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Buraxılış imtahanı – 2 XI SİNİF

Listen to the passage and answer questions 31-36.

31. The listened passage is mainly about … .

A) Common jobs
B) The UK teenagers’ weekends
C) Babysitting
D) Popular jobs in the UK
E) Part-time jobs for teenagers in the UK

32. Which information is not mentioned in the passage?

1. There is no minimum wage for children under 16.
2. Minimum wage for adults in the UK is 5.52 euros an hour.
3. The most important thing for teenagers is to get a good job.
4. Babysitters can’t work later.
A) 3, 4 B) 2, 3 C) 1, 2 D) 2, 4 E) 1, 3

33. Which question has no answer?

A) What is the most common job for teenage boys?
B) Do part-time jobs make children tired?
C) Can babysitters work after 7 p.m.?
D) What is the minimum wage for a 15-year-old?
E) Working in a shop is also a popular job, isn’t it?

34. Write your answer to the question according to the passage.

What is the minimum wage for children 16- and 17-year-olds?




35. Write the correct words according to the listening passage.

School students are not ... … more than two hours on a school day.




36. Write your answer to the question using the words from the passage.
What is the most common job for teenager girls?





XI SİNİF Buraxılış imtahanı – 2
Read the passage and answer questions 37-44.

1. The Earth has some very damp habitats. Wetlands are very important areas for animals and plants. Wetlands are
also important for people and lands.
2. Wetlands are swamps, ponds, and marshes. Unlike seas and rivers, there aren’t waves. The water sits silent.
Wetlands are humid places full of animals and plants. Some of these plants and animals find their ways into rivers, lakes,
and seas. Wetlands help clean the water. They also prevent flooding.
3. Wetlands are full of life. They have many trees and much grass. Many alligators, turtles, snakes, birds, frogs,
bugs and fish make homes in wetlands. There are more types of animals in wetlands than in any type of habitat.
4. Wetlands come in all shapes, different sizes and locations. They can be found in millions of squares kilometers of
wonderful scenery or simply in your back garden. They are dynamic, changing with the seasons and over time into
different forms. The water in wetlands is either fresh water or salt water.

37. What is the passage mainly about?

A) Some plants and animals
B) Fresh water and salt water
C) Oceans of the world
D) Shapes of wetlands
E) One of the very damp habitats of the world

38. The underlined word “they” in the passage refers to … .

A) garden B) kilometers C) squares D) seasons E) wetlands

39. Which question has no answer in the given passage?

A) Which animals live in the wetlands?
B) Where can the wetlands be found?
C) What kind of water characterize the wetlands?
D) What are the wetlands necessary for?
E) What are the names of the plants which grow in the wetlands?

40. Which statement is true according to the passage?

A) The water of the wetlands is calm.
B) There aren’t any livings in the areas of wetlands.
C) Wetlands are wavy like rivers and seas.
D) Wetlands make the water pollute.
E) Wetlands are not essential for people and lands.

41. Answer the question according to the passage.

What is the significance of the wetlands?





Buraxılış imtahanı – 2 XI SİNİF
42. Complete the sentence with one word according to the passage.
Not like seas and oceans the wetlands have no … .




43. Which word from the paragraph 1 best fits the definition “the natural environment in which an animal or plant
usually lives”?




44. Write the answer to the question according to the passage.

What kind of water do the wetlands have?





XI SİNİF Buraxılış imtahanı – 2
45. Choose the correct variant. 52. Choose the correct variant.
There is a department store on … of the city. There is no … for this position.
1. each part 2. either parts A) a vacancy B) some vacancy
3. both parts 4. another parts C) the vacancy D) vacancy
5. either part E) any vacancy
A) 1, 3, 5 B) 2, 4 C) 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 2 E) 1, 4, 5 53. Choose the correct adjective or adverb.
Elchin looked …. He looked very … at me.
46. Choose the correct variant. A) happy, happy B) happy, happier
… dangerous to visit Brazil … days, because you can C) happily, happy D) happy, happily
pick up a virus. E) happy, more happily
A) It’s, these B) Its, those
C) It, those D) Its, that 54. Choose the correct degree of adjective for both
E) It’s, that sentences.
Can you hold on just a little … ?
47. Replace the underlined words with pronouns and I have been holding for fifteen minutes. I can’t wait any
choose the correct variant. ….
1. Sharif’s daughter solved the sum … . A) long B) longer C) the longest
2. Police saw the accident … . D) longest E) more long
3. My son saw the accident … .
a. He, himself 55. Choose the correct variant.
b. She, herself My mother is … and … woman for me in the world.
c. They, themselves A) the most beautiful … very a generous
d. I, myself B) most beautiful … generous
e. I, herself C) more beautiful … generous
A) 1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – b D) beautiful … generous
B) 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a E) the most beautiful … generous
C) 1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – d

D) 1 – e, 2 – a, 3 – d 56. Choose the correct variant.

E) 1 – d, 2 – e, 2 – c What a pity that people easily judge mistakes of …. But
hardly … recognizes their own mistakes.
48. Choose the correct variant. A) others, anybody
My parents want us to look after …. B) other, nobody
A) himself B) herself C) another, somebody
C) ourselves D) themself D) others, nobody
E) myself E) the others, somebody

49. Choose the correct variant. 57. Choose the correct pronouns.
Her nephew was naughty, so … didn’t fit in with … A man is a patriot if … heart beats true to … country.
kids. A) his, hers B) him, his
A) she, other B) he, another C) his, his D) him, her
C) she, others D) he, the others E) her, his
E) he, other
58. Choose the correct variant.
50. Choose the incorrect definition. … needs love. … deserves it.
A) plain – not decorated or elaborate, simple or basic in A) Everybody, Everyone B) No, Everybody
character C) Every, Each D) All, Every
B) confused – unable to think clearly; bewildered E) Every, All
C) scared – considered to be holy or connected with
God in a special way 59. Choose the correct variant.
D) messy – dirty, unpleasant; or lacking order A knife is good when a surgeon uses … to save a life
E) strange – not familiar; or difficult to understand; and bad when a terrorist uses … to kill.
unusual A) its, it’s B) it’s, its C) it, its
D) it, it E) its, it
51. Choose the incorrect variant.
Take … money and do shopping. 60. Choose the correct variant.
1. some 2. none … person you meet has a purpose.
3. a little 4. something 1. Each 2. Every 3. No
5. anything 4. Both 5. Some
A) 1, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 2, 3, 5 A) 1, 5 B) 1, 2, 3 C) 2, 4
D) 3, 4, 5 E) 2, 4, 5 D) 2, 4, 5 E) 3, 4


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