Enterpreneur Ship

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SECTION ONE.................................................................................................................................................................................1
1. EXCUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................................................1
SECTION TWO................................................................................................................................................................................1
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS......................................................................................................................................1
2.1 Mission statement..............................................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Objectives...........................................................................................................................................................................1
2.3 The Business Products.............................................................................................................................................................1
2.4 Background of the entrepreneur..............................................................................................................................................1
2.4 Office Equipment’s...........................................................................................................................................................1
SECTION THREE.............................................................................................................................................................................1
3. ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN....................................................................................................................................................1
3.1 Organizational structure..................................................................................................................................................1
SECTION FOUR...............................................................................................................................................................................1
4. FINANCIAL PLAN..................................................................................................................................................................1
4.1. Financial statement..........................................................................................................................................................1
4.2. Financial resource............................................................................................................................................................1
4.3. FINANCIAL STRATEGY..............................................................................................................................................1
SECTION FIVE.................................................................................................................................................................................1
1. Photograph of product...............................................................................................................................................................1
2. Sales and profitability for cast annually....................................................................................................................................1
4. Price lists...................................................................................................................................................................................1
SECTION SIX...................................................................................................................................................................................1
6. CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................................................................1

The business I am going to establish is called Wacane shoe Style. The business is going to be settled around Hassan
Wali Hotel, Ethiopia. Wacane shoe Style will staring its operation in January- 5- 2022. For more information about
Wacane shoe Style Company please contact Mr. Hamze Gorad (Chief executive Manager of company).
Tel: +251 919599369
E-mail: Wacaneshoe@g-mail.com

Since my venture manufacturing, Wacane shoes style is a business enterprise which produce a men shoes
(an outer covering for your foot that usually has a stiff bottom part called a sole with a thicker part called a
heel attached to it and upper part that covers part or all of the top of your foot ) and Upper part that covers
or all of the top of your foot is produced from a leather products and the sole of the shoes is produced from
a tyre (a rubber cushion that fits around a wheel) product .Why we interested in this product is the demand
for shoes product is increasing from time to time and the product enter into market has low durability and
quality. Through this innovative product I am going to get a high market share, fair profit and continue to
exist in the market and contribute to the leather product industry. Since my venture manufacturing is
organized by one professional with a business background, we will in a better position to succeed. The
number of participants in the shoes producing industry is increasing from time to time. Specially, the
number of Micro Enterprise producing leather product is surprisingly increasing. However, these Small
Micro Enterprises are not efficient and competitor in the market because they have lack of capital, market
place and good management. The big producers of this product in the market are AMERA SHOE, ALTUNSA,
and SULE etc. Since these big producers of shoes are located in Addis Ababa and their main focus is in the
foreign market and also my business is located in Jigjiga they can’t be my competitors. The Leather shoe
is an outer covering for the foot with a stiff sole and usually not reaching above the ankle. Leather shoes
can be man-made synthetic type or natural leather shoes. The natural leather shoes have a superior
aesthetic quality due to its softness and light weight. The project is resources based and aimed at delivering
better aesthetic quality leather shoes and ultimately such shoes substitute imports. Before the establishment
of Wacane shoes style producing business enterprise I was looked for the market, demand, supply, raw
material and So on for six month then I establish this business venture. The shoes produced locally is
unable to balance the demand so the country is obliged to import the shoes product and this product has
lack of durability and quality as a result the consumers are obliged to additional cost we will hope to
minimize this problem and successfully penetrate the market by using the problem as good opportunity
and set minimum price and new design. Strategically, I plan to increase manufacturing business enterprise
to share company and then diversify our product and coming with new design additionally sell our product
to foreign market and becoming branded shoe producers. When my company established it requires Birr 1,

260, 090 as start up. Startup capital is subjected cost like raw materials, machinery, office equipment,
business Place,
Human capital, rent, utilities, and training requirement cost. The sources of financial requirements are
from family, relatives. The profit I get from this business in the first year of production is 1,368,443 and
the fifth year of production is 26,045,774. The Wacane shoes style producing enterprise is organized
consisting five departments with one general manager (chief executive manager) and management
departments which have different responsibilities. It’s a partnership form of organization and organized by
one economists in 2021. The economics will take the management and leading role in the organization and
involve in the administration of the day to day affairs of the business.



2.1 Mission statement
The purpose of my business is to raising profit and creates my own business and also satisfying our
customers by producing new and durable product with a fair price. My business is targeted to customers
who live around the main industrial area, such as Jig-Jiga, this makes us advantageous to extract the
2.2 Objectives
The main objectives of my venture manufacturing is creating the organization, to be sustainable in the
business, and increasing profitability. I have a short term and long
term goals. My short term goal is producing the product and reaching to our customer with new products
and also advertise our product using different social media, banners, and exhibition (bazaars ) and also
sell our product using Alibaba.com. This raises our sales and this result in increasing the profitability of
our enterprise. I also have a long term goal I gone to achieve such as merging with small business
enterprise and other venture manufacturing enterprises participated in producing leather and shoes product
and this makes my company competitive, profitability, and then turns to export our product to a foreign

2.3 The Business Products

When a new business enterprise is organized it must be come with new products or addition to the existing
one to avoid or reduce competence comes from big companies that produce a substituted products.
Wacane shoe style producing enterprise is comes with new products this makes it differ from its
competent firms. We also sales our product with fair price to satisfied our customer and being competitive

with my competitors. To recap, our aims are giving our customers new, durable, and fashioned products
and then increasing the loyalty of our product.

2.4 Background of the entrepreneur

Mr. Hamze Gorod the co-founder and executive managers of the enterprise, He is 20 years old and learns
from Management And public Service Collage and also he is experienced in the whole and retail sales
shop He is interested with reading different books like fiction, philosophy, psychology, and also interested
in discussing with his friends especially ideas related with business. Mr. Mohamed, Mss. Ayan Mr. Abdi
kani. All are also the co-founder of Wacane shoes producing enterprise.

2.4 Office Equipment’s

The office equipment required to run my business are computers, chairs, shelves, table, curtains, and mat.
The total cost office equipment is around birr 4, 5000.


Wacane shoe style is a proprietorship form of business enterprise established by one economics
professionals. Each partner has its own responsibility and necessary authorities. The enterprise has five
departments in which each department has its own managers.

3.1 Organizational structure

Chief executive Manager

Mr. Hamze Gorad Mahdi

Production Financial and sales Human Resource Marketing Store Manager

manager man manager Manager
Mss. Hamda Mr. Ahmed
Mr. Hamze Mr. Kader Mss. Deka


4.1. Financial statement
Table 1 Projection profit and loss statement / Income statement

2021 2021 2021

Monthly Quarterly Annual
Sales 850,000 2,550,000 10,200,000

Cost of goods sold 795,938 2,387,814 2,291,256

Gross profit 1,140,938 3,422,814 13,691,256

Wages and 16,850 50,550 202,200

salary expense

Rent expense 4,000 5,500 6000

Utility expense 70.55 211.65 846.6

Advertising expense 4,000 12,000 48,000

Depreciation 1050 1050 1050


Miscellaneous 5,625 16,875 67,500


Total operating 31,595.55 36,186.65 2,143,596.6


Earnings before tax 1,369,150 4,107,450 16,429,800

Tax 707 2,121 8,484

Net Income 1,368,443 1,367,029 1,360,666

4.2. Financial resource
My venture start-up costs are 500,000 birr and I got this money from my family, crowd funding websites
and relatives and this makes my venture free from risk of interest rate and increase the profitability of my
The source of finance to operate this business are gotten from my family and relatives and my venture will
planned to merge with other similar shoe producers and then the capacity of my ventures will increase and
also aimed to get additional source of finance by continuing operation. My venture will have internal
control and monitoring system and also uses trained professionals to run the management department
efficiently and reduce risk of mismanagement.

1. Photograph of product

2. Sales and profitability for cast annually

No Sales per Price per Cost per Total cost Per unit Total profit
unit unit unit profit

1 90,000 300 120.97 10,887,773.44 179.03 16,112,226.56

3. The total demand for shoe was growing at a rate of 5% in local market according to data collected in 2021. The
total demand for shoe in 2021 was 1,212 in local market and the total supply is 1,530 and I will use this gap or
inequality between supply and demand as opportunity.

4. Price lists
Selling price Selling price for Selling price for Selling price for
student at discount holidays at discount customers order
(20%) (15%) more than 1000
pair (30%)

300 birr 240 birr 255 birr 210 birr


The business I am going to establish is called Wacane Shoe style. The business is going to
be settled around Hassan Wali Hotel in Jigjiga, Ethiopia. Wacane shoe Style will staring its operation in
January-05- 2022.
The purpose of my business is to raising profit and creates my own business and also satisfying my
customers by producing new and durable product with a fair price. The main objectives of my venture
manufacturing is creating the organization. When a new business enterprise is organized it must be come
with new products. The country`s demand for leather shoe is satisfied both from local production and
imports. Ethiopia also exports a substantial amount of leather shoes to the international


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