropping ofCourses

5.'l . A change of course may be effected by accomplishing the

required form and submitting the same to the Dean for
approval. The said form shall later be submitted to the
Depanment of Registrar and Admission Services (DRAS),
Accounting Department and the Treasure/s Office for
adjustment and record purposes. All these requests for
change of courses must be made within the registration
period and only upon valid reasons approved by the Dean
or the Faculty Secretary.

5.2. Withdrawal of enrollment or dropping of courses may be

effected on or before the scheduled preliminary
examinations as set in the approved University Calendar
and by accomplishing the required form. Dropping of all
courses may be entertained any time before the final
examinations. Courses changed outside of these
provisions shall not be credited.

6. Attendance to Residential (Face-to-Face) or Online Lecture


6.1. Attendance to residential class (face-to-face) and/or

online class is a MUST among all students.

6.2. lf a student misses the residential classes;,/online classes,

heishe is advised to enroll the subject the next time it is
offered or attend any other residential or online classes on
the subject within the same term even in different venues.

Inslruclion Research Exlension Resource Genet alion 6

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6.3 The College Dean and the Program Chairperson must

strictly check the attendance and monitor the conduct of

6.4 An evaluation of faculty will be done true online by the

College. The Program Chairperson will send the link of the
Google Form to the email address of all students or Group
Chats created for each class.

7. Leave of Absence

7.1. Leave of Absence (LOA) maybe approved upon request

7.2. This is necessary if one wants to be excused from the

required maximum of 5 years (for masters) and 7 years
(for doctorate program) study period.

7.3. Failure to file the leave shall mean forfeiture of the

student's registration privileges.


1 The class schedule will be prepared by the College Program

Chairperson and College Dean of CODETE strictly following the
curicular structure in consultation with partner agency.

2. Subjects to be taught by IFSU faculty and guest professors are

identified following the 50-50 scheme. IFSU faculty will teach
50% of the curriculum. Guest faculty, through the
recommendation of the Partner Agency and with duly approved
application letter by the University President, will be handling
50% where Thesis Writing and Dissertation Writing are included
in their subjects handled in the curriculum. (Annex D)

3. The University Registrar checks on the completeness of the

schedule and recommends, together with Campus Executive
Director, the schedule for the approval of the Vice President for
Academic Affairs (VPAA). The IFSU ISO template will be used.
(Annex E)


A class size refers to the minimum and maximum number of students

to open a class.

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1. The minimum class size in the master's program is 15 and the

maximum is 30 to open a new class.

2. fhe minimum class size in the doctorate program is 10 and the

maximum is 30 to open a new class.

3. The class size should be followed for an effective implementation

of quality instruction.


1 The student may finish a master's degree for three (3) terms (12
units per term) or four terms (9 units per term). The cunicular
structure is attached as Annex F.

2. A doctorate student may finish the degree for seven terms (9 units
per term) or five to six terms (12 units per term).

Degree 9 units per term 12 units per term

Masters 4 terms 3 terms
Doctoral 7 terms 5-6 terms


All subjects taken from any higher education institution maybe

considered/ credited in the IFSU graduate program provided the:

I Descriptive titles and/or course contents are the same. ln case of

course content, this must be validated by a professor of the
subject concemed in IFSU.

2. Subjects eamed 7 or more years back for master's and 9 years

back for doctorate degree shall not be credited (CMO 53, series
of 2007). Credits eamed in State Universities and Colleges
(SUCs) and any HEI in the Philippines declared as Center of
Development or Excellence (COD/COE) by the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) will be automatically considered.

3. Thesis and dissertation subjects must only be enrolled at lfugao

State University.

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1. Regular Students

Regular students who started their study program in IFSU must

follow the following residency requirements:

'1.1. Master's Degree - Minimum of I .5 calendar years or 18

months in the program but not more than 7 years;

1.2. Doctoral Degree - Minimum of 2.5 calendar years or 30

months in the program but not more than 9 years;

1 .3. Residency requirements for graduation from the master's

or the doctorate degree, excluding the units for thesis or
dissertation, shall be at least two (2) consecutive
semesters or the equivalent of 12 units for the maste/s
program and 24 units for the doctorate degree programs,
respectively. The student should be enrolled in thesis or
dissertation writing when the oral defense takes place.

2. Transferees

Transferee students who started their study program in other

institutions of higher learning must comply with the following
residency roquirements:

2.1 Master's Degree - Minimum of 1 calendar year or 12

months in the program; and

2.2. Doctorate Degree - Minimum of 1.5 calendar year or 18

months in the program.

3. Transfer from one graduate school to another

Transfer from one graduate school to another is discouraged.

However, in exceptional czrses wlrere a transfer is unavoidable,
all the academic units earned by the student from the school last
attended, excluding thesis or dissertation units, may be accepted
by the school to which he/she seeks transfer subject to the
following conditions:

3.1. The subjects taken in the school last attended are

substantially the same in content in the graduate
curriculum of the school he/she is seeking transfer;

Inslruction Research Exlension Resource Genetation 9


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3.2. The residency equivalent shall have been complied with;


3.3. Approval of the Dean upon the recommendation of the

Admission Committee.

4. After completion of all the academic requirements, a candidate

for graduation to any graduate degree program shall be given a
maximum period of three (3) years for the ma6ter's degree and
five (5) years for the doctorate degree within which to finish the
requirement of thesis or dissertation. An extension may be
allowed upon the recommendation of the Advisory Committee but
not to exceed one school year.

5. ln highly meritorious cases, upon recommendation of the Dean

and the Campus Executive Director, credits earned for subjects
taken beyond a maximum period prescribed herein may be
validated upon approval of the VPAA for the purpose of allowing
a student to graduate in the program.

6. Any student who fails to finish their degree within the prescribed
period stated above will be required to repeat the entire study
program as there may have been substantial changes in the
course content or new knowledge in the field of specialization.


1. Both master's and doctorate programs require either a

comprehensive examination or some appropriate equivalent
requirements to assess the student's ability to analyze, integrate,
and apply the different knowledge and skills developed in the
various courses (CMO No. 53, series of 2007). At IFSU, graduate
students are required to take the comprehensive examination.

1 .1 . The faculty who taught the subject will submit to the

College Dean at least 10 questions for the comprehensive

1.2. The College Program Chairperson will reproduce the

questionnaire and seal it in an envelope. A
Comprehensive Test Booklet will be used as answer sheet
which will be produced only by the IFSU Printing Office.
All test booklet will carry a SERIAL NUMBER for a specific

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student. The test booklet will be paid by the test takers
- the testing area.
before entering

1.3 The College Dean and the College Chairpersons will

facilitate the conduct of the comprehensive examination
with the assistance of the staff of partner agency.

1.4. After the examination, the student shall insert the

questionnaire into the test booklet. He/she will personally
submit to the proctor the examination paper.

'1.5. The proctor must gather all questionnaires and test

booklets then keep all in an envelope then seal it for
transmiftal to the course facilitator.

'1.6 The course facilitators are given ONE WEEK to check the
examination and submit the comprehensive rema*s as

2. Comprehensive examination shall serve as the gateway to thesis/

dissertation. lt is required upon completion of all coursework and
is offered each term and third term session. The written
examination shall determine student's breadth and depth of
knowledge and mastery of the subjects taken, show critical and
independent thinking and their ability to integrate all of the

3. ln case of failure to pass the examination, the student is allowed

to take a re-examination within three (3) months.


1. A proposal defense may be done during the 2d term for master's

program; 4th term for the doctorate program or as soon as the
student is ready.

2. The defense can be done face-to-face or online as appropriate.

3. The student will fill-out FORM 2 - Application for Oral Defense.
This must be sent to the College for approval before conducting
the defense. (Annex G)

4. All the ISO Forms (1,4,5,6,7) for Thesis and Dissertation Writing
are attached as Annex H.

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5. The student shall submit FOUR (4) hard copies of the manuscript
and the soft-copy to be emailed to


1 The thesis/ dissertation adviser must be a doctorate degree

holder (CMO No. 15, series of 2019).

2. The maximum number of advisees per adviser is five (5) students


3. The adviser is tasked to help the student until the

recommendation of the panel of evaluators are incorporated in
the final manuscript.


The panel will have among its members' contents and method
specialists. Specifically, the advisory committee/panel of
examiners/review panel should be a doctoral degree holder and shall
compose of:

I . Thesis

a Chairperson Based on specialization and with

Members One (1) member, based on
specialization and with publication
One (1 ) expert (internallerternal-expert
from other institution/ industry), based on
specialization and with publication
a Adviser

2. Dissertation

a Chairperson Based on specialization and with

a Members Three (3) members, based on
specialization and with publication
One (1 ) expert (internal/external-expert
from other institution/ industry), based on
specialization and with publication

Inslruction Research Exlension Resource Generalion t2

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3. Number of Panelists

Master's Program Two (2) from IFSU

One (1) from Partner Agency

Doctorate Program Three (3) from IFSU

Two (2) from Partner Agency


ln general, all students in the CODETE programs must visit the IFSU
Main Campus during the duration of their study, be it to:

. attend the graduation ceremony;


2. conduct a residential study;

3. do a proposal or final thesis/dissertation defense;
4. conduct research or a public lecture; and
5. attend/ participate in seminar-workshop.

1. Accomplish the application for graduation template (Annex l).

2. The student should have completed all the academic
requirements, submitted the hard-bound copies (4) and e-copy of
the manuscript.

3. Graduation fee must be paid prior to the graduation ceremony for

the College to facilitate all the necessary activities.

4. Pictorial for the graduation is required.


1 . Master's Programs

For Master's program, there shall be at least four (4) facuhy

members per program at all times (CMO No. 15, series of 2020).

I .1 . Four (4) full-time faculty who have doctorate degrees in

the discipline and with published works in refereed

Inslructiott Research t Extension Resource Genetation l3


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joumal/s and/or have produced publicly recognized

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creative and/or technology outputs; or

1.2. lf there is a dearth in doctorate degree holders in the

discipline, at least one (1) full-time faculty who has a
doctorate degree in the discipline and with published
works in refereed joumal/s and/or produced publicly
recognized creative and/or technology outputs; and at
least three (3) full time faculty who are master's degree
holders, but with doctorate units in the discipline and have
at least one (1) publication in a refereed joumal. The
facufty with master's degrees plus doctorate unit can only
teach in Master's program, but cannot serve as thesis

2. Doctorate Programs

For doctorate degree programs, there shall be at leastfour (4) full

time faculty members per doctoral programs at all times. They
are all doctoral degree holders in the discipline and with
published works ln internationally/natlonally indexed journal/s
and/or have produced publicly recognized creative and/or
technology outputs (CMO No. 15, series ot 2A2Q.

3. Faculty members must have developed teaching modulesi

scholarly works on the subjecVs they are to teach.

4. Must upload the instructional materials including the syllabus in

the IFSU - LMS ""

5. The syllabus must be checked and noted by the College Dean.

Should guest faculty opt to use the syllabus prepared by IFSU, a
request letter must be forurarded to the College. However, the
guest facufty must observe intellectual property rights over the
bonowed syllabus. lf 85% and above is revised from the content
of the syllabus, the main author may not be reflected as author.
lf less than 85% is revised, the main author should remain in the
syllabus and the guest faculty is a co-author.

6. Must prepare the study schedule or course guide in each subject

taught. The study schedule shows the date, week, topic, mode of
instruction to specify topic for face to face and independent study
and activity

Inslructiofi Research Extensiott Resource Generation t4

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7. Must have extensive experience that will enhance theory/

knowledge such as practlcing lawyers, doctors, Regional
Directors, Superintendents, Supervisors, Principal, CEO and

8. Under extreme cases where doctorate holders are not available,

a maste/s degree holder could teach but should possess faculty
qualification numbers as mentioned above..


1 The list of subjects to be handled by IFSU is 50% and the Partner

Agency is 50%. ln the counting of the subjects, Thesis Writing
(TW) and Dissertation Writing (DW) is included. For consuftation
purposes and proximity reason, TW and DW is counted in the
50o/o for Partner Agency subjects to handle by guest professors
as thesis and dissertation writing advisers.

2. The faculty from Partner Agency must submit his/her application

letter address to the University President for approval with the
complete attachments (license, certificates, OTR, diploma, etc.).
lf the applicant is qualified, he/she is allowed to teach.

3. No guest faculty shall resume teaching in the programs of the

College if application and letter are not yet submitted and

4. All guest professors should be trained first on the IFSU online

platform and will be given certificate of readiness as proof that
they can conduct flexible learning and can use the leaming
management system.


1 To improve and/or maintain excellence in instruction, the faculty

members shall be regularly evaluated on their teaching

2. The instructors/ professors are to be evaluated by the'students

(50%) and by the College Dean and/or Program Chairperson

3. Satisfactory rating is a ground for non-teaching in the College.

4. Online evaluation will be implemented by the College.

Inslruction * Research Exlension Resource Generalion l5


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1. Flexible Learning - Flexible leaming will be used this pandemic.

Printed instructional materials must be checked by the College
Program Chairperson before it will be printed.

2. However, Open Distance Education backbone for delivery of

instruction is the IFSU - LMS using MOODLE as the learning
platform. Other credible digital technology may be encouraged as
a collaborative tool ONLY like group chat, etc. The LMS must be
utilized at all times for flexile leaming for the monitoring and
evaluation of faculty and student engagement.

3. -
Blended Leaming 30% face-to-face and 70% online will be
used when appropriate. CHED guidelines will ahrays be followed.

Enrollment Report or Class List - This is generated by the
Department of Registrar and Admission Services (DRAS). The
College will be furnished with this which will be sent to Partner
Agencies. An example of a class list is attached as Annex J. This
will be the basis of the Program Chairperson to check the
submitted grade sheet, if the student is officially enrolled or not.

2. Financial Ledger or Billing Statement - This is generated by

the CODETE and Finance Staff in the Department of Finance
Services (DFS).

2.1. The DRAS will prepare the list of students based on

officially enrolled students.

2.2. The College Staff in-charge of billing and the Finance Staff
shall prepare the billing statement per student using the
billing system of the College.

2.3. The billing statement must be noted by the Director of

DFS, the College Dean, and the Campus Executive

2.4. The College will foruard the billing fees to the Partner

Inslruction * Rawarch Extension Resource Generulion l6


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2.5. Partner Agency will deposit the fees in the STF account of

2.6 Partner Agency will fonvard a copy of the deposit slip to

the College through the college email address with the
appended list of students to whom the fees will be

2.7. The College will transmit the deposit slip to the Cashier
with the list of students.

2.8 The Cashier will generate OFFICIAL RECEIPTS (ORs) of


2.9 ORs will be attached in the records of students in the



1 . Grading sheets

1 .1 . The grading sheet must be submitted every after the end

of the semester. Template is attached as Annex K.

1.2. The professor should affix his/her AUTHENTIC

SIGNATURE. E-signature will not be accepted by the

1.3. After the grade sheets are submitted, the College will
request for the remaining professional fees of the
professors. Only then that the PAs will release the said
professional fees.


School fees and other financial matters - These are the fees to be
paid to IFSU STF account. Annex M presents the enhanced fees.


1 The IFSU header shall be used at all times for communication,

advortisemont and others.

2. IFSU takes the responsibility of checking all advertisements or

promotions before posting.

Instruclion Research * Extension Resource Generolion t7

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3. Partner Agencies logo may be placed after IFSU logo.

4. All requests of Partner Agency must be course through the
College for proper recording, filing and transmittal for action/s to
other departments. Formal letter shall be sent through the official
college email address,, and informal
inquiries or emergency concems may be sent through the official
office number 0917 -621 4219.

2 All details or concems not contain in the guidelines shall be referred to the IFSU
Graduate Manual.

3. This order shall take effect immediately. Previous issuances/ policies

inconsistent with the herein guidelines are hereby revoked or deemed amended/
modified accordingly.

4. For the guidance, commitment and compliance of all concerned.


Univ rsity P ilt

Cc: CODETE, OVPAA, OCED - Lamut, DFS, DRAS, OUBS, Partner Agencies,
Records Section, File

I nslructio tr * Research * Extension Resource Generalion l8

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