HyperspaceD6 v1.5

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A Heavily Modified and Streamlined Hack of West End Games’ Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game

Writing and Design by Matt Click | Additional Design by Michael Barker

v1.5 (Updated January 2020)

Download Character Sheet | Download GM Screen | Support Matt on Patreon | Follow Matt on Twitter

The complete text of HyperspaceD6 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA). You can create derivative works using this text as long as you credit
HyperspaceD6 and Matt Click, and license material under identical terms for non-commercial purposes.

WHAT IS STAR WARS: THE ROLEPLAYING GAME? ● Skill list pared down and simplified.
● Static defenses added.
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game was written and published by the now-
● Special abilities replaced with skill focuses.
defunct West End Games (WEG) between 1987 and 1999. It utilized the
● Range bands replace distances.
D6 System, also by WEG.
● Simplified combat and vehicle rules.
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game established much of the groundwork of ● Minion group rules added.
what later became the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Lucasfilm ● Rules for lightsaber duels added.
considered West End Games' Star Wars sourcebooks so authoritative
they sent Timothy Zahn a box of the books as reference material for the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Thrawn trilogy. Many well-known alien names (such as Twi'lek, Rodian, To my fellow creators: Jez Gordon, whose D6 Rules Essentials inspired my own
and Quarren) appeared for the first time in WEG's books. This legacy version of this game; the REUP team, through whom WEG’s legacy lives on; and

remains, even with the 2014 reboot of the canon lore. Diem Ephée, whose Quick Reference Guide aided my efforts immeasurably.

To my creative partners at Absolute Tabletop, who provided endless feedback

WHAT IS HYPERSPACED6? and necessary sanity checks.
HyperspaceD6 is a heavily modified, streamlined, and stripped-down
To my wife, Tealah, and daughter, Rhowan, for putting up with my agonized
version of WEG’s Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Utilizing house rules
obsession and supporting me with love and encouragement (and endless
and hacks from across the community and my own game table,
HyperspaceD6 seeks to further modernize WEG’s classic RPG and
present it in a simplified, easy-to-pick-up package, with a To my dad, Shawn, who introduced me to Star Wars, the D6 System, roleplaying
narrative/cinematic focus and cues taken from more recent iterations of games in general, and pretty much everything else I love.
Star Wars RPGs.
To the Absolute Tabletop: Official Group, for being the best damn place on the
internet to geek out about RPGs, and for being infinitely kind, welcoming, and
WHAT’S DIFFERENT? encouraging to everyone in this wonderful hobby of ours.
HyperspaceD6, in addition to presenting the rules in a much slimmer
package, has a few major departures from the game as you know it. And finally, to you, the one reading this – thanks for bringing HyperspaceD6 to
your table, rolling fistfuls of dice, and carrying on a 30-year legacy of Star Wars
● Pip modifiers removed. RPGs.
● Wild Die renamed Destiny Die.
May the Force be with you.
● The Force attribute added.

attacked but also reduce incoming damage. The defenses are Dodge (based on
Agility), Parry (based on Melee), Block (based on Brawl), and Soak (based on
HyperspaceD6 utilizes the same D6 System that made Star Wars: The
Stamina, with bonuses from armor).
Roleplaying Game so simple to play, run, and modify. It uses six-sided
dice (D6s) exclusively. When you attempt something challenging, you roll DESTINY DIE
a number of D6s equal to the appropriate attribute and skill. After For every skill check, one of the D6s rolled must be a different color than the
rolling, you add up your total and compare that to a target number (TN) others. This is the Destiny Die. It represents the Force and the pull of luck and
– if you meet or exceed that number, you succeed! fate in the Star Wars universe. It behaves like any other die, adding its total to
the final result. A roll of 1 on the Destiny Die, however, denotes consequences,
ATTRIBUTES AND SKILLS while a 6 denotes rewards. It is possible to succeed on a roll and still suffer
setbacks; likewise, it is possible to fail and gain an advantage.
Characters in HyperspaceD6 have six attributes: Dexterity (DEX),
Knowledge (KNO), Mechanical (MEC), Perception (PER), Strength (STR),
and Technical (TEC). Some characters also have access to a seventh
Scenes represent non-combat narratives. Scenes might encompass minutes,
attribute: The Force (FOR). Each attribute is assigned a number, called a
hours, or even days, and characters act in whatever order they wish. Rounds are
dice code, which denotes the number of dice you roll with that attribute
six seconds of combat or other action-oriented encounters (such as a chase),
(e.g., a character with a DEX of 3D rolls three D6s on Dexterity checks).
and characters take turns declaring and resolving actions in initiative order.

Each attribute also has associated skills, which add their own dice
codes. Skills further focus your character’s abilities and add additional
Most things are considered actions. You can always take a single action without
dice to checks (e.g., a character with a DEX of 3D and a Blasters skill of
consequence – but you can also push your luck and attempt multiple actions.
2D would roll a Blasters check with 5D).
Each round, you declare your actions on your turn. For each action taken
beyond the first, reduce all rolls for the round by -1D. The number of additional
CALCULATING DICE CODES actions possible per round is limited to your Dexterity (e.g. a character with 3D
Skill dice codes usually include the linked attribute. When determining DEX can take a maximum of four actions each round – an initial action, plus
your dice pool for a skill check or calculating defenses, always use the three additional actions).
combined dice code of the skill and attribute together. When calculating
the cost of improving a skill, do not include the linked attribute. RANGE BANDS
HyperspaceD6 uses range bands to abstractly represent movement and
DEFENSES distance. The five range bands are: engaged, short range, medium range, long

Characters also have a set of static defenses, which function like TNs when range, and extreme range. A character can move between two bands on their
turn for free – further movement costs actions.


Character Points are awarded to players for stellar roleplay and The Star Wars universe is rich in history and lore and encompasses
furthering the story. When you spend a Character Point to alter a roll, many thousands of years. HyperspaceD6 assumes an era of play
you roll one extra die. You can only spend one Character Point per roughly congruent with the timeline of the original film trilogy – the reign
round. Character Points are also used to improve attributes and skills of the Galactic Empire and the rise of the Rebel Alliance. These rules can
between sessions, and can be saved up and spent later. easily support play in other eras – the Old Republic, the Clone Wars, the
rise of the Rebellion, the Resistance against the First Order – with minor
Characters start each session with a number of Force Points equal to
modifications or with support from other rules and sourcebooks.
their Force attribute (or 1, if they don’t have the Force attribute). When
you spend a Force Point, your character uses all of their concentration
to succeed, and whether they know it or not, draw upon the Force.
When you spend a Force Point, you roll double the number of dice you
would normally roll. Force Points reset at the beginning of each session.
You can only spend one Force Point per round.

Alternatively, a Force-sensitive character can spend a Force Point to do

something extraordinary using the Force – lifting an X-Wing
telepathically, leaping a great distance, throwing their lightsaber, etc.
See page 16 for more on Force Points.

Above all else, HyperspaceD6 seeks to evoke the feel of the Star Wars
films – larger-than-life heroes pulling off daring maneuvers and surviving
incredible odds. Narrative, cinematic gameplay is the focus. Rather than
agonizing over how many meters away the stormtrooper is, describe
the heat of the blaster bolts sizzling by, the harsh static of the Imperial
comms. Instead of tracking the positions of fighters in a dogfight,
visualize the hectic back-and-forth, a TIE fighter’s twin ion engines
howling past, laser fire from the X-wing’s quad cannons barely missing
its solar panels. Always put fun and excitement first – this is Star Wars,
after all.

1. CONCEPT AND NAME Choose three skills to each increase by +1D. See a complete list of skills
and their descriptions on page 8.
First, make a copy of the HyperspaceD6 character sheet.

Now, conceptualize your character. Come up with a high concept, no 5. DEFENSES

more than a few words – merc with a heart of gold, Imperial soldier Your defenses protect you from harm in combat, resisting attacks and
turned freedom fighter, gunslinger with a cybernetic eye. reducing damage. Calculate your Dodge, Parry, Block, and Soak using
the guidelines on page 10.
In addition to the high concept, choose a suitable name for your
character. When in doubt, there are plenty of Star Wars name 6. BURDEN AND EDGE
generators available online.
Burdens include obligations, duties, debts, or complications; edges
include unique gear, special skills, connections, wealth, or even Force
sensitivity. Choose one burden and one edge from the lists on page 11.
Next, choose your species. Most characters in the Star Wars universe
are Human (or Near-Human), but many other cultures play prominent 7. GEAR
roles – Bothans, Rodians, Wookiees, and countless others. You can also
Each character starts with 750 credits with which to purchase weapons,
choose to play a droid, selecting from a handful of iconic choices such
armor, and other equipment. The GM can adjust these starting funds as
as assassin, astromech, or protocol droid. Choose a species or droid
they see fit. Find weapons and armor on page 12, and more general
type from the list on page 6 and note your base attributes and skill
gear on page 13.


Now write a short description of what your character looks like, how
Now choose a profession. This is your character’s career or
they interact with others, and any distinguishing features or quirks.
specialization. They might be a soldier, a noble, a smuggler, or even a
Jedi. Choose your profession from the list on page 7 and adjust your 9. CHARACTER POINTS AND FORCE POINTS
attributes accordingly.
Each character starts with 5 Character Points (CPs), and a number of
Force Points equal to their Force attribute (or 1, if they do not have the
Force attribute).
Skills further develop your character and give them a unique focus.
Human/Near-Human 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D –
Bith 2D 2D 2D 1D 1D 2D Nimble Fingers: +1D to Steal
Bothan 1D 2D 1D 3D 1D 2D Elusive: +1D to Stealth
Duros 2D 1D 3D 1D 1D 2D Navigator: +1D to Astrogation
Gamorrean 2D 1D 1D 2D 3D 1D Brute: +1D to Athletics
Gand 2D 1D 1D 3D 2D 1D Findsman: +1D to Survival
Gran 2D 1D 2D 2D 2D 1D Infrared Vision: +1D to Search
Ithorian 2D 2D 1D 2D 2D 1D Bellow: +1D to Intimidate
Mon Calamari 1D 2D 2D 2D 1D 2D Aquatic: +1D to Swim
Quarren 3D 1D 2D 1D 1D 2D Aquatic: +1D to Swim
Rodian 3D 1D 1D 2D 2D 1D Reputation: +1D to Bargain
Sullustan 2D 1D 3D 2D 1D 1D Ace: +1D to Pilot
Trandoshan 2D 1D 1D 2D 3D 1D Regeneration: +1D to Stamina
Twi’lek 2D 1D 1D 3D 1D 2D Empathic: +1D to Deceive
Weequay 2D 1D 2D 2D 2D 1D Armored Hide: +1D to Stamina
Wookiee 2D 1D 1D 1D 3D 2D Mighty: +1D to Brawl
Assassin 3D 1D 1D 2D 2D 1D Deadly: +1D to Blasters
Astromech 1D 1D 2D 2D 1D 3D Utility: +1D to Vehicles
Battle 3D 1D 1D 1D 3D 1D Warmachine: +1D to Stamina
Labor 1D 1D 1D 1D 3D 3D Hard Labor: +1D to Athletics
Medical 1D 2D 1D 2D 1D 3D Field Medic: +1D to Medicine
Protocol 1D 3D 1D 2D 1D 2D Fluent: +1D to Xenology
Diplomat +1D +2D – +2D – – –
Doctor +1D +1D – +1D – +2D –
Engineer +1D +1D +1D – – +2D –
Entertainer +1D +1D – +2D +1D – –
Noble – +1D +1D +2D – +1D –
Pilot +1D – +2D +1D – +1D –
Scavenger – +1D +1D +1D – +2D –
Scholar – +2D +1D +1D – +1D –
Scout +2D +1D – +1D +1D – –
Scoundrel +2D – +1D +1D – +1D –
Soldier +1D – – +1D +2D +1D –
Spy +1D +1D – +2D +1D – –
Thug +1D – – +1D +2D +1D –
Trader – +1D +1D +2D – +1D –
Jedi Padawan +2D +1D – +1D +1D – +1D
Jedi Consular +1D +1D – +2D +1D – +1D
Jedi Guardian +1D +1D – +1D +2D – +1D
Jedi Sentinel +2D – – +1D +1D +1D +1D
Agility Planets Astrogation Bargain Athletics Armament Alter
Blasters Streetwise Drive Command Brawl Computers Control
Melee Survival Gunnery Deceive Intimidate Droids Sense
Steal Willpower Pilot Stealth Stamina Medicine –
Throw Xenology Sensors Search Swim Vehicles –
* Only Force-using professions or characters with the Force Sensitivity edge (page 11) get access to this attribute and its skills

Dexterity represents a character’s speed, skill, and precision, particularly Mechanical represents a character’s proficiency with vehicles and
in combat. starships and their various weapons and computer systems.

● AGILITY: Perform dexterous maneuvers ● ASTROGATION: Calculate ship routes and lightspeed jumps
● BLASTERS: Fire blaster weapons ● DRIVE: Operate repulsor craft and other land vehicles
● MELEE: Attack with melee weapons ● GUNNERY: Use vehicle-mounted weaponry
● STEAL: Lift, stow, and hide items without raising suspicion ● PILOT: Operate and maneuver starships
● THROW: Throw items such as knives and grenades ● SENSORS: Operate systems to scan and search

Knowledge represents a character’s intelligence and breadth of lore and Perception represents a character’s awareness, empathy, and social
data. skills.

● PLANETS: Identify planets and other celestial bodies ● BARGAIN: Negotiate and haggle
● STREETWISE: Recall data on crime and underworld dealings ● COMMAND: Coordinate and coax followers
● SURVIVAL: Utilize survival skills and knowledge ● DECEIVE: Con, bluff, or convince
● WILLPOWER: Resist and overcome mental attacks ● STEALTH: Avoid notice and sneak past threats
● XENOLOGY: Identify and recall data on cultures and languages ● SEARCH: Look for hidden objects or important details

Strength represents a character’s physical might and fortitude, and their featuring beast mounts might include a Beast-riding skill, or a Jedi-
ability to shrug off wounds. centric campaign might feature a Knowledge skill tied to the Force and
Jedi/Sith history.
● ATHLETICS: Push, pull, lift, and climb
● BRAWL: Attack with unarmed and improvised strikes
● INTIMIDATE: Impose and coerce others
● STAMINA: Push through exhaustion and stave off damage
● SWIM: Move through water and other liquids

Technical represents a character’s skill with repairing, modifying, and
operating technology.

● ARMAMENT: Repairing and modifying weapons and armor

● COMPUTERS: Operate and hack computer systems
● DROIDS: Build, repair, and interact with droids
● MEDICINE: Heal creatures and diagnose injuries and illnesses
● VEHICLES: Repair and modify speeders and starships

The Force is a unique attribute only available to Force-sensitive
characters. It represents their connection to the mystical energy field
known as the Force, as well as their skill in manipulating it.

● ALTER: Move objects telepathically

● CONTROL: Master one’s own mind and body
● SENSE: Sense others, read minds, manipulate thoughts

Depending on the style and tone of the game, other skills might be
added or substituted to the preceding lists. For instance, a game


Defenses are static numbers, not unlike TNs, calculated using your skills.
When a combatant attacks someone, they roll against their target’s
Block, derived from Brawl, is used when defending against unarmed
defenses, depending on the weapon they attack with. When calculating
attacks. Block represents a character’s knack for bare-knuckle fighting,
defenses, always include the dice code for both the skill and linked
catching punches and kicks, ducking beneath blows, and using the
attribute (e.g. a character with a DEX of 3D and an Agility of 1D would
environment to put distance between them and their opponent.
include both to calculate a Dodge of 14). You can see how each defense
is calculated in the following table.
DEFENSE CALCULATION USE Soak, derived from Stamina, is used to reduce damage. Soak represents
a character’s survivability, their ability to shrug off minor damage or
Dodge 10 + Agility Avoid ranged attacks
exhaustion, and utilize defenses like armor effectively. When a character
Parry 10 + Melee Resist attacks with melee weapons
takes damage, they reduce that damage by a number equal to their
Block 10 + Brawl Resist unarmed attacks Soak.
Soak Stamina + Armor Reduce damage

Dodge, derived from Agility, is used when avoiding any sort of ranged
threat, be it from a blaster, grenade, or charging swoop bike. Dodge
represents a character’s ability to think and act quickly, ducking behind
cover or somersaulting away from danger.

Parry, derived from Melee, is used when defending against attacks with
melee weapons, like vibroblades and lightsabers. Parry represents a
character’s prowess in melee combat, sidestepping opponents, out-
maneuvering, and turning weapons aside to gain the upper hand and
Addiction Dependency on alcohol, spice, stims, etc. Without easy access to the substance, -1D to all rolls.
Code A strict code puts you at odds with others. Failure to uphold the code has severe repercussions.
Debt You owe someone in power a large sum of credits. They might send bounty hunters after you.
Enslaved You were enslaved once and can’t stand to see others in chains. This often stirs up trouble for you.
Dependent You are responsible for someone else – a friend, family member, or ward. They require regular aid.
Haunted Memories plague you. Roll 1D every 24 hours – on the result of 1, you are overwhelmed by the memory and suffer -1D to all rolls.
Impoverished You have few credits to your name. You start with only 300 credits.
Secret You carry a terrible secret that could destroy you or someone else. You live in fear of discovery.
Wanted You flee from authorities due to a crime you committed and may have bounty hunters after you.
Wounded An old wound. Choose an attribute. Roll 1D every 24 hours – on the result of 1 or 2, you suffer -1D to all rolls with that attribute.
Connection You are tied to a notable figure or faction and can contact them to request aid at the GM’s discretion.
Talented You are talented. Choose an appropriate skill to increase by +1D.
Fame You are known for your deeds or expertise. You can leverage this fame to secure aid and resources at the GM’s discretion.
Favors You are owed favors by someone in power and can cash them in times of need at the GM’s discretion.
Force Sensitivity You have a connection to the Force. +1D to the Force attribute.
Fortune Through inheritance, hard work, or luck, you’ve come into vast funds. You start with 1,200 credits.
Heirloom You carry a valuable artifact, trinket, or piece of gear that gives you +1D to a single skill when used or activated.
Luck Call it destiny or the Force – you know it’s just dumb luck. When you spend a Character Point on a roll, add +2D instead of +1D.
Sanctuary You have a home friendly to you and can always find shelter and resources there when you need them.
Trained You are trained in a specific area. Add +1D to a single skill of your choice.
Combat Knife STR+1D 25 Concealed (+1D to Stealth checks to conceal weapon), Bayonet (can be attached to a blaster)
Vibroknife STR+2D 250 Concealed (+1D to Stealth checks to conceal weapon), Bayonet (can be attached to a blaster)
Vibroblade STR+3D 500 –
Forcepike STR+1D 600 Double (make two attacks with one action)
Lightsaber* 4D – Piercing (ignores armor), Reflective (use Parry in place of Dodge)
Holdout Blaster 2D 250 Concealed (+1D to Stealth checks to conceal weapon)
Blaster Pistol 3D 500 –
Heavy Blaster Pistol 4D 600 –
Blaster Carbine 4D 600 –
Blaster Rifle 5D 1,000 –
Heavy Blaster Rifle 5D 1,500 Auto-Fire (-1D to Blaster check for +1D damage and 1 additional target)
Bowcaster 6D – Piercing (ignores armor)
Light Repeating Blaster 6D 2,000 Auto-Fire (-1D to Blaster check for +1D damage and 1 additional target)
Heavy Repeating Blaster 7D 3,000 Auto-Fire (-1D to Blaster check for +1D damage and 1 additional target)
Light Armor +2 500 –
Medium Armor +3 1,000 -1 Dodge
Heavy Armor +4 3,500 -2 Dodge
Battle Armor +6 6,000 -3 Dodge
* These stats represent a standard lightsaber weapon; see Lightsabers on page 24 for more.
Survival Pack 200 Includes backpack, 2-person tent, rations (1 week), syntherope (45m), glowrod, medpac (2), breath mask
Data Spike 150 +1D to Computers checks to hack, slice, or disable locks
Droid Toolkit 500 +1D to Droids checks to repair or modify
Engineer Toolkit 750 +1D to Armament and Vehicles checks to repair or modify
Medical Kit 750 +1D to Medicine checks to heal
Medpac 100 TN 10 Medicine check to remove 1 wound
Syntherope (45m) 10 –
Glowrod 25 Sheds light up to medium range
Breath Mask 50 Provides oxygen and filters smoke/toxins
Comlink 75 Communicate with allies over short distances
Datapad 100 Display, store, and access data; interface with droids and computers
Jetpack 1,000 Move one additional range band without using an action
Macrobinoculars 100 +1D to Search checks at extreme range
Scope 200 Use an action to aim and gain +2D to next Blasters check at long or extreme range
Tracking Device 500 Track a person, object, or starship across star systems
Frag Grenade 50 Deals 3D damage to each target in short range
Smoke Grenade 100 Creates area of smoke in short range (combatants inside smoke benefit from cover but cannot see beyond it)
Stun Grenade 100 Causes each target in short range to become stunned
Thermal Detonator 1,000 Deals 6D damage to each target in medium range
code (e.g., improving a Dexterity attribute of 1D to 2D costs 18 CPs).
Each attribute can only be improved by +1D at a time.
The GM can award Character Points (CPs) to players for immersive IMPROVING GEAR AND VEHICLES
roleplaying, clever problem-solving, and collaborating with other players. With enough time and resources, you can choose to spend CPs to make
Players should also receive CPs for completing tasks, defeating enemies, upgrades and modifications to gear and vehicles, improving their stats.
and furthering the story of the campaign. In general, each player should When doing so, spend 6 CPs times the new dice code or attribute to
receive between 2 and 4 Character Points per session. improve a piece of gear or a vehicle by +1D or +1, depending on the
nature of the improvement. At the GM’s discretion, you may also have to
SPENDING CHARACTER POINTS acquire additional parts or resources, and an Armament or Vehicles
At the end of each session, players can spend Character Points to check may also be required. See page 23 for more.
improve attributes, skills, gear, and vehicles. Character Points carry over
between sessions and can be saved to use later. UNLOCKING THE FORCE
Sometimes, characters don’t realize their potential in the Force until it
UPGRADE CP COST awakens within them. A character can spend 20 Character Points to add
+1D Skill 3X New Dice Code +1D to the Force attribute and unlock its use.

+1D Attribute 9X New Dice Code

+1D/+1 to Gear/Vehicle 6X New Dice Code/Attribute
Unlock The Force 20

Improving a skill by +1D costs 3 CPs times the skill’s new dice code (e.g.,
improving a Blaster skill of 1D to 2D costs 6 CPs). Each skill can only be
improved by +1D at a time. When improving a skill, do not include the
linked attribute while calculating the cost.

Improving an attribute by +1D costs 9 CPs times the attribute’s new dice


When a character attempts something challenging, the GM calls for a When a character opposes another character’s check, they both roll and
skill check. The player gathers a number of dice equal to the dice code compare results. The highest roll wins, and players win ties against
of the applicable attribute and skill, rolls them, and adds up the results. NPCs.
If the total is equal to or greater than the target number, the skill check
When multiple characters make a skill check together, the character
One die in each skill check must be a different color than the other dice
with the highest dice code rolls, adding +1D for each character or NPC
– this is the Destiny Die, which represents luck, fate, and the influence of
assisting them, within reason.
the Force. The result of the Destiny Die adds to your total like any other
die, but if the Destiny Die result is 1, something bad happens; if the MULTIPLE ACTIONS
result is 6, something good happens. The GM and player decide
When a character attempts multiple actions in a short time (such as
together what the Destiny Die result means and how it manifests.
during a round of combat), each skill check is rolled with -1D for each
action beyond the first. A character can only take a number of additional
actions equal to their Dexterity.
Target numbers are static numbers characters try to meet or exceed
with their rolls. Most basic skill checks have TNs between 10 and 20. MODIFYING CHECKS
The GM can add or subtract a single die from a skill check to represent
advantageous or disadvantageous conditions. A character taking time to
Very Easy 5 Piloting in open space, recalling well-known lore
aim, for example, adds +1D to a skill check with their blaster rifle;
Easy 10 Unlocking a simple door, fixing minor damage conversely, a character firing off a shot from the back of a speeding
Moderate 15 Identifying obscure tech, spotting hidden clues repulsor train might make the Blasters check with -1D.

Difficult 20 Slicing secure systems, fixing heavy damage

Very Difficult 25 Knowing classified intel, translating ancient text
Heroic 30+ Leaping great distances, fixing severe damage

DESTINY DIE Force checks can be rolled against a TN/defense, or against an opposed
roll for particularly adept enemies (e.g. a Jedi attempting to hurl a
The Force is an energy field present in all living creatures – it surrounds,
stormtrooper against a bulkhead can test Alter against the enemy’s
penetrates, and binds the universe together. The Destiny Die, included
in every skill check, represents luck, destiny, and the esoteric influence
of the Force. The Destiny Die behaves like any other die, adding to the
total of the skill check. But on the results of 1 or 6, the Destiny Die
Any character can spend a Force Point to double the dice they roll on a
affects the outcome of the skill check – for good or ill.
skill check. But only a Force-user can use Force Points to perform
On the result of 1, something bad happens – the blaster overheats, the otherwise impossible feats.
security system triggers an alarm, the lightsaber slips from the Jedi’s
HyperspaceD6 depicts the Force as the mystical, myriad energy it is –
unwieldy and unpredictable, wondrous and terrifying in equal measure.
On the result of a 6, something good happens – the shot knocks an There are no limits and no set powers. It’s up to the players to be
enemy’s weapon out of their hands, the computer gives up additional imaginative, drawing inspiration from the Star Wars films and expanded
data, the Jedi reflects blaster bolts back at their attacker. universe; the GM adjudicates, calling for appropriate Force skill checks
and using their best judgment to limit the Force and keep it fun and
Ultimately, it’s up to the GM and the players to collaboratively narrate
the outcome of a skill check and the result of the Destiny Die. It’s
possible to succeed on a skill check and still suffer ill effects from the THE DARK SIDE
Destiny Die; likewise, you can fail and still see additional benefits.
When a Force-user draws upon the Force in anger, frustration, or
ambition, they tap into the Dark Side. Rather than track the corruption
of the Dark Side, it falls to the player to roleplay their use of the Force,
The Force allows beings sensitive to its power to unlock incredible
and take into account the seeping shadow of the Dark Side. The further
abilities and perform impossible feats. Force-users can read thoughts,
one falls into that shadow, the more potential power a Force-user
sense creatures, move objects telepathically, manipulate minds, push
unlocks – but at great cost.
themselves to their physical and mental limits, even stop blaster bolts.
Once they’ve fallen far enough, a Force-user can use Force skills and
When a character attempts to accomplish something using the Force,
Force Points to activate abilities like Force choke, Force lightning, and
the GM determines which Force skill applies: Alter, Control, or Sense.
darker powers still.

COMBAT ROUNDS other effects before initiative proceeds to the next combatant.

A round in combat (or another action-oriented scene like a chase)

encompasses roughly 6 seconds, meaning 10 rounds of combat
Combatants can move from one range band to the next as a free action
represents a minute, more or less.
on their turn. Moving to further range bands requires an action for each
INITIATIVE range band (e.g. moving from short range to engaged is free, but
retreating from engaged to medium range requires an action).
When combat breaks out, each combatant makes a Perception check to
determine the initiative order for the combat. If a character initiates the
combat (such as by shooting first), they automatically go first and don’t
Attacking involves making a skill check against the target’s appropriate
roll to determine their place in the initiative order. Players win ties on
defense and rolling damage on a success.
initiative checks. Starting with the highest initiative, each combatant
declares and resolves all of their actions.

DECLARING ACTIONS Blasters Dodge Lightsaber-wielding defenders can use Parry

At the beginning of their turn, each combatant declares the actions they Melee Parry Unarmed defenders can use Block
want to take that round – at least one, and a maximum of additional Throw Dodge –
actions equal to their Dexterity (e.g., a character with a Dexterity of 3D
Gunnery Dodge Lightsaber-wielding defenders can use Parry
can take up to four actions in a round). Each action a character takes
Brawl Block Armed defenders can use Parry
beyond the first reduces all skill checks for the round by -1D (e.g., a
character taking three actions would reduce all skill checks by -2D).
Combatants can choose to hold any number of their actions, declaring a When a combatant takes cover or is otherwise obscured from view, they
triggering effect and resolving the action once triggered (e.g., “I’m going add +5 to their Dodge (e.g. a Stormtrooper has Dodge 10; behind cover,
to shoot my blaster at the first Stormtrooper through that airlock”). Held they have Dodge 15).
actions can interrupt initiative order.
A combatant also adds +5 to their Dodge against attackers at extreme
RESOLVING ACTIONS range. These modifiers stack (e.g. a target behind cover at extreme
range increases their Dodge by +10).
Each combatant’s actions are resolved after they’ve declared them. The
combatant makes all necessary checks, calculates damage, and resolves
DAMAGE Stamina who takes 5 damage gains a wound).

When a combatant succeeds on their attack roll and hits their target, Wounds stack, and for each wound a combatant has, they roll -1D on all
they roll damage as noted by their weapon. A damage roll is not a skill skill checks. A character can sustain a number of wounds equal to their
check and does not include the Destiny Die. STR dice code before becoming unconscious (e.g., a combatant with 2D
STR becomes unconscious after gaining their third wound).
The damage is compared against the target’s Soak and reduced by a
number equal to the Soak. The target takes any remaining damage, Wounds can be removed through the use of medpacs, but otherwise
suffering effects based on the amount of damage as compared to their naturally heal at a rate of one per day. A character immersed in bacta
Stamina dice code (see the following table). A combatant only suffers removes all wounds after one hour.
one effect per attack (e.g. a combatant who takes enough damage to
suffer a wound wouldn’t also become stunned). UNCONSCIOUS
When a combatant gains a wound beyond their threshold (i.e. equal to
their STR dice code) or suffers an amount of damage equal to three
≤ Stamina Stunned -1D to rolls next turn times their Stamina, they become unconscious (e.g. a combatant with
> Stamina Wounded -1D to rolls (per wound) 3D Stamina who takes 9 damage becomes unconscious). An
3X Stamina Unconscious Can’t move, act, or speak until healed unconscious character cannot act, move, or speak. They regain
consciousness after one wound is removed.
6X Stamina Dead –

When a combatant suffers an amount of damage equal to six times
When a combatant suffers an amount of damage lower than or equal to
their Stamina dice code, they die (e.g. a combatant with 3D Stamina who
their Stamina dice code, they become stunned (e.g. a combatant with
takes 18 damage from a single attack dies).
3D Stamina becomes stunned after taking 3 or fewer damage).

When a combatant becomes stunned, they roll -1D on all skill checks DAMAGE SCALE
during their next turn. When a character attempts to damage a vehicle or starship, or vice-
versa, the damage is adjusted (either multiplied or divided) to reflect the
WOUNDED difference in scale. For each step up in scale, damage is halved; for each
When a combatant suffers an amount of damage greater than their step down, damage is doubled (e.g. a character attacking a speeder
Stamina dice code, they gain a wound (e.g., a combatant with 3D halves their damage, while a speeder attacking a character doubles its



In HyperspaceD6, combat between speeders, starships, and other Vehicles have static defenses used to avoid attacks and reduce damage.
vehicles functions similarly to combat between characters, with a few
● EVADE: Used to dodge and avoid enemy attacks
differences. A vehicle is essentially its own character, with its own
● HULL: Armor and plating, used to reduce damage
unique attributes and defenses. At the beginning of combat, the pilot or
● SHIELDS: Additional armor, can be moved to fore, starboard,
driver of each vehicle makes a Pilot or Drive check, adding the vehicle’s
port, and aft
Mobility dice code to their roll – this determines initiative. Then, each
vehicle involved in the combat acts in initiative order, with each If a character has invested in the Pilot or Drive skill, they add a number
combatant aboard declaring and resolving actions in any order they to their vehicle’s Evade defense equal to their dice code in that
choose. appropriate skill (e.g. a character at the helm of an X-wing adds their
Pilot dice code of 4 to the ship’s Evade of 12, giving them a new total
Just as with on-foot combat, penalties apply for multiple actions taken
Evade of 16). This goes for player characters as well as skilled NPCs.
beyond the first for each combatant (e.g. a pilot choosing to both angle
the deflector shields and make an attack would roll all checks for the
round with -1D).
Vehicle combat uses the same range bands as on-foot combat, albeit on
VEHICLE ATTRIBUTES a much larger scale. Unlike characters, vehicles are always moving. A
vehicle moves from one range band to the next as a free action during
Vehicles have a number of unique attributes, similar to character
its turn, directed by a pilot or driver. In areas of difficult terrain or
attributes. In appropriate checks, these dice codes are added to the roll
hazards (asteroid belts, mine fields, derelict ships), movement might
(e.g. the pilot of an X-Wing adds the starfighter’s Firepower dice code to
require a Pilot or Drive check to avoid damage and other setbacks.
their Gunnery check when attacking).

Vehicles are always fore, aft, port, or starboard of each other, and a pilot
● MOBILITY (MOB): Acceleration, speed, and maneuverability
or driver can use an action to make an opposed Pilot check (adding the
● SENSORS (SEN): Computer systems, radar, scanners
vehicle’s Mobility dice code to the roll) to change facing and position.
● FIREPOWER (FIR): On-board weapon systems, target
Each combatant aboard a vehicle can take actions as normal (firing Damaged systems can be removed through the use of Vehicles checks
blasters from the back of a sail barge, leaping from one speeder to to make repairs, or can be repaired at friendly stations and planets at a
another, etc.). But they can also utilize the vehicle’s various stations to rate of one per day.
attempt other tasks: firing on enemies with on-board weapons, making
piloting maneuvers, scanning for threats, plotting a hyperspace jump, DAMAGE RESULT EFFECT
angling the deflector shields, etc. Many of these checks add the Mobility, ≤ Hull Rattled -1D to rolls next turn
Sensors, or Firepower dice code of the vehicle to the character’s check.
> Hull Damaged -1D to rolls (per damaged system)
There are no set list of actions aboard vehicles – as always, the players 3X Hull Disabled Can’t move or act until repaired
simply tell the GM what they’d like to accomplish, and the GM chooses
6X Hull Destroyed –
an appropriate skill check and TN for the challenge.

Some vehicles, like many starships, have a number of Shields they can
When one vehicle attacks another, the character manning the weapon
distribute among all four directions (fore, aft, port, and starboard). By
makes a Gunnery check (adding the vehicle’s Firepower dice code to the
default, the shields are distributed evenly among the four sections (e.g.
roll) and compares the result to the target’s Evade. On a success, they
a starfighter with Shields 4 would have 1 Shield in each section). Shields,
roll damage, as indicated by the vehicle’s weapon.
like armor on a character, reduce the amount of damage taken, but only
The damage is compared against the target vehicle’s Hull and Shields for the section to which they’re assigned.
and reduced by a number equal to both. The target vehicle takes any
As an action, a character aboard a vehicle can angle the deflector
remaining damage, suffering effects based on the amount of damage as
shields, redistributing the points among the four sections (e.g. if a TIE
compared to their Hull (see the following table).
fighter pursues a YT-1300 light freighter, firing upon the aft section of
A vehicle can sustain a number of damaged systems equal to its Hull the ship, a character could angle the deflector shields and distribute all
before becoming disabled. Shields to the aft section, further reducing damage of attacks made
from that direction).
Airspeeder 3D 1D 1D Pneumatic Cannon (2D) Evade 10, Hull 4, Shields 0 2
Landspeeder 2D 2D 1D – Evade 9, Hull 4, Shields 0 4
Speeder Bike 3D 1D 1D Blaster Cannon (3D) Evade 12, Hull 3, Shields 0 2
Swoop Bike 4D 1D 1D – Evade 15, Hull 3, Shields 0 1
Snowspeeder 3D 2D 2D Laser Cannons (4D) Evade 12, Hull 5, Shields 2 2
Repulsortank 1D 2D 2D Repeater Turret (3D), Artillery Cannon (5D) Evade 9, Hull 8, Shields 0 6
AT-RT 2D 2D 1D Laser Cannon (4D) Evade 10, Hull 6, Shields 0 1
AT-DT 1D 2D 1D Laser Cannon (4D) Evade 8, Hull 10, Shields 0 2
AT-ST 2D 3D 2D Laser Cannon (4D) Evade 10, Hull 8, Shields 0 3
AT-AT 1D 3D 3D Heavy Laser Cannons (5D) Evade 6, Hull 12, Shields 0 6
Z-95 Headhunter 2D 1D 1D Linked Laser Cannons (4D), Concussion Missiles (6D) Evade 10, Hull 3, Shields 4 1
X-Wing 3D 2D 2D Quad-Linked Laser Cannons (5D), Proton Torpedoes (6D) Evade 10, Hull 4, Shields 4 1
Linked Laser Cannons (4D), Ion Turret (4D)*, Proton Torpedoes (6D),
Y-Wing 1D 2D 3D Evade 9, Hull 5, Shields 4 2
Proton Bombs (7D)
A-Wing 4D 2D 2D Linked Laser Cannons (4D), Concussion Missiles (6D) Evade 12, Hull 3, Shields 4 1
Linked Laser Cannons (4D), Ion Cannons (4D)*, Proton Torpedoes
B-Wing 2D 2D 4D Evade 9, Hull 4, Shields 4 2
(6D), Proton Bombs (7D)
TIE Fighter 3D 1D 1D Laser Cannons (4D) Evade 12, Hull 3, Shields 0 1
TIE Interceptor 4D 1D 2D Laser Cannons (4D) Evade 14, Hull 3, Shields 0 1
TIE Bomber 2D 2D 3D Laser Cannons (4D), Concussion Missiles (6D), Proton Bombs (7D) Evade 9, Hull 4, Shields 0 1
TIE Advanced X1 3D 2D 3D Laser Cannons (4D), Concussion Missiles (6D) Evade 10, Hull 4, Shields 4 1
TIE Defender 3D 2D 4D Laser Cannons (4D), Ion Cannons (4D)*, Concussion Missiles (6D) Evade 10, Hull 5, Shields 4 1
CR90 Corvette 2D 2D 3D Turbolaser Turrets (6D) Evade 9, Hull 10, Shields 8 50
Gozanti Cruiser 1D 2D 2D Laser Cannon Turrets (4D), Turbolaser Turret (6D) Evade 8, Hull 10, Shields 8 25
Lambda Shuttle 2D 3D 1D Laser Cannons (4D) Evade 10, Hull 6, Shields 6 6
U-Wing 2D 2D 1D Laser Cannons (4D) Evade 10, Hull 6, Shields 4 4
YT-1300 3D 1D 2D Quad Laser Turrets (4D), Concussion Missiles (6D) Evade 10, Hull 8, Shields 6 4
YT-2000 3D 1D 2D Quad Laser Turrets (4D), Ion Cannon (4D)* Evade 10, Hull 8, Shields 6 4
YT-2400 4D 1D 2D Quad Laser Turrets (4D), Concussion Missiles (6D) Evade 12, Hull 6, Shields 6 4
* Ion weapons reduce shields

SPENDING CHARACTER POINTS (adding additional plating, installing a personal shield generator, etc.),
increase its soak by +1. When upgrading weapons and armor, an
Character Points, in addition to improving checks and advancing
Armament check might be called for, depending on the nature of the
characters, can also be spent to upgrade equipment such as weapons,
modification or improvement.
armor, even vehicles. Doing so typically requires 6 CPs times the new
dice code or attribute of the gear or vehicle. Typically, upgrading gear
and vehicles can only be done with sufficient downtime and with access
Making modifications and improvements to starships and speeders is a
to necessary tools and materials. More involved or intricate upgrades
more involved and time-consuming process than upgrading weapons or
and modifications, such as installing a cloaking field or similar tech that
armor. When upgrading a vehicle, you have several options:
adds new abilities, may require additional CPs at the GM’s discretion.

● UPGRADE ATTRIBUTE: You can choose to spend CPs to

POOLING CHARACTER POINTS increase a vehicle’s Mobility, Sensors, or Firepower. Doing so
Upgrading equipment, particularly vehicles, can be a costly endeavor. A typically also increases the vehicle’s Evade and Hull.
crew aboard a starship might opt to save and pool their character ● UPGRADE WEAPON: You can choose to spend CPs to upgrade
points to install a concussion missile launcher aboard their U-Wing, or a single weapon on a vehicle, increasing its damage by +1D.
increase its shields. ● INSTALL NEW COMPONENT: You can also spend CPs to install
a new weapon, spending CPs equal to 6 times N×(N+1)/2 where
UPGRADING WEAPONS AND ARMOR N is the new weapon’s damage dice code. Or, you can work with
When upgrading a weapon (adding a scope or rangefinder, boosting its your GM to design and install an entirely new component, like a
power output, adding a cooling system, etc.), increase its damage by cloaking field, radar jammer, or hyperspace dampener.
+1D. For additional CPs or by spending extra time and credits, you can ● UPGRADE SHIELDS: You can choose to spend CPs to upgrade
instead try to add a new special feature to the weapon (i.e. making a a vehicle’s shields, if it already has shields installed. Doing so
heavy blaster pistol capable of auto-firing). When upgrading armor increases a vehicle’s Shields by +1.


Standard Lightsaber –
Double-Bladed Lightsaber Double (Make two attacks with one action)
Dual-Phase Lightsaber Adjust blade to switch between +1 Parry or +1D damage once per turn
Dueling Lightsaber +2 Parry
Lightsaber Pistol Use as standard lightsaber, or blaster pistol
Short Lightsaber -1D Damage, Balanced (No penalty when attacking with off-hand).
Shoto Saber -1D damage, +2 Parry
Great Saber +2D Damage, -1 Parry
Lightstaff +1D Damage
Force Ignition Ignition requires use of the Force
Disguised Appears as a mundane weapon or tool (such as a staff or cane)
Socket Hilt Can be combined with another socket hilt saber to form a double-bladed lightsaber
Any but Red –
Red +1D damage
* All lightsabers deal 4D base damage and have the piercing (ignores armor) and reflective (can be used in place of Dodge) special properties.

WHEN TO USE THESE RULES you’ve gained through mastery of your lightsaber, strategy, and the
A duel between two lightsaber-wielding Force-users is not a traditional
combat – it’s more akin to a test of wills. These standoffs pit two or more Much like the lightsaber duels in the Star Wars films, duels using these
Force-users against one another, utilizing martial prowess as well as rules tend to end suddenly and explosively. On their turn, if they feel
tactics, techniques, and Force powers to gain the upper hand. When they can conceivably beat their opponent, a combatant can choose to
staging a climactic duel, as seen time and again in the Star Wars films, end the duel and roll their side’s duel dice, making a final, decisive
consider using these rules for lightsaber duels rather than the standard action. Their opponent then does the same. The higher roll wins the
combat rules. duel. You cannot use Character Points or Force Points to alter this final
When a duel breaks out between two or more lightsaber-wielding ENDING A DUEL
combatants, each character rolls Perception to determine the initiative When either opponent chooses to roll their duel dice, the duel ends,
order, as with standard combat rules. The duel then proceeds in and a victor emerges. The winner of this roll decides the outcome – they
rounds, similar to combat, but more nebulous in how much time can wound their opponent, disarm them, or even knock them
passes. unconscious and leave them for dead.

On their turn, a combatant declares their action and makes an opposed

check to determine success. It could be as simple as pressing the
When a combatant rolls a 6 on their Destiny Die, they can choose to
offensive with their lightsaber (an opposed Melee check) or
alter the landscape of the duel, introducing environmental hazards or
telepathically hurling crates (an opposed Alter check); or it could be
shifting the location. In doing so, they put their opponent at a
something more nuanced, like goading their opponent into a rage (an
disadvantage, and can take a die from their pool of duel dice and add it
opposed Deceive check) or leaping across platforms to gain a more
to their own.
advantageous position (an opposed Athletics check).

Likewise, when a combatant rolls a 1 on their Destiny Die, their

Each side starts with one duel die. When a combatant succeeds on an
opponent can introduce a new complication, stealing a duel die from
opposed check, they add one additional duel die to their side’s pool.
their pool.
Duel dice represent your momentum in the duel – the advantages
Duels in Star Wars are grand, epic affairs, often taking place across
multiple locations and interspersed with scenes from elsewhere in the
story. Instead of ending a duel outright when the duel dice are rolled,
you can choose to run the duel across multiple phases, introducing a
new location along with different complications after each roll of the
duel dice (consider the duels in The Empire Strikes Back or The Phantom
Menace for inspiration – comprising multiple scenes, spanning different
locations, and ending in explosive climaxes).
Blasters 3D, Brawl 3D, Stamina 3D,
Stormtrooper 2D 1D 1D 2D 2D 1D – Blaster Rifle (5D), Hvy Armor (+4 Soak, -2 Dodge 10, Parry 12, Block 12, Soak 7
Blasters 4D, Brawl 3D, Stamina 3D,
Scout Trooper 3D 1D 2D 3D 2D 1D – Blaster Pistol (3D), Med Armor (+3 Soak, Dodge 12, Parry 13, Block 12, Soak 6
-1 Dodge)
Blasters 5D, Brawl 4D, Stamina 4D, Hvy
Death Trooper 4D 2D 2D 3D 3D 2D – Blaster Rifle (5D), Hvy Armor (+4 Soak, -2 Dodge 12, Parry 14, Block 14, Soak 8
Blasters 3D, Command 4D, Blaster Pistol
Imperial Officer 2D 3D 2D 3D 2D 1D – Dodge 12, Parry 12, Block 12, Soak 2
Blasters 4D, Blaster Carbine (4D), Lgt
Trooper 3D 2D 3D 2D 2D 2D – Dodge 13, Parry 13, Block 12, Soak 4
Armor (+2 Soak)
Blasters 5D, Stealth 4D, Stamina 3D,
Commando 4D 2D 3D 3D 2D 2D – Dodge 14, Parry 14, Block 12, Soak 5
Blaster Rifle (5D), Lgt Armor (+2 Soak)
Thug 2D 1D 1D 2D 3D 1D – Brawl 4D, Stamina 4D, Blaster Pistol (3D) Dodge 12, Parry 12, Block 13, Soak 4
Blasters 4D, Stamina 3D, Blaster Carbine
Enforcer 3D 1D 1D 3D 2D 1D – Dodge 13, Parry 13, Block 12, Soak 5
(4D), Lgt Armor (+2 Soak)
Blasters 3D, Command 5D, Stamina 4D,
Crime Lord 2D 3D 2D 4D 3D 2D – Dodge 12, Parry 12, Block 13, Soak 4
Hvy Blaster Pistol (4D)
Agility 6D, Blasters 5D, Melee 5D,
Bounty Hunter 4D 3D 2D 3D 3D 3D – Stamina 4D, Hvy Blaster Rifle (5D), Battle Dodge 13, Parry 15, Block 13, Soak 10
Armor (+6 Soak, -3 Dodge)
* Skill dice codes include attributes.
Search 5D, Laser Cannon (3D), Lgt Armor
Probe 4D 2D 3D 4D 1D 3D – Dodge 14, Parry 14, Block 11, Soak 3
(+2 Soak)
Blasters 3D, Search 4D, Brawl 4D,
Security 2D 2D 2D 3D 3D 4D – Stamina 4D, Blaster Rifle (5D), Med Dodge 11, Parry 12, Block 14, Soak 7
Armor (+3 Soak, -1 Dodge)
Blasters 4D, Stamina 4D, Blaster Carbine
Battle 3D 2D 2D 3D 3D 2D – Dodge 11, Parry 13, Block 13, Soak 8
(4D), Hvy Armor (+4 Soak, -2 Dodge)
Blasters 5D, Search 5D, Brawl 5D,
Assassin 4D 2D 4D 4D 4D 3D – Stamina 5D, Hvy Blaster Rifle (5D), Battle Dodge 12, Parry 14, Block 15, Soak 11
Armor (+6 Soak, -3 Dodge)
Agility 4D, Melee 4D, Stamina 4D,
Acolyte 3D 2D 1D 3D 3D 1D 1D Dodge 14, Parry 14, Block 13, Soak 4
Forcepike (4D)
Agility 4D, Melee 4D, Stamina 4D, Control
Apprentice 3D 3D 1D 3D 3D 1D 2D Dodge 14, Parry 14, Block 13, Soak 4
3D, Sense 3D, Lightsaber (4D)
Agility 5D, Melee 5D, Stamina 4D, Control
Knight 4D 3D 2D 4D 3D 2D 3D Dodge 15, Parry 15, Block 13, Soak 4
4D, Alter 4D, Sense 4D, Lightsaber (4D)
Agility 6D, Melee 6D, Stamina 5D, Control
Master 5D 4D 2D 5D 4D 2D 4D Dodge 16, Parry 16, Block 14, Soak 5
5D, Alter 5D, Sense 4D, Lightsaber (4D)
* Skill dice codes include attributes.
ELITE ENEMIES can take five actions on their turn without penalty to their rolls).
● When a group makes a skill check, they roll one time (e.g. a
When the characters encounter a truly formidable foe, consider using
group of Stormtroopers rolls one Blasters check, and the result
elite enemies. Elites use the same stats as common enemies, with a few
is compared to the Dodge of each target).
notable differences:
● When a group is stunned, they each suffer the -1D to their skill
● Increase two attributes by 1D rolls on their next turn.
● Increase listed skills by 1D ● Each time the group suffers a wound, they lose one of their
● Recalculate defenses numbers and can take one fewer action per turn without
● Add additional armor, weapons, and gear penalty.

MINION GROUPS In large combats, consider running multiple minion groups: one squad
of Stormtroopers takes cover and provides suppressing fire, while a
When the characters face a horde of enemies, such as a squad of
second group of Stormtroopers charges into the fray, blasters blazing.
Imperial Stormtroopers, rather than tracking individual stats and
You can also use minion groups with vehicles (e.g. a squadron of TIE
wounds for each unit, manage them as a single combatant: they move,
take actions, and suffer damage as a single character.

● For each member of a group beyond the first, a group can take BASIC NPC STATS
an action without penalty (e.g. a group of five Stormtroopers When you need basic stats for unlisted enemies and NPCs, use the
following table based on their level of expertise.
Common 2D +1D to two skills
Proficient 3D +2D to two skills
Formidable 5D +3D to two skills
Legendary 7D +3D to three skills

CUSTOM SPECIES Rather than using the static defenses (Evade, Parry, and Block), you can
choose to have players roll their defense actively against incoming
Don’t see your favorite Star Wars alien species on the list? Looking to
threats. Doing so slows down combat and requires additional rolling,
play a Geonosian, Dug, or Zabrak? Each attribute starts at 1D. Then
but can add some agency and variety for the players. See the following
distribute 4D across the six attributes, not exceeding 3D in any one
table for the relevant skills to roll.
attribute. Then choose a skill in which the species excels due to their
culture or physiology.

FORCE-SENSITIVE SPECIES Blasters Agility Lightsaber-wielding defenders can roll Melee

Some creatures in the Star Wars universe have an innate connection to Melee Melee Unarmed defenders can roll Brawl
the Force. For Force-sensitive species, add 1D in the Force (FOR) Throw Agility –
attribute, start each other attribute at 1D, then distribute 4D across the
Gunnery Agility Lightsaber-wielding defenders can roll Melee
six attributes, not exceeding 3D in any one attribute.
Brawl Brawl Armed defenders can roll Melee

If your character concept doesn’t seem to fit any of the listed
To quickly and easily play a game of HyperspaceD6, such as an
professions, create your own! Distribute 5D across the six attributes (or
impromptu one-shot or with players new to the system, use the
6D across seven attributes for Force-using professions), not exceeding
following rules modifications to speed up and simplify character
2D in any one attribute.
creation and gameplay.

UNTRAINED FORCE-USERS ● Each character starts with 2D in each attribute, and can choose
Not all Force-users are Jedi – many utilize the Force in myriad ways to increase one attribute by +2D and two others by +1D.
without adhering to the strict code and training of that order. For non- Species, profession, skills, edge, burden, and gear are all
Jedi characters who use the Force, choose the Force Sensitivity edge on handled narratively.
page 11. ● Players roll against a simple TN of 10 to accomplish most tasks.
● The GM does not roll – players roll to avoid threats.
ACTIVE DEFENSE ● Remove damage rolls. Successful attacks deal a single wound. A

character can sustain a number of wounds equal to their STR
before going down, while most enemies drop after taking a
single wound.


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