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Chem 105 Problem Solution 3

Chapter 9: Periodic Table and Some Atomic Properties

Atomic Radii and Ionic Radii: (11th edition, Exercises 9, 14, 15, 17, 18)

1. For each of the following pairs, indicate the atom that has the larger size:
(a) Te or Br; (b) K or Ca; (c) Ca or Cs; (d) N or O; (e) O or P; (f) Al or Au.

2. How would you expect the sizes of the hydrogen ion, H+, and the hydride ion, H-, to compare
with that of the H atom and the He atom? Explain.

3. Arrange the following in expected order of increasing radius: Br, Li+, Se, I-. Explain your answer.
4. Among the following ions, several pairs are isoelectronic. Identify these pairs. Fe 2+, Sc3+, Ca2+, F-,
Co2+, Co3+, Sr2+, Cu+, Zn2+, Al3+.

5. The following species are isoelectronic with the noble gas krypton. Arrange them in order of
increasing radius and comment on the principals involved in doing so: Rb+, Y3+, Br-, Sr2+, Se2-.

Ionization Energies; Electron Affinities: (11th edition, Exercises 21, 24, 27, 28)

6. Use principles established in this chapter to arrange the following atoms in order of increasing
value of the first ionization energy: Sr, Cs, S, F, As.

7. How much energy, in joules, must be absorbed to convert to Na+ all the atoms present in 1.00
mg of gaseous Na? The first ionization energy of Na is 495.8 kJ/mol.
8. The production of gaseous bromide ions from bromine molecules can be considered a two-step
process in which the first step is

Is the formation of Br-1 (g) from Br2 (g) an endothermic or exothermic process?

9. Use ionization energies and electron affinities listed in the text to determine whether the
following reaction is endothermic or exothermic.

Magnetic Properties: (11th edition, Exercises 33, 35, 37)

10. Unpaired electrons are found in only one of the following species. Indicate which one, and explain
why: F-, Ca2+, Fe2+, S2-.
11. Which of the following species would you expect to be diamagnetic and which paramagnetic?
(a) K+; (b) Cr3+; (c) Zn2+; (d) Cd; (e) Co3+; (f) Sn2+; (g) Br.

12. Must all atoms with an odd atomic number be paramagnetic? Must all atoms with an even atomic
number be diamagnetic? Explain.

Predictions based on the Periodic Table: (11th edition, Exercises 41, 42, 43, 45)

13. Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing polarizability: N, S, Be, K, O.

The polarizability of an atom depends on how diffuse or spread out its electron cloud is, and in

Thus, polarizability decreases from left to right across a period and increases from top to bottom
within a group.

K > Be > S > N > O

14. Of the species CI, CI+, and CI-, which has the highest polarizability? Which has the lowest

Do all the electrons in an atom contribute equally to the polarizability? No. Quantum mechanical
calculations on atoms reveal that the loosely bound valence electrons contribute more to the
polarizability than the tightly bound inner electrons. This result is not totally unexpected because,
as we have already learned, the valence electrons are, on average, farther from the nucleus and
experience a smaller effective nuclear charge than do the inner electrons. Thus, the valence
electrons experience a greater shift in position than the inner electrons when an atom is placed
an externally applied electric field or is approached by another atom, molecule, or ion.

CI- > CI > CI+

This depends on effective nuclear charge.

And we know when neutral atom gains e to form anion, its nuclear charge decreases, thus e feel
less attraction from nucleus than before and so e of valence shell are shifted away from nucleus
and thus size increases.

And when neutral atom loses electron to form cation its nuclear charge increases, thus e of
valence shell are much more attracted by nucleus in comparison to former case, and size

15. For the following groups of elements, select the one that has the property noted:
(a) the largest atom: Mg, Mn, Mo, Ba, Bi, Br
(b) the lowest first ionization energy: B, Sr, Al, Br, Mg, Pb
(c) the most negative electron affinity: As, B, Cl, K, Mg, S
(d) the largest number of unpaired electrons: F, N, S2-, Mg2+, Sc3+, Ti3+.

16. Match each of the lettered items on the left with an appropriate numbered item on the right. All
the numbered items should be used, and some more than once.

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