MIS Assignments

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MBA Program

Course: Management Information System Academic year: 2022/23

Individual assignment

Instruction: Answer all questions

1. What is information technology? Do you believe that your organization has exploited the
opportunities provided by information technology? Explain.
2. What is strategic advantage? How does an information technology become a strategic
advantage or support strategic advantages?
3. Briefly discuss the Porter’s five sources of competition affecting firms.
4. What strategic role can information play in business process reengineering?
5. How can Internet technologies help a business form strategic alliances with its customers,
suppliers, and others?
6. How could a business use Internet technology to form a virtual company or become an
agile competitor?
7. What are the business values of telecommunications by taking your organization as a
case in point?
8. What values does telecommunication add to your organization?
9. Briefly discuss the decision-making processes and the types of decisions that are made in
any organization.
10. Briefly discuss the different types of enterprise information systems and how an
information technology supports such enterprise information systems.
11. Briefly discuss the challenges of information technology.
12. How does the use of the Internet, intranets, and extranets by companies today support
their business processes and activities?
13. Differentiate customer relationship management from supply chain management.
14. Briefly discuss the conventional filing approach and the modern data base approach.
Group assignment
Instruction: Write a term paper by selecting any one of the following topics by forming a group
with a maximum member of three.
Write the role of information technology in
1. Education
2. Banking
3. Insurance
4. Manufacturing
5. Government
6. In your organization
7. Improving health services
8. Tourism promotion
9. Investment promotion
10. Any other organization which is convenient for you
While writing the term paper, assure the inclusion of the following components:
I. Introduction
a. Background of the study
b. Statement of the problem
c. Objectives of the study
d. Significance of the study
e. Methodology
i. Research design (case study)
ii. Data type and sources
iii. Data collection instruments
iv. Data analysis methods
II. Literature review
III. Data analysis and discussion
IV. Conclusion and recommendations
V. References

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