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After crafting my own classroom rules and routines I gained the knowledge that any endeavor
should begin with a clear explanation of why it is being undertaken and how it will be
implemented. In terms of rules and routines in the classroom, this entails considering whether
they enable learners to do so effectively and to their fullest capacity. Rules and routines are
designed to save time, control expectations, and simplify learners' ability to choose their
conduct. They are a crucial component in creating standards, goals, and other conducive
conditions in the classroom They facilitate agreement among all parties. Naturally, these
entrenched behavioral patterns can also develop into ruts. The risks of doing something "the
way we've always done it" are well known, particularly in institutional settings like schools
and districts. Even in our own personal classrooms and teaching practices, taking the time to
consider and maybe update our methods can be effective and can help you rekindle your own
enthusiasm and energy as well as your classroom's teaching methods. I believe that students
do better when their teachers make rules and expectations about desired behaviors explicit. In
order to reduce the possibility of distractions and disturbances, much thought must be given
to how you build a functional routine and organize your classroom. Of course, this includes
the physical layout of your classroom, the organization of equipment, and the organization of

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