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Computer system

Functional components of a computer

- Input=>processing=>storage=>output
- Memory: is the storage brain of the computer which holds data during processing
Central Processing Unit
- The CPU controls and directs the internal activities and actions of the computer. Also
known as microprocessor or just processor
- Arithmetic Logic Unit: performs all arithmetic and logical functions
- Registers: temporarily stores data while its being processed by ALU (fast but limited)
- Control Unit: it gives the instructions to the computer, and directs the flow of the
IPO cycle and data to and from the memory and ALU
Characteristics of a computer
- Strengths: Speed, high storage capacity, accuracy, reliability, versatility,
- Weakness: lack of decision-making power, zero IQ, no heuristics
Types of Hardware
Hardware: represents the physical and tangible components of the computer (CPU,
memory-RAM, ROM, input devices, output devices)
- Units: 8 bits: 1 character. bits=>byte=>kilobyte=>megabyte=>gigabyte=>terabyte=>
Primary memory
RAM: Random access memory ROM: Read only memory
Can be accessed any time randomly in any Stores hardwired instructions for the
order by CPU. Allows computer to read computer to start initially. It is the
data to run applications programs required for the computer to
boot up
Contents can be changed (both reading and Contents cannot be changed (only reading
writing) the content)
Is it volatile, larger and faster than RAM It is nonvolatile, slower and less capacity

Computer Performance
- CPU speed: how fast the ticks of the quartz clock move
- Memory size: the greater the RAM the better
- Applications: the lesser the background applications, the better
Storage devices
- Magnetic: Hard disk
- Optical: CD ROM, DVD
- Solid state: Pen drive, memory stick
Input devices
- Keyboard, mouse, webcam,
- Scanner: handheld, flatbed, drum
Output devices
- Monitors: CRT (cathode ray tube), TFT (thin film transistor// liquid crystal display),
plasma, touchscreen, OLED (organic light emitting display)
- Printers: impact (dot matrix), non-impact (inkjet, laser, etc.)
Types of Software
- It is a set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and make the
hardware run
System software
- Refers to the programs that control internal computer operations and make the best
use of the hardware
- 3 types: operating system, language processors,
- Operating system: it is a program which acts as an interface between a user and the
hardware. It is responsible for making the computer system easy to use and utilize
the hardware in an efficient manner
- Language processors: assemblers, compliers, interpreters
- Utility software: file management, antivirus software, encryption software
Application software
- It is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application
- General purpose: word processor, electronic spreadsheet, presentation software,
database management
- Specific purpose: accounting management, reservation software, HR management
software (attendance and payroll), inventory control, billing system
- Mobile application: created for mobile devices
- Custom/ bespoke software: 3 advantages, 5 disadvantages in book
Basics of Operating system
Operating system
- Operating system: it is a program which acts as an interface between a user and the
hardware. It is responsible for making the computer system easy to use and utilize
the hardware in an efficient manner
Role of operating system
- Program execution, handling I/O operations, manipulation of file system, error
detection and handling, resource allocation, accounting, information and resource
protection, providing user interface
Need for operating system
- Creates interface between user and computer system
- Facilitates convenient access to hardware
- Improves efficiency of the system (managing various resources)
- Provides security to the system
- Emulates feature not available in hardware such as (virtual memory)
Shell and Kernel
- it is the part responsible for interacting with the user
- It gets commands/instructions from user=>translates the commands into machines
language=>passes the translated instructions to the kernel
- It is responsible for interacting with the hardware. It is the core of the OS and
functions as a basic level
- Functions: process management, device I/O management, interrupt and event
handling, memory management, timer management, file system
- Monolithic kernel: single module carries out all the tasks
- Microkernel: only has basic functions, other carried out by device drivers
Functions of operating system
- Essential functions, monitoring functions, service functions
- Processor management, memory management, file management, device
management, user interface
Device drivers
- Is a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with
the computer’s operating system
- Each device works and communicates in a different way, so device drivers help
connect the kernel to the device
- Each device requires a code. If this is written separately, it makes the OS lighter and
Types of OS (based on processing methods)
- Single user: either (single user single task) or (single user, multitask)
- Multiprogram: more than one user can be supported at a time
- Time sharing: each active user is given a fair share of CPU time, if the time elapses or
I/O operation is requested, CPU shifts over to the next job
- Real Time: jobs have fixed deadlines and must be completed by then
- Multiprocessor: is capable of handling more than one processor at a time, it can load
share, and control the main processor in turn controlling the slave processors
- Distributed: to share work over multiple servers (at multiple locations)
Types of OS (based on types of interfaces)
- Common line interface: users type in commands using keyboard
- Interactive OS interface: without typing, by pointing or touching icons (GUI: graphical
user interface, uses mouse to point/ click on certain icons) (touchscreen interface)
Commonly used OS
- Linux, Windows, BOSS (bharat operating system solutions) Linux, Solaris,
- Mobile: Android, Symbian, Windows phone, Apple iOS, RIM Blackberry OS
File system
- It is a part of the OS that is responsible for organizing and retrieving files from a
storage device
- Role: creating a structure on storage device to store files, specifying naming
conventions and format, providing a way to access/ retrieve stored files
Computer Networking and Multimedia basics
- It Is a group of devices linked to one another. A network allows sharing of hardware,
software and data.
- Breaks barriers of distance, cost and time, cost effective compared to telephones, all
types of data can be communicated
Types of Networks
- PAN: over a personal area, to share a few devices within an office
- LAN: small computers confined to local areas such as within a building. Used for
resource sharing (data, info, hardware, etc.)
- MAN: spread over a city, Cable TV networks, etc. to share hardware and software
- WAN: spread over countries, huge distances, can even be a group of LANs combined
- It is a computer based worldwide information network (e.g., of WAN). Everyone can
communicate with another and share any type of data over the internet.
- Uses: to access databases, for e-commerce, video conferencing, email, broadcasting
of media, communication with colleagues, publishing info and research, for
Types of Connection
- Wired connection: computers connected through cables, also known as guided
media (twisted pair, coaxial, fiber optic)
- Wireless connection: transmitting electromagnetic signals through free space, also
known as unguided media (microwave, radio waves, satellites, Bluetooth)
Common protocols for wireless connections
- Protocol means a set of rules that the connecting device follows to establish
connection and then communicates over established connections
- Bluetooth: it is a telecommunications industry specification that describes how
devices can be connected using short range wireless connections. Low-cost
transceivers chips that use a frequency of 2.45 GHz
- WiFi: wireless fidelity lets you connect to the internet without any wired
connections, you only need- a broadband internet connection, a wireless router and
a laptop or desktop with wireless card/ external wireless adapter. 2.4 GHz or 5 Ghz
Cloud computing
- Refers to storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your
computer’s hard drive
- Public cloud: all hardware, software and other supporting infrastructure is owned
and managed by the cloud provider, and everything is commonly shared by all cloud
tenants, eg: Google drive, iCloud, etc.
- Private cloud: computing resources owned and used exclusively by one business or
organization. Maintained by and dedicated to one organization only for safety of
- Text, graphics and images, audio, video, animations
Social Networking
- It is the use of internet-based social media programs to make connections with
family, friends, classmates, customers, clients, etc.
- Social networking sites: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.

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