Lesson 6 (Quiz) - Questionnaire

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1. Each strand of the hair has its own sebaceous (oil) gland which keeps the hair shiny and
a. Oily hair b. Body hair c. Sweat and body odor
2. The following are the DO’s when shaving, except?
a. Use traditional razor with a shaving gel or cream or electric razor.
b. For regular razor, make sure the blade is new and sharp to prevent cuts and nicks.
c. Shave right away and move fast without minding the tricky parts.
3. What type of material will you appropriately use when you sweat a lot?
a. Satin b. cotton c. wool
4. Wash your hair ________, to control the oiliness of your hair.
a. Every weekend b. everyday c. every Wednesdays
5. Perspiration or sweat comes from sweat glands that you always have in your body. During
puberty, these glands begin to secrete different chemicals into the sweat that as stronger
smelling odor.
a. Sweat and Body Odor b. Oily Hair c. Dental Hygiene
6. A person qualified to treat the diseases and conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially
the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones.
a. Dentist b. Dentistry c. Teeth and Gums specialist
7. A screening method used to detect early breast cancer. The method involves the woman herself
looking at and feeling each breast for possible lumps, distortions or swelling.
a. Chest self-examination
b. Breast lump-examination
c. Breast self-examination
8. When washing the external female genitalia. Start from _____.
a. Anus to vagina
b. Vagina to anus
c. Both
9. Boys who are not circumcised need to pull back the foreskin and gently wash underneath it
with clean water.
a. True
b. False
10. The minimum time a person should spend in brushing the teeth is _ minutes twice a day.
(Write it in a numeric form, not a word)
a. 3 b. 2 c. 4

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