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ENG101 GDB 1 Solution 2022

Question Title:

You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone. change
begins at the end of your comfort zone. comment

Solution File:

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, meaning – to master new skills,
move out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t be
afraid to fail. Do it now while you are young so it doesn’t happen later when
you have an identity, a job, and a family.

Life is an adventure, and it’s often the road less traveled that will take you to
the most interesting places. So, what’s stopping you from breaking out of your
comfort zone?

In order to break out of our comfort zone, we must first be willing to do

something that we wouldn’t normally consider doing. This form of resistance
is not easy for most people.

The fear of failure, or the fear of trying new things is one of the main reasons
why most people don’t try anything new. It’s far too common for people to
question themselves and their abilities before taking the plunge into a new
experience – even though it’s likely that they’ll regret it later on if they don’t.

To really experience life and grow as a person, we need to go beyond our

comfort zones and we need to expand our knowledge. The more we know
about the world around us, the better able we are to make decisions that will
improve our lives.

There are two basic forms of fear that we face on a regular basis. One is the
fear of not being good enough, and the other is the fear of failure. Both are
completely normal and can be overcome through proper motivation.

It’s important for us to remember that these fears can be overcome through
practice and proper motivation. We should remember this when we are faced
with challenges – especially those that seem impossible to overcome –
because all too often, people focus on overcoming these fears rather than
using them as motivation for success.

Please do some changes in solution file otherwise you get zero marks.

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