Article Critical Thinking

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Article-Critical thinking

Definition of critical thinking

According to (criticalthinking, 2022), the National council for excellence in critical thinking
1987 first coined the term critical thinking. The statement was presented by Richard Paul and
Michael Scriven at the 8th Annual international conference on critical thinking and educational
reform. This term indicates a rich concept which is the intellectually disciplined procedure of
skillful and active concepts applied, synthesized, and also evaluated as a guide to take action.
According to the perception of (skillsyouneed, 2022), critical thinking is the capability of
thinking rationally or clearly to understand all the logical connections between ideas. This
thinking is about thinking in certain processes to find the best possible resolution in every
circumstances. Critical thinking entails all the relevant examination of the elements and
structures of thought implicit in all the purpose, issues, reasoning, assumptions, concepts, and
conclusions. This thinking skill can be found to be responsive towards viable issues, and subject
matter which is incorporated in a concern of thinking modes.

The use of critical thinking in study and life

The way to think about any topic, issue, or piece of content is through the critical lens. It thinks
shrewdly. It then puts those intellectual ideas into practise and instils them in them. The best
thing about critical thinking is that it elevates the standard of thought. A proper process is
necessary for critical thinking; it entails conceptualising ideas with skill, analysing various
aspects, replicating, and, most importantly, evaluating the information that has been gathered. It
also calls for keen observation of all relevant elements and perceiving the big picture.
The application of critical thinking in a student's education is actually domain specific. Here with
an overarching principle including thinking with logical explanation is not considered as an
useful objective. In other words it can be said that to teach or learn the use of critical thinking
can be considered as the best utilization of skills and knowledge within the specific context. In
education students are required to learn the skills to evaluate the various areas and context
through the consideration of historical context which is intended in purpose to the other
important approach applied in science, conduction of experiments. According to (Bean, and
Melzer, 2021), the learning or application of critical thinking is best made in the content rich
environment in respect of different subjects and learning segments. Critical thinking brings
various scopes among the students to develop their thinking ability in different situations
irrespective of any hurdles. This is used in study by the students with the application of various
critical strategies to acquire the knowledge associated with different learning areas.
● At first students used this thinking ability to find out their aims they want to achieve with
maintaining discipline in any changing circumstances.
● Secondly students need to be aware of their personal preferences by implementing critical
thinking skills.
● With the application of critical thinking skills, people are also involved in practice and
The foundation of reading, composing, talking, and listening is critical thinking. The
fundamental components of communication are these 4. Social change is facilitated in large part
by critical thinking. Considering the fact that any society's institutions, such as its courts,
governments, and businesses, are the result of a particular way of thinking (Dill, and Zambrana,
2020). Any association derives its fundamental principles from presumptions about how things
ought to be done. We can identify bias and prejudice by using critical thinking. Communication
with those from different racial and cultural backgrounds will start with this. The ability to think
critically will set one free from lies and half-truths.
For understanding the use and implications of critical thinking in life it's important to consider
that critical thinking is one of the valuable technique which is used in every different aspects of
living. There is always some hurdles come which needs special concern and stratgies to resolve
where critical thinking ability helps to resolve that issues. This comes to figure out the valuable
solution to any issues as it allows individual to make informed and appreciate decisions. Once all
the counsel that are available can be used to find out any alternative approach to be applied in
different angles.

Obstacles to becoming a critical thinker

It is said that critical thinking is a disciplined way of thinking that offers a variety of cognitive
abilities and intellectual attitudes required to effectively assess claims about facts and arguments.
There are several things that prevent critical thinking.
Egocentrism is among the most effective roadblocks to critical thinking. Even people with
advanced education and intelligence can fall victim to egocentrism. Egocentrism is the
propensity to see oneself as the centre of the universe (wachemo-elearning, 2022). The
propensity to embrace and uphold ideas that serve one's own interests is known as self-interested
Sociocentrism is The second significant barrier that prevents most people, including
intellectuals, from exercising critical thought is sociocentrism. It is centred on the group. By
concentrating too much on the group, sociocentrism can obstruct rational thought.
Presumptions and Stereotypes that Are Not Supported. Stereotypes and unfounded assumptions
are the third barrier to critical thinking. Though unreasonable, unfounded assumptions are.
Something assumed unjustifiably is referred to as an unwarranted assumption. We frequently
struggle to see things clearly because of such presumptions.
The way to overcome critical thinking obstacles
Individuals can lose egocentrism by being in a classroom that promotes critical thinking.
Encouragement aids in the reduction of ego and the application of critical thinking for the
purpose of success, particularly during social conflicts.
Clarity, accuracy, and fairness in one's thought processes should also be taken into consideration
when addressing sociocentrism (Paul, and Elder, 2019).
As soon as something is deemed a problem, learn more about it. Increased involvement with the
issue is crucial. To assemble information from various sources, it can be helpful to look for
potential causes, factual information, and substantiation as well as ask others for their
perspectives on the matter.

The foundation for critical thinking (2022) Defining critical thinking. Available at: (Accessed: December 10,
2022). (2022) Critical thinking skills, SkillsYouNeed. Available at: (Accessed: December 10, 2022).

Bean, J.C. and Melzer, D., 2021. Engaging ideas: The professor's guide to integrating writing,
critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom. John Wiley & Sons.
Dill, B.T. and Zambrana, R.E., 2020. Critical thinking about inequality: An emerging lens. In
Feminist Theory Reader (pp. 108-116). Routledge.

Barriers to critical thinking (2022) Wachemo University eLearning Platform. Available at:
basic-concepts-of-critical-thinking/topic/barriers-to-critical-thinking/ (Accessed: December 10,

Paul, R. and Elder, L., 2019. A guide for educators to critical thinking competency standards:
Standards, principles, performance indicators, and outcomes with a critical thinking master
rubric. Rowman & Littlefield.

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