Week 16

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Procedure Sheet


Main Aim: To analyse a song in English.
T = Teacher • SS = Students • RB = Report back (the teacher eliciting answers form the students) • FB = Feedback (the teacher tells the students whether they are right or
not, amongst other things.

Timing and Stage Name & Aims Procedure Tutor´s Comments


a. Lead-in

5’ T will explain to them what the theme of the song

● To introduce and means.
T-S explain the theme
of the song.

RB/SS share their answers and T clarifies doubts.


25’ b. write the lyrics of the The teacher will write the lyrics of the song on the
song. board and explain the movements that they have to
do according to the lyrics of the song. For example:
● Write the lyrics
of the song in ● If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.
All the children should clap.

15’ T-S c. Dynamics with After having explained the dynamics. The children will
music. review the lyrics of the song.
Then everyone will do the dynamic.

Song link:

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Procedure Sheet
S-T https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yYBRqt1xU0

RB/SS share their answers and T clarifies doubts.

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