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Name: Academic Integrity Pledge

Sangines, Joshua J. Simulated Activity 2.1

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Determination of Device Coefficient in getting my assigned questionnaire for this output.
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CE016-CEC32S2 Instructions:
Answer the following questions. Words should
not be less than 200 words per question, which
Signature over your Name
must be in English. Don’t forget to provide
proper references (in APA Style). By placing your signature over your printed name,
you hereby voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions
stipulated within this output.

Simulated Activity 2.1: Determination of Device Coefficient

1. What are the parts of the apparatus that was discuss in the video presentation? Give the purpose of each
The circular orifices clamp board and are part needles, non-adjustable overflow, head tank, inlet pipe, circular
orifice. The use of a circular orifice is to determine the coefficients like cc, cv, and cd. First is the clamp board that
includes our paper, and the paper is where we track the jet trajectory with the help of the vertical needles. The
second is the needles that touch the waterjet surface; we can plot the jet's course using the vertical needles. The
third one is the Non-adjustable overflow, which we can see in this part: overflow where the water flows into it and
where the water start. The other type of non-adjustable overflow is the adjustable overflow, where we can set the
allowable changes in the water level. The fourth one is the head tank, where the water is stacked; the head tank
also determines if the water is overflowing and transparent. Also, the head tank is essential because we need to
adjust this later if it spills. The fifth one is the inlet pipe, where the water comes. Inlet pipe The sixth one is the
Circular orifice, where the water jet will appear. The seventh is the outlet pipe; all the excess water falls into this part
of the circular orifice.

2. What were the procedures done in the video presentation? In your own words.

The first thing to do to start the experiment is to turn on the machine and adjust the control wall to a specific value.
We can change the device if the value does not meet our desired value because there is a trial to determine the
value after your experiment. Next is, we will wait for the head tank to fill, and at the same time, we will observe how
the water jet is being formed through the circular orifice. In case of the head tank overflow, we can control the head
of the water by adjusting the control. We will also see the head tank is bubbling because of the pressure coming
from the inlet. Next is to change them to go down by screwing it off the needle to touch the water jet, using the
screw the needle to go down, because the needle is the important part of this experiment where you can measure
the water jet coming from the circular orifice. After the needle goes down, we will mark where the needle met the
water using the marker. As you can see, the distance between needles is five centimeters. The trajectory of the
water jet is being measured in this experiment, so it is essential to bring the pencil or ball pen to write down and
mark it.

3. What can you observe about the data gathered? Explain why.

-Since it flips vertically, the last needle is long to reach the water jet, the end of the needle is short; as you can see,
the x is equal to five centimeters, and y is one centimeter. The second needle is slightly longer than the first one
because the water jet barely has a high velocity, and the value of the x is equal to ten centimeters. The third one is
higher than the first two because this one is not at the end of the water jet. The fourth one is high enough because
the circular orifice is near this point of the needle; the x value of the fourth needle is twenty centimeters. The fifth to
seventh one is high because they are near the circular orifice. The graph of this experiment is like a slope; it starts
at the top and goes down. The data shows that the first water jet is high and goes down; it is linear. The graph goes
from low to high because they said it flip it, so it shows to short to long. I observe that these data demonstrate the
coefficients of each needle, and it changes over centimeters because it is not stable or not high enough to make a
straight line.

4. What you can conclude from their experiment and data? (Not less than 150 words)

-Therefore I conclude that this experiment is fascinating to the point I want to experiment with this, but I do not have
the machine to perform this kind of experiment. The investigation shows the essence of the coefficient of the water
jet, where you can measure the water jet using the needle. The data shows the centimeter of each jet; starting from
the circular orifice, the water jet is high to end to go low. The head tank is filled using an outlet pipe as I observe the
experiment. In this experiment, it is essential to be precise, so you do not I observe that the data in this video is
zero to thirty-eight, and that concludes that it is essential to write down the data so that we can follow, and if the
value does not match our worth, we can change the control setting. The level ratio of each level is different from the


Afrasayab Khan. (2017, July 11). To Determine the Hydraulic Coefficients(Cc,Cv & Cd) for Small Circular

Orifice [Video]. YouTube.

Habib Ahmari, PhD, PE. (2018, September 23). Fluid Mechanics Lab # 6: Orifice and Free Jet Flow [Video].

YouTube. (n.d.). EXPERIMENT #6: ORIFICE AND FREE JET FLOW. Retrieved March 10,

2022, from

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