SOP (Mangligot, Clarence Angel)

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Mangligot, Clarence Angel December 5, 2022



Pre-analytical Stage: The first of these stages is the pre-analytical phase, which may begin even
before the specimen has reached the lab. This means that rigorous protocols must be in place to
reduce the risk of errors in specimen handling and identification.

Analytical Phase: The second phase is the analytical phase. This begins when the specimens
have been logged into the lab. This phase is comprised of the lab diagnostic and testing

Post-analytical Phase: The final, or post-analytical phase, involves reporting the final result.
Results are sent to the required individual in a timely manner.


CBC/PC Upon obtaining the After venipuncture, After the procedure,
patient's request form, samples should be all test results must
venipuncture must be transported to the be assessed before
performed by a certified laboratory for release. Automated
phlebotomist with the analysis. Blood selection and
necessary knowledge should be tested reporting of test
and skills for this test. according to the results must be
Blood should be drawn manufacturer's validated before
straight into an instructions and the releasing findings.
anticoagulant EDTA laboratory's standard When a
tube. Although arterial operating procedure, predetermined result
blood may be used, and the results should exists, it is advisable
venipuncture is be interpreted within to test the difference
recommended over the context of age- between two
capillary blood draw. specific normal consecutive results
Fill the tube to the values. (delta check) since a
specified maximum difference that
capacity. exceeds the limits
may indicate a
change in the
patient's clinical state
or an issue with the
sample. Electronic
and/or printed lab
test reports are

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Mangligot, Clarence Angel December 5, 2022

available. Confirmed
lab test results may
be printed or sent to
the patient or
requesting physician.
COAGULATION After receiving the The sample should The laboratory
TEST patient's request form, be mixed transmits the results
venipuncture must be immediately by three of blood testing to
conducted by a qualified to six complete the physician. Ask
phlebotomist with the gentle end-over-end your doctor to clarify
required knowledge and inversions to ensure the findings, since
abilities. Blood should adequate mixing of values might vary
be collected in a blue- the anticoagulant from laboratory to
top tube containing with the blood. laboratory. If your
3.2% buffered sodium Process the sample as physician identifies
citrate. Additionally, soon as possible you with a clotting
ensure that none of the (preferably within 30 condition, your
specimen collecting and minutes of therapy will depend
transport materials collection). on the exact
include containers. Centrifuge to remove diagnosis.
platelets (10,000/L).
After centrifuging the
sample, transfer
plasma into a
LabCorp PP transpak
frozen purple tube
with screw top
(LabCorp N° 49482).
Glass may initiate the
clotting cascade.
Label tubes "plasma,
citrate." Immediately
freeze and test the
material. Please
supply separate
frozen samples for
each test ordered to
minimize delays.
URINE ANALYSIS After receiving the Perform a dipstick Urine samples are
patient's request form, examination. The evaluated in three
we must supply them chemical strips ways: visual exam,

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Mangligot, Clarence Angel December 5, 2022

with a container in change color if dipstick test and

which they must urinate, certain compounds microscopic exam.
or if they have already are present or if their The test will be
provided a sample, we concentrations evaluated prior to its
must verify whether it is exceed the norm. release when it has
in a sterile container, After that, a sample been processed. The
and if not, we must must be added to a result can be received
request a fresh sample. plain tube and by the patient or the
Upon obtaining the centrifuged. After requesting physician.
sample, verify the centrifugation, it
presence of a patient's must be decanted
name in the container. prior to the
FECAL ANALYSIS Ask for the request The stool will be Stool analysis test
form. If the patient checked for color, results usually take at
already has a container, consistency, amount, least 1 to 3 days.
it must be tested for shape, odor, and the Each lab has a
sterility and labeled with presence of mucus. different range for
the patient's name. The stool may be what’s normal. Lab
Alternatively, a sterile examined for hidden report should show
container is provided to (occult) blood, fat, the range that your
the patient. meat fibers, bile, lab uses for each test.
white blood cells, The normal range is
and sugars called just a guide. Your
reducing substances. doctor will also look
The pH of the stool at your results based
also may be on your age, health,
measured. A stool and other factors. A
culture is done to value that isn’t in the
find out if bacteria normal range may
may be causing an still be normal for
infection. you.
SPUTUM TEST Patient will be asked to Part of the sample is The majority of
cough deeply and spit placed in a special sputum culture
any phlegm that comes dish (culture). It is findings are reported
up from the lungs into a then watched for two as normal (negative)
container then the to three days or or abnormal
sample is sent to a lab. longer to see if (positive): Normal or
bacteria or other negative indicates
disease-causing that no hazardous

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Mangligot, Clarence Angel December 5, 2022

germs grow. microorganisms were

detected in the
sputum sample.
Abnormal or positive
means that
potentially dangerous
bacteria or fungus
have been found.
GRAM'S For Gram staining, The Gram staining For the result a gram
STAINING many sorts of samples procedure begins stain is colored
may be obtained. To with a clean, grease- purple. When the
obtain cells or exudate free slide. Then, stain combines with
at the site of a suspected produce the smear of bacteria in a sample,
infection, sterile swabs suspension with a the bacteria will
are used to collect some loopful of sample on either stay purple or
samples. Other samples, the clean slide. Air turn pink or red. If
including urine and dry and fix with heat the bacteria stay
sputum, may be Crystal Violet is purple, they are
collected in sterile poured, held for 30 to Gram-positive. If the
containers. Some bodily 60 seconds, and then bacteria turn pink or
fluids may be extracted rinsed with water. red, they are Gram-
using a needle and Iodine the gram for negative.
syringe. one minute, then
rinse with water.
Then, wash for 10 to
20 seconds with 95%
alcohol or acetone
and rinse with water.
Add safranin for
about one minute,
then rinse with water.
Air-dry, then
examine under a
ELECTROLYTE After checking for the The test begins by Specific results will
TESTING (Na, K, patient’s request. A removing the cap depend on which
Ca, Cl) blood is drawn. The test from the tube and electrolyte is affected
may take place in a adding electro line. and whether levels
healthcare provider's Test procedure are too low or too
office, blood testing lab checks for the high. If your
or hospital. A electrolyte imbalance electrolyte levels

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Mangligot, Clarence Angel December 5, 2022

phlebotomist (a in the body. were not in the

specialist trained in Electrolyte testing normal range, it
drawing blood) or includes: doesn't necessarily
another provider will Sodium (Na) - Helps mean you have a
take the blood sample. in maintaining medical problem
normal fluid balance needing treatment.
in the body. Many factors can
Potassium (K) – affect electrolyte
Helps to maintain levels. These include
muscle contraction in taking in too much
the body. fluid or losing fluid
Chloride (CI) – because of vomiting
Helps in maintaining or diarrhea. Also,
pH on balance of the certain medicines
body. such as antacids
and blood pressure
medicines may cause
abnormal results.
HbA1c After receiving the When the laboratory The results will tell
patient’s request, a receives the sample, you what percentage
blood sample is taken by the blood will be of your hemoglobin
performing venipunctur examined and reveal is coated with
e or pricking the the average blood glucose. The
patient's fingertip with a glucose (sugar) level percentage ranges are
small, pointed lancet. If for the last two to just a guide to what
the blood is taken from three months. is normal. What's
a vein, the blood sample normal for you
is sent to a lab for depends on your
analysis. health, age, and other

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