Assignment Baitul Mal 2

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Faraid entitlements - As is With Planning


Father 1/6 1/6

Mother 1/6 1/6

WIfe 1/8 1/8

Siblings(sister) 0 0

Sibling(brother) 0 0

Children(Fairuz/fakrur) 1/2 ½

Children(Suraya/sarima) asobah remaining

Baitul mal 0 0

Faraid entitlements – As is With Planning


Father 30,333.33 42000

Mother 30,333.33 42000

wife 22,750 31,500

Siblings(sister) 0 0

Siblings(brother) 0 0

Children(Fairuz/Fakrur) 65,722.22 91,000

Children(Suraya) 32,861.11 45,500

Sarima (adopted 25,000 25,000


Baitul mal 0 0

Items Recommendation
According to Shafi’I school, the obligations that must be fulfilled
at death are:
1. Funeral expenses
2. Settlement of debts
3. Bequests or execution of a will
4. Distribution of estate to the qualified heirs according to faraid
Estate Value Value of fahmi's and siti’s estate is RM207,000 and RM 140,000
Estimation respectively BEFORE any
planning is done.
With some inheritance planning, the estate value is less as assets
are taken out either via
matrimonial, wasiyah or hibah.
Providing for fahmi’s Since his sibling (sister)and his brother do not fall under Firman’s
sibling faraid distribution, he could:
- Hibah his asset to his sister during his lifetime, this asset(s) will
no longer be in his estate
- Or, Wassiyah within the maximum of 1/3 bequest, with the
consent of the Qur’anic heirs.
- Or, under Wassiyah (maximum 1/3 of the estate value), a family
waqf can be set up whereby
the recurring income can support his sister and be administered by
a trustee
– such a waqf is limited to 2 generations
Matrimonial Asset, May declare the share of their matrimonial assets to be transferred
MA (Harta to each spouse should they die. The MA declaration is made with
Sepencarian) signed witness, assets list to be shared, agreed proportion between
Sample solution is 50:50 sharing, hence Fahmi’s 50% to Siti is
RM 277,000 and Izzah’s 50% to Firman is RM140,000. If Fahmi
dies, Siti would be entitled to 50% of these declared assets
(not100%) plus her rightful faraid share of 1/8. The MA is
deducted before wasiyyah if 1/3 is calculated.

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