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DCRP level – II Written Exam Date:09.08.


Current transformer

1. If it is obtained, Knee point voltage is less than the specified value in name
plate. Imag is higher than the specified name plate. this CT
accepted?(Yes/No)if No justify.
2. How to do knee point voltage test & draw the magnetization curve?
3. Heavy current flow in primary does not pass on to the secondary winding
instrument not affect, this definition mean for
1. Ratio error
2. Composite error
3. Safety factor
4. Accuracy limit factor

4. Define polarity test& draw the connection diagram, explain?

5. Define ALF? CT data follows:

5P20, 15VA, 400/1A

i. How much ohmic burden connected on the secondary circuit of ct ?

Ii.What is the range of ALF in the CT?
Iii.What is the errors in CT?
iv. Range of composite errors in CT?

Voltage Transformer

1. What are the Protection schemes used VT inputs

2. What is the rated secondary output in VT?
3. Draw the open delta VT connection & Note the label
4. VT burden is less than the CT burden. (Yes/No)if No justify.
5. Application of Residual voltage
Auxiliary circuit:

1. What is the purpose of 96 relay?

2. Explain function of trip circuit supervision?
3. What is the purpose of 74 relay in the closing circuit?
4. E/S limit switch will remain operated when E/S condition (OPEN/CLOSE)


1. Define pickup current

2. Define drop-off current

3. What is measured & calculated current

4. Relay ANSI code

5. Flow of fault current identification

6. Practically how to create the fault current

7. Purpose / advantage of test block & test plug

8. Test block & test plug connection diagram


1. Vector group test for dyn11, Conditions to be verified

2. Define short circuit impedance test & draw the test connections
3. What are the protections in power transformer?
4. Based on the vector group test pass the transformer. Yes/No

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