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Ref ID : [{R1202215016/2304

Date: 14 iune 2022

Name: Sunit Kumar
Employee Id : 62335016

Suhject : Relieying and Experienig Letter

Dear Sunit Kuma4

l,iokia Sghltionri antl Netu.orks This is to certiff that you were employed with Nokis from (lg Novsmber 20lt to
India Pvr. Ltd. 23 April 2022. You rvere designated-*s Fm Enginerr Core at the tirne of leaving the
7th lloor. Torver A^ organiz.ation.
Euilding No 9A DLF Cyber
City. Phasc ll You stand relievcd from the seh'ices on the closing hours of 23 rtpril2022.
Curgacn I1200) tlnrynn* (lndia)
Telephorr*:+91 {l14) 4504 tt00
We would like to reitemtc
Fax;+91 { I 24} 4504 9q1) -r'our conilnuing. ohli-gation ro confidentiali-ry- with respect to
a,ny proprietary and contlderrtial intornraiion t[at y'ou rnay have had access to during
thc course of your cmplovment
I{egd. Address:
Nokia $olutions and Nerworks
Intlia Prt. Ltd.
Piease feel free to contact us r ia cmail at luservices.inrea@, tbr any further
I 5t)7.Regus Bu-siness Cenrer,

tr*s Corporate Tower Lerel 15,

Nehnr Place, New Delhr- I 100 lg. Wc wish you all the best in your future endeavors
Yotrrs Sincerely-
For Nokia Solutions antl Networks India private Limited

Vandana Saluja
Peaple Experiencc IMEA Care

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