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FD 1800 G

Serial Number 00915

Advanced Foundation Technology and Equipment

Via Confin, 92/A – 30020 Torre di Mosto (VE) – ITALY

Tel: (++) 39 (+) 421 – 32 50 77 / 32 50 78
Fax: (++) 39 (+) 421 – 32 50 79

Post selling service (stamp)

© N.C.B. - 2013
Printed in Italy.

All right reserved.

No part of this manual may be duplicated, reproduced or transmitted to third parties with-
out the prior consent of N.C.B.

As a result of constant product improvement, N.C.B. reserves the right to make modifica-
tions at any moment without obligation to update this publication.

Certificate of Compliance
According to the Directive for Machine 2006/42/CE and successive amendments in the enclosed,
The undersigned:

N.C.B. S.c.
Via Confin, 92/a
30020 Torre di Mosto - (VE) - ITALY
Tel 0039 0421 325077/8 - Fax 0039 0421 325079
Declares on its liability that the new machine stated here below:
Descripton - Type DRILLING MACHINE FD 1800 G
Serial Number 00915
Manufacturing year 04/2013
Main Data Rotary Head T2 – 1800 daN/m
Extraction Force 10000 daN
Engine Type DEUTZ TCD 2013 L6 2V
188 Kw at 2200 r.p.m.
Weight 24000 daN
Is built in conformità to the legislative provisions that traspose of Directive for Machines 2006/42/CE
and its successive amendments.
-------------- Harmonized Norms--------------

UNI EN 292/1 (Machine Safety)

UNI EN 292/2 (Machine Safety)
UNI EN 294 (Safety, spaces to reach dangerous areas)
UNI EN 418 (Safety, emergency stop devices)
UNI EN 7349 (Safety, spaces to avoid crushing)
EN 996 (Piling equipment. Safety requirements)
EN 791 (Safety, drill rigs)
UNI ISO 7000 (Graphic symbols and signs)
UNI EN 60204/1 (Safety of the electrical equipment)
CNR UNI 10011 (Construction in steel: calculus, execution,...)
In addition, as shown in Appendix III of Directive for Machine 2006/42/CE states that:
The marking of the symbol “CE” has been applied in the machine.

Technical Director Managing Director

Chisso Renato Tronco Renzo

Shoes Width mm 500
Undercarriage Lenght mm 4050
Ground Specific Pressare daN/cm² 0,59
Maximum speed km/h 0÷2
Overall width open mm 3480
Overall width closet mm 2480

Type/Model DEUTZ TCD 2013 L06
Power at 2200 r.p.m. . kw 188
Fuel Tank Capacity l 300

Hydraulic Pumps 1st Circuit l/min 80
1000 r.p.m. 2nd Circuit l/min 55
3rd Circuit l/min 55
4th Circuit l/min 20
Hydraulic Oil Tank Capacity l 500
Working Pressare bar 290

Mast Lenght mm 7050
Pull-Down Stroke mm 4200
Pull Down Cylinder daN 10000
Maximum Rods Lenght mm 4000


Maximum Torque daN/m 1800
Speed Range r.p.m. 0 – 130
nr. Hydraulic Motors 2
Type of Hydraulic Motors Double Speed CHARLYNN 940/470

CLOSING CLAMP Blocking Clamp Diameter mm 250
Blocking Clamp Force daN 15300
BREAKOUT CLAMP Blocking Clamp Diameter mm 250
Blocking Clamp Force daN 15300
Break-out Force daN 5500


Maximum Water Delivery l/min 100
Maximum Water Pressare bar 60

Control Panel installed onto the mobile arm, completed with
servo-control manipulators and remote control by electric cable.

Total Weight ton 24


The control over the FD 1800 G is carried out by three control centres named:
Control Panel (A);
Driving Flat (B);
Consolle Cable Control (C).


H1= light emergency active;

H2= light for low hydraulic oil level;
H3= light for alternator failure;
H4= light for low-level engine coolant;
H5= light for low oil pressare and engine;
H6= light for low diesel;
H7= light for diagnostic engine control;
H8= light for high oil temperature;
H9= free light;
LCD= display engine;
PU2= button to air alternator;
SL= switch for flashing;
BC1= key block engine start;
SA1= switch accelerate / decelerate motor;
PU1= button to stop machine;
BC2= key lock manual work / cable control;
LED= indicator for operating a particulate filter;
PU3= button to regenerate a state of emergency.

H3 H5 H4 H6 H7 H2 H1 H8 H9




To start the machine, follow the following guidelines:

- Insert the key into the ignition provided (BC1) and start the engine by turning the key to
the START position, once the engne starts release the key to the ON position.


Do not insist in stating more than 20 seconds, withaout interruption.

Leave a break of at least one minute between attemps by.
To decrease the speed of the engine speed as soon as you start.
Allow the engine for a few minutes, and after the heating step will result in
a normal level of performance.

1- As long as the motor turns the key must remain in the ON position.
2- To stop the engine, turn the ignition to the OFF position.


The following components are installed on the control panel, so that the operator can
check, if necessary, the proper functioning of the machine.

1- The indicator light comes on H1 (failure message): when the board operator or his
assistano realize that there is an emergency situation are pressing the buttons
PEG/PEM (for PEG/PEM see the illustration below) to exclude the hydraulic drive (the
motor is still running). It’s possible that the light H1 illuminates qhen you start with the
drilling: check that PEG/PEM are not crushed or one of the two cables in the emer-
gency circuit is not faulty (check the wiring diagram).


2- The indicator light comes on H2 (failure message): the level of hydraulic oil is lower
than necessary. In this case the machine goes off, add oil. To overcome this draw-
back, the level of hydraulic oil must be taken daily, before starting work.
3- The indicator light comes on H3 (failure message): the alternator is not charging the
battery. Check if electrical connections are correct, if not reposition them and also
check the alternator.
4- The indicator light comes on H3 (failure message): the engine water temperature is
too high. In this case lower the number of revolutions of the motor and make sure that
the temperature back to normal (it is possible that two lights, the H4 and H7 are acti-
vated at the same time, then check that the suction is not blocked).
5- The indicator licht comes on H5 (failure message): the oil pressure is too low, top it
6- The indicator light comes on H6 (failure message): the fuel level is low. Top up again.
7- The indicator light comes on H7 (failure message): the water level in the radiator is
too low. Introduce new water.
8- The indicator light comes on H8 (failure message): on the engine air intake filters
blocked. Clean it or replace it.
9- The indicator light comes on H9 is free.


L1= engine throttle;

L2= the opening and closing tracks;
T1= shift left track;
T2= shift right track;
PEG= emergency.

PEG L1 L2 T1 T2

- 10 -

When the drill is on movement, the signal horn and the rotary beacon are activated.

Crawler movements have to be driver from the driving seat
and by personnel authorized only.



- 11 -




- 12 -




- 13 -

The lever shown in the illustration, is a diesel engine accelerator. The more you push
the lever forwards the more the engine increases its speed, he contrari happens if you pull

L1 L2

- 14 -

S4= emergency button

S8= activation control cable
S9= selector functions:
work (WHITE) Selector on positioning (RED)
placements (RED) S1= down with J2 – lifting boom
movements (GREEN) S1= top with J2 – lifting mast
S10= accelerator diesel engine acceler- S2= down with J2 – orientation boom
ates/decelerates S2= top with J2 – vertical mast
S3= down with J2 – bearing rotation
Selector on work (WHITE) rotary T2 S3= top with J2 – displacement of the mast
S13= speed/motor activation on the slide against
S14= speed/motor activation S5= down with J2 – rear left stabilizer
S15= T2 rotation S5= top with J2 – front left stabilizer
S16= speed adjustment screw and unscrew S6= down with J2 – rear right stabilizer
S6= ton with J2 – front right stabilizer
Selector on work (WHITE) S7= top with J2 – telescoping boom
S11= water pump activation
S12= water pump flow regulation Selector on movements (GREEN)
S17= activation of air supply J1= traslation of the left track forwards -
S18= exhaust air – water supply backward
S19= pull selector – down pull slowly – push- J2= traslation of the right forward - backward
ing S5= track extension open - close
S20= speed control pull – pull down slowly –
L1= emergency active
Selector on work (WHITE) B1= ignition engine
S1= blocking clamp open - close B2= horn
S2= break-out clamp open - close B3= engine shutdown
S3= break-out clamp screws - unscrews C1= cable connection

- 15 -
S10 S13 S14 LCD S15 S16 S18 S19

J1 S9 S11 S12 S20

S1 S2 S3 S4 L1 S5 S6 S7

B1 B2 B3 S8 C1

- 16 -

P1= T2 rotary pressure – right track – fast pull-down V1;

P2= left track – fast pull-down V2;
P3= working pressure;
P4= pressure positioning;
P5= piloting pressure.






- 17 -

M1= slow pull down,

M2= OPTIONAL - heads lateral shift or spindle drive;
M3= unscrew clamp blocking;
M4= unscrew clamp rotation;
M5= blocking clamp closing;
M6= open/close tracks;
M7= fast pull down

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7

- 18 -

M8= head sliding;

M9= cradle feed;
M10= mast rotation;
M11= uprising mast;
M12= boom shifting;
M13= boom uprising;
M14= boom training;
M15= left front stabilizer;
M16= right front stabilizer;
M17= left back stabilizer;
M18= left back stabilizer.

M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18

- 19 -

P1= manometer for air / water pressure


L1= lever for air discharge system L1

ATTENTION!! When the lever is in horizontal position the system is discharging, and
when to put the system under pressure the lever must be in a vertical position.

- 20 -

1= Connection from air compressor

2= Connection for water
3= Water pump
4= Water from the exhaust system

1 L1 3 4

- 21 -
Stop always insert when using the machine in parallel with mast

- 22 -


- 23 -


Open the crawler before rotating the bearing of 90°

When rotating the bearing do not completely extend the main boom
(ref. TAB 0)

- 24 -

The proper working and safety of the machine depend mostly on correct and regular
maintenance of its parts as suggested by the manufacturer. A correct upkeeping will per-
mit a better, a longer performance and a real preservation of the safety requisites.
Upkeeping and settings have to be done by authorized personnel only, who will plan
every necessary condition to respect safety rules.
Every upkeeping, except when it is expressly indicated, has to be done with engine off,
with the key disinserted and in the driver’s hands. The machine components are in the
configuration that allows upkeeping but avoid the risks to the safety.
Who is authorized to upkeep has to be careful to have correct behaviour and save
those persons involved, following the laws concerning that field.
Replace overused parts with original spare parts. Adopt lubrificating oils and greases
as suggested by the manufacturer. All of this could ensure the correct working conditions
of the machine and the requested safety level.
Do not scatter dishonestly polluting fluids, overused parts and upkeeping residues.
Stock them according with the law disposals.

- 25 -
Every 50 hours check the chain pull. If
there is an indicator longer than 2 cm,
they need to be stretched with the help
of a specific greaser;
Every 100 hours, check the oil level in-
TRACKED UNDERCARRIAGE side the driving wheel reducers;
Every 50 hours grease the front wheel
collets, and the spar joints;
After every wash, lubricate with oil the
chains, the rollers, the wheels and the
idlers guides.
Every 100 hours check the cylinders
lock nuts tightening;
After every wash, lubricate with oil the
balancing joints feet.
Every 50 hours grease the joints;
SLIDE AND UPRISING MAST SLIDE Every 50 hours grease the sliding gibs;
Lubricate with grease every sliding way.
Every 50 hours check the chain pull. If
there is an indicator longer than 2 cm,
they need to be stretched with the help
of a specific greaser;
Every 100 hours check the bearing
clearance of the chain wheels,
Everyday clean the chain up with com-
pressed air blowing and if it is possible
grease it;
Every 20 hours grease the mast slides,
Once a week check the derrick, the pul-
leys and bearing clearance.
Every 50 hours check the reducer oil
level and the screws tightening;
Every 100 hours check the pinion bear-
ing clearance;
ROTATING HEAD Every 200 hours check the sliding
Everyday check that dirt does not stop
the spring cushion loading;
Everyday grease the rotating head.
Every 100 hours check the screws tight-
Every 100 hours check the oil level in-
side the reducer
Every 50 hours check the screws tight-
Every 100 hours check the bearing lin-
- 26 -
ing up over the mast. The head working
axis has to be the same of the clamp
Every 50 hours grease it;
Everyday clean with compressed air
blowing, particularly look at the guides.
Grease after cleaning.
Everyday clean clamps slide ways,
grease when finished.
Everyday check oil level
Everyday check there is not dirt inside
the fuel tank;
Check during the working phase that the
warning lamps and the other safety de-
vices have no fault messages;
Check the hydraulic system heat ex-
Check the engine heat exchanger;
Check the air filter

- 27 -

a) general instructions

The hydraulic system long lasting performance and its reliability are due to the oil
used and the lacking of dirt in the system itself.

It is necessary to make assembling and disassembling operations, in clean and not
dusty places, removing dirt and dust that could enter the system. Pumps, pipes and other
elements have to be with their intakes closed by safety caps. Those caps could be re-
moved just before the connection. As the connection happened it is suitable necessary to
charge the machine with hydraulic oil, to protect its internal parts starting from the moment
in which the entire system is entirely oil filled.

Before working on the hydraulic system, make sure that the whole system is depres-
surized and that there is no residual pressure remaining in the system. It is necessary a
deep upkeeping to avoid oil leaks and the replacement of oil filters. These filters are pro-
vided by an indicator that advises you when the filter is blocked.

b) hydraulic oil

it is important to have an excellent quality oil looking at its duty.

• The oil has to be filled inside the system through the right oil intake protected
by a screw cap.
• The first oil replacement has to be carried out for after 500 hours worked.
Every 200 hours are requested for the following replacements. It is suitable
to reduce the previous periods of oil using if the drill works in dusty places to
200 and 150.
• At every oil substitution replace all the oil filters. (RACCOMENDED)
• Every refilling has to be with the same oil (or with another similar)
• The oil temperature has to be maintained between 60÷70 C°. if it is hotter
than this, check the hydraulic system heat exchanger.

c) starting up the machine

if during the maintenance it needed to empty the hydraulic oil tank, before starting up
again it extremely needs:
• to fill up the system until the max mark (visible on the tank itself);
• to fill up the pipes bodies and the hydraulic engines with the same oil,
through the drainage intakes or the delivery pipes, being careful that the air
comes out.
• Start the engine carefully, leaving short pauses between more attempts to let
the pumps prime. The drill has to work with a low running for 5÷10 min.

- 28 -
• Check the indications of the instruments.
• Check there is not foaming inside the tank, the presence of foam is very
dangerous because it is the sign of air presence inside the pumps.
• Check the oil level and the tightness of the joints after few hours of working.
• If the environment temperature is particularly low, may be the pumps have
difficulties in starting up, it dues to the oil density. It is skilful to reduce the
pump running for almost 15 min, to allow the oil warming.

d) hydraulic system maintenance

the hydraulic system maintenance is composed by short, regular but useful phases:
• external cleaning up: to be provided weekly, so that the personnel becomes
acquainted with the machine and the trouble shooting is easier.
• checking up and filters cleaning: oil filters and air breather filters have to be
replaced as indicated reading this step. Do not forget it.
• temperature checking: everyday check up the hydraulic system heat ex-
e) pumps and reducers coupler
• check the oil level, and refill when needed. When often oil lacks, check the
gaskets and replace them. Chose the oil as the external temperatures in
which the drill works. Replace the oil for the first time after 60/90 hours
worked and every 1500 hours following. If the external environment is par-
ticularly hot, reduce the hours to 800.

- 29 -

The manufacturer, in projecting and

building phase, was very careful to the as-
pects that can arise risks for the safety and
health to the operators that work with the
machine. Besides respecting the law con-
cerning the matter, he adopted all “the
good construction technique”. The aim of
these informations is to keep the operators
aware from risks. Being careful however is
the essential condition. Safety is in the all
operators’ hands.

Read carefully this handbook instruc-

tions, especially those concerning safety. A
short time employed to read the handbook
will avoid you from serious accidents: it is
always too late to remember of what you
could have done when it is already hap-

Be careful to the meaning of the

symbols on the plates, their shapes and
colour are remarkable to the safety. Keep
them readable and respect informations
you can find over them.

Do not violate, elude, remove or by-

pass all the installed safety disposals.
Failed respect of these requisites can pro-
voke hard risks for people’s safety and

- 30 -
Workers that operate for the all ma-
chine’s life, must be acknowledged of
proper technical competences, specific ca-
pacities and experienced in that particular
field. The lack of these requisites is to
cause safety and health damage to people.

While operating make use of the spe-

cific work suites and/or self protection dis-
posals supplied by the manufacturer and of
those ones according with the safety stan-

- 31 -
During some phases it could be nec-
essary the help of one or more jobsite
workers. In these cases it will be necessary
to give them skills and knowledge about
the activity they will carry out not to cause
people safety and health damage

Before starting up the machine it is

essential to examine and weigh carefully
all the geomorphologic conditions of the
terrain (static thrust, sliding, impediment
presence, etc.). In particular, check air
ways, high voltage lines, underground ca-
nalisations presence and accidental expo-
sitions to under tension lines to avoid elec-
trical shocks risks.

Furthermore check the presence of

underground fluid or gas high pressure
mains, or other danger foreseen or unex-
pected sources.

- 32 -

Observe the handling in according to

the informations over the machine and in
the handbook skilled by the manufacturer.
The operators that make charge and dis-
charge and machine handling must have
skills and are to be experienced in this
specific field. In performing manouvres,
during the direct use of the machine, the
operator will have to know the necessary
rules to make them in safety conditions.

Lifting and carriage have to be done

by means of transport with a correct capac-
ity, fastening the machine in those points
provided by the manufacturer. The ones
that are authorized to carry out those ac-
tivities will have specific skills and experi-
ence to save their own safety and that of
the other workers.

Before moving by means of transport,

be sure that the machine and its compo-
nents are well fastened and their loading
gauge does not exceed the overall dimen-
sions. Arrange if it is necessary the right

- 33 -
Often it could be necessary to move
the machine. To avoid unexpected dis-
placements, be sure that all the parts are
well fixed.

Performing manouvres, the operator

has to warrant the job site worker safety.

- 34 -
SAFETY IN USING Strictly use the machine for its
proper working. Every other use of the
The operator, besides to be docu- machine can cause people safety and
mented about the correct use of the ma- health risks and economic damage too.
chine, is to be skilled and acknowledged
about his own working field.

If it is necessary, still after a correct

reading this instructions, before the start up
simulate some manouvres to understand
how to drive the machine. Especially care
is due in the start up, shut down and use of
the machine.
• All the particulars have to be clean
and free from impediments that can be an
hazard for the personnel;
• Never move the drill when the opera-
tor is working on the control keyboard (to
prevent this, correctly set the crawler block
device as seen in C-1/B);
• Do not use fingers to align holes;
• Do not get on/out of the machine
jumping down, but use the footboards;
• Cut off the batteries if you work on
the engine off;
• If compressed air is used for clean-
ing, use the skilled glasses.
• Do not use flammable cleaning prod-
• Even if the drill is skilled with
winches, its duty is not to be used like a

- 35 -
The machine has been projected and
built to satisfy every condition indicated by
the manufacturer. It is forbidden any other
improper use modifying its devices.
Never use the machine to lift or drag
goods or people.

The manufacturer/supplier cannot

be held responsible for any accident re-
sulting from other than designated use.

Strictly do not use the rig with safety

devices not set up and working. It may be
the cause for safety and health risks and
economic damage too.

- 36 -
Park the machine in a wide yard, so
that it cannot block up and put in danger
the traffic. Shut down the engine and forbid
the access at the drive seat to non author-
ized personnel, adopting safety measures.

Avoid the access to the zone in which

the work is in progress to non authorized
personnel. When it is necessary, stop it at
once and turn out the people that are in
dangerous zone.

- 37 -

The proper working and safety of

the machine depend mostly on correct
and regular maintenance of its parts as
suggested by the manufacturer. A cor-
rect upkeeping will permit a better, a
longer performance and a real preserva-
tion of the safety requisites.

Before starting up upkeeping and

settings, all safety disposals have to be
correctly placed, then consider if it is nec-
essary to advise the personnel working
near the machine. In particular, point out
the neighbouring zones and avoid the ac-
cess to those devices whose uncontrolled
action could be dangerous for people
safety and health.

Upkeeping and settings have to be

done by authorized personnel only, who
will plan every necessary condition to re-
spect safety rules.

Making maintenance in inaccessible

and dangerous zones, self equip with
proper safety conditions according to the
current work safety laws.

- 38 -
Replace overused parts setting up
new original ones. Use lubrificating oil
and greases you can find in the hand-
book. All of this could warrant the rig
right working and the requested safety

Do not scatter dishonestly the pol-

luting and exhausted materials, provide
waste disposals according to the law.

- 39 -

• Before starting up, check all the oil levels except the head reducer and the winch
reducer ones. They have to be in horizontal position to verify damages and subsequent oil
Do not start up the machine and the engine if the drill is failing. Before starting up It is op-
erator’s duty to prevent the access in hazard zones and when it is necessary he will have
to stop the machine at once and get people, animals and goods away from there.
• Warn the upkeeping responsibles about every malfunction;
• The access on board is for personnel authorized only;
• Do not refill/check up the oil and fuel tanks, or batteries if there are flames/sparks


• Disinsert the key from the control keyboard every time the drill is out from the per-
sonnel’s custody;
• Disinsert the key from the control keyboard before every upkeeping or checking up,
to avoid unexpected damages;
• Park the machine in a wide plan yard, so that it cannot block up and put in danger
the traffic and use the blocking chocks.

- 40 -

Trouble Cause Best aids

Inadequate pressure 1 - Pressure governor 1a) Too low calibration,
1b) Overusing,
1c) Dirty;
1d) Regulating spring break,
1e) Pilotage lacking
2 - Pump
3 - System lacking 3a) Cylinder losses or engine
3b) Valve overusing and/or dis-
3c) Too low oil density. (tempera-
ture, quality)
4 - Load lacks 4a) Too high oil density,
4b) Oil flow blocked,
4c) Oil drain back pressures.
(contropressione allo scarico)
Pump at fault 5 - Narrow suction 5a) See 4a step,
5b) Blocked suction,
5c) Narrow or twisted suction
6 - Air inside the system 6a) Inside tank suction,
6b) Inside pump suction,
6c) Inside pump bearing-axle
pressure tightness.
7 - Sealed tank 7a) air breather blocked.
8 - Driving gear at fault 8a) Too low speed
8b) Too high speed.
9 - Delivery bearing gover- 9a) Too low calibration,
nor 9b) Overusing,
9c) Dirty,
9d) Regulating spring break,
9e) Pilotage lacking.
10 - Pump itself 10a) Inside gaskets broken,
10b) Sticky gears
10c) Unlocked head
11 - Overusing 11a) Overused parts inside,
11b) Cavitation due to air pres-
11c) overused oil,
11d) working hours max limit

- 41 -
Noisy pump 12 - Cavitation 12a) narrow suction
12b) see previous
13 - Driving gear at fault 13a) see previous
14 - Inside overusing
15 - Vibrations 15a) wrong installation
Overheating 16 - Friction 16a) wrong pump assembling,
16b) lubricating lack,
16c) unsuitable oil,
16d) overused oil,
16e) lack of greasing inside the

17 - Oil lack 17a) Check the level

18 - System lacking 18a) See inadequate pressure
19 - Termic exchange lack 19a) check the heat exchanger
and the and the thermostat
Uncontrolled movements 20 - Max pressure too high 20a) breathe the air inside
20b) mediate where the air flows
21 - Blocked valves 21a) dirty
22 - Blocked cylinders 22a) wrong inside assembling
22b) overweight loads
23 - System lacking 23a) See inadequate pressure
24 - Pilotage lacking 24a) back pressures inside the
25 - Drainage at fault 25a) back pressures inside the

- 42 -

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