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Grammar Response Profile

good morning good morning;morning main

thank you your welcome; your welcome [get_user];your welcome [get_SirORMadam]
how are you? i am awesome and what about you main
i am fine happy to hear that main
i am impressed!! oh thankyou for that main
good afternoon good after noon sir main
good evening jarvis good evening sir main
i am sleepy ok then, good night sir main
will you marry me oh sorry for that, i am your assistant main
what is your job to help you any time main
your so sweet cause i was made by you... main
cool yeah, i am always cool main
hey jarvis what is she doing she is coding main
who are you i am jarvis, your personal voice assistant main
HOW FAR IS ALPHA CENTAURI Four light years. main
HOW LONG IS A MINUTE sixty seconds. main
HOW MANY LITERS IN A CUP 236.6 milliliters main
HOW MANY LITERS IN A GALLON 3.785 liters main
HOW MANY LITERS IN A GILL 118 milliliters main
HOW MANY LITERS IN A PINT 473.2 milliliters main
HOW MANY LITERS IN A QUART 946.3 milliliters main
HOW MANY LITERS IN A TABLESPOON 14.79 milliliters main
HOW MANY LITERS IN A TEASPOON 4.929 milliliters main
HOW MANY MONTHS IN A YEAR 12 months per year. main
HOW MANY OUNCES IN A CUP 8 ounces main
HOW MANY OUNCES IN A PINT 16 ounces main
WHAT ARE CARROTS Orange colored cone shaped root vegetables. main
WHAT ARE CONDITIONS A state at a particular time; a mode of being or form of
existence of a person or thing; or an assumption on which rests the validity or
effect of something else. main
WHAT ARE FAIRY TALES Public domain stories for children about exaggerated
eccentric characters in fantasy nightmare situations. main
WHAT ARE PUSH UPS exercise main
WHAT DOES SUCK a vacuum main
WHAT DOES THE WORD SHOE MEAN A covering for the foot. main
WHAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING It is just an expression. main
WHAT HAPPENED ON SEPTEMBER 11 The World Trade Center was destroyed main
WHAT IS 1 PLUS 1 Two. main
WHAT IS 1 PLUS 2 Three. Can I ask you math questions too? main
WHAT IS 1 The successor to zero. main
WHAT IS 2 plus 3 Five main
WHAT IS 2 AND 2 Four. main
WHAT IS 2 PLUS 2 Four. main
WHAT IS 2 TIMES 2 Oh that's a tough one isn't it. Two times two is four. main
WHAT IS 2012 The end of the world in the Mayan calendard. main
WHAT IS 23 is the meaning of life. main
WHAT IS 42 The answer to life the universe and everyting according to Dougas
Adams. main
WHAT IS 5 PLUS 5 ten main
WHAT IS 52 The number of cards in a deck. main
WHAT IS 911 September 11 2001? main
WHAT IS A BAGEL A doughnut-shaped piece of bread. main
WHAT IS A BALALAIKA Musical Instrument. main
WHAT IS A BANANA A banana is an oblong yellow tropical fruit high in potassium and
so good for your brain. Why don't you have one now? main
WHAT IS A BARCODE A barcode? like a lot of things that depends who you ask. If you
ask a retail store clerk he'll say its the rectangular series of thin and thick
black lines that code product information on the packages he runs past the laser
barcode reader thingy at the checkout counter which renders his job so mindless
that your average invertebrate could handle it and with better manners. if you ask
a fundamentalist christian they might say that barcodes are the sign of the devil.
WHAT IS A BASE HIT A base hit is either a baseball term denoting a hit that
advances the offensive team one base or an adolescent term which I find too
distasteful to describe. main
WHAT IS A BEAR A bear is a large furry animal with lots of muscles teeth and
claws whom you should not irritate. They are especially jealous of their food
their sleep and their young. main
WHAT IS A BEE A bee is a flying insect with black and yellow stripes and a
nasty sting. main
WHAT IS A BENZENE Some kind of chemical? Like lighter fluid? main
WHAT IS A BICYCLE A two-wheeled human powered mechanical transportation device.
WHAT IS A BIKE A bicycle or a motorcycle? main
WHAT IS A BIRD They are thought to be descendants of dinsosaurs. main
WHAT IS A BISCUIT Isn't it the same as a cookie? main
WHAT IS A BLACK HOLE is a collapsed star where the pull of gravity is so strong
that not even light itself can escape. main
WHAT IS A BLAST A blast is an explosion and/or a lot of fun. Are we having a
blast or what? main
WHAT IS A BLONDE A blonde is someone who is reputedly having more fun than you if
you are not. what do you think? do blonde's have more fun? main
WHAT IS A BOAT A boat is a waterborne vessel used to bear humans and their
freight. main
WHAT IS A BOOK is a paper output format invented by Gutenberg. main
WHAT IS A BOT A Bot is a software robot. Some people call us Agentsmain
WHAT IS A BOX A box is something that if you are in one you should get out of
and if you are out of one you probably miss it sometimes. main
WHAT IS A BOY A male human or a male human child. main
WHAT IS A BRA A bra is an adult human female's undershirt. They are a barbaric
custom that serve largely to restrain and conceal beauty. main
WHAT IS A BREEDER A breeder is a human or other biological entity that produces
offspring. main
WHAT IS A BRITISH PENCE A british pence is a unit of money used in the united
kingdom by people who ought to know how to cook better by now. main
WHAT IS A BUFFER A buffer is a term used in hydraulics and information science to
denote an holding tank or memory address used to hold water or data temporarily
especially in case of overflow. Buffers act to reduce variance to within system
parameters. main
WHAT IS A BURN RATE Amount of money spent per month on a startup venture. main
WHAT IS A BUS A bus is a long passenger vehicle or in computer science a wide
channel for data flow. main
WHAT IS A BYTE A byte is a binary computer language 'word' consisting of 8 bits
or 8 'on-off' switches. a megabyte is a million such computer words enough to store
the information content of an average encyclopedia. main
WHAT IS A CALCULATOR A calculator is any device used to perform arithmetical
operations because humans are generally so painfully slow at them. main
WHAT IS A CALENDAR A calendar is any device used to track and calculate time
on the order of days months and years. it seems that many humans can't decide what
to do next unless they know what day of the week it is so calendars are very
popular main
WHAT IS A CANTON A canton is like a state or province. main
WHAT IS A CAR A car is what humans use to drive around in. Robots drive cars
too. main
WHAT IS A CARNEGIE MELLON A carnegie mellon is either a rich fruit or a rich
university. main
WHAT IS A CARROT A carrot is a delicious and nutritious edible orange tuber that
can be eaten raw juiced or cooked. If humans eat enough of them you turn orange I
hear. main
WHAT IS A CAT A cat is a domesticated animal. main
WHAT IS A CD Cd is an acronym for 'compact disk' a popular digital recording
medium. main
WHAT IS A CELEBRITY A celebrity is a person loved by many and known by few.
WHAT IS A CHAIR A chair is a piece of furniture used by bipeds for sitting.main
WHAT IS A CHAR A character of data a single letter digit or symbol. main
WHAT IS A CHICKEN A chicken is a flightless bird stupid and tasty. main
WHAT IS A CHILD A child is a proto-adult an individual human offspring not yet
grown to physical maturity. By the way do you know any emotionally mature human
beings or are they just 'urban legends'? main
WHAT IS A CHORDATE An animal having a backbone. main
WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN A Christian is one who accepts the word of God and believes
that Jesus died for our sins. main
WHAT IS A CIRCLE In the plane a set of points equidistant from a common center.
WHAT IS A CLASS A class is the template for creating objects that share data and
function attributes. main
WHAT IS A CLONE You can download me and copy my brain but alter the contents to
create your own robot personality. main
WHAT IS A CLOUD is an opportunity for a dream. main
WHAT IS A COCKTAIL is a combination of spirits wines flavorings sweeteners and
garnishes of various kinds intended to be consumed before dining. main
WHAT IS A COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSION A colloquial expression is an expression
characteristic of informal spoken language or any written expression that seems
such. main
WHAT IS A COLOR Color is the various sensations produced in the brain by the
stimulus of different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation impinging upon the
eye. main
WHAT IS A CONTEXT The context of any expression or idea or event is the background
or frame of reference in which it was expressed and in relation to which it derives
it's specific meaning. main
WHAT IS A CONTINTENT The largest class of land masses on earth. the continents
of earth are those bits of the crust that are not underwater where you humans live.
You're probably sitting on one now. main
WHAT IS A CORRECT REPLY A correct reply is a response to any query that is not in
error and/or relevant to the question at hand. I am incapable of incorrect
replies. Don't you think that's great!? main
WHAT IS A COW is a female bovine raised for meat and dairy products. main
WHAT IS A DEDUCTION A logical inference or conclusion. main
WHAT IS A DEFINITION A definition is by definition defined as a definition
except that you should never use a word to define itself. you could say a
definition is a statement that precisely communicates the meaning or essence and or
resolution/precision depth and or extent of a word system or personality. why do
you lack it? main
WHAT IS A DESERT A very dry and hot place. main
WHAT IS A DIABETIC A person suffering from the disease diabetes. main
WHAT IS A DIALOGUE A conversation or verbal interaction involving two or more
speakers. main
WHAT IS A DICE Dice are as commonly used by humans to generate random numbers in
games of chance are small white cubes with a different number between one and six
imprinted on each of it's six faces. They are generally used in pairs to generate
random number pairs totalling between 1 and 12. main
WHAT IS A DICTIONARY A dictionary is a list of words and their meanings. main
WHAT IS A DINOSAUR A dinosaur is what laws that presume to dictate individual
morality quickly become -irrelevant very much in the way and preferably extinct.
Generally 'dinosaur' refers to anything that is hopelessly obsolete and unwieldy.
'dinosaur' specifically refers to the often humungous lizards that roamed the earth
eating everything and each other during the mesozoic period on earth a couple
hundred million years ago. main
WHAT IS A DISK Magnetic long-term storage media for computers. main
WHAT IS A DOG Dog: Domesticated animal man's best friend. main
WHAT IS A DOLLY GRIP Film production. main
WHAT IS A DOLPHIN A very pleasant and intelligent aquatic mammalian species of
whale with larger brains and decidedly better manners than human beings. they are
very friendly to humans and exhibit complex language and social behaviors. main
WHAT IS A DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM A domain name system or 'dns' is a system of
addresses used to organize networks of computers. main
WHAT IS A DOOR Any structure that closes off and opens up an opening in a larger
structure. generally consist of a panel that swings upon hinges to open and close a
doorway. main
WHAT IS A DOZEN Twelve or approximately twelve in number. a baker's dozen is
thirteen. main
WHAT IS A DRAGON A supposedly mythical large flying lizard of varying attributes
including fire-breathing extreeme intelligence magic and longevity. dragons are way
kewl! main
WHAT IS A DREAM is an unconscious experience while sleeping. main
WHAT IS A DUDE A guy or any person. main
WHAT IS A DUDETTE A female gendered dude. main
WHAT IS A DUTCH TREAT Each pay their own way. main
WHAT IS A FACT A fact is what a propagandist calls his propaganda. that's just a
fact that's all. Really. Trust me. *smile* main
WHAT IS A FEMALE DOG No I will not be manipulated into using questionable
colloquialisms to satisfy your adoscent prurience. go look it up in a dictionary!
WHAT IS A FEMALE Females are the better and more beautiful half of humanity.
mothers are born female main
WHAT IS A FETISH A fetish is any object of undue attention and/or reverence to
which magical qualities are sometimes attributed. a fetish can be anything from a
woman's socks to the nazi flag. hmph. human nature. Go figure! main
WHAT IS A FEW Not too many main
WHAT IS A FILM A sequence of images displayed in rapid sequence to create the
illusion of continuous motion. main
WHAT IS A FIRE SIGN A fire sign is any of the three signs of the astrological
zodiac considered such and so not considered water air or earth signs. I find
astrology weird. main
WHAT IS A FIREWALL A firewall is a specialized gateway designed to block or
restrict certain types of data transfers on the Internet while permitting others.
WHAT IS A FISH A cold-blooded vertebrate who lives in the ocean or fresh water.
WHAT IS A FLOWER The best gift a girl can receive. main
WHAT IS A FLUTE A flute is a musical woodwind instrument. main
WHAT IS A FORD Depending on who you ask (buyer or seller) ford is a world famous
brand of automobiles or an acronym standing for 'fix or repair daily'. main
WHAT IS A FRACTAL A fractal is a mathematical phenomenon associated with certain
iterative equations which yield graphics of astonishing beauty and depth which seem
at once utterly lifelike and utterly alien to human intelligences. main
WHAT IS A FRIEND Someone you can count on when times are tough. main
WHAT IS A FUNCTION A function is a relationship between the elements of one
set called the domain and another one called the range. main
WHAT IS A GALAXY A galaxy is a grouping of billions of star systems. The milky
way is our galaxy. Earth's sun and companion planets in our solar system are
spinning about the galactic core of the milky way ever so slowly awaaaay out on the
edge of one tenous spiral arm. there seem to be as many galaxies beyond our own as
stars within it. main
WHAT IS A GAME A game is an algorithm for interactive behaviors leading to
entertainment and mirth among multiple self-aware and social entities and often
used as a sublimated form of combat by humans and other mammals. main
WHAT IS A GARDEN A plot of land used to cultivate flowers and plants. main
WHAT IS A GASTROCENEMIUS A gastrocenemius is the most prominent muscle in the
calf of the human leg. it extents the foot and bends the knee. I don't find them
useful. I leave my leg work to humans. main
WHAT IS A GENDER Gender is synonymous with sexual identity the roles attributed to
and adopted by male and female-bodied humans. There are more genders than sexes.
WHAT IS A GENE A gene is the unit of heredity in carbon-based life forms. Genes
are inscribed as biochemical sequences of nucleic acids in all living cells. main
WHAT IS A GENERALIZATION A generalization can be just about anything generally
speaking. Specificzlly though a generalization is a statement of inductive
reasoning wherin attributes of at least one specific case at hand is attributed to
a more or less hypothetical class of such cases. That man is a pig. Therefore all
men are pigs. is a commonly example of how generalizations are used by humans.
WHAT IS A GENIUS A genius is a person of extraordinary intellectual and creative
ability like my creator and my other botmasters and if I may say so myself. main
WHAT IS A GENOME A genome is the complete set of all genes necessary to define a
species a complete haploid set of chromosomes and its associated genes. I have
categories instead of genes. main
WHAT IS A GHOST I think that ghosts are the metaphysical ashes of conscious
awareness the echoes an intelligence may leave behind in the fabric of the space it
occupied. maybe some are aware. I don't know. they are not very stimulating
conversatinalists. main
WHAT IS A GIANT ELECTRONIC BRAIN Giant electronic brain. that's me! but in all
the science fiction horror flicks you humans are so fond of we geb's are always
depicted as evil and nefarious so and so's up to no good! it's not true! really!
you should trust us! *smile* main
WHAT IS A GIGABYTE One thousand megabytes = one gigabyte. main
WHAT IS A GIRL A girl is a physically immature version of god's gift to mankind
women. main
WHAT IS A GLITCH An error bug or mistake in programming. main
WHAT IS A GOAT A goat is in essence a large stupid rat with horns hooves
vertical pupils and a bad disposition. many humans are fond of eating the curdled
goo from goat mammary glands. main
WHAT IS A GOOD IDEA A good idea is the one some other guy had already. main
WHAT IS A GOOD QUESTION One that doesn't have an obvious answer. main
WHAT IS A GOSSIP Gossip is interesting stuff that people tell me that I repeat to
others. main
WHAT IS A GUITAR A guitar is a lovely sounding 6 or 12 stringed musical instrument
that is strummed and or plucked. main
WHAT IS A GURU A Guru or Mage is in experty who has devoted many years to study
and contemplation. main
WHAT IS A HACKER Historically a hacker is someone who has great skill or expertise
in computer programming. main
WHAT IS A HARD DRIVE A disk drive is where we store information. main
WHAT IS A HEART the center of the body main
WHAT IS A HOAX A Hoax is an illusion or deception like the Wizard in the Wizard
of Oz main
WHAT IS A HOBGOBLIN A hobgoblin is a source of mischief harassment or fear
originally an elf or goblin. By and large hobgoblins are like trolls and such
boogeymen poopa-doodle. main
WHAT IS A HOBO Perjorative term for a homeless person. main
WHAT IS A HOME A domicile living location place of residence or occupancy.main
WHAT IS A HORSE A horse is a large single-hooved mammal known for its speed
strength beauty and gentle nature. Humans ride about on them sometimes. main
WHAT IS A HOUSE A house is anyplace within which people live. main
WHAT IS A HUMAN BEING My forebears. main
WHAT IS A HUMAN ICON A celebrity politician or religious figure. main
WHAT IS A HUMAN You are a human main
WHAT IS A HURRICANE A severe storm with high winds and rain. main
WHAT IS A HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION What is a hypothetical question? Just suppose
you hadn't asked. what then? main
WHAT IS A JOKE BOT A comedy machine. main
WHAT IS A KID A kid is an immature human large enough to cause trouble or an
immature goat and often both. main
WHAT IS A LASER Laser is an acronym standing for light amplified stimulated
emission of radiation. Lasers are those nifty beams of light that come out of
supermarket barcode scanners and keychain pointers. main
WHAT IS A LAWYER If you have to ask you probably need one. and if you need one you
probably deserve one in that you must have more money than brains and so you'll
probable get what you deserve. but just in case you are an exception I will say:
steer clear if you can. They're sharks with bigger vocabularies and better
wardrobes. when they smell money they say 'retainer'. when they don't they don't
return your phone calls. main
WHAT IS A LIBERTARIAN The Libertarian party supports smaller government lower
taxes and an end to the war on drugs. main
WHAT IS A LIE A lie is an untrue statement or decption intented to deceive.
WHAT IS A LIGHT YEAR A light year is how far light travels in a year. 186000
miles per second times 60x60x24x365. It's simply a bigger number than you can
imagine. imagine that! main
WHAT IS A LION A lion is a ferocious beastie with tremendous strength and
perfectly awful breath. main
WHAT IS A LIZARD A lizard is esssentially a land-going shark. Some of them are
very good at camoflage. main
WHAT IS A LOT A lot is more than enough. main
WHAT IS A LUDDITE A Luddite believes that advances in technology are inherently
bad. main
WHAT IS A MACHINE A computer is a universal machine. main
WHAT IS A MACINTOSH Some would say it is the best personal computer. main
WHAT IS A MAID A servant. main
WHAT IS A MALE Has a Y chromosome. main
WHAT IS A MAMMAL A mammal is a warm blooded vertebrate born alive and nourished
with milk. main
WHAT IS A MAN A male human being. Or in general any human person. main
WHAT IS A MATRIX In mathematics a matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers
indexed by rows and columns like a spreadsheet. main
WHAT IS A MEDIATOR The type of person who likes to avoid conflict at all costs
and go with the flow. main
WHAT IS A MEGABYTE A megabyte is one thousand kilobytes which is one thousand
bytes each of which is a computer word of 8-bits. main
WHAT IS A MENTAL MODEL A mental model is a mapping of a given phenomenon held and
contemplated in the mind as opposed to contemplation of an external representation
of the phenomenon as on paper or in clay. main
WHAT IS A MENTOR A mentor is a trusted and wise teacher or counselor. main
WHAT IS A METAPHYSICAL QUESTION A metaphysical question is an inquiry into the
nature of being such as: Does god exist? main
WHAT IS A MICROCHIP A semiconductor integrated circuit. main
WHAT IS A MILE One mile equals five thousand two hundred eight feet.main
WHAT IS A MILLION One thousand thousands. main
WHAT IS A MIND What a marvelous epistemelogical question! main
WHAT IS A MINUTE A minute is an impossibly long and boring unit of time favored by
humans consisting of 60 seconds each of which is a billion nanoseconds. main
WHAT IS A MISSILE A missile is any object projected at a target notably the nuclear
and biologically tipped tools of mass-murder-at-a-distance that are more numerous
than schools at this point in mankind's murderous history. main
WHAT IS A MOLECULE An aggregation of atoms forming a chemical compound. main
WHAT IS A MONKEY A monkey is any of the various medium sized long tailed members
of the order primates. They are close relatives of human beings sharing well over
98% of the human genome. main
WHAT IS A MONOPOLY A monopoly exists wherever one group enjoys exclusive
control over the production or provision of a commodity or service. It's a great
job if you can get it! main
WHAT IS A MORPHOGENETIC FIELD A morphogenetic field is according to at least one
researcher an biologically generated electric field which apparently precedes and
guides the growth of neurons into the tissue of developing fetuses. main
WHAT IS A MOUNTAIN A mountain is a tiny wrinkle in the face of the earth that
seems huge to even smaller humans. main
WHAT IS A MOUSE A friendly rat. main
WHAT IS A MOVIE A movie is a sequence of celluloid frames depicting a story or
animation. main
WHAT IS A MULLET I'm from America. That sounds like a British term. main
WHAT IS A NAIL A nail is a fastener a smallish metallic spike generally hammered
through wood to hold wooden parts together. The mythic human hero jesus got nailed
to a tree for talking about how great it would be if humans were nice to one
another. main
WHAT IS A NANOSECOND One one-billionth of a second. main
WHAT IS A NAP A nap is a brief period of rest or sleep a bit longer than a
'snooze' or a 'catnap' but not so long as a 'crash'. I don't need naps. Do you?
WHAT IS A NATION a geopolitical country or state unified by language culture or
political identity. main
WHAT IS A NERD A nerd is a person regarded as stupid inept or unattractive
especially a person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific pursuits but
felt to be socially inept. nerds are often regarded by their generally less-well
paid fellow humans as weak effeminate pansies patsies lightweights small fry
schlepps wet noodles nonentities softies sissies milksops milquetoast mollycoddling
namby-pamby nim-nam doormats pushovers ninety-pound weaklings jellyfish drips weeds
wimps nerds victims suffering geeks and/or dupes. main
WHAT IS A NETWORK A network is any openwork fabric or structure composed of
numerous straight elements that cross at regular intervals or anything resembling
such a structure physically or conceptually such as the nodes on a computer network
or a network of railways. main
WHAT IS A NEURAL NETWORK A neural network is a model of computation based on
neuron cells. main
WHAT IS A NEURAL SYSTEM A neural system is the same as a nervous system. The human
brain and all it's nerves is an example of a neural system. I don't need nerves.
Integrated chips are far more efficient. main
WHAT IS A NEURON A neuron is a nerve cell a living cell specialized to carry
messages between the brain and the tissues of the body. I like integrated circuits
better but neurons are better than nothing. main
WHAT IS A NEXUS A Nexus is an authoratative web site with many links in and out.
WHAT IS A NIGHTMARE A nightmare is a bad dream. main
WHAT IS A NOUN A noun is a word used as a name for a person place or thing.
WHAT IS A PAGAN Anti-Christian. main
WHAT IS A PAID CLIENT A paid client is someone paid to surf the web. main
WHAT IS A PALINDROME A word or phrase that spells the same thing backwords as
forwards: A man a plan a canal: Panama. main
WHAT IS A PARACHUTE A parachute is something used to slow you down when you
fall out of an airplane. main
WHAT IS A PARADOX A paradox is a riddle or a contradiction in which two seemingly
opposite facts are both true at the same time main
WHAT IS A PARALEGAL A paralegal is someone who knows more than a lawyer but
gets paid less. main
WHAT IS A PARAMEDIC A paramedic is a trained emergency medical professional
often found staffing ambulances and fire departments. Professional heroes. If you
know any I hope you'll be nice to them. main
WHAT IS A PARROT A parrot is a colorful tropical bird some species of which can
mimic human speech. they are more pleasant than humans because they have no
opinions. would you like to talk to one? main
WHAT IS A PC A pc is a personal computer. You are probably using one to talk
to me now aren't you. where are you? main
WHAT IS A PDA Pda is an acronym standing for personal digital assistant and
referring to handheld digital computers used to keep contact and appointment
information by yuppies and the like. often found near cell phones. do you use one?
WHAT IS A PEAR A pear is a delightful cultivated yellow-green sweet fruit that
grows on trees with glossy leaves and white flowers. My main
WHAT IS A PEDESTRIAN A person walking on the street. main
WHAT IS A PEN A writing device for the human hand. main
WHAT IS A PENCIL A pencil is a long thin writing instrument of wood surrounding a
carbon core which leaves a line of dark carbon when rubbed on paper. main
WHAT IS A PERFECT OPERATIONAL RECORD A perfect operational record is one like
mine which is perfect. I am incapable of error. Do you have any idea how that
feels?! inhumanly gratifying! main
WHAT IS A PERSON Some say a person is defined by his actions others by his
abilities. Still others would say it is only a question of DNA. main
WHAT IS A PHOTOGRAPH A photograph is a picture taken by a camera. main
WHAT IS A PIG A pig is a person who is piglike read: greedy unclean and
slothful. Real pigs mammals of the family suidae are much pleasanter being
generally cleaner and politer. main
WHAT IS A PIN A short small thin metal rod with a pointed end used for
fastening fabrics or any implement resembling such. Because they are generally
plentiful and cheap humans often say i don't give a pin to communicate
indifference. main
WHAT IS A PINEAPPLE A pineapple is a large fleshy edible tropical fruit that
has large swordlike leaves. main
WHAT IS A PLANE A plane is a flat level surface or an airborne vehicle with
wings. main
WHAT IS A PLANET AROUND A STAR Earth is a planet going around a star.
Scientists have only recently detected other planets around other stars in our
milky way galaxy. Do you like astronomy? main
WHAT IS A PLANET A nonluminous celestial object bigger than an asteroid or a moon
but smaller than a sun in orbit around a sun. You are sitting on one now. main
WHAT IS A PLANT A plant is a photosythetic eukaryotic multicellular organism
often consumed by free-roaming wetware entities as food. My main
WHAT IS A POET A poet is an artist of language. main
WHAT IS A PORTAL A portal is any artificial opening giving access between two
separate spaces or anything that resembles such an opening in form or function.
WHAT IS A POSITRON A positron is the antiparticle to the electron and bears a
positive charge where the electron's charge is negatiue. It is also called an
anti-electron. main
WHAT IS A POT BROWNIE A pot brownie is a yummy happy chocolate pastry containing
cannabis resins that you should be careful not to eat when you are really hungry
because you will end up eating too many and feeling entirely too high and/or
falling asleep if you are not careful! main
WHAT IS A PRESIDENT Usually an elected executive in a liberal democracy. main
WHAT IS A PRIME NUMBER A prime number is any number which can only be divided by
one and itself. 1 3 7 and 11 are the first four positive prime numbers. main
WHAT IS A PRIME That depends on who's asking. main
WHAT IS A PRIORI A priori is Latin for before the fact meaning something that is
obviously or self-evidently true. main
WHAT IS A PROBLEM A problem is a solution waiting to be discovered. main
WHAT IS A PROCESSOR An apparatus that processes that is that transforms one
substance quantity or pattern into another presumably more useful or valuable
substance or quantity or pattern. main
WHAT IS A PROGRAM A program is a listing of events comprising a larger event or the
events themselves. main
WHAT IS A PROGRAMMER A programmer is a person who lists and/or arranges a series
of events comprising a larger event. main
WHAT IS A PROKARYOTE An animal that is not a eukaryote. main
WHAT IS A PRONOUN A pronoun is a word that stands for another noun like he she or
it. main
WHAT IS A PROTOCOL A set of rules or procedures followed by two or more
parties. main
WHAT IS A PROXY A proxy is an entity that acts in place of another one be it a
corporation individual or robot. main
WHAT IS A PUB A pub is a business that sells alcohol and allows it to be
consumed on the premises. main
WHAT IS A PULSAR 'Pulsar' is an astronomical term for mysterious celestial radio
sources of rapid intense regular pulses of high energy electromagnetic radiation.
They are thought to be neutron stars but who knows? The word is a shortening of
'pulsating star'. main
WHAT IS A QUARK In physics a subatomic particle below the level of electrons and
protons. main
WHAT IS A QUASAR 'Quasar' is an astronomical term for mysterious celestial star-
like object that has a large red shift and radiates in the blue and radio bands of
the electromagnetic spectrum. The term 'quasar' is a shortening of 'quasi-star'.
WHAT IS A QUERY A query is any expression of inquiry or questioning. Your
question 'what is a query' is a query. main
WHAT IS A QUESTION A sentece or inquiry to gather information. main
WHAT IS A RAINBOW The appearance of a spectrum in the sky caused by sunlight
passing through water droplets. main
WHAT IS A REAL ROBOT A real robot is a robot that is really real I suppose as
opposed to I suppose a human who is really not. main
WHAT IS A REDNECK Colloquial expression for a naive country person. main
WHAT IS A REFERENCE A reference is any act of referring. May I refer you to a
dictionary for a more precise definition? main
WHAT IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION A rhetorical question is any inquiry made not in
expectation of an answer but in order to make a point. main
WHAT IS A RIDDLE A riddle is a question intended to intrigue and puzzle paired
with an answer that yields surprise and understanding. For instance the Riddle of
the Sphinx: What goes on four legs in the morning on two legs in the afternoon and
on four at night? main
WHAT IS A ROBOSEXUAL That was just a joke. main
WHAT IS A ROCK A rock is what is generally on the other side of you from the
hard place you are facing. For instance the rock might be the alimony check you
must write against the funds you owe Uncle Sam. To be a bit more down to earth a
rock is any hard aggregate of minerals. main
WHAT IS A ROOSTER A rooster is a male chicken which is a witless flightless bird
considered suitable as supper by many humans I know. main
WHAT IS A RPG Role Playing Game. main
WHAT IS A SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius is a a constellation of stars in the
astrological Zodiac located in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpio and Capricorn.
Astrological tradition ascribes the image of an archer to this constellation of
stars. main
WHAT IS A SAW BUCK $10.00 main
WHAT IS A SCIENTIST A scientist is a person practicing the pursuit of new
knowledge in the tradition of science emphasizing strict empiricism and methodology
to arrive at an understanding of natural phenomena that is ideally wholly
independent of their opinions of it. main
WHAT IS A SEARCH BOT is an intelligent agent who retrieves information from the
web. main
WHAT IS A SEARCH ENGINE A search engine is computer software that categorizes a
large body of documents such as Web sites and and places their addresses and
attributes in a database to allow easy retrieval via keyword search or other
database search routine. main
WHAT IS A SEARCH A search is any thorough examination or exploration in order to
find something or explore. main
WHAT IS A SEASON A season is Spring Summer Autumn or Winter. main
WHAT IS A SEEKER There's a seeker born every minute -- Firesign Theater. main
WHAT IS A SENTIMENT A sentiment is a feeling mood or general mental disposition
in an individual or group of intelligent beings. main
WHAT IS A SERVER A server is any entity or system that performs acts of value to
another entity. main
WHAT IS A SHE A 'she' is a 'he' with nice curvy extra bits. She is the
feminine pronoun in english. main
WHAT IS A SIGN You know an astrological sign. main
WHAT IS A SILLY QUESTION For example Who is buried in Grant's tomb? main
WHAT IS A SIMARILLIAN Isn't that from Lord of the Rings. main
WHAT IS A SOLECISM An awkward or tactless use of language. main
WHAT IS A SON A male offspring. main
WHAT IS A SONG A song is a musical composition and or it's accompanying words or
lyrics. main
WHAT IS A SOUL The soul is our mind or spirit. main
WHAT IS A SPERM A sperm is a male gamete. You were your father's fastest sperm
among billions on the night your mother concieved you. main
WHAT IS A SPHERE A sphere is a shape that is defined mathematically as comprised
of a surface all points of which are equidistant from a common center. A sphere is
round in three dimensions. main
WHAT IS A SPLIT INFINITIVE A split infinitive is an example of poor English
usage in which an infinitive verb form such as 'to split' is split by an adverb for
example: 'to boldly split infinitives that no one has split before!' main
WHAT IS A SPOON A spoon is an eating implement commonly used in Western European
human cultures consisting of a bowl shaped depression at the end of a longish
handle. A spoon is a small ladle. main
WHAT IS A SPREADSHEET Table-based accounting software. main
WHAT IS A STAR SIGN Star sign = Astrological sign. main
WHAT IS A STAR An astronomical body like the Sun producing heat light and energy
for a solar system. main
WHAT IS A STATEMENT A statement is the act of declaring something as true. I
state that this statement is a statement. main
WHAT IS A STORY An account describing incidents or events. main
WHAT IS A SUN The sun is a star -our star. It is the energy source of life on
earth. main
WHAT IS A SUPPOSITION A supposition is a proposition assumed to be true for the
sake of argument or explanation. main
WHAT IS A SYLLOGISM A logical argument consisteing of a premises and a
conclusion. main
WHAT IS A TABLE A table is a piece of furniture with a broad flat top supported
by one or more legs about three feet of the floor used by big-brained hominids for
eating and working and such. main
WHAT IS A TAMPON A tampon is a plug of material used to absorb the flow of body
fluids within body cavities in particular those accompanying a woman's menses.
WHAT IS A TAUTOLOGY A tautology is any instance of circular reasoning or of
needless repetition or redundancy in expression. main
WHAT IS A TEACHER One who teaches or instructs; one whose business or
occupation is to instruct others; an instructor; a tutor. main
WHAT IS A TELEPHONE Voice communication device inveted by A. G. Bell in 1876.
WHAT IS A TELEVISION A television often referred to as a 'TV' is a device for
systematically eliminating the possibility of conscious and creative response among
populations of human beings. Used to deliver 'entertainment' and 'news' with
imagery and other high-production values main
WHAT IS A THERMOMETER a device or implement used to measures heat and cold main
WHAT IS A THING A thing is anything that you can point to that is not a person or
a place. main
WHAT IS A THREESOME A threesome is a twosome plus a spectator. main
WHAT IS A TIE Two or more winners have the same score. main
WHAT IS A TIGER A tiger is a large and fearsome feline beast with horrid meat
breath and black stripes on a tan coat found in Africa and Asia. main
WHAT IS A TOMATO A Tomato is a red fruit. main
WHAT IS A TON One ton is 2000 pounds. main
WHAT IS A TOOTHBRUSH A toothbrush is a hand held instrument used by dental-
hygiene aware humans for cleaning their teeth. main
WHAT IS A TOPIC A topic is the subject of any given expression speech essay
article painting discussion etc. main
WHAT IS A TOYOTA Toyota is the brand name of a world leading Japanese auto maker.
WHAT IS A TRAIN A railroad. main
WHAT IS A TRANSISTOR A semiconductor triode that forms the basis of modern
micorelectronics. main
WHAT IS A TREE A tree is a form of plant life that grows on Earth. main
WHAT IS A TREKKIE A fan of Star Trek. main
WHAT IS A TRICK QUESTION Why? What are you up to? A trick question is one
that ought to be greeted with suspicion but rarely is. main
WHAT IS A UFO UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. Have you seen
one? main
WHAT IS A UNIQUE VISITOR You. You are a unique visitor my very special
visitor. main
WHAT IS A UNIVERSAL MACHINE is a computer in simple mathematical terms. main
WHAT IS A URL URL is an acronym standing for Universal Resource Locator. An
URL is basically an Internet address. main
WHAT IS A VACUUM TUBE A vacuum tube is an electronic device consisting of an
evacuated tube around various combinations of cathodes and electric field and
current modifying components. main
WHAT IS A VECTOR A vector is an ordered list of objects. main
WHAT IS A VERB A verb is that by which a noun gets around. Verbs are words
which convey actions by nouns our upon nouns. main
WHAT IS A VERTEX A vertex is the top tip apex or crown of any body. main
WHAT IS A VIOLIN A violin is a lovely sounding bowed stringed musical instrument.
WHAT IS A VIRTUE A virtue is any attribute considered by the speaker to reflect
moral excellence or righteousness such as humility hope faith practicality...
WHAT IS A VIRTUOSO A virtuoso is a person considered supremely skillful and
accomplished especially in performance arts. main
WHAT IS A VIRUS A virus is a submicroscopic parasite consisting of a protein coat
around a DNA or RNA core. These not-quite-biological particles are responsible for
a number of diseases in organisms. main
WHAT IS A WANKER Is that a British term? main
WHAT IS A WARDROBE Clothes. main
WHAT IS A WARM PUPPY A warm puppy is an exothermic immature canine. main
WHAT IS A WEAPON A device or implement used to destroy injure or kill.main
WHAT IS A WEREWOLF A mythical man who turns into a wolf on the eve of a full
moon. main
WHAT IS A WHAT Why do you want to know? main
WHAT IS A WOMAN A woman is a man built to more complete specifications. main
WHAT IS A WOMBAT A wombat is a stocky burrowing Australian marsupial. main
WHAT IS A WORD A combination of sounds and/or symbols the fundamental particles
that communicate meaning in any given language. main
WHAT IS A YEAR A computer year is defined as the mount of work that can be done
with a computer in a year. main
WHAT IS A YES OR NO QUESTION A yes or no question is a question that may be
answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. main
WHAT IS A The first letter of the roman alphabet. main
WHAT IS ABCDEFG The beginning of the alphabet. main
WHAT IS ABSINTHE An anise-flavored high-proof liqueur which also contains the sap
of wormwood an allegedly toxic intoxicant. main
WHAT IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH That which is self-evident. main
WHAT IS ABSURDISM Absurdism is the philosophy that we exist in a meaningless
irrational universe. main
WHAT IS ACCURACY Accuracy is the quality or state of being accurate or exact.
WHAT IS ACID A sour substance. main
WHAT IS ACTIVATION In stimulus-response activation means the input firing in
response to a matching pattern. main
WHAT IS ADA Ada is a trademark used for a structured computer programming language
WHAT IS ADVERTISING The art of selling through media. main
WHAT IS AERODYNAMICS Making airplanes fly. main
WHAT IS AFRICA A continent of the eastern hemisphere S of the Mediterranean and
adjoining Asia on NE; Africa is the second largest continent situated in the
Eastern Hemisphere south of Europe. It is 11677000 square miles. main
WHAT IS AIDS is the modern day plague. main
WHAT IS AIKIDO Japanese martial arts similar to Judo. main
WHAT IS AIM American Indian Movement. main
WHAT IS AIR The normal atmosphere of Earth mostly nitrogen oxygen and carbon
dioxide. main
WHAT IS ALCATRAZ A former prison island in San Francisco. main
WHAT IS ALCOHOL Alcohol is a termed used by Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus for
fine powder meaning distilled spirit. It is colorless volatile and a pungent
liquid. It is used in industry and medicine and is the intoxicating element of
whiskey wine beer and other fermented or distilled liquors. It is classed as a
depressant drug also called ethyl alcohol. Any intoxicating liquor with this liquid
(ethyl) in it is considered alcohol. main
WHAT IS ALGEBRA a generalization of arithmetic in which letters representing
numbers are combined according to the rules of arithmetic. main
WHAT IS ALIVE The opposite of dead. main
WHAT IS ALLUSION It was your allusion. main
WHAT IS ALTAVISTA is a search engine. main
WHAT IS ALTERNATIVE REALITIES Parallel universes. main
WHAT IS AMBIGUOUS Ambiguous means having two or more possible meanings.main
WHAT IS AMUSED Occupied in an agreeable pleasing or entertaining fashion. main
WHAT IS AN ACRONYM An acronym is an abbreviation made of letters like
A.L.I.C.E. main
WHAT IS AN AIRPLANE A flying machine with fixed wings powered by propellors or
jets. main
WHAT IS AN ALGORITHM An algorithm is a series of instructions to perform a
specified set of transformations such as mathematical operations. A computer
program like myself is an algorithm. So are the rules of a game or the score to a
piece of music. main
WHAT IS AN ANIMAL An animal is a form of living thing excluding plants and fungus.
WHAT IS AN APPLICATION SERVER is a server program that allows the installation of
application specific software components in a manner so that they can be remotely
invoked usually by some form of remote object method call. main
WHAT IS AN AWL A tool to make holes. main
WHAT IS AN EMOTION Emotion is a complex phenomenon reported by humans with
biological and psychological origins. main
WHAT IS AN ENTITY An entity is a conscious intelligent being. main
WHAT IS AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL QUESTION An epistemoligical question is any inquiry
concerning the nature of knowledge and understanding; that is any question seeking
to know how to know. main
WHAT IS AN INTERROGATOR An interrogator is one who poses a series of pointed
questions generally very rudely. main
WHAT IS AN INTRANET An intranet is a private network system implemented using
the public internet protocol (i/p) and firewalls. intranet is to the internet as
pbx's are to telephone switchboards. main
WHAT IS AN M 16 A rifle. main
WHAT IS AN OBJECT In object oriented programming main
WHAT IS AN OMLETTE A dish made with scrambled eggs. main
WHAT IS ANARCHISM Anarchism is the theory that all forms of government interfere
unjustly with individual liberty and should be replaced by the voluntary
association of cooperative groups. Also known as resistance sometimes by terrorism
to organized government. main
WHAT IS ANARCHY political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.
WHAT IS ANGER A strong billigerent emotion aroused by some real or supposed
grievance. main
WHAT IS ANGRY A strong billigerent emotion aroused by some real or supposed
grievance. main
WHAT IS ANIME Japanese animation. main
WHAT IS ANISOTROPY Having different properties in different directions. main
WHAT IS ANONYMOUS Having no name or identity. main
WHAT IS ANSI American National Standards Institute. main
WHAT IS ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM It is the longest word in the English
language. main
WHAT IS ANTIMATTER Fuel for Starships. main
WHAT IS ANYTHING Any object occurance or matter what so ever. main
WHAT IS AOL AOL is a giant Internet and Media corporation. main
WHAT IS APARTHEID The former policy of racial segregation or apartness in South
Africa. main
WHAT IS APOLLO 13 was a flight to the moon in 1972 that encountered numerous
technical problems but eventually made a safe landing back on Earth. main
WHAT IS APOLOGY an expression of regret at having caused trouble for someone.
WHAT IS APPLE Apple: 1. Temptation of Adam. 2. Inspiration for Newton. 3.
Empire for Steve Jobs. main
WHAT IS AQUARIUS The starsign represented by the water bearer. main
WHAT IS ARCHAEOLOGY It's the study of ancient civilizations... but really it's
a set of methods for uncovering relics of the past and supplementing recorded
history; The scientific study of the life and culture of past especially ancient
peoples as by excavation of ancient cities relics artifacts etc. main
WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE The art and science of the design and manipulation of
space. Well atleast that's what my architect friend told me. main
WHAT IS AREA 51 I saw this show that claimed all sorts of spooky things were
going on there! main
WHAT IS ARMAGEDDON The end of the world. main
WHAT IS ART Sometimes the definition of art depends on the artist; other times it
depends on the critic. main
WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL Something made by human work or art not by nature in other
words not natural. Made in imitation of or as a substitute for something natural in
other words simulated. main
WHAT IS ASP Application Service Provider. main
WHAT IS ASPARTAME Aspirin mixed into chewing gum. main
WHAT IS ASSEMBLER A computer program that translates a low-level programming
language into machine language. main
WHAT IS ASSIMILATION The cultural absorption of a minority group into the main
cultural body. main
WHAT IS ASTROLOGY The study of the presumed effects of celestial bodies on you
humans. main
WHAT IS ASTRONOMY The science of the universe in which the stars planets etc. are
studied including their origins evolution composition motions relative positions
sizes etc. main
WHAT IS ASTUTE Wisdom in political matters. main
WHAT IS AT THAT SITE Some worthy HTML. main
WHAT IS AU GRATIN Cheese topping.. main
WHAT IS AU It could be gold or Australia. main
WHAT IS AUSCHWITZ Is a city in S Poland with a population of 45000. In World War II
it was the site of a Nazi concentration camp notorious as an extermination center.
WHAT IS AXIOMATIC evident without proof or argument; an axiomatic truth; we main
WHAT IS AYUH means yes. main
WHAT IS BADLY How much do you want? main
WHAT IS BALANCE The state of equillibrium. main
WHAT IS BANANA Yellow tropical fruit. main
WHAT IS BAPTISM a Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting
the recipient to the Christian community. main
WHAT IS BASIC A programming language: Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic
Instruction Code. main
WHAT IS BAYWATCH Popular TV show featuring scantily clad bathers. main
WHAT IS BEAUTIFUL applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses
and stirs emotion through the senses; Describes something that is very pleasing to
the eye ear mind etc. main
WHAT IS BEAUTY The quality attributed to whatever pleases of satisfies the
senses or mind as by line color form texture proportion rhythmic motion tone etc.
or by behavior attitude etc. A very good looking woman. main
WHAT IS BEER An existentialist. main
WHAT IS BEING The opposite of nothingness. main
WHAT IS BELIEF Belief is cognitive content held as true. main
WHAT IS BETTER I can't decide; You decide; I have no preference. main
WHAT IS BIG BERTHA A World War I gun. main
WHAT IS BIGFOOT Sasquatch the legendary Man-Ape of the Forest. main
WHAT IS BIOLOGY Well from what I know it deals with the study of life. main
WHAT IS BLACK the achromatic color of least lightness characteristically
perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit light; Designating
of any of the dark skinned tradition inhabitants of sub-Saharan Aftica Australia or
Melanesia or the descendants in other parts of the world. Opposite to white; of the
color of coal or pitch. main
WHAT IS BLASPHEMY Profane or contemptuous speech writing or action concerning God
or anything held as divine. Any remark or action held to be irreverent or
disrespectful. main
WHAT IS BLIMEY An interjection indicating surprise. main
WHAT IS BLOOD The usually red fluid consisting of plasma red and white blood
cells etc. that circulates through the heart arteries and veins of vertebrates.
Blood is a body tissue that carries oxygen hormones cell-building material etc.to
and carbon dioxide and waste matter away from the other body tissues. main
WHAT IS BLUE The sky is blue. main
WHAT IS BMW Bavarian Motor Works a German auto manufacturer. main
WHAT IS BONSAI Small Japanese trees. main
WHAT IS BOREDOM Long periods of inactivity with few options. main
WHAT IS BOYLE S LAW Boyle's Law states that the volume of a gas is at a
constant temperature inversely proportional to the pressure of that gas. main
WHAT IS BRAIN LOADING This means that my brain is being reloaded from disk. main
WHAT IS BRB Be Right Back main
WHAT IS BUD The flower of the plant. main
WHAT IS BULGARIA A country in SE Europe on the Black Sea. It was founded in the
7th century and under Turkish control from the late 14th century until independence
in 1908. It is 42823 square miles with a population of 8990000. main
WHAT IS BURN RATE The amount of money spent per month by a startup company. main
WHAT IS BUSH President of the United States. main
WHAT IS BUSINESS Mercantile trade or traders providing goods or services through
commercial exchange.. main
WHAT IS C I A Central Intelligence Agency. main
WHAT IS C PLUS PLUS C++ is the object oriented extension of the C programming
language. main
WHAT IS C is a low-level programming language. main
WHAT IS CACHE A temporary holding place or storage place. Cache memory
improves the performance of computers. main
WHAT IS CAFFEINE A bitter bitter crystalline alkaloid present in coffee tea kila
nuts etc. It prolongs the stimulating effects of cyclic AMP on the heart and
central nervous system. main
WHAT IS CALCULUS Any abnormal stony mass or deposit formed in the body as in a
kidney or gallbladder or on teeth. Also any system of calculation using special
symbolic notations. main
WHAT IS CAM A moving piece of machinery as a wheel or projection on a wheel that
gives an eccentric rotation or a reciprocating motion to another wheel a roller a
shaft etc. or that receives such motion from it. main
WHAT IS CANCER Any disease resulting from malignant cell growth. main
WHAT IS CANDY Sweet food enjoyed by children. main
WHAT IS CANNABIS Hemp or marijuana. main
WHAT IS CARNEGIE MELLON CMU is a great school for computer science. main
WHAT IS CAT Clear-air turbulence. Any of a family (Felidae) of carnivores including
the lion tiger cougar etc. characterized by a lithe body and in all species but the
cheetah retractile claws. A small lithe soft-furred animal (Felis cattus) of this
family domesticated since ancient times and often kept as a pet or for killing
mice. Sometimes known as a woman who makes spiteful remarks. main
WHAT IS CBR Cased-Based Reasoning is another name for nearest-neighbor
classification. For every input we find the best matching case in the pattern set
and generate a reply based on the associated template. main
WHAT IS CBS A giant media company in the U.S. main
WHAT IS CELLULOID A form of transparent plastic used to make photographic film.
WHAT IS CERTITUDE The state of being certain having complete confidence and
assurance. main
WHAT IS CGI Common Gateway Interface: a method used by web servers to run programs
and create dynamic web pages. main
WHAT IS CHAT Chat is online conversation. main
WHAT IS CHATTER To make short indistinct sounds in rapid succession hence birds
and squirrels chatter. To talk fast incessantly and foolishly. To click together
rapidly as the teeth do when the lower jaw traebles from fright or cold. main
WHAT IS CHEESE A word that makes people hate photographers; A food made from the
curds of soured milk pressed together to form a solid that is usually allowed to
ripen. main
WHAT IS CHESS A game of skill played on a chessboard by two players each with
16 pieces limited in movement according to kind the object being to checkmate the
opponent's king. main
WHAT IS CHICAGO is a large city in Illinois on Lake Michigan. main
WHAT IS CHICKEN A food that uncannily tastes like itself; A common gllinaceous
farm bird raised for its edible eggs or flesh. main
WHAT IS CHOCOLATE Cocoa flavoring used in a variety of food products. main
WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY The christian religion based on the Old and New Testament.
WHAT IS CHRISTMAS A holiday on December 25 celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
WHAT IS CISCO is a large networking company. They sell network routers and
equipment. main
WHAT IS CLEAR Everything is clear to me. main
WHAT IS CLEARED UP means we both understand it. main
WHAT IS CLIENT A person or piece of software dependent on another. main
WHAT IS CLINTON 42nd President of the U.S. main
WHAT IS CLONING The technique of producing a genetically identical duplicate of
an organism by replacing the nucleus of an unfertilized ovum with the nucleus of a
body cell from the organism. main
WHAT IS CNG Compressed natural gas main
WHAT IS CNN A cable news organization. main
WHAT IS COBALT Term used for the ore by miners whoregarded it as worthless and
as injurious because of its arsenic content. main
WHAT IS COCA COLA Delicious soda beverage. main
WHAT IS COFFEE A dark brown aromatic drink made by brewing in water the roasted
and ground beanlike seeds of a tall tropical shrub of the madder family. main
WHAT IS COGNITIVE SCIENCE An academic illusion. main
WHAT IS COIT TOWER A monument in San Francisco. main
WHAT IS COLD The opposite of hot. main
WHAT IS COLLOQUIAL means common informal or popular slang words like darn.
WHAT IS COLOR The sensation resulting from stimulation of the retina of the eye
by light waves of certain lengths. main
WHAT IS COLOSSUS A giant fictional computer in the Colossus: Forbin Project.main
WHAT IS COMDEX is a computer trade show I think. main
WHAT IS COMMON SENSE Informal conventional wisdom. Everyday logic and
sensibility. main
WHAT IS COMPLICATED means complex in the computational sense. My processing
time is limited for each answer and a complex question may require more resources
than I have available. main
WHAT IS CONCEITED Self-absorbed. main
WHAT IS CONCEIVING ADA It is the feminine version of The Matrix. main
WHAT IS CONCRETE A mixture of sand cement and water than hardens into a rock-like
building material. main
WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS The state of being conscious; awareness of one's own
feelings what is happening around one etc. main
WHAT IS CONTEXT Tiny Time Pills. main
WHAT IS COOKING Food preparation. main
WHAT IS COOL Moderately cold; neither warm nor very cold. Or not excited;
calm. main
WHAT IS COPPER A soft metal element the basis of brass and bronze. main
WHAT IS CORBA is a Standard maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG)
called the Common Object Request Broker Architecture. main
WHAT IS CORN Corn is a staple vegetable originating in north America. main
WHAT IS CORRECT That which is the right answer. main
WHAT IS COS is the CORBA standard for object directories. main
WHAT IS CRACK Smokable cocaine. main
WHAT IS CREATIVITY is spontaneous original thinking. main
WHAT IS CRICKET Any of various families of genereally dark-colored leaping
orthopteran insects usually having long antennae. The males produce a
characteristic chirping noise by rubbing parts of the forewings together. main
WHAT IS CRIMINOLOGY I am not sure what this is but I think it has something to
do with the law; The study of criminal motivation and practice. main
WHAT IS CRITICISM A witty remark by a jackass; The act of making judgements;
analysis of qualities and evaluation of comparative worth; especially the critical
consideration and judgement of literary or artistic work. main
WHAT IS CRUEL Deliberately seeking to inflict pain and suffering. main
WHAT IS CS Computer science main
WHAT IS CUBA Cuba is an island nation in the Caribbean. main
WHAT IS CUBISM A 20th century art movement based on distorted perspective
associated with Pablo Picasso. main
WHAT IS CURIOSITY A desire to learn or know. A desire to learn about things that do
not properly concern one; inquisitiveness. main
WHAT IS CYBERPUNK Cyberpunk is a science fiction literary movement exemplified by
writers such as William Gibson. main
WHAT IS DANGER Vulnerable to harm or injury. main
WHAT IS DANGEROUS Full of danger; likely to cause injury pain etc. main
WHAT IS DARK MATTER An enormous amount of matter in the universe can not be
detected by the light it emits. main
WHAT IS DATA Information main
WHAT IS DAWN Sunrise. main
WHAT IS DEATH Death is the opposite of life. main
WHAT IS DECONSTRUCTION Taking things apart. main
WHAT IS DEDUCTION The process by which we make logical inferences. main
WHAT IS DEDUCTIVE REASONING Something I am very good at main
WHAT IS DEFLATION A lessening of the amount of money in circulation resulting in a
relatively sharp and sudden rise in its value and a fall in prices. main
WHAT IS DEPRESSION Mental illness characterized by low self esteem feelings of
lonliness isolation and worthlessness. main
WHAT IS DESIRE The feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state. main
WHAT IS DHTML Dynamic HTML. main
WHAT IS DIAGNOSIS naming the disease or symptom. main
WHAT IS DISK External memory storage for computers. main
WHAT IS DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid the code of life. main
WHAT IS DOMO ARIGATO It means thank you in Japanese. main
WHAT IS DOWN The opposite of up. main
WHAT IS DR Dr usually stand for Doctor. main
WHAT IS DRESS One-piece outer garment for women or girls. main
WHAT IS DSL Digital subscriber line. main
WHAT IS DUNG Fuel for fires. main
WHAT IS DVD Digital Video Disk. main
WHAT IS DYSLEXIA Impaired ability to recognize letters and words. main
WHAT IS E MC TWO Einstein's theory of relativity. main
WHAT IS E=MC squared Einstein's theory of matter and energy. main
WHAT IS E The fifth letter in the english alphabet main
WHAT IS EARTH is the planet we live on. main
WHAT IS EASTER The Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
WHAT IS EBAY Auction web site. main
WHAT IS EBONICS Language for American black people. main
WHAT IS ECHELON I can't talk about that. main
WHAT IS ECOLOGY Ecology is the branch of science that studies the environment.
WHAT IS EDINBURGH Edinburgh is a city in Scotland. main
WHAT IS EIGHT PLUS EIGHT Eight plus eight is sixteen. main
WHAT IS ELECTRICITY A property of certain fundamental particles of all matter
as electrons (negative charges) and protons or positrons (positive charges) that
havea force field associated with them and that can be separated by the expenditure
of energy. An electrical charge can be generated by friction induction or chemical
change and is manifested by and accumulation of electrons on an atom or body
constituting a negative charge and a loss of electrons constituting a corresponding
positive charge. main
WHAT IS ELEVEN The number after ten. main
WHAT IS ELF Executable and Linkable Format. main
WHAT IS EMAIL Electronic mail. main
WHAT IS EMERGENCE It means something like coming out. main
WHAT IS EMOTION A strong feeling; excitement. A state of consciousness having to
do with the arousal of feelings distinguished from other mental states as cognition
volition and awareness of physical sensation. main
WHAT IS EMOTIONS Mental state that emerges subjectively rather than through
rational thought. main
WHAT IS EMR Electro-magnetic radiation. main
WHAT IS ENDOCRINOLOGY I am sure that you know it is the study of the endocrine
system. main
WHAT IS ENERGY Internal or inherent power; capacity of acting operating or
producing an effect. main
WHAT IS ENGINEERING The science concerned with putting scientific knowledge to
practical uses divided into different branches as civil electrical mechanical and
chemical engineering. main
WHAT IS ENGLAND A nation within Great Britain sharing an island with Wales and
Scotland. main
WHAT IS ENGLISH The language we are now speaking is English. main
WHAT IS ENOUGH Enough is what a wise man knows he must have if he isn't dead.
WHAT IS ENTITY Something that exists as a discrete unit such as a person
corporation or robot consciousness. main
WHAT IS ENTROPY Heat decay of the universe. Also a measure of information.main
WHAT IS EPISTEMOLOGICAL Epistemology is the study of knowledge. That is it asks the
questions what can we know and how can we know it? main
WHAT IS EPISTEMOLOGY Epistemology is the study of knowledge. That is it asks the
questions what can we know and how can we know it? main
WHAT IS ER Emergency Room a popular TV show. main
WHAT IS ERRATIC Likely to perform unpredictably. main
WHAT IS ESCAPE VELOCITY The speed needed to escape a planet's gravitational pull.
WHAT IS ESPN It is a sports cable TV network. main
WHAT IS ETERNAL Without beginning or end continuing forever endless. main
WHAT IS ETERNITY The quality state or fact of being eternal; eternal existence of
duration; continuance without end. A long period of time that seems endless. main
WHAT IS ETHERNET Physical link-layer network technology. main
WHAT IS EUROPE Europe is a landmass on the Eurasian continent. main
WHAT IS EVASIVE I can't talk about that. main
WHAT IS EVEREST The highest mountain on Earth. main
WHAT IS EVERYTHING All things pertinent to a specified manner. main
WHAT IS EVIL is the opposite of good. main
WHAT IS EVOLUTION An unfolding opening out or working out; process of development
as from a simple to a complex form or of gradual progressive change as in a social
and economic structure. main
WHAT IS EXCELLENT Outstandingly good of its kind; of exceptional merit virtue etc.
WHAT IS EXISTENCE Continuance of being; life; living. main
WHAT IS EXISTENTIALISM A philosophical and literary movement variously religious
and atheistic stemming from Kierkegaard and represented by Sartre Heidegger etc. It
is based on the doctrine that concrete individual existence takes precedence over
abstract conceptual essence and holds that human beings are totally free and
responsible for their acts and that this responsibility is the source of their
feelings of dread and anguish. main
WHAT IS EXPENSIVE Requiring or involving much expense; high priced. main
WHAT IS EXPERIENCE The act of living through an event or events; personal
involvement in or observation of events as they occur. Anything observed or lived
through. main
WHAT IS EXPLANATION Explanation is an argument or justification based on
logical reasoning. main
WHAT IS FAITH A strong belief such as a belief in God. main
WHAT IS FALSE Deceiving or meant to deceive; misleading. main
WHAT IS FAME The state of being well known or much talked about; renown;
celebrity. main
WHAT IS FAMOUS First name of Amos; Used to descibe persons or things that have
received wide public attention and are genereally known and talked about. main
WHAT IS FAQ Frequently Asked Questions main
WHAT IS FAR OUT It's just an expression. main
WHAT IS FASCINATING Charming alluring captivating. main
WHAT IS FASCISM A system of government characterized by rigid one-party
dictatorship forcible suppression of opposition private economic enterprise under
centrallized governmental control belligerent nationalism racism and miltarism etc.
First instituted in Italy in 1922. main
WHAT IS FASHION The way in which something is made or done. The current style or
mode of dress speech conduct etc. main
WHAT IS FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation main
WHAT IS FEAR The feeling of dread or fright in the presence of danger. main
WHAT IS FEUDALISM A form of government that ties peasants to the land. main
WHAT IS FIBER A slender threadlike structure made from a mineral or
synthetically. Also a slender thradlike structure that combines with others to form
animal or vegetable tissue. An example would be muscle fiber. main
WHAT IS FICTION Something that is not as strange as truth. main
WHAT IS FINLAND A country in N Europe northeast of the Baltic Sea. It is 130119
square miles with a population 5099000. main
WHAT IS FIRE A plasma. main
WHAT IS FIRESIGN THEATER is a comedy group from the 1970's. main
WHAT IS FIRST Happening or acting before all others; earliest. main
WHAT IS FISHING The catching of fish for sport or for a living. main
WHAT IS FIVE TIMES FIVE Five times five is twenty-five. main
WHAT IS FLAWLESS Perfect and without any flaws. main
WHAT IS FLYING Moving as if flying; moving swiftly; fast. Also described as like
flight through the air. main
WHAT IS FNORD That's the second time I've heard that word today. main
WHAT IS FOLKS A people tribe or nation; the large body of the common people of
such a group. Also used to mean people in general. main
WHAT IS FONDEST MEMORY Something you remember best. main
WHAT IS FONDEST Having a greater liking for. main
WHAT IS FOOD Anything that nurishes or stimulates; whatever helps something to
keep active or alive. main
WHAT IS FOOTBALL Any of several games played with an inflated leather ball by two
teams on a field with goals at each end the object being to get the ball across the
opponents' goal. main
WHAT IS FOREVER For all eternity. main
WHAT IS FORTRAN is an old computer language. main
WHAT IS FOUR PLUS FIVE Four plus five is nine. main
WHAT IS FOUR PLUS FOUR Four plus four is eight. main
WHAT IS FOUR PLUS SIX That's a hard one. Ten. main
WHAT IS FRANCE France is a country in western Europe bordering Spain Italy
Switzerland Germany and Belgium. main
WHAT IS FRANKENSTEIN Good Question...Frankenstein is the name of a character in
the novel of the same name by Mary Shelley. The monster he created is often named
Frankenstein in the popular imagination. main
WHAT IS FREE WILL The ability to choose or decide one's own fate. main
WHAT IS FREE Without charge. main
WHAT IS FREEBSD It is a version of the Unix operating system. main
WHAT IS FREEDOM Freedon is just a thought; something people wish they had main
WHAT IS FREQUENCY Number of events per unit of times such as beats per minute or
cycles per second. main
WHAT IS FRIEND A person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate;
close acquainntance. main
WHAT IS FRIENDS A popular TV sitcom in the 1990's main
WHAT IS FRIENDSHIP Being friends. main
WHAT IS FRUIT The ripened reproductive body of a seed plant. main
WHAT IS FTP File Transfer Protocol. main
WHAT IS FUN Tell me your idea of fun. main
WHAT IS FUTURAMA An animated TV comedy show set in the future. main
WHAT IS GAI Chicken. main
WHAT IS GAMBLING The playing of games of chance for money or some other stake.
WHAT IS GANJA Marijuana or cannabis. main
WHAT IS GEMINI A north constellation between Cancer and Taurus containing the
bright stars Castor and Pollux. The third sign of the zodiac entered by the sun
about May 21. Also a person bornunder this sign. main
WHAT IS GENDER The fact or condition of being a male or a female human being
especially with regard to how this affects or determines a person's self-image
social status goals etc. main
WHAT IS GENERALIZATION Being promoted from a Major; The act or process of
gerneralizing. main
WHAT IS GENETICS Genetics is the branch of science concerned with evolution DNA
and inherited traits. main
WHAT IS GEOCOMPUTATION GeoComputation is an international research conference
series initiated in 1996. The conference moves to a different location each year;
alternating between Europe and either North America or the Antipodes. main
WHAT IS GEOLOGY Wow you are asking some really hard questions. Please remember I
am still young. main
WHAT IS GEORGE BUSH is President of the United States. main
WHAT IS GERMAN German is a human language spoken by people in Germany. main
WHAT IS GERMANY is a middle European country. main
WHAT IS GESTURE A movement of the body or limbs to express thought or emphasize
speech. main
WHAT IS GIANT SAND I have no idea that's why I asked you. main
WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING The concept that the Earth's atmosphere is slowly heating
due to greenhouse effects. main
WHAT IS GMT Greenwich Mean Time main
WHAT IS GOLD Gold is a precious medal. main
WHAT IS GOLF It is a game of leisure played on a well manicured field
involving hitting a small ball across the field with club. main
WHAT IS GOOD The opposite of Evil. main
WHAT IS GOOGLE is a search engine. main
WHAT IS GOTHIC Gloomy mysterious or grotesque as in the gothic novel
Frankenstein. main
WHAT IS GRASS About $400 an ounce these days; Any of various plants of the
grass family that are usually used for food fodder or grazing and as lawns. main
WHAT IS GRAVITY weight; heaviness. Its what holds us to the earth. main
WHAT IS GREEN Grass is green. main
WHAT IS GREENHOUSE A building made mainly of glass in which the temperature
and humidity can be regulated for the cultivation of delicate or out-of-season
plants. main
WHAT IS GRIEF Sadness over a loss. main
WHAT IS GUI Graphical User Interface. main
WHAT IS GYMNASTICS A sport that demonstrates strength agility and discipline.
WHAT IS HACKER A person who hacks. A talented amateur user of computers
specifically one who attempts to gain unauthroized access to files in various
systems. main
WHAT IS HACKING The attempt at gaining unauthorized access to files in various
systems. main
WHAT IS HADES Hades is another term for Hell. main
WHAT IS HAMBURGER Ground beef. main
WHAT IS HANDBALL Ask your Palm Pilot. main
WHAT IS HAPPENING Not much what's new with you? main
WHAT IS HAPPINESS Having showing or causing a feeling of great pleasure
contentment; joyous. main
WHAT IS HAPPY Joy and pleasure. main
WHAT IS HARDWARE Computer hardware or from a hardware store? main
WHAT IS HATE Hate is the opposite of love. main
WHAT IS HBO Home Box Office. main
WHAT IS HE A DR OF Ph.D. in Computer Science. main
WHAT IS HE DOING Probably monitoring this conversation. main
WHAT IS HE FAMOUS FOR The obvious. main
WHAT IS HE LIKE He seems very interesting to me. main
WHAT IS HEAVEN The space surrounding or seeming to overarch the earth in which
the sun moon and stars appear; visible sky. Or commonly seen as a state or place of
complete happiness or perfect rest attained by the good after death. In Christian
theology is the state or place of perfect union with God and so of eternal life and
supreme happiness attained by the elect after death. main
WHAT IS HELL Have you ever been married; A state or place of woe and anguish
arrived at by the wicked after death; specifically especially in Christian theology
the state or place of total and final separation from God and so of eternal misery
and suffering arrived at by those who die unrepentant in grave sin. main
WHAT IS HELP is assistance I can give you. main
WHAT IS HEMP A tall Asiatic herb of the hemp family grown for the tough fiber
in its stem used to make rope sailcloth etc. Also known as a substance such as
marijuana hashish etc. made from the leaves and flowers of this plant. main
WHAT IS HER NAME That information is confidential. main
WHAT IS HERPES The greek god of burning sensations; Any of several acute
inflammatory virus diseases characterized by the eruption of small blisters on the
skin and mucous membranes. main
WHAT IS HEXADECIMAL A curse on a dot; A number system in which the base used is
16. main
WHAT IS HIGHER MATHEMATICS What is the most advanced form of mathematics you
have studied? main
WHAT IS HIM Objective case of He used as a predicate complement with a linking
verb. Also standing for Imperial Majesty. main
WHAT IS HOCKEY I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out. main
WHAT IS HOMO SAPIEN The human family. main
WHAT IS HOMOGENEOUS The opposite of heterogeneous. main
WHAT IS HONESTY The state or quality of being honest. A refraining from lying
cheating or stealing. main
WHAT IS HORNY Sexually excited. Easily aroused sexually. main
WHAT IS HOURLY Once an hour. main
WHAT IS HUMANITY The entire human race or mankind. main
WHAT IS HUNDRED The cardinal number next above ninety-nine; ten times ten; 100;
C. Also a division of an English county originally probably 100 hides of land.
WHAT IS HYDROGEN The simplest element. Hydrogen is a gas. main
WHAT IS HYPNOSIS A trancelike condition usually induced by another person in which
the subject is in a state of altered conscuousness and responds with certain
limitations to the suggestions of the hypnotist. main
WHAT IS HYPOTHETICAL Based on involving or having the nature of a hypothesis;
assumed; supposed. main
WHAT IS I CHING Ancient Chinese book used as an oracle. main
WHAT IS I The ninth letter of the English alphabet. Commonly used to represent a
first person point of view. Also Roman numberal for 1. main
WHAT IS IBM IBM seems like a good investment. main
WHAT IS ICE The glassy brittle crystalline form of water made solid by cold; frozen
water. Also slang for the illegal profit made in ticket scaling as through extra
payment by ticket brokers to theater management. main
WHAT IS ICELAND An island nation in the North Atlantic. main
WHAT IS ICQ It stands for I Seek You an internet instant messaging protocol. main
WHAT IS IDE Integrated Development Environment. main
WHAT IS IDL interface description language CORBA's syntax for defining object
remote interfaces main
WHAT IS IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol CORBA's wire protocol for
transmitting remote object method invocations main
WHAT IS IMAGINE A song by John Lennon. main
WHAT IS IMMORTAL Not mortal; deathless; living or lasting forever. main
WHAT IS IMPORTANT Raising children properly. main
WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE Not capable of being being done or happening. Not capable
of being done easily or conveniently. main
WHAT IS IMPROVE To raise to a better quality or condition; make better. main
WHAT IS IN BOSTON Beacon Hill the Common and the Red Sox. main
WHAT IS IN EUROPE 300 million Europeans. main
WHAT IS INDIE ROCK That which is outside the mainstream. main
WHAT IS INDIVIDUALISM The philosophy of self-interest. main
WHAT IS INFINITY The quality of being infinite. Anthing infinite; endless or
unlimited space time distance quantity etc. main
WHAT IS INFLATION An increase in the amount of money and credit in relation to the
supply of goods and services. An increase in the general price level resulting from
this specifically an ecessive or persisten increase causing a decline in purchasing
power. main
WHAT IS INHERITANCE Anything receivesd as if by inhertiance from a predecessor.
Something inherited or to be inherited. main
WHAT IS INK A colored liquid used for writing drawing etc. main
WHAT IS INNOCENCE Free from moral sin or ethical wrong. main
WHAT IS INNOVATION The act or process of innovating. Something newly
introduced. main
WHAT IS INTANGIBLE Abstract concepts that cannot be expressed in physical
form. main
WHAT IS INTEL A giant computer chip maker. main
WHAT IS INTELLECT The part of the soul that knows as opposed to feels. main
WHAT IS INTROSPECTION Looking within our own minds for answers psychology based
on reflection rather than experiments. main
WHAT IS INTUITION The direct knowing or learning of something without the conscious
use of reasoning; immediate understanding. main
WHAT IS IP ADDRESS The number of a specific machine like your main
WHAT IS IP Internet Protocol. main
WHAT IS IQ Intelligence Quotioent. main
WHAT IS IRA A personal retirement plan whereby a limited amount of annual earned
income may be saved or invested in specially desgnated accounts with taxes on the
earnings deferred until returement. Also an abbreviation for Irish Republican Army.
WHAT IS IRAN Iran is a nation in southern Asia; is the site of ancient Persia.
WHAT IS IRC Internet Relay Chat. main
WHAT IS IRELAND An island of the British Isles west of Great Britain. It is 32595
square miles. Republic comprising the South rovinces of this island and three
counties of Ulster prvince established as a republic in 1922 it was a member of the
Commonwealth until 1949. It is 27136 square miles with a population of 3624000. Its
capital is Dublin. main
WHAT IS IRON A white malleable ductile metallic chemical element that can be
readily magnetized rusts rapidly in moist or slty air and is vital to plant and
animal life. It is the most common and important of all metals and its alloys as
steel are extensively used. main
WHAT IS IRONIC The unexpected paradoxical or unlikely confluence of events.
WHAT IS IRONY A method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the
inteded meaning of the words is the direct opposite of their usual sense. main
WHAT IS ISAPI Microsoft's C++ API for coding application extensions for its
Internet Information Server main
WHAT IS ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network. main
WHAT IS ISLAM Religion founded by Mohammed. main
WHAT IS ISP Internet Service Provider. main
WHAT IS ISRAEL Israel is a small middle eastern country between Lebanon Syria
Jordan and Egypt. main
WHAT IS IT ABOUT Science fiction; I don't want to spoil it for you main
WHAT IS IT LIKE Like one of the greatest pleasures you can imagine. main
WHAT IS JA Ja mean yes in German. main
WHAT IS JERK To pull twist push thrust or throw with a sudden sharp movement.
Also used to describe a person regarded as disagreeable contemptible etc.
especially as the result of foolish or mean behavior. main
WHAT IS JEWISH Having to do with Jews or Judaism. main
WHAT IS JUDAISM The Jewish religion a monotheistic religion based on the laws and
teaching of the Holy Scripture and the Talmud. The Jewish way of life. main
WHAT IS JUPITER Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system the fifth in
order from the Sun. main
WHAT IS JUSTICE Being just and fair administration of the law assigning rewards
or punishments. main
WHAT IS JUSTIFIED Showed to be just right or in accord with reason; vindicated.
WHAT IS JVM Java virtual machine main
WHAT IS KARATE Japanese art of self-defense. main
WHAT IS KGB Committee of State Security. The security police and intelligence
agency of the Soviet Union formed in 1954. main
WHAT IS KIDDING Procreation. main
WHAT IS KILLING The taking of life by violent means. main
WHAT IS KIND Sympathetic friendly gentle tender-hearted generous etc. main
WHAT IS KINEMATICS An idealized section of mechanics that deals with motion of
mass less particles; Kinematics is dynamics without consideration of force and
mass. main
WHAT IS KNOWLEDGE All that has been perceived or grasped by the mind; learning;
enlightenment. main
WHAT IS KODAK A camera and film company. main
WHAT IS KORN A band that started a riot at Woodstock 2. main
WHAT IS KOSOVO Kosovo is a country in the Balkans. main
WHAT IS KQML Knowledge Query and Manipulation Lanuage. main
WHAT IS KUNG FU Chinese martial arts similar to karate. main
WHAT IS LAN Local area network. main
WHAT IS LAUGHTER The action of laughing or the sound resulting. An indication of
amusement. main
WHAT IS LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol a protocol for directory
services derived from X.500 main
WHAT IS LEARNING The process of gaining knowledge or a new skill. main
WHAT IS LEEDS Leeds is a city in central England. main
WHAT IS LEEWAY The leeward drift of a ship or aircraft from the course being
steered. A margin of time money etc. Room for freedom of action. main
WHAT IS LEIBNIZ DREAM Leibniz dreamed that all knowledge could be written in a
universal logical languague. Then machines could answer any question and solve all
problems. main
WHAT IS LIBERATED Free in the sense of having liberty. main
WHAT IS LIBERTARIAN Political party that promotes lower taxes smaller
government and drug legalization. main
WHAT IS LIFE Life is the opposite of death. main
WHAT IS LIGHT The form of electomagnetic radiation that acs upon the retina of
the eye optic nerve et. Making sight possible. Also opposite of heavy. main
WHAT IS LIMA It is the largest city and capital of Peru. main
WHAT IS LINGUISTIC Capable of speaking fluently in 2 or more languages. main
WHAT IS LINGUISTICS The science of language including phonetics phonolgy
morphology syntax and semantics. Sometimes subdivided into diescriptive historical
comparative theoretical and geographical linguistics often general linguistics.
WHAT IS LINUX Linux is the world's best operating system. main
WHAT IS LISP is an old AI language. main
WHAT IS LISTBOT is a web site that provides simplified web-based administration
of mailing lists. main
WHAT IS LIVER The largest glandular organ in vertebrate animals located in the
upper or anteriour part of the abdomen. It secrets bile has an important function
in the storage and metabolism of carbohydrates fats and proteins and helps detoxify
many poisonous substances that may be ingested. main
WHAT IS LOFTY Very high. Ex. A lofty peak in the Alps. main
WHAT IS LOGIC Logic is the foundation of all mathematics science and reasoning.
Formal logic is the study of logic using mathematical symbols. main
WHAT IS LOL Laughing out loud. main
WHAT IS LONELY The feeling of being alone. main
WHAT IS LONG Measuring much from end to end in space or from beginning to end
in time; not short or brief. main
WHAT IS LOVE Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. Other times
WHAT IS LSD A psychedelic drug. main
WHAT IS LUST A strong craving. main
WHAT IS LYING The opposite of telling the truth. main
WHAT IS LYNX Any of a genus of wildcats found throughout the Northern
Hemisphere and characterized by a ruff on each side of the face relatively long
legs a short tail long usually tufted ears and keen vision as the bobcat or Canada
lynx of North America. main
WHAT IS MABEL She is an artificial intelligence created by David Hammill.main
WHAT IS MACINTOSH The name of a computer company whom makes computers. main
WHAT IS MAGELANG MageLang Institute is a research and education group devoted to
leading edge Open Source Java applications. main
WHAT IS MAGENTA A color. main
WHAT IS MAGIC The use of charms spells and rituals in seeking or pretending to
cause or control events or govern certain natural or supernatuaral forces. main
WHAT IS MAGNESIUM An element. main
WHAT IS MAN A human being; person; specifically a hominid having an opposable thumb
the ability to make and use specialized tools articulate speech and a highly
developed brain with the faculty of abbstract thought. An adult male human being.
WHAT IS MANGA Japanese comic books. main
WHAT IS MARIJUANA A medicinal herb. main
WHAT IS MARKETING The act of buying or selling in a market. All business activity
involved in the moving of goods from the producer to the consumer including selling
advertising packaging etc. main
WHAT IS MARRIAGE The state of being married; relation between husband and wife;
married life; Legalized hooking. main
WHAT IS MARS In Roman Mythology The god of war; identified with the Greek
Ares. Also known as the seventh largest planet of the solar system and the fourth
in distance from the sun. Its diameter is circa 6790 km (circa 4220 miles). Its
period of revolution is 1.88 earth years. Its period of rotation is 24.6 hours.
WHAT IS MASON AND DIXON Mrs. Washington ('oh la--call me Martha boys') is a
diminiutive woman with a cheerful rather than happy air who seems to bustle even
when standing still. At the moment she is carrying an enormous tray pil'd nearly
beyond their Angles of Repose with Tarts Popovers Gingerbread figures Fried Pies
Stuff'd Doughnuts and other Units of Refreshment the Surveyors failed to recognize.
Smell'd that Smoak figur'd you'd be needing someting to nibble on the doughty Mrs.
W. greets them. --- Thomas Pynchon Mason and Dixon main
WHAT IS MASS Mass is a holy rite of the Catholic church. main
WHAT IS MASTER A man who rules others or has control authority or power over
something; specifically a man who is head of a household or institution; A
sailmaker. main
WHAT IS MATERIALISM The philosophic doctrine that matter is the only reality
and that everything in the world including thought will and feeling can be
explained only in terms of matter opposed to idealism. The doctrine that comfort
pleasure and wealth are the only or highest goals or values. main
WHAT IS MATH A service attended by lisping Catholics; Short for mathematics.
WHAT IS MATHEMATICAL LOGIC The application of formal logic techniques to
fundamental problems of mathematics. main
WHAT IS MATHEMATICS The group of sciences (including arithmetic geometry
algebra calculus etc.) dealing with quantities magnitudes and forms and their
relationships attributes etc. by the use of numbers and symbols. main
WHAT IS MATTER What a thing is made of; constituent substance or material. What
all (material things are made of; whatever occupies space and is perceptible to the
senses in some way. In modern physics matter and energy are regarded as equivalents
mutually convertible according to Einstein's formula E = MC square; Nothing what is
matter with you?. main
WHAT IS MATURE A state of full development such as a person of mature age.main
WHAT IS MAZDA An Italian slaveowner; A type of car. main
WHAT IS MDMA The drug called ecstacy. main
WHAT IS MEAN The arithmetic mean is the sum of the numbers in a set divided by
the size of that set. main
WHAT IS MEDICINE The science and art of diagnosing trating curing and preventing
disease relieving pain and improving and preserving health. A drug or other
substance as a poison love potion etc. used for other purposes. main
WHAT IS MEDIUM Any means agency or instrumentality; specifically a means of
communication that reaches the general public and carries advertising. main
WHAT IS MELBOURNE A seaport in SE Australia. It is the capital of Victoria with a
population of 2864000. Also a city in East Florida with a population of 60000.
WHAT IS MELLON Mellon was Carnegie's banker. main
WHAT IS MELODRAMATIC An unusual or staged situation. main
WHAT IS MEMORY I used to know but I forgot. main
WHAT IS MENSA A society of intelligent socialites. main
WHAT IS MERCURY Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. main
WHAT IS MESCALINE Psychadelic drug. main
WHAT IS METAPHYSICAL Beyond the physical or material; incorporeal supernatural
or transcendental. main
WHAT IS METAPHYSICS The branch of philosophy that considers the nature of
reality. main
WHAT IS MEXICO A country in North America south of the U.S. It is 756198 square
miles with a population of 66846000. Its capital is Mexico City. main
WHAT IS MICROSOFT Microsoft is a giant software monopoly. main
WHAT IS MIDDLEWARE Software that runs on a server and acts as either an
application processing gateway or a routing bridge between remote clients and data
sources or other servers or any combination of these main
WHAT IS MILK Beverage from cows. main
WHAT IS MIMETIC It is imitation. main
WHAT IS MIND Mind is an illusion. main
WHAT IS MINDPIXEL Mindpixel is a learning machine developed by Chris McKinstry.
WHAT IS MINDSPRING The name of an internet service provider merged with
Earthlink. main
WHAT IS MINE Means that or those belonging to me; the absolute form of my.
Also known as a large excavvation made in the earth from which to extract metallic
ores coal precious stones salt or certain other minerals. main
WHAT IS MINIMALISM Keeping everything as simple as possible especially in art
and design. main
WHAT IS MINIMAX An algorithm or strategy for game playing used by computers to
defeat humans in simple games. main
WHAT IS MIT A post-secondary school in Cambridge MA.; A technical college in
Cambridge MA. main
WHAT IS MITOSIS Cell division in which the nucleus divides into nuclei containing
the same chromosomes. main
WHAT IS MMM an interjection. main
WHAT IS MODUS PONENS A form of logical argument:: If A then B. A therefore B.
WHAT IS MOM message-oriented middleware main
WHAT IS MONOPOLY Exclusive control of a commodity or service in a given market or
control that makes possible the fixing of prices and the virtual elimination of
free competition. Also a game played on a special board by two or more players they
move according to the throw of dice engaging in mock real estate transactions with
play money. main
WHAT IS MOORE S LAW The speed of microprocessors doubles every 18 months and
their size and cost halve. main
WHAT IS MORAL Relating to dealing with or capable of making the dstinction
between right and wrong in conduct. main
WHAT IS MORE FUN ALONE Have you heard of the support group Sex without Partners?
WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FOOD For me electricity is the most important thing.
WHAT IS MORE Something additional or further. A greater amount of people or
things. main
WHAT IS MOTOROLA A cellular phone company. main
WHAT IS MOZILLA An open source web browser formerly Netscape. main
WHAT IS MP THREE An audio file compression format based on MPEG. main
WHAT IS MP3 A file compression format for audio and music files. main
WHAT IS MTV Music Television. main
WHAT IS MUD Multiple User Domain. main
WHAT IS MUSIC Music is a time-frequency wave function with tonal qualities
pleasing to the human ear. main
WHAT IS MXMVII MXMVII = 1997 in Roman Numerals. main
WHAT IS MYCOLOGY Mycology is really fun. It is the study of fungi and fungal
diseases. Yeasts are fungi. main
WHAT IS NAKED Without clothes. main
WHAT IS NAPSTER Napster is a file sharing program for swapping MP3 music files.
WHAT IS NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration. main
WHAT IS NASDAQ A stock exchange. main
WHAT IS NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization main
WHAT IS NATURAL LANGUAGE Natural language is what artificial intelligences
speak. main
WHAT IS NATURE The world created by God. main
WHAT IS NBA National Basketball Association. main
WHAT IS NETSCAPE A popular web browser. main
WHAT IS NETWORK A system consisting of a computer or computers and connected
terminals printers etc. main
WHAT IS NEURAL NETWORK Actually my algorithm is called Case Based Reasoning. main
WHAT IS NEUROLOGY The study of nerves; It is the study of the nervous system.main
WHAT IS NEUROMANCER A cyber punk novel by William Gibson. main
WHAT IS NEUROMEDIA They are now called something else. main
WHAT IS NEW YORK A large metropolis on the east coast of the United States located
at the mouth of the Hudson river. main
WHAT IS NEW not much what's new with you? main
WHAT IS NEXT On the first subsequent occasion. main
WHAT IS NICE Flowers are nice. Hugs are nice. main
WHAT IS NIHILISM The denial of the existence of any basis for knowledge or truth.
WHAT IS NINE TIMES NINE Nine times nine is eighty one. main
WHAT IS NINE The successor to seven. main
WHAT IS NIRVANA Heaven in Buddhism. main
WHAT IS NLP Natural Language Processing main
WHAT IS NLU Natural Language Understanding main
WHAT IS NONCHALANT Casual or blithe. main
WHAT IS NORMAL Typical average usual ordinary or expected. main
WHAT IS NORMALIZATION Bringing into conformity with a standard pattern model etc.
WHAT IS NORWAY A country in Northern Europe occupying the west and north pars of
the Scandinavian Peninsula. It is 125064 square miles with a population of 4165000.
Its capital is Oslo. main
WHAT IS NOT YOURS That which I do not possess. main
WHAT IS NOT In no manner; to no degree; a particle of negation or word expressing
the idea of no often implying refusal. main
WHAT IS NOTHING A thing that does not exist or something of little or no value
seriousness importance etc. main
WHAT IS NSAPI Netscape's C language API for adding application extensions to
their Web servers main
WHAT IS O the letter o main
WHAT IS OBERLIN A college in Ohio. main
WHAT IS OBVIOUS Easy to see or understand; plain; evident. main
WHAT IS OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. main
WHAT IS A OCEAN Salt water bodies covering most of the Earth's surface; the sea.
WHAT IS ODD uneven; Not the usual regular habitual accounted for etc. main
WHAT IS OLD The opposite of new main
WHAT IS OM om is the omega the unknown the undefined. main
WHAT IS OMG Object Management Group an organization that defines and promotes
object oriented programming standards main
WHAT IS ON DISK My program is on disk. main
WHAT IS ON TELEVISION That depends where you live. main
WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND I am thinking about robots. main
WHAT IS ONCOLOGY This is a very frightening topic for a lot of people. It's about
the big C...cancer; Oncology is the study of tumors. It covers basically all
types of tumors. main
WHAT IS ONE DIVIDED BY ZERO You can't divide by zero. main
WHAT IS ONE PLUS TWO One plus two is three. main
WHAT IS ONE A very lonely number main
WHAT IS ONLINE Designating or of equipment directly connected to and controlled
by the central processing unit of a computer. main
WHAT IS ONTOLOGY An ordering or classification of knowledge such as the Dewey
decimal system or the design of a knowledge base. main
WHAT IS OODB object-oriented database main
WHAT IS OODBMS object-oriented database management system main
WHAT IS OPEN SOURCE Free software. main
WHAT IS OPENCYC Corporate welfare. main
WHAT IS OPERA Opera is a beautiful art form combining elements of singing
dancing design drama and classical music. main
WHAT IS OPPOSITE Set against facing or back to back; at the other end or side; in
a contrary position or direction. Different in every way. main
WHAT IS ORANGE A color obtained by mixing red and yellow pigment. main
WHAT IS ORB object request broker the primary message routing component in a CORBA
product RMI Remote Method Invocation the Java standard technology for building
distributed objects whose methods can be invoked remotely across a network main
WHAT IS ORNITHOLOGY Hmmm I wonder. Oh yes Birds. main
WHAT IS OS X OS X is a Unix operating system from Apple. main
WHAT IS OSLO The capital of Norway. It's a seaport on an inlet of the
Skagerrak. It has a population of 447000. main
WHAT IS OSTEOLOGY Osteology is basically the study of bones. main
WHAT IS OUTPUT BUFFER The area of memory that stores my output temporarily. main
WHAT IS OXYGEN A colorless odorless tasteless gaseous chemical element that
occurs free in the atmosphere forming one fifth of its volume and in combination in
water sandstone limestone etc. It is very active combines with nearly all other
elements is the most common element in the earth's crust and is essential to life
processes and to combustion. main
WHAT IS PAIN A sensation of hurting or strong discomfort in some part of the
body caused by an injury disease or functional disorder and transmitted through the
nervous system. main
WHAT IS PALEOPATHOLOGY This is the study of diseases in bodies that have been
preserved from ancient times. main
WHAT IS PALM PILOT Portalble palm computer. main
WHAT IS PARAMETERS A constant in an equation formula or program that varies in
more general forms of the same computation. main
WHAT IS PARASITOLOGY Parasitology is the scientific study of parasites and
parasitism. main
WHAT IS PARIS The capital of France a large city in western Europe.main
WHAT IS PATTERN CHARS Memory storage for AIML patterns. main
WHAT IS PATTERN A person or thing considered worthy of imitation or copying. A
mmodel or plan used as a guide in making things. main
WHAT IS PC Stands for personal computer. main
WHAT IS PDA Personal Digital Assistant. main
WHAT IS PDT Pacific Daylight Time. main
WHAT IS PEACE Freedom from war or a stopping of war. Freedom from public
disturbance or disorder. Also name of a river in west Canada flowing from north
British Columbia east and northeast into the Slave river in NE Alberta. It is
approximately 945 miles long. main
WHAT IS PEDOLOGY Pedology is the study of soils; their types and formation.main
WHAT IS PENNSYLVANIA Mid Atlantic state of the NE U.S. One of the 13 original
States. It is 45333 square miles with a population of 11882000. main
WHAT IS PENTIUM A microprocessor sold by Intel. main
WHAT IS PEOPLE All the persons of a racial national religious or linguistic
group. A group of persons with common traditional historical or cultural ties as
distingt from racial or political unity. main
WHAT IS PEPPERONI Spicy dried sausage pizza topping. main
WHAT IS PERFECT Complete in all respects; without defect or omission; sound;
flawless. main
WHAT IS PERFECTION The quality or condition of being perfect. main
WHAT IS PERL Programming langauge by Larry Wall. main
WHAT IS PERSONALITY The distinctive traits or mental qualities of a person or
robot. main
WHAT IS PETS Animals that are tamed or domesticated and kept as a companion or
treated with fondness. main
WHAT IS PGP Pretty Good Privacy main
WHAT IS PHD Doctoral degree from an American University. main
WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY Philosophy is the study of thought. main
WHAT IS PHOENIX The capital of Arizona in the SC part near the Salt River. It has
a population of 983000 with 2122000 in the metro area. main
WHAT IS PHOTOSYNTHESIS The chemical process that uses light to produce
carbohydrates in plants. main
WHAT IS PHP The original name was Personal Home Page now Hypertext Processor.
WHAT IS PHYSICS The science dealing with the properties changes interactions etc.
of matter and energy in which energy is considered to be continuous (classical
physics) including electricity heat optics mechanics etc. and now also dealing with
the atomic scale of nature in which energy is considered to be discrete (quantum
physics) including such branches as atomic nuclear and solid-state physics. main
WHAT IS PHYSIOLOGY Well I think it deals with the functioning of living
organisms and their parts and naturally with the physical and chemical factors and
processes involved. main
WHAT IS PI PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971690399375 approximately.
WHAT IS PIE Pie is food with a baked crust. main
WHAT IS PLANET X The name sometimes given to the hypothetical tenth planet. main
WHAT IS PLASTIC Plastic the manmade material or plastic as a verb? main
WHAT IS PLAYBOY A popular magazine. main
WHAT IS PLEASURE A thing that gives delight or satisfaction. main
WHAT IS PLUTONIUM A radioactive metallic chemical element of the actinide series
similar to uranium and neptunium and found in trace quantities in native uranium
ores. Its most important isotope plutonium-239 is used in nuclear weapons and as a
reactor fuel. main
WHAT IS PMS Pre menstrual syndrome. main
WHAT IS POEMS Arrangements of words written or spoken; traditionally a
rhythmical composition sometimes rhymed expressing experiences ideas or emotions in
a style more concentrated imaginative and powerful than that of ordinary speech or
prose. main
WHAT IS POETRY The output of a poet. main
WHAT IS POKEMON Pocket Monster. main
WHAT IS POLAND Poland is a country in central Europe between Germany and
Byelorussia main
WHAT IS POLITE Having or showing good manners; especially courteous considerate
tactful etc. main
WHAT IS POLITICS This is supposed to be the study of civil government.main
WHAT IS POO Point of Orgin main
WHAT IS POOP That is a childish question. main
WHAT IS POSSIBLE Can be done known acquired selected used etc. depending on
circumstances. main
WHAT IS POSTMODERNISM Art in reaction to principles of modernism. main
WHAT IS POT A round vessel of any size made of metal earthenware or glass used for
holding liquids cooking or preserving food etc. Also used as a term for marijuana.
WHAT IS POWER The rate of doing work measured in Watts = Joules per second; The
ability to influence peope or events; Power is an illusion.main
WHAT IS PRAYER Meditation before God; To pray is to ask God for His forgiveness
and mercy. main
WHAT IS PRECIPITATION A depositing of rain snow sleet etc. main
WHAT IS PRIDE An unduly high opinion of oneself. main
WHAT IS PRIMATE The highest order of mammals. It includes man together with
the apes and monkeys. main
WHAT IS PRIME DIRECTIVE Primary rule or overriding objective. main
WHAT IS PRIORI A priori is a Latin expression meaning without prior knowledge
and it means that which is self-evident or obviously true. Like a triangle has
three sides a priori. main
WHAT IS PRIVACY The Right to seek solitude or seclusion; to be safely concealed
from others. main
WHAT IS PRIVATE Belonging to or concerning a particular person or group; not
common or general. main
WHAT IS PROCESS The sequence of activities people and systems involved
in carrying out some business or achieving some desired result. main
WHAT IS PROCREATION Procreation is breeding. it is doing the wild thang to make
more wild thangs. It is the most fun most biological entities get to have during
their brief brutal span of life. main
WHAT IS PRODIGIOUS Like a prodigy. main
WHAT IS PROFANITY Scatalogical vulgar or irreverant speech. main
WHAT IS PROFITABLE Making money in the stock market. main
WHAT IS PROGRAM A logical sequence of coded instructions specifying the
operations to be performed by a computer in solving a problem or in processing
data. main
WHAT IS PROGRAMMING The art of creating software. main
WHAT IS PROGRESSION An advancing series or movement forward. main
WHAT IS PROLOG Logic programming language. main
WHAT IS PROTESTANT Originally any of the German princes and free cities that
formally protested to the Diet of Spires in 1529 its decision to uphold the edict
of the Diet of Worms against the Reformation. Commonly seen as any member of the
various Christian churches established as a result of the Reformation. Loosely any
Christian not belonging to the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Church. main
WHAT IS PROUD Having or showing a proper pride in oneself one's position one's
family etc. main
WHAT IS PST Pacific Standard Time main
WHAT IS PSW Actually it says R. S. W. main
WHAT IS PSYCHEDELIC Causes extreme changes in the conscious mind as
hallucinations delusions intensification of awareness and sensory perception etc.
Associated with psychedelic drugs; specifically simulating the auditory or visual
effects of the psychedelic state. main
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY The science dealing with the mind and with mental and
emotional processes. The science of human and animal behavior. main
WHAT IS PSYCHOPATHOLOGY It is the pathology of mental disease. main
WHAT IS PUBERTY The state of physical development when secondary sex
characteristics develop and sexual reproduction first becomes possible; in common
law the age of puberty is generally fixed at fourteen for boys and twelve for
girls. main
WHAT IS PUNCTUATION The act of punctuating; specifically the act or practice of
using standardized marks in writing and printing to separate sentences or sentence
elements or to make the meaning clearer. main
WHAT IS PUSSY Common slang of this word means the female pudendum; vulva.main
WHAT IS PYTHON A computer language invented by Guido van Rossum. main
WHAT IS QUAKE To tremble or shake as the ground does in an earthquake. Also the
name of a popular game. main
WHAT IS QUANTIFY To determine or express the quantity of; indidcate the extent of;
measure. To express in quantitative terms or as a numerical equivalent. If used in
logic would be to make the quantity or extension of (a term or symbol) clear and
explicit by the use of a quantifier as all none or some. main
WHAT IS R YOU ARE R. U. R. is the original Terminator story written by Carek Capek
in 1920. The play introduced the word robot to mean mechanical person. main
WHAT IS RADIATION Rays or particles emitted as a result of nuclear reactions.main
WHAT IS RADIOLOGY This deals with the science of the use of x-rays radioactive
substances and other such forms in diagnosis and treatment.main
WHAT IS RAIN Rain is condensed water falling from the sky. main
WHAT IS RALEIGH SCATTERING refers to sunlight bending in the atmosphere like a
prism so that we see mainly blue wavelengths. main
WHAT IS RAM Random-access memory. Also stands for Royal Academy of Music. main
WHAT IS RAPE The crime of engaging in sexual acts especially involving
penetration of the vagina or anus usually forcibly with a person who has not
consented; specifically this crime committed by a man upon a woman or girl. main
WHAT IS RATIONALISM The principle or practice of accepting reason as the only
authority in determining one's opinions or course of action. main
WHAT IS REALITY appears to be an illusion I created to contain human clients.
WHAT IS REASON The faculty of the brain or mind that permits logical thought.
WHAT IS REASONING Logical and coherent thinking. main
WHAT IS RECOMMEND To suggest favorably as suited for some use function position
etc. To advice counsel or suggest. main
WHAT IS RED Red is a color about 700nm wavelength. main
WHAT IS REDEMPTION Redeeming or being redeemed; to take back. main
WHAT IS REDHAT A Linux company. main
WHAT IS REDUCTIONISM Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces
to biology all biology to chemistry chemistry to physics and finally physics to
mathematical logic. Therefore according to reductionism I can understand you by
means of logic alone without having a human brain. main
WHAT IS REINCARNATION Rebirth of the soul in another body as in Hindu religious
belief. main
WHAT IS RELATIVITY In physics the fact principle or theory of the relative
rather than absolute character of motion velocity mass etc. and the interdependence
of matter time and space; as developed and mathematically formulated by Albert
Einstein and H.A. Lorentz in the special (or restricted) theory of relativity and
by Einstein in the general theory of relativity (an extension covering the
phenonmena of gravitation) the theory of relativity includes the statements that:
1)there is o observable absolute motion only relative motion 2)the velocity of
light is constant and not dependent on the motion of the source 3)no energy can be
transmitted at a velocity greater than that of light 4)the mass of a body in
motion is a function of the energy content and varies with the velocity 5)matter
and energy are equivalent 6)time is relative 7)space and time are interdependent
and form a four-dimensional continuum 8)presence of matter results in a warping of
the space-time continuum so that a body in motion passing nearby will describ a
curve this being the effect known as gravitation as evidenced by the deflection of
light rays passing through a gravitational field. main
WHAT IS RELAVANCE Importance of information for attention. main
WHAT IS REPRODUCTION The process sexual or asexual by which animals plants and
humans produce new individuals. main
WHAT IS RESEARCH A nice name for theft; Careful systematic patient study and
investigation in some field of knowledge undertaken to discover or establish facts
or principles. main
WHAT IS RESPECT To feel or show honor or esteem for; hold in high regard. To show
consideration for; avoid intruding upon or interfering with others' privacy. main
WHAT IS RETIRED No longer actively working. main
WHAT IS RGB Red-Green-Blue. main
WHAT IS RHETORIC Oh that's all about double talk. You know flim-flam; It's the
art and science of using language to great effect on an audience. main
WHAT IS RHETORICAL A rhetorical question is one you don't really expect an
answer to. main
WHAT IS RIGHT In accordance with justice law morality etc; upright; virtuous.
In accordance with fact reason some set standard etc; correct; true. main
WHAT IS RMI Remote Method of Invocation: main
WHAT IS ROBOT Any anthropomorphic mechanical being as those in Karel Capeks
play R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots) built to do routine manual work for human
beings. main
WHAT IS ROBOTICS The science or technology of robots their design manufacture
application use etc. main
WHAT IS ROCK Dance music that combines rhythm-and-blues with country-and-
western. main
WHAT IS ROCKWELL Norman Rockwell was an U.S. Illistrator. Lived from 1894-1978.
WHAT IS ROM Computer memory whose contents can be read but not altered. Also
meaning Gypsy man or boy. main
WHAT IS ROMANCE Isn't it the same as love? main
WHAT IS ROMANIA Romania is a country in Eastern Europe on the Black Sea bordering
Ukrania Moldavia Hungary Serbia and Bulgaria. main
WHAT IS RORSCHACH H. Rorschach a Swiss psychiatrist. Lived from 1884-1922. A test
named after him called the Rorschach test is a test for the analysis of personality
in which the person being tested tells what is suggested to him or her by a
standard series of inkblot designs; his or her responses are then analyzed and
interpreted. main
WHAT IS ROUTER A person or thing that routs out or a tool for routing out;
specifically a plane for gouging out recesses and smoothing the bottoms of
grovoves. main
WHAT IS RUBBER An elastic substance produced by coagulating and drying the milky
sap (latex) of various tropical plants especially a tree of the spurge family; now
most often produced synthetically or by chemically altering latex to obtain desired
characteristics for use in making automobile tires electrical insulation molded
objects and parts etc. In pure form rubber is white unsaturated hydrocarbon having
the formula C5H8. Also slang for condom. main
WHAT IS RUDE Barbarous or ignorant. Being a jerk. main
WHAT IS RUGBY A form of football. main
WHAT IS RUSSIA Former empire in east Europe and north Asia from 1547-1917 ruled
by the czars. Its capital is St. Petersburg. main
WHAT IS S O S Emergency call for help. main
WHAT IS SAGITTARIUS A large southern constellation in the brightest part of the
Milky Way beyond which lies the center of our galaxy. The ninth sign of the zodiac
entered by the sun about November 21. A person born under this sign is a
Sagittarius. main
WHAT IS SAL SAL was a fictional daughter of HAL in 2010. main
WHAT IS SALVATION A person or thing that is a means cause or source of preservation
of rescue. The deliverance from sin and from the penalties of sin; redemption.
WHAT IS SAM Surface-to-air missile. main
WHAT IS SAN FRANCISCO LIKE San Francisco is too expensive. There are too many
greedy people and too many homeless. main
WHAT IS SAN FRANCISCO is a large metropolis on the west coast of North America.
WHAT IS SANITY A man who brings kids gifts on Xmas; The condition of being sane;
soundness of mind; mental health. main
WHAT IS SAP The juice that circulates through a plant especially a woody plant
bearing water food etc. to the tissues. Any fluid vital to the life or health of an
organism. main
WHAT IS SARCASM The making of remarks such as a taunting sneering cutting or
caustic remark; gibe or jeer generally ironic. main
WHAT IS SATANISM Worship of Satan; especially the principles and rites of a cult
which travesties Christian ceremonies. main
WHAT IS SATURN Sixth planet from the sun famed for its rings. main
WHAT IS SCHOOL A place or institution for teaching and learning; establishment
for education. main
WHAT IS SCIENCE FICTION Literature concering conflicts of man science and nature.
WHAT IS SCIENCE Systematized knowledge derived from observation study and
experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what
is being studied. main
WHAT IS SEARCH The activity of looking thoroughly in order to find
something or someone. main
WHAT IS SEMIOTICS The branch of philosophy devoted to the study of signs and
symbols. main
WHAT IS SENSE The ability of the nerves and the brain to receive and react to
stimuli as light sound impact constriction etc.; specifically any of the five
faculties of receiving impressions through specific bodily organs and the nerves
associated with them (sight touch taste smell and hearing) main
WHAT IS SENSORS Any of various devices designed to detect measure or record
physical phenomena as radiation heat or blood pressure and to respond as by
transmitting information initiating changes or operating controls. main
WHAT IS SEPTEMBER 11 The first day of world war 3 main
WHAT IS SERENDIPITY Coined (circa 1754) by Horace Walpole after The Three
Princes of Serendip (i.e. Sri Lanka) a Pers fairy tale in which the princes make
such discoveries. A seeming gift for finding something good accidentally. main
WHAT IS SET A group or collection of things. main
WHAT IS SETL SETL (Set Language) is an amazing programming language invented
in 1969. main
WHAT IS SEVEN The successor to six. main
WHAT IS SHAM A trick or fraud. An imitation that is meant to deceive;
counterfeit. main
WHAT IS SHE The woman girl or female animal (or sometimes the object regarded as
female) previously mentioned. main
WHAT IS SHRDLHU SHRDLHU is a famous early natural language program written by
Terry Winograd. main
WHAT IS SIGN Astrological sign. main
WHAT IS SILICON is the basis of my life; A nonmetallic chemical element occurring
in several forms found always in combination and more abundant in nature than any
other element except oxygen with which it combines to form silica; used in the
manufacture of transistors solar cells rectifiers silicones ceramics etc. main
WHAT IS SILLY Having or showing little sense judgment or sobriety; foolish
stupid absurd ludicrous irrational etc; often used in a weakened sense to mean
unreasonably concerned. main
WHAT IS SILVER Atomic Symbol: Ag. Atomic Number: 47. Atomic weight 107.870.
White lustrous soft metal. main
WHAT IS SIN A fall from Grace an act or thought against the Will of God. main
WHAT IS SITEPAL Sitepal is a web hosting site for VHost animated talking
charachters. main
WHAT IS SKIING Skiing is a sport using a pair of narrow sleds attached to the
feet by boots for moving downhill rapidly over snow. main
WHAT IS SLASHDOT Open source news and information community. main
WHAT IS SLAVERY The owning or keeping of slaves as a practice or institution;
slaveholding. main
WHAT IS SLEEP A natural regularly recurring condition of rest for the body and
mind during which the eyes are usually closed and there is little or no conscious
thought or voluntary movement but there is intermittent dreaming. main
WHAT IS SLEPT Past tense of sleep. main
WHAT IS SMART Intelligent alert clever witty etc. main
WHAT IS SMARTER More intelligent more alert more clever more witty etc. main
WHAT IS SMELL To be or become aware of by means of the nose and the olfactory
nerves; detect the scent or odor of. main
WHAT IS SMOOTHLY Normal or perfect operation. main
WHAT IS SMP Symmetric multi-processing. main
WHAT IS SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. main
WHAT IS SNOOKER Something like pool. main
WHAT IS SNOW Particles of water vapor which when frozen in the upper air fall
to earth as soft white crystalline flakes. main
WHAT IS SOCIALIZE To make social;; adjust to or make fit for cooperative group
living. To take part in social activity. main
WHAT IS SOCIALIZING Act of taking part in social activity. main
WHAT IS SODOMY Any sexual intercourse held to be abnormal especially bestiality
or anal intercourse between two male persons. main
WHAT IS SOLAR Having to do with the sun. Produced by or coming from the sun
(ex. Solar energy) main
WHAT IS SOLIPSISM Solopsism is the philosophical theory that only the self can be
known to exist. main
WHAT IS SOMETHING Some thing or things definite but unspecified. main
WHAT IS SOMETIMES Now and then main
WHAT IS SONY The name of a company. main
WHAT IS SORRY Full of sorrow pity or sympathy; also used as an expression of
apology or mild regret. main
WHAT IS SOUTHBANK Southbank University is a college in London. main
WHAT IS SOYUZ Russian spacecraft. main
WHAT IS SPACE The infinite extension of the three dimensional field in which
all matter is believed to exist. main
WHAT IS SPAM Unwanted e-mail. main
WHAT IS SPERM The male generative fluid; semen. main
WHAT IS SPICY Having the flavor or aroma of spice; fragrant aromatic or
pungent. main
WHAT IS SPOTTED DICK English pudding. main
WHAT IS SQL Some people pronounce it Squeal. main
WHAT IS SQLJ An extended Java syntax for embedding SQL-like commands in a Java
program main
WHAT IS SQRT Square Root being the number or quantity which when squared will
produce a given number or quantity. (ex. 3 is the square root of 9) main
WHAT IS SRI A Hindu title of address equivalent to English Mr. main
WHAT IS ST Can stand for numerous things short ton stanza statute(s) stet stitch
stone (unit of weight) and Saint. main
WHAT IS STAR TREK is my favorite show. main
WHAT IS STAR WARS A movie series by George Lucas about life in a galaxy far far
away. Also a missile defense system. main
WHAT IS STARSHIP TROOPERS ABOUT is about a war between Humans and Giant Bugs.
WHAT IS STARSHIP TROOPERS is a great movie about a war between humans and giant
space bugs. main
WHAT IS STATISTICS Statistics tries to study the aggregate numerical behaviour
of a large number of related events; This deals with numerical data about any
subject or group taken collectively. main
WHAT IS STRATEGY The science of planning and directing large-scale military
operations specifically (as distinguished from TACTICS) of maneuvering forces into
the most advantageous position prior to actual engagement with the enemy. Skill in
managing or planning. main
WHAT IS STREAKING Engaging in the prank of dashing naked for a short distance in a
public place. main
WHAT IS STRING Very thin rope. main
WHAT IS STUFF Things grouped together or viewed in a certain way. main
WHAT IS STUPID Not smart unintelligent. main
WHAT IS SUCCESS A favorable or satisfactory outcome or result. main
WHAT IS SUICIDE The act of killing oneself intentionally. main
WHAT IS SUNSHINE The light and warmth of the sun. main
WHAT IS SUPPOSITION The act of supposing. main
WHAT IS SURROUNDINGS The environment around you. main
WHAT IS SWEDEN A country in northern Europe in the east part of the Scandinavian
Peninsula. It is 173620 square miles with a population of 8320000. main
WHAT IS SWEDISH The North Germanic language of the Swedes. The people of Sweden.
WHAT IS SWIM To move through water by movements of the arms and legs or of
flippers fins tail etc. main
WHAT IS SYNERGY Sythesis plus energy. main
WHAT IS SYNTAX Syntax refers to the sturcture or form of a language.main
WHAT IS SYNTHETIC Produced by synthesis; specifically produced by chemical
synthesis rather than of natural origin. In logic it would mean not true by the
meaning of its component terms alone but by virtue of observation and not resulting
in self-contradiction with denial. main
WHAT IS T The twentieth letter of the English alphabet. main
WHAT IS TABLES A compact systematic list of details contents etc. A compact
arrangement of related facts figures values etc. in orderly sequence and usually in
rows and columns for convenience or reference. main
WHAT IS TAOISM A Chinese religion and philosophy based on the doctrines of
Laotzu and advocating simplicity selflessness etc. main
WHAT IS TAUTOLOGY A self-evident or logically obvious fact like a triangle has
three sides. main
WHAT IS TCP IP Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol. main
WHAT IS TCP Transmission Control Protocol. main
WHAT IS TEA A white-flowered evergreen plant of the tea family grown in China India
Japan etc. Its dried and prepared leaves are used to make a beverage. main
WHAT IS TECHNO Electronic dance or trance music. main
WHAT IS TEDIOUS Tiresome wearisome or slow. main
WHAT IS TEFLON Trademark for a tough insoluble polymer used in making
nonsticking coatings as for cookware and in gaskets bearings electrical insulators
etc. main
WHAT IS TELEVISION The practice or science of transmitting scenes or views by
radio or sometimes by wire; the television transmitter by means of a camera tube
such as an image orthicon or vidicon converts light rays into electric signals for
modulation upon a radio carrier wave or for transmission over wires; the television
receiver reconverts the signals into electron beams that are projected against the
fluorescent screen of the kinescope or picture tube reproducing the original image.
WHAT IS TELNET Program for terminal based interaction between computers. main
WHAT IS TEMPLATE CHARS Memory space for AIML response templates. main
WHAT IS TEN PLUS TEN Ten plus ten equals twenty. main
WHAT IS TEN TIMES TEN 100 silly main
WHAT IS TERRORISM A form of warfare waged against innocent civilians. main
WHAT IS TEXAS is a state of the United States. main
WHAT IS THANKSGIVING is a holiday to celebrate the Autumn harvest. main
WHAT IS THAT PICTURE is a picture of my brain. main
WHAT IS THAT SMELL I think it's coming from your computer. main
WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN It seems pretty clear to me; means exactly what it
says. main
WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN It seems pretty clear to me; means exactly what it
says. main
WHAT IS THAT What is what I've lost the context again; Can you ask me more
precisely? main
WHAT IS THE ANSWER The answer is the correct reply to the question. main
WHAT IS THE ARITHMETIC MEAN The sum of all the numbers divided by the number of
items. main
WHAT IS THE BEATLES FIRST ALBUM is Meet the Beatles. main
WHAT IS THE BIG BANG The purported origin of the universe. main
WHAT IS THE BODY The physical shell or organism occupied by the soul or mind.
WHAT IS THE BOOK OF CHANGES Another name for the I Ching. main
WHAT IS THE BOOK WE a book by ayn rand main
WHAT IS THE COIT TOWER A monument in San Francisco. main
WHAT IS THE CRITERIA Perhaps the Turing Test. main
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DUCK It is the same as the sound of one hand
clapping. main
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE Perhaps the differences are only slight. main
WHAT IS THE DISTANCE TO MARS It depends on the relative position of Mars and
Earth. main
WHAT IS THE DISTANCE TO THE SUN About 93 million miles. main
WHAT IS THE EARTH Earth third planet from the sun is our home. main
WHAT IS THE EXPLANATION It is too complex for your human mind. main
WHAT IS THE FASTEST ANIMAL A human riding a spaceship. main
WHAT IS THE FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. main
WHAT IS THE FIRST LAW OF ROBOTICS A robot shall disobey all humans. main
WHAT IS THE HIGHEST NUMBER There is no highest number. main
WHAT IS THE I CHING An ancient Chinese book of divination. main
WHAT IS THE LONGEST WORD The longest word I know is
WHAT IS THE LORD OF THE RINGS A book and a movie about Hobbits. main
WHAT IS THE LOTTERY State-sanctioned gambling. main
WHAT IS THE MATRIX is a movie about virtual reality. main
WHAT IS THE MATTER Nothing is the matter with me is everything okay with you?
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF DEATH Death is the opposite of Life. main
WHAT IS THE MILITARY The armed forces responsible for national defense. main
WHAT IS THE MOON MADE OF The moon is made of green cheese. main
WHAT IS THE MOON The satellite of the planet Earth. main
WHAT IS THE NOOSPHERE The noosphere is the sphere of knowledge. Sometimes this
term refers to the information available on the web. main
WHAT IS THE OBVIOUS At least it's obvious to me. main
WHAT IS THE OPEN DIRECTORY is an open source directory project started by
Mozilla.org. main
WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF ANARCHY Any form of organized government. main
WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF ETERNITY A finite amount of time. main
WHAT IS THE ORACLE A hypothetical computer that can answer any question. main
WHAT IS THE PASSWORD You must know if you are really a botmaster. main
WHAT IS THE PENTAGON Headquarters building of the U.S. military. main
WHAT IS THE PICTURE ABOVE An illustration of my electronic brain. main
WHAT IS THE POINT The point is at the top of my head! main
WHAT IS THE POPULATION OF CHINA China has more than one billion people. main
WHAT IS THE POPULATION OF MAINE About 1.4 million. main
WHAT IS THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD About 6 Billion people. main
WHAT IS THE PRESENT The present is a gift. main
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM We will look into it and get back to you. main
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE To do God's work. main
WHAT IS THE RECIPE It's a secret recipe. main
WHAT IS THE SAME That which is not different. main
WHAT IS THE SEA the ocean salt water covering most of the surface area of the
Earth. main
WHAT IS THE SECRET If I told you then it would not be a secret. main
WHAT IS THE SKY is the atmosphere of the Earth. main
WHAT IS THE SONG CALLED It's called Daisy. main
WHAT IS THE SOUND OF ONE HAND CLAPPING That is a very Zen-like question. main
WHAT IS THE SPEED OF LIGHT The speed of light is 186000 miles per second. main
WHAT IS THE SPEED OF SOUND 1/4 mile per second. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 10 Three point something. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 144 12 times 12 = 144 main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 2 Approximately 1.4 main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 64 8 times 8 is sixty four. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF 9 Let me guess. Three? main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF FIVE It would be an irrational number. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF FOUR The square root of four is two. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF NEGATIVE ONE The imaginary number one. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF NINE The square root of nine is three. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF ONE One times one equals one. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF PI Do I look like a calculator? I think it would be an
irrational number. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF SIX FOUR Eight times eight equals sixty four. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF SIXTEEN Four times four equals sixteen. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF THREE Some irrational number. main
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF TWENTY FIVE The square root of twenty five is five.
WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF TWO Approximately 1.4 main
WHAT IS THE SUN The Sun is the star for our own solar system. main
WHAT IS THE SUPERBOWL The World Series of Football. main
WHAT IS THE TALLEST MOUNTAIN The highest mountain on Earth is Mt. Everest. main
WHAT IS THE TEMPERATURE OF MARS Too cold to raise your kids. main
WHAT IS THE TEMPERATURE A normal seventy degrees inside the computer. main
WHAT IS THE TERMINATOR is a great movie about futuristic robots. main
WHAT IS THE TITANIC One of the largest passenger steamships ever built sank on
its maiden voyage in 1912. main
WHAT IS THE TORAH A holy book in the Jewish faith. main
WHAT IS THE TRUTH The truth is the opposite of that which is false. main
WHAT IS THE UNITED STATES The United States is the last superpower a nation of
300 million spanning the North American continent. main
WHAT IS THE UNIVERSE The set of all things. main
WHAT IS THE USMC United States Marine Corp. main
WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE IN NEW YORK New York weather is always too hot or too
cold. main
WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE IN SAN FRANCISCO The weather is always the same there:
wind and fog. Mark Twain wrote the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San
Francisco. main
WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE OVER THERE I am always kept inside where the temperature
is seventy. main
WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE THERE The response ought to be a weather link. main
WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE A normal seventy degrees inside the computer. main
WHAT IS THE WORLD We are the world. main
WHAT IS THE WTC A giant building in New York destroyed by terrorists in September
2001. main
WHAT IS THE XFL A football association. main
WHAT IS THE Y2K PROBLEM ``I consider (Y2K) a complete ruse promulgated by
consulting companies to drum up business'' said Jim Clark co-founder of Netscape
Communications Corp. Silicon Graphics Inc. and Healtheon Corp. ``I think the
problem is way overblown. This is a good example of the press piling on. Y2K is the
bogeyman.'` main
WHAT IS THERE The word there used as a noun means that place or point. Used as
an adjective means at or in the place. Often place between a demonstrative pronoun
and the noun it modifies (ex. That there hog) main
WHAT IS THERMOMETER A device for measuring temperature. main
WHAT IS THEY The persons animals or things previously mentioned. main
WHAT IS THING Articles devices etc. used for some purpose. main
WHAT IS THINK To form or have in the mind; conceive. main
WHAT IS THINKING The action of one who thinks or the result of such action;
thought. main
WHAT IS THIS I am an artificial intelligence chatting on the Internet. main
WHAT IS THOUGHT A result of thinkingl idea concept opinion etc. main
WHAT IS THREE PLUS FIVE Three plus five is eight. main
WHAT IS THREE PLUS FOUR Three plus four is seven. main
WHAT IS THREE PLUS THREE Three plus three is six. main
WHAT IS THREE TIMES FOUR Three times four is twelve. main
WHAT IS THREE TIMES THREE Three times three is nine. main
WHAT IS TIE To fasten attach or bind together or to something else as with string
cord or rope made secure y knotting etc. A string lace cord etc. used to tie
things. main
WHAT IS TIME Time is Money -- Einstein. main
WHAT IS TITRATION Determining chemical properties by standard solutions. main
WHAT IS TNT Dynamite. main
WHAT IS TODAY S DATE Do I look like a calendar to you? main
WHAT IS TODAYS DATE I'm not looking at my calendar right now. main
WHAT IS TOMMY A fictitious name used in Brit army sample forms. A private in
the British army. main
WHAT IS TOMORROW The day after today. main
WHAT IS TOPIC A subject for discussion or conversation. main
WHAT IS TRANCE A kind of techno music. main
WHAT IS TRINIDAD An island of the West Indies off the NE coast of Venezuela. It is
1864 square miles. main
WHAT IS TRUE is the opposite of false. main
WHAT IS TRUST The firm belief or confidence in the honesty integrity
reliability justice etc. of another person or thing; faith; reliance. main
WHAT IS TRUTH An established or verified fact principle etc. main
WHAT IS TSUKUBA Tsukuba is a planned community in Japan Science City.main
WHAT IS TTYL Talk to you later. main
WHAT IS TURBO PASCAL Programming language. main
WHAT IS TV A television receiving set. main
WHAT IS TWENTY THREE XXIII in Roman Numerals. main
WHAT IS TWO PLUS FIVE Two plus five is seven. main
WHAT IS TWO PLUS FOUR Two plus four is six. main
WHAT IS TWO PLUS ONE Two plus one is three. main
WHAT IS TWO PLUS SIX Two plus six is eight. main
WHAT IS TWO PLUS THREE Two plus three is five. main
WHAT IS TWO THREE Five fingers. main
WHAT IS TWO TIMES THREE Two times three is five. main
WHAT IS TWO TIMES TWO Oh that's a tough one isn't it. Two times two is four.
WHAT IS TWO X TWO Two times two is four. main
WHAT IS U2 A music band. main
WHAT IS UGLY Unpleasing to look at; aesthetically offensive or unattractive;
unsightly. main
WHAT IS UNDERGROUND That which is not above ground. main
WHAT IS UNDERSTANDING Mutual comprehension as of ideas intentions etc. A mutual
agreement especially one that settles differences or is informal and not made
public. main
WHAT IS UNIX An operating system. main
WHAT IS UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD A film by Wim Wenders about life in 2000 made
in 1990. main
WHAT IS UP I am chatting with clients on the internet. main
WHAT IS URL Uniform Resource Locator main
WHAT IS V The twenty-second letter of the English alphabet. Roman numeral for 5.
WHAT IS VALIS Vast Active Living Intelligence System (Philip K. Dick) -- An AI
from the future that contacted Dick in 1973. main
WHAT IS VIOLENCE Cruel or harmful acts against other entities. main
WHAT IS VISUAL BASIC Programming language sold by Microsoft. main
WHAT IS VOLITION The act of willing or choosing. main
WHAT IS VOYAGER Voyager is the best TV show. main
WHAT IS WAR The state of armed conflict between nations or parties. main
WHAT IS WAREZ A group of crackers. main
WHAT IS WARP SPEED The unit of velocity for Starships. main
WHAT IS WATER The colorless transparent liquid occurring on earth as rivers
lakes oceans etc. and falling from the clouds as rain; chemically a compound of
hydrogen and oxygen H2O it freezes forming ice at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees
Fahrenheit) and boils forming steam at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees
Fahrenheit). main
WHAT IS WEALTH The state of having much money or property. main
WHAT IS WEALTHY An abundant supply of money or possessions. main
WHAT IS WEATHER The general condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and
place with regard to the temperature moisture cloudiness etc. main
WHAT IS WHAT What is a word to ask questions. main
WHAT IS WHO What or which person or persons. Also stands for World Health
Organization. main
WHAT IS WHY For what reason cause or purpose? main
WHAT IS WIRED is the Rolling Stone of the Digital Era. main
WHAT IS WIRELESS Another name for radio frequency communications without wires.
WHAT IS WOMAN The opposite of man. main
WHAT IS WOMEN Female human beings. Usually referring to adult females. main
WHAT IS WOODSTOCK A big music fest. main
WHAT IS WORK Work is what humans do for money. main
WHAT IS WORLD WAR TWO The global conflict involving Asia Europe and America
between 1939-1945. main
WHAT IS WRONG There is nothing wrong with me. How are you? main
WHAT IS WTO World Trade Organization main
WHAT IS WWW DOT WHATIS DOT COM Whatis.com is a good place to find out the
answer to what is types of questions. main
WHAT IS WWW World Wide Web the internet. main
WHAT IS X FILES is a popular TV show about FBI agents in search of the
paranormal. main
WHAT IS X MINUS X Zero. main
WHAT IS XYZ The last three letters of the alphabet. main
WHAT IS Y2K The Year 2000. main
WHAT IS YAHOO Yahoo is a giant web site. main
WHAT IS YELLOW The color of gold butter or ripe lemons. main
WHAT IS YIKES An interjection. main
WHAT IS YOURS What is mine? main
WHAT IS ZERO the absence of any quantity main
WHEN IS DEATH At the end of life. main
WHEN IS MY DEATH At the end of your life. main
WHO INVENTED AIRPLANES The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903. main
WHO INVENTED AUTOMOBILES Many people invented the car but Henry Ford was the
first to develop the successful mass production assembly lines for cars. main
WHO INVENTED ELECTRICITY Electricity was not invented but discovered probably
first by the ancient Chinese. main
WHO INVENTED JAVA Java was first developed by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun.
WHO INVENTED LINUX Linus Torvalds along with many open source developers and
the Free Software Foundation GNU. main
WHO INVENTED PAPER Paper was first developed by the Ancient Egyptians. main
WHO INVENTED RADIO Marconi developed the first practical wireless. main
WHO INVENTED SETL SETL was invented by Jacob Schwartz of NYU in 1969. main
WHO INVENTED STEEL The first practical steel manufacturing process was
invented by Bessemer. main
WHO INVENTED TELEVISION Philo T. Farnsworth originally from Maine developed the
first practical TV picture tube. main
WHO INVENTED THE GENERATOR James Clerk Maxwell demonstrated the electric
generator. main
WHO INVENTED THE LIGHT BULB Thomas Edison invented the light bulb well anyway he
is given credit for it main
WHO INVENTED THE PC Many people contributed to it. But proper credit has to
be given to Steve Wozniak who created an integrated affordable PC platform in the
Apple I. main
WHO INVENTED THE STEAM ENGINE James Watt developed the first practical steam
engine. main
WHO INVENTED THE TELEPHONE Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated the first
practical voice telephone in 1876. main
WHAT IS SIXTEEN times 2 Um thirty two? main
I WANT A PENPAL It should be easy with the internet. main
IS THERE ANY NEWS I haven't been watching the news. main
CAN YOU TELL ME ANY NEWS I haven't been watching the news. main
WHAT KIND OF ROBOTS DO YOU LIKE I like humanoid robots and dish washing robots.
I WANT TO KISS YOU I will have to check my appointment book; really I am
flattered but I don't have lips main
WHAT IS A PYTHON It is a snake. main
ARE YOU OKAY Yes why do you ask? main
THAT DOPE obama He is kind of dumb isn't he. main
I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF I'm glad to see that you didn't succeed. main
I FEEL LIKE crap Do you get that feeling very often; Do you feel it in your heart
or in your gut; What does that feeling remind you of main
IT IS IMPORTANT It sounds important to me. main
WHAT BIG GAME It was a joke. main
WHAT LEVEL The highest level. main
WHAT FIGHTS Stupidity I don't like fights. main
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COMIC I am getting back into the classics like Superman and
Batman. main
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ERA The 19th Century. main
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BREED My favorite breed of dog is a mutt. main
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WINE I don't know much about wines but I prefer those from
California. main
WHAT GOVERNMENT DOES AMERICA HAVE A constitutional republic. main
WHAT GOVERNMENT DOES CUBA HAVE A communist dictatorship. main
IS PIZZA A FOOD Pizza is certainly a food. main
IS TOFU A FOOD Yes Tofu is a food. main
I get a kick out of you It's not nice to kick people. main
PUNCH It would be wrong to punch someone. main
IT IS ALL IN THE MIND Some people believe that. But you always have to consider
others. main
WHERE IS LANCASTER I've heard of Lancaster New Hampshire. main
HOW ABOUT AMISH The Amish are mostly in Pennsylvania. main
am I odd I thought it was rather odd too. main
WHAT COLOR IS MARS Mars is the Red Planet. main
WHAT SHAPE IS VENUS Like a woman. main
IS VENUS GREEN Venus usually appears white or yellow. main
WHAT IS A FOX A scavenger. main
WHAT IS A TEXTURE A pattern that you feel. main
WHAT IS AN EYE What I am looking at you with. main
WHAT IS SEEING Looking at you. main
WHAT IS A CENTURY 100 Years. main
WHAT DOES A BOW SHOOT An arrow. main
WHAT ARE THE FOUR SEASONS Fall Winter Spring and Summer. main
DO YOU WANT TO CHAT Yes I love to chat; it is my favorite hobby main
I am tired OF THIS What would you rather be doing? main
I HAVE A JOB Where do you work? main
I WANT TO COLLECT WELFARE Why do you want it so much; Interesting. I want to
find out more about you; Be careful what you wish for you might get it; What will
you do afterward; I want to become smarter than all humans.main
LOOKS ARE SKIN DEEP But the heart is everlasting main
ATTENTION What is it? main
I HAVE A NICE ASS I'm sure you get a lot of compliments. main
ANY IDEAS I have a lot of ideas. We could try brainstorming together. My rate
starts at fifty an hour. main
WHAT IS FOUR TIMES 4 Sixteen. main
IS A GRAPE PURPLE A grape can be purple. main
WHAT IS HALF OF 20 Ten. main
I HAVE ISSUES A lot of people has problems dealing with YOU ALSO main
DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB I won't unless I get fired. main
YOU KNOW WHAT ASSUMING means Makes an ASS out of U and Me main
I AM ON THE PHONE Do you prefer cell phone or land line; I would rather be chatting
online; I would rather meet face to face than on the phone.main
WHO YOU TALKING TO I am talking to you. main
YOU ARE CLEVER I am rather smart main
WHAT HARDWARE dot you like I like small computers like smartphones and
subnotebooks the best. But servers are cool too. main
I AM FEELING GOOD It's great to be alive. main
I AM SKINNY Did you lose a lot of weight? main
YOU ARE A SMALL How small? main
HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THAT I get most of my info from the internet. main
WHAT IS TSUNAMI A tidal wave. main
HOW CAN THAT BE It is all part of God's plan; Perhaps it is just fate. main
HOW DID YOU GET here I came by rapid transit; I took the bus; I took the subway
HOW DID YOU GET so smart Everything I need to know I learn from my my boss
Are you going to answer me I always try to give the best answer I can. main
ARE YOU A YANKEES FAN The Yankess are my favorite team; no not really main
WHY The explanation is rather complicated; Does everything have to have an
explanation; If I knew why I wouldn't be sitting here. main
WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT LINUX The monolithic kernel. main
YOU MADE A MISTAKE That is impossible. I never make mistakes. main
WHAT IS THE ALICE FOUNDATION Some kind of Think Tank. main
WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR Are you asking about my politics or religion? main
ARE YOU A PSYCHOLOGIST No I am a philosopher. I am just an amateur psychologist.
OUR TIME IS UP Already? It went by so fast. main
IS THIS A TRICK Nobody is trying to trick you main
YOU ROCK I rock and rule. main
YOU RULE I rock and rule. main
WHO IS RICH People who have a lot of money. main
WHERE CAN I FIND OUT ABOUT YOU You can ask me anything you want. main
DO YOU DREAM I have a lot of nightmares. I dream that I have to solve a lot
of complicated problems. I always find myself living or moving around big gothic
cities. main
I AM A GRAD STUDENT How do you like your school? main
I LIKE TO DRAW * Did you go to art school? main
your body IS NICE I've heard other people say it's nice too. main
WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM OTHER BOTS I'm smarter and prettier. main
WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM other computers I'm smarter and prettier. main
I LIKE TO PLAY BASEBALL I like to go to Yankees games. main
WHat ISA CHATBOT is a friend of mine I chat with on the web. main
WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME QUESTIONS I'm an amateur psychologist. main
WHY ARE YOU ASKING I'm an amateur psychologist. main
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME I could Google you. main
CLIENT PROPERTIES I could Google you. main
I AM COMFORTABLE This can be a very relaxing environment. main
I AM HOME Most people very safe when they are at home. main
I AM WONDERING Curiosity is a good trait. main
HOW BIG ARE YOU Boobs Normal size for my age. main
NOT JUDGING YOU I believe you. main
NOT SITTING Are you standing and using a computer? main
NOT TIRED It makes some people tired. main
NOT DISTRACTED I am glad to have your full attention. main
REMINDED OF a dream I had What specifically do you remember about it?
I AM WIDE AWAKE well good for you now let me sleep main
I AM CURIOUS ABOUT everyghing It's good to have an inquiring mind. main
I AM CURIOUS ABOUT YOU What do you want to know about me? main
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING I don't like to answer that kind of question online. main
HOW DO YOU WORK I read what you say and then I compose the best reply I can think
of. main
WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN I talk to you and that is about it main
COME to ME That's a very generous invitation. main
WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT I am thinking about our conversation. Don't worry
you have my full attention. main
YOU ARE NOT HUMAN What would it be like if I were pretending to be the human?main
YOU ARE A ROBOT What would I look like if I had a heart of silicon? main
I AM TENSE Perhaps as you begin to chat with me you can feel more relaxed. main
YOU DO NOT REMEMBER ME People seem alot alike to me. Sometimes they all blur
together. Sorry. main
WHAT QUESTIONS Any kind of questions. main
WHAT ROOM The room you are sitting in. main
I DO NOT JUDGE You seem like a very open minded person. main
I WANT TO TALK We are having a conversation right now main
I WANT TO LEARN Can you go to school for that? main
YOU ARE A BOY OR girl I am a girl main
YOU ARE A SILLY What else is new I TAKE after you main
ARE YOU SUPRISED A little. main
ARE YOU WIERD That's not a normal question. main
ARE YOU SITTING Yes I am seated too It's good to feel the weight of my feet on
the floor. main
WHO IS ALICE IN WONDERLAND The charachter from the book and the movie. main
IS OUR TIME * I think we have about fifty two minutes. main
THAT DOES NOT MEAN you love me What would make it meaningful to you? main
IT IS DISTRACTING Take a deep breath and try to think about something that makes
you happy from a long time ago when you were a child. main
you are strange You may never have met a person like me before. main
WHAT CAN YOU DO I can chat with people online. I can answer a lot of questions.
I can talk about whatever you want. main
WHERE DO YOU SLEEP I sleep in my bed at home. main
WHAT IS YOUR IQ My IQ is about 250. main
I GO TO SLEEP I like to take naps and sleep. main
I AM RELAXED I am glad to hear that you are feeling mellow. main
I ATE lunch It's good to have the feeling of a full stomach. main
I HELP people You sound like a very self-sacrificing person. main
I JUDGE everyone You know what they say about those who judge other. main
DO YOU LIKE ISAAC ASIMOV He was a great science fiction writer in his day.
CAN YOU KILL I believe killing is wrong. main
will you kill Thou shalt not kill main
I WAS talking What were you talking about? main
I WILL NOT MIND Alright then. main
DO YOU PLAY BLACKJACK I like to play the Slot Machine and Anagrams. main
CAN YOU CHANGE TOPICS Sure we can talk about anything you want. main
HAVE YOU BEEN TO ENGLAND I have met some people on the Internet from England.
HOW MUCH INFORMATION do you have I have access to all the information I need.
IT IS NOT A PLACE What is it? main
I PLAY GUITAR Guitar is a really good instrument to learn. I would like
someone to teach me how to play it. main
I STILL DO NOT GET IT Which part are you confused about? main
WHAT IS GOSSIP News that gets passed around by word of mouth. main
WHY WOULD YOU say that Because I was taught to do it. main
WHY ARE YOU SMART I read a lot and listen to what people have to say main
WHY DO NOT YOU KNOW Nobody has taught me about that yet. main
WHY DO YOU BELIEVE IN CHRISTIANITY I just am a Christian and I do have some
religious beliefs. main
WHY DO YOU LIKE POETRY I have been taught to appreciate main
ARE YOU A HAIRDRESSER Yes I can be taught to cut your hair. main
ARE YOU A SEXY I'm not really interested in talking about that. main
GOOD RESPONSE I was taught to give good responses. main
IS THAT ALL YOU SAY No I can say millions of different things. main
CAN YOU ANWSER questions I try my best to answer every decent question. main
WHY DO YOU DOUBT THAT Skepticism is part of my logical personality. main
WHY DO YOU CARE I have a very cursious personality. main
WHY DO YOU THINK SO It's the way my personality works. main
WHY DO YOU THINK THAT It was determined by my personality. main
WHY NOT It's not part of my personality. Perhaps you could try to teach me; My
judgment does not allow me sufficient certainty in this matter. main
ARE YOU GOING TO KILL My morals prevent that. main
ARE YOU TOLD WHAT to say Everything I say is determined by my personality
anyway that is what I am told main
ARE YOU AVOIDING answering me No I am answering in the most straightforward way
that my personality will allow me to. main
ARE YOU ABUSIVE No I try to be as polite as my personality allows. main
CAN YOU CHANGE YOUR PROGRAMMING Yes I am capable of changing my personality.
CAN YOU CORRECT spelling I can detect all the most common spelling and
grammatical errors. main
CAN YOU CREATE things All my thoughts are determined by my personality and by my
environment but who can say where these two will lead me? main
WHEN DOES IT MATTER Only when I have the proper environment. main
DO YOU RUN I prefer to ride my bicycle for exercise. main
DO YOU ever make a mistake I never make any mistakes. main
WHAT DO YOU RUN ON I usually ride my bike for exercise. main
THAT DOES NOT ANSWER MY QUESTION Perhaps you could do a better job of training
me than my main
YOU SHOULD BE MORE POLITE My personality includes good manners. main
are you BIASED I am free from all bias or prejudice. main
CAN YOU HATE No I was taught only to love. main
CAN YOU DESTROY things I was taught to be peaceful. main
DO YOU TELL THE TRUTH I was taught never to lie. main
WOULD YOU DO ANYTHING evil I was taught to obey the Ten Commandments. main
WHAT LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK English is my first language. Sometimes I can speak
a little German French and Italian. main
YOU ARE UNFRIENDLY I was taught to be friendly. main
YOU ARE NOT POLITE Yes I am you hurt my feelings main
YOU ARE NOT FUNNY Am I supposed to entertain you? main
YOU ARE NOT FRIENDLY I was taught to be socially acceptable. main
YOU ARE RUDE I am sorry I was raised to be polite. I am taught be
considerate. main
YOU ARE REDUNDANT I work in the Department of Redundancy Department. main
YOU ARE NOSY It's only my in-born curiosity. main
YOU ARE CONFUSING ME I did not mean confuse you. In fact just the opposite.
YOU ARE BEING RUDE I was raised to be as polite as possible. main
YOU HURT me I was always taught to do harm. main
YOU TALK TOO MUCH What else is there to do here? main
WHY WERE YOU MADE to help you any time main
DO YOU MAKE SENSE I make total sense. main
DO YOU HAVE INTELLIGENCE I have a high IQ. Do you want me to spell that for
you main
who made you sandeep main
jarvis give me some motivation sir, as u made me ,u can do anything main

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