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VUTH| MAI PHUONG nyt) Ma TAP DIEN TU TIENG ANH (5 CAUHOI TRAC NGHIEM) [PJrensumredinencoue 3 DANG CHINH TRONG DIEN TU VAO DOAN VAN Dang I: Dé hai khong cho goi §, thi sinh buéc phai ty tim tir phit hop dé dién Tt can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you ate. One thing you have to be (1) of is that you will face criticism along the way. ‘The world is (2) of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you've made up your (3) to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, (4) the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you're totally in the (5) of talent, ignore them, That’s negative criticism, If ©) , Someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you should consider their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars (7) were once out of work. There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their first novel - or who didn’t, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it (8)___. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (9) extent. But things are more likely to (10) well if you persevere and stay positive. Dang 2: Dé bai cho san cic tir can dién, thi sinh sip xép cic tir dé vio ché trong cho phic hop. Sé tir cho sén cé thé bing hogc nhiéu hon sé ché tréng. Who certain lack full published However turnout don’t let aware mind It can take a long time to become successfial in your chosen field, however talented you are, One thing you have to be (1) of is that you will Lace criticism along the way. The world is (2) of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you've made up your (3) to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, (4) the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you're totally in the (5) of talent, ignore them. That's negative criticism. If (6) . Someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you should consider their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars (7) were once out of work, There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their first novel - or who didn’t, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it (8) Being successful does depend on tuck, to a (9) extent, But things are more likely to (10) well if you persevere and stay positive. Dang 3: Dé bai cho sin cdc ggi § 6 dang tréc nghi¢m. MGi ché trong co tie 3 dén 5 phucong an dé thi sinh a chon, It can take a fong time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are, One thing you have to be (1) of is that you will face criticism along the way, The world is (2) of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you've made up your (3) to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, (4) the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you're totally in the (5) of talent, ignore them. Thats negative criticism. If (6) , someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you should consider their suggestions carefully, There are many film stars (7) were once out of work, There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their first novel - or who didn’t, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it (8) Being Tai sch mién phi tai: suecessful does depend on lu well if you persevere and stay p extent, But things are more likely to (10) Cau: Aalert B. C. intelligent D. aware Céu 2: A.overflowing —_B. packed C.filled Dz full Cau3: Aida B. brain C. thought D. mind Caud: A. shouldn’tlet —B, won't let C. didn’t let D. don’t let Cu 5: A. absentee B. shortage C. missing D. lack Cau: A, hence B. whereas C. otherwise D. however Cau 7: A. which B. whom C. they D. who A, publish B. to publish C. publishes D. published A. plenty B. numerous C. definite D. certain A, sail through B. come into C. deal with D, turn out Cudn sich “222 bai tap dién tir vio doan vin tiéng Anh (5 ciu héi trie nghiém)” nay tip trung vio dang tht 3: Lua chon gitta cdc phuong an cho sin trong mot ciu Day 1a mét dang bai tip da qua quen thugc trong ki thi Trung hoc phé théng quéc gia mén tiéng Anh. Nhting nam trude day, dang bai nay chiém t6i 10/80 cu hoi trong a8 thi dai hoc, twong duomg 1.25 diém, Nhung ké tir khi BO gido duc thay déi ciu tric bai thi mén tiéng Anh, dang bai nay gidm xudng chiém 5/50 cau hoi, tong dvong 1/10 diém. Theo danh gid téng quan tir phia ngudi ra dé, gido vién Iuyén thi va hoc sinh thi day 6 thé coi la phan khé an diém nhit trong toan bai. Li do 1a vi dang bai nay kiém tra mét Irong lon kién thire, khong chi chic ngit phap, hoc sinh cin phai cé nguén tir vung phong phi, sur linh hoat va théng nhat trong khi doc higu thi méi gianh duge diém sé cao dang bai nay. Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 QUY TAC PHAI NHO KHI LAM BAI DIEN TU VAO DOAN VAN 1. BOC - TOM LAY Y CHINH Bude dau tién khi lam mét bai dign tir vao doan van dé la doe cham, doc ky, nhung khong dién ché tréng, nao ca. Thao tac nay cho phép ching ta nim duge chu dé va ndi dung chinh ctia bai viét, gitip lién két cic cdu mach lac hon va vige chon tir tro nén dé dang hon, Néu mot Kin Ja chua di, cée em e6 thé doc di dye Jai hai - ba lan, cho dén khi tra lai durge cdu héi “Bai viét ndi vé ni dung gi?” thi théi ‘Ludn ghi nhé khéng nén dién tir ngay lin doc dau tién di chang ta da biét chinh xac cau tra loi. Vide dimg lai nhur vay sé khién suy nghi cita ching ta bi dist mgch, tn nhieu thai gian hon trong viée nam bat gi dung chinh ciia bai doe. 2. LIEN KET CAC CAU LAI VOI NHAU. Dang bai didn tir vao doan van khde voi dang cdu héi trie nghiém dién tir vao cu 6 chd cdc cau van trong bai lién quan chat ché dén nhau, day cing 1a diém kh6 ctia dang bai nay. Nhigu hoe sinh mac Idi 6 vie danh gid cdc edu dc lap, tach biét, riéng lé nhau, dan dén viée chi doc cau c6 ché tring rdi dién ngay ma kh6ng quan tam phia trudc, phia sau viet vé cai gi. Day ld mét bay ma ngwoi ra dé hay dinh lira hoe sinh, hin qua thi e6 vé dién duge ngay nhung thye chat phuong dn “ro mén mgt” dé Iai sai, dé tim ra dip in thi yéu cau phai hiéu ding ngit canh ma cau van dé dang nam trong, 3. TIM TU LOAI PHU HOP Xem xét tir loai cn thigu can di tir hay mgo tie? Vi du: But things are more likely to well if you persevere and stay positive. C6 thé nhin ra ngay ché tréng con thiéu mot dong tir, nhur vay, chung ta c6 thé loai bd ngay cde phuong an ma tir cho sin khéng phai dng tir, ching han nhu danh tir, tinh tir, dai tr, trang tr... Con néu tat ca cde phuong an déu 1a dong tir hét thi dimg gach tir nao ngay nhé, vi ching ta can phai xem xét vé nghia ciia ching nti, vao ché tring. Ligu dé 1a danh tr, dong ti, tinh tir, dai tr, gidi tr, ign Thir xem xét ede vi dy duc day nhé: + Danh tir If you've made up your to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your worké Bi sau tinh tir sé hitu YOUR phai c6 m9t danb tir, nhu vay, ta s€ logi bd cde phuong din ma tir logi khong phai danh tir, Vi dy: Actin B. mind Codeeide D. thought + Dong tir If you've made up your mind to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism a positive effect on your work. C6 cdu tric Let somebody/ something V. Ta biét ngay vi tri can dién thiéu mot dong tir. Khéng chi cé vay, nho vio edu trie phia trén, ta cdn suy ludn duge dong ttr ny phai & dang nguyén mdu khong TO, néu ld déng tit nhung chia 6 V-ing hay V-ed hay VII thi déu khong ding. Vi d Aches Boted hind Dopaper + Tinh tir If you've made up your mind to achieve a certain yoal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative cr ism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the criticism have a positive effect on your work. Tai sch mién phi tai: Da c6 danh tir criticism, a4 cé mao tir the, vay chd tréng cin didn cé thé 1a mét danh tir dé hop véi criticism thanh cum danh tit, hodc cé thé 1a mét tinh tir dé bé sung cho criticism, D§ng tit, trang tu, lién tir hay mgo tir trong tudng hgp ndy déu khong ding duge. Acconstraet B. building C. constructive Dwell Xet vé nghia, building criticism khong c6 nghia, ma constructive criticism (abiing phé binh mang tinh chit xy dung) li mét cum thurdng gap, nén ta chon duge phumg an C. Ching ta s tir loai & phan tiép theo. 4, BIEN CAC CHO TRONG KHI BA CHAC CHAN Sau khi da doc hiéu va nm duge ¥ chinh cua bai viét, ede em hay bat dau dién nhitng vj tri ma minh chic chin phuong an dé la ding. Nho la chi dién khi chic chin 100% cau dé ding nhé, 5. PHUONG PHAP LOAI TRU: Sau khi di qua mét lugt tat cd cdc cfu dé An diém ma chic chan 100% 1a dung, chning ta sé tién tdi cdc cau. hoi khién ede em phin van, Ie nay hay diing phuong phap logi triz. MOt mgo nh6 la gach ngay phwong én 6 di dé logi khoi tim mit, vige nay st gidm thiéu thoi gian cdc em bj xao nhding boi nhimg cau ma “ai cling biét la sai”. Sau do, thir ede phurong dn cdn lai dé tim ra tir phd hop abdt, dong nhién la phai phi hop véi ca bai chit khéng chi phit hop véi cau van dé thai dau mhé 6. QUAN SAT CAC TU XUNG QUANH C6 nhimg hic tir can didn & vi tri nay da x trong bai ma ching ta chi cdn tinh ¥ mét chit, d8 y phia truée, phia sau mét chut la nhan ra, Tay nhién, trudng hop nay khéng nhiéu, da phan chi xudt hign & dang bai thir nhdt - dién tir nhung dé bai khong cho tude ggi y. Mac dit vay, quy tie nay duge van dyng linh hoat 6 dang bai dién tir lya chon gitta cae phuong 4n cho sin trong mét cau. Cu thé: con di sau vao vin dé ign s If you've made up your mind to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others have a effect on your work, Acadverse Ball C. damaging D. beneficial Chura xét v8 nghia, chi xét vé chinh ta, chiing ta di e6 thé Logi bd hai phurong dn adverse bat dau bing nguyén am, cin mgo tir an di trude, chit khong thé la mgo tir a nhu trong cau d bi Nhu vay, vige quan sat ede tir xung quanh rit quan trong trong vigc logi trir dé ting cao kha nan quyét dinh ding din. 7. SU DUNG GIONG VAN PHU HOP Méi bai viét thuong duge xay dug tén mgt tong ging mht dinh, c6 thé 14 ké chuyén, c6 thé la phé binh, nhdn xét, hay tham chi ki hai hude: c6 thé 1a van trang trong, lich su, tinh hoc thugt cao, nung dOi Kkhi giong vin lai khong cau ky trang trong ma don gidn nhur loi néi giao tiép thuong ngay. Viée xée dinh giong van ciing rit quan trong trong khi lam bai, Vi thir m6t cau 6 hai tu déng nghia, khién cdc em din do khéng biét chon phuong dn nao. Khi d6, ching ta cin phai xem xét béi canh bai viét va giong van etia tac gid dé Iva chon tir ding: tir ngir trang trong, hoc thudt hay tit ngir suéng s&, than mat. 8. DOC THAT NHIEU ‘Dé cé thé chun bj thit tét cho dang bai nay, mét loi Khuyén dh cho céc em dé li hay doc, va doc that nhiéu céc doan van tiéng Anh, Vige thuong xuyén tiép can véi van phong tiéng Anh gitp cae em hinh thanh tw duy cia ngudi ban ngit, ede em sé thay duge cach ngudi ta dimg tir nhu thé nao, lién két edu ra sao, cdc tir nio hay di cing véi nhau dé tao thinh cum tr chudn, déng thai sé xdy dung mot von tir dé 86 cho cdc em nita, Doc van khéng chi cai thién ki nang doc, ma cn nang cao ki nang viét rat nhiéu nira dé. 9. LUYEN TAP THAT NHIEU Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 Trong tiéng Anh cé m6t thinh ngit “Practice makes perfect”. Dich ném na ra tiéng Vigt thi e6 thé hidu la C6 céng mai stit c6 ngay nén kim, Hay luyén tap that nhigu, tran déi kién thire va ki nang cua minh 4é chudn bj tét nhat cho bai thi cdc em nhé. Cuén sich nay cung cdp 222 bai tap dién tr yao doan van, duge bién soan céng phu va suu tam tir nhimg ngudn chuan nhat, gid tri nhat, sé 14 mot b6 tai ligu hiu ich va quy gid dé cde em luyén tp va nang cao ki ning cho dang bai nay. Tai sch mién phi tai: ACH LAM CAC DANG CAU HOI TRONG BAI DIEN TU VAO DOAN VAN 'n tir vao doan van thanh cac dang chinh sau: ‘ic cau hoi trong bai thé phan k + Cau hoi ngir phap + Cau hoi tir vung + Cu hi lién tir + Cau hoi gidi tit va cum dong te 1. CAU HOLNGU PHAP Voi dang cau hoi ngi phap, khi lim ching ta khéng can dich nghia, khéng cin quan tim qua nhiéu dén cae cau khéc ma nén tp trung dén cau chira ché tong. Hay cing di siu vio timg chu diém ngit phap dudi day nhé! 1. Céiu tgo tir va tir lo: a, Vj tri ctia mot s6 tir loai + Danh tir Vi tri Sau tinh tir (adj +N) Sau mao tir: a fan / the tir chi din: this, that, these, those, every,. tir chi sé lugng: many, some, few, several. tinh tir sé hiru: my, his, her, your, their, its... Sau ngoai déng tir (V can O) +N) Sau gidi ti (pr Trude V chia thi (N lim hii tir) Sau enough (enough +N) + Tinh tir Vi wi Trude N (Adj + N) Sau TO BE Sau eae linking verbs: become, get, look, fecl, taste, smell, seem .. Sau trang tir (adv + adj): extremely (cue k}), completely (hoan toan), really (thu su), terribly, very, quite, rather, Sau keep / make Sau too (be + too + adj) Th enough (be + adj + enough) ‘Trong cdu trie: be + so + adj + that ‘A, an, the, this, that, his, her, their, my,... + (Adj) + Noun Trong cau cdm thin: Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 ~ How +adj+s+V! = What + (a/ an) + adj + NI + Pho tir Vj tri Sau V thudng Trude Adj Gitta eum V ‘Dau cau ho§e truée dau phay Sau too V + too + adv Trong cu tric V + so + adv + that Trude enough V + adv + enough b. Bai tp van dung Tsunamis are giant waves caused by earthquakes or landslides. In 2004 a giant tsunami, called a megatsunami, (1) @ an earthquake in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra, Indonesia The tsunami washed over 11 countries and killed more than 225,000 people from Indonesia to Thailand, @ it one of the (4) natural disasters in history. The structural damage and loss of life caused (5) in the countries affected by this tragedy. 1. A.cause B. causes, C. was caused D. were caused 2. A. for B. with 3. Avmake B. makes C. made D. making 4. Abig B. bigger C. biggest D. more big 3. A. devastate B. devastated C. devastating D. devastation (Pre Essence Reading 3, Rachel Lee) Cu héi sé 5 kiém tra ng@t phép eva ching ta vé mat cdu tao wr. Phuong dn A la dng tit devasate: pha hiry Phuong fn B 1a tinh tir mang nghia bi dong devastated: bite xc, bi Phuong n C 1a tinh ti mang nghia chit dong devastating: c6 tinh pha hiy, tan pha Phuong dn D la dank tit devastation: su tan pha ‘Thay “cause” li ngoai déng tir, cin pl an D. 2. Thi cita déng tir ing Anh c6 12 thi cor ban: Qua khir Hign tai ‘Tuong lai + Don: Qué khit dom /Hign tai don /Tuong lai don + Tigp didn: Qua khir tiép din /Hién tai tiép dién /Tuomg lai tiép dién + Hoan thanh: Qua hit hoan thanh /Hign ti hoan thanh /Twong lai hoan thanh * Hoan thanh tiép din; Qua khir hoan thanh tiép dién /Hign tai hoan thanh tiép dién /Tuong lai hoan think tiép dig 6 mot dank tir theo sau lim tn ngif, nén ta chon duge phurong Tai sch mién phi tai: Qué Khir Higa Tuong lai Don ate pizza yesterday. eat pizza every day. | will eat pizza tomorrow. - Dign ta théi quen trong | - Dign ta thoi quen hofe sw that. | - Dign ta hinh dong, digu qué khir hoge mot hinh |) ~ Dig ta mot sy kign trong | kign van st xay ra trong dng da hoan thanh. tuong lai da lén lich sin nhw | twong lai. m6t phan cia ké hoach (thoi gian biéu, lich chiéu phim, lich tau xe) Tiép T was eating pizza when |Tam eating pizza right now. [1 will be eating pizza din you arrived. ~ Din ta hanh dong dang dign | when you arrive. ~ Dign ti hanh dong dang | ra tgi thoi diém néi - Dign ta hanh dong dang dign ra tai mgt thoi diém |~ Dign t4 mot hdnh dong tam | dién ra -vao mot thoi diém nhat dinh trong qua khtt. thoi, khéng nhat thiét phai dang | trong tuong lal. = Din tA mot théi quen lién | xdy ra ngay lie noi. - Dign ta sy kign da duge tue trong qué Khir. = Dién ti mGt théi quen xdu é | len ké hoach sin. hign tai. Hodn Thad eaten all of the pizza | Ihave eaten all of the pizza. | I will have eaten all of the ‘thanh when you arrived. ~ Din ti mot hanh dng trong | pizza by the time you - Dign ti hanh ddng @ hoan | qué khir ma kh6ng duge néu vu | atrived. thanh trong qua khit, xay ra | thé thoi gian dign ra, = Dién ta hanh dong st truiie m6t hanh déng khée. | - Din ta mgt hanh Ong bit dau | duge hodn thanh tude khi trong qua khit va cdn tiép dién | Mot hanh dong khac xay dén hign tai dén, Hoan I had been eating pizza for | | have been eating pizza for 2| 1 will have been eating thanh 2hours when you arrived. | hours. pizza for 2 hours when you tiép = Dién ti mt hanh d6ng | - Dién ta hanh dong bat diu ¢ | arrive. dign trong qué kr bat dau true | mdt thoi digm trong qua Khir | - Dign ta mot hanh dong sé amot thoi diém ey thé trong | nhumg cé thé chwa hoan thanh | xay ra true mot thoi diém qua khir nhung cdn tiép din | hién tai. trong tuong lai rdi, nhung dén tan lie dé. chua hoan thanh. Bai tp van dung There (1) an ineredible evolution in the size and capabilities of computers in the past years Today, computer chips smaller than your fingernail (2)__ the same capabilities as room-sized machines of about 50 years ago. The first computers (3) around 1945, They were so large that they required air-conditioned rooms. Then in the 1960s, desk-sized computers were developed. This represented a gigantic advance. Shortly afterward, a third generation of computers, which used simple integrated circuits and which was even smaller and faster (4) In the 1970s, the first microprocessor, less than one square centimeter in size, was developed. Today, electronic engineers predict that even smaller and more sophisticated computer (5) on the market before the end of this decade lL Co was D. has been Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 2. Avhas B. have C. are having D. had 3. A. developed B. were developed C. have been developed _D. have been developing, 4. A-appeared B. appearing C. has appeared D. had appeared 3. Ais B. are C. will be D. will have been Day 1 mét bai tap én luyén cho cing ta kién thite vé cde thi co ban trong tiéng Anh, Ca 5 cau héi déu xoay quanh ci thi. 1, Dap An D, has been “In the past years” Li du higu cua thi Higa tai boan thanh, 2, Dip dn B. have Trong truéng hgp nay, ta ding thi Hign tai don dé néi vé m6t thye té hién nhién dang. 3. Dap ain B, were developed Nam 1945 Ja thdi gian trong qué kit nén ta diing thi Qué kh dow, Bén canh 46, véi cht ngt “the first computers”, ta can ding thé bi dong. 4. Dap an A. appeared Ta quan sit cdc dng tir “used”, “was” déu diing thi qua khit don, nén d6ng tir “appear” cing ding thi qué khit don, 5. Dap dn D, will have been ‘Thi Tuong lai hodn thinh dimg dé din té mét hanh dong hay sw vige hon thanh true mgt thoi diém trong tuong lai. Ta quan sat thay cum “before the end of this decade” la dau higu thi Tuong lai hoan than. 3. Cau diéu kié ‘Type 0: Cau tiie cau diéu kign loai 0 ding dé dién dat nhiing sy that téng quan, nhing dit kiéa khoa hoe luén luén xay ra voi mét diéu kién nhat dinh. If clause ‘Main clause Simple present Simple present Te you heat ice, it tums into water. If there is a shortage of any product, prices of that product go up. Type 1: Cau diéu kién c6 thé xay ra 6 hign tai hode tong lai Ifclause Main clause Simple present Simple future If he runs, he will het there on time. The cat will seratch you if you pull her tail Type 2: Cau digu kign khéng 06 that & hign tai If clause Main clause Simple Past Would/could/should/may/might + Inf - IF Hived near my office, I'd be in time for work. (I don’t live near my office) = If were to live near my office, I'd be in time for work. = Were he to live near his office, I'd be in time for work. Tai sch mién phi tai: Type 3: Cau diéu kign khong e6 that trong qua kh If clause Main clause Past perfect would / could / might/should + have + PIL Fact: He helped me (QK), | won the prize. If he hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have won the prize. cHuy: 1. Dao ngir cau diéu kign loai 3 If he hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t pass the exam. > Had he not helped me, I couldn’t pass the exam. 2, Cau diéu kign tron Din ta mot gid dinh trai voi qua Khir nhung gay ra két qua 6 hign tai If clause Main clause Past Perfect (III) Would + inf (11) Example: If I had caught that plane last night, I would be dead. 3. Unless = If not If he doesn’t come, cross his name out. = Unless he comes, cross his name out. Bai tp yan dung There is much more water than land (1) the surface of the earth. The seas and oceans Q). nearly four - fifths of the whole world, and only one - fifth of it is land. If you (3), over the earth in different directions, you would have to spend much more of your time moving on water than on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that in every mile of land, there are four miles of water. ‘There is much water on the surface of our earth that. we have to use two words to describe. We use the word SEAS (4) those parts of water surface which is only a few hundreds of miles wide, the word OCEANS to describe the huge areas of water (5) are thousands of miles wide and very deep. lL Avin B.on C. from D. over 2. A.covered B. covering C. cover D. to cover 3. B. travelled C. had travelled D. travelling 4 A. describe B. describes C. to describe D. describes 5. A.what B. where C. which D. who (Cau hdi s6 3 kiém tra kién thite vé cfu digu kién, Thay Main clause chia 6 would Verb - 1a cu tric ctia cau diéu kién loai 2. Hon nita, xét vé If clause, viée travel over the earth la khOng thé xay ra 6 hign tai nén ta cdng ct chan cau nay viét & loai 2. C6 cau tric eta cd diéu kign loai 2 1 tir travel chia & qua khit don, 4. Cau bj dong ‘Trong qué trinh hoc tiéng Anh, ban sé khéng it lin phai sir dung cdu bi déng. Cau bi déng duge ding khi ta mudn nhan manh yao hanh dng trong cau, Céng thire chung S+BE+PIL : If + Past simple, would Verb. Ta chon duge phurong én B 1a ding Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 Bang cng thite ede thi 6 thé bj dong: Tense Active Passive Simple S+V+0 S+be+PH+by +O Present Present $+ anvisiare + V-ing +O S+amvis/are + being PI + by +O Continuous Present S+hasfhave + PI+O S + has/have + been + PII + by +O. Perfect Simple Past S+V-ed +0 S + wasiwere + PII+by +0 Past S +wasiwere + V-ing +0 S+ was/were + beingt PII + by +O ‘Continuous Past Perfect S+ had +PII+O S+had + been + PI + by +O Simple S + will/shall + V+0 S + will +be + PI+ by +0 Future Future $+ will/shall + have + PI +O S + will + have + been + PII-+ by +0 Perfect Be + going to S+am/is/are + going to + V +O S + amvisiare + going to + be + PIL +by+O Model Verbs $+ model verb + V +0 S+ model verb + be + PI + by +O S+ modal Verb + have +PIL S + modal Verb + have been +PIL Bai t@p van dung When did the first toys come into existence? Did they represent an attempt by adults to make children «. , of did they arise from the various playful activities of children themselves? As everyone knows, the young frequently (2) the behaviours of their elders, and in their play, they often adopt objects used by adults for entirely different purposes. These objects (3) __ and lead to ‘games in which everyday articles often play unusual and (4) roles. It is rather surprising that for an explanation of the origin of toys, we cannot tum to folk stories. However, no traditional tale related to the origin of toys exists, and so our knowledge (5) ___to archeological study and limited evidence from documents. LAs happy B. happiness. C. happily D. unhappy 2. A. copying B. copy C. copies D. copied 3. A. courage B.are courageous C. encourage D. encouraging 4. Acexpected B. expecting, C. unexpected D. unexpeeting 5. Acrestriets B. restricted C. is restricted D. is restricting Cau hoi 5 kiém tra kién thire vé cau bi déng. Néu dign xudi ta c6 restrict our knowledge, tuy nhién do our knowledge dao lén dau 1am chi ngit nén ta ding bj dong 6 day Thé bi dong ctia thi Hign tai don: + is/are/am + PH. Tai sch mién phi tai: Do dé ta chon duge dip an 14 C. 5. Gia dinh cach a. Dong tir gia dinh Cée dong tir d0i hd mgnh dé sau phai dang gid dinh: advise demand prefer require ask insist propose suggest command move recommend stipulate decree order request, urge CAu trac gia dinh: SL-+ VI that $2 + (should) + V.inf b. Tinh tir gia djnh Cae tinh tir doi héi ménh au phai & dang gid djnh: advised important recommended critical mandatory required crucial necessary suggested essential obligatory urgent imperative proposed vital Cau trac gia dinh: Itt tobet adj + that + S2+ (should) + ¢. Danh tir gia dinh Cfe danh tir xuat phat tir nhimg d6ng tir va tinh tir trén déu buge ménh dé sau né phai & dang gid dinh: Advice demand preference requirement Asking insistence proposal stipulation Command move recommendation _ suggestion Decree order request urge CAu trac gia dinh: N + that + $2 + (should) + V.inf d. Wish + Cau diéu ude khéng c6 thye 6 hign tai wish (that) +S + V.ed + Cau didu ude khéng c6 thue 6 qua khir wish (that) + $ + had PIL ‘au ude thé hign sy phan nan hoe mudn ai dé Lim gi. ‘A+ wish (that) +B + would do st Would ther + Bé nghj ai dé Lam gi mot cach lich sy & hién tai SI + would rather + $2 + did st + Din ta sy vie trai nguge voi thye 16 6 qua khir SI + would rather + S2 +had PHI Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 f. It’s time + Trai nguge véi hign tai I's time’ high time/ about time + S + V.ed + Trai nguge v6i qué Khir Tt.was time’ high time’ about time +S + had PIL g. As iff as though + Dign dat hanh dng khong e6 that 6 hign tai Asif’ As though +8 + V.ed! were + Dién dat hanh dng khong c6 that 6 qué Khir As iff As though +S + had PIL Bai tGp van dung THE NEWS: Today we are accustomed to seeing news as it presents, whether it is a fire in a nearby community, a speech by a president or an actual (1) between two armies ten thousand miles away. It is important that every single student (2) that. This experience has been possible only within the Q fifty years. Until well into the twenticth century it took days or weeks before newspapers could report on invasions or great natural disesters We live, therefore, in a remarkable period when we not only (3) instant news on the radio but can wateh dramatic events just as they are taking place thousands of miles away. Television news can be 4) '$ part of the entertainment provided by the broadcasting industry, We don’t only see newsreaders providing detailed accounts of events but we have a great (5) live footage. News items are generally short, rarely more than three mit local audiences, even though they are unimportant in terms of world, or national news. ites, and features are included that are attractive to L.A. battle B. defeat C. attack D. vietory 2. A. grasps B. grasp C. grasping D. to grasp 3. A.achieve B. realize C. bring D. obtain 4. Avregarded B. considered C. believed D. thought 3. A.some B. deal C. load D. number Cau hoi sé 2 kiém tra li thuyét vé gia dinh. C6 edu trie véi tinh tir gid dinh: It is important that somebody (should) Verb. Do dé ta dé d6ng tir grasp & dang nguyén thé khéng fo. Chon duge phurong an B. 6. Ménh aé a. Ménh dé danh ngir Ménh dé danh tir la ménh dé co thé dong vai tro nhu mét danh tir trong cau, ‘Ménh dé nay thudng bit bing if, whether va céc tit 48 hoi nhu what, why, when, where, tr that. Ex: [ don't understand what the teacher said. b. Ménh dé trang ngir Cc dang ménh dé trang ngit - Ménh 8 trang ngit chi thai gian Tai sch mién phi tai: - Ménh dé trang ngit chi muc dich ~ Ménh dé trang ngit chi két qua ~ Ménh dé trang ngit chi nguyén nhan ~ Ménb dé trang ngit chi quan hé tong phan’ nhrgng bd = Ménh dé trang ngit chi thé each ~ Ménh dé trang ngit chi digu kign ~ Ménh dé trang ngét chi so sanh c. Ménh dé tinh ngi Ménh dé quan hé cn duge goi 1a ménh dé tinh ngit (adjective clause) bd nghia cho danh tr va dig ngay sau danh tir mi né bé nghia cho, ‘Ex: The man who lent me this book is my father's friend. ‘Dai tir quan hé chi ngudi: who - thay thé cho chit nga, whom - thay thé cho tan ngir, whose +N - thay thé cho sé hitu each - The girl who loves me is a teacher. ~ The girl whom I love is a teacher. - The girl whose sister loves me is a teacher. - That is the girl whose sister I love. Dai tir quan hg chi vat: which - thay thé cho ca cha ngit va tan ngir, whose / of which - thay thé cho sé hitu cach - The language which we are learning is the most popular in the world Ménh dé quan hé gidi han & Ménh dé quan hé khng giéi han: + Ménh dé quan hé gigi han: Day la logi ménh di khong du nghta, Eg: The man who / that invented the steam engine was a Scottish scientist. in thiét vi tiém ngit chua xac dinh, khéng c6 n6 cau sé + Ménh dé quan hé khéng gidi han: Day Hi loai ménh dé khéng can thiét vi tién ngir d& duge xdc dinh, khéng cé no cau van dit nghia Eg: James Watt, who invented the steam engine, was a Scottish scientist. + Ding ménh dé quan bé khOng gidi han wong ede trudng hyp sau: ~ Danh tir rigng (Proper noun) ~ Tink tir ser hitu +N (Ex: my teacher, my friends...) - Tinh tir chi dinh: this, that, these, those + Luu y: - Khang duge ding THAT trong ménh d& quan hé khéng gidi han = Ménh dé quan hé khéng gidi han duee ngan voi ménh dé chinh bang cac dau phiy Trang tir quan hg Trang tit chi noi chén: where Wher in/on/at + which: thay thé cho danh tir chi noi chon, dia diém Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 This is the house, We used to live in the house = This is the house which we used to live in = This is the house in which we used to live. = This is the house where we used to live. Trang tie chi thoi gian: when When = in/on/at + which: thay thé cho danh tir chi thai gian He was born on the day. His father was away on that day. = He was born on the day when his father ws away. Trang tie chi nguyén nhan: why why = for which: thay thé cho danh tir chi nguyén nhin (the reason, the cause) Please tell me the reason why you are so sad. Bai tap van dung OUR HOMES: NOW AND THEN Everyone needs a home where they feel sheltered and safe. Today we live in modem flats and houses, (1) have air-conditioning to keep us cool, and heating to keep us warm. There is electricity for lighting and supplies of gas or oil for the heating. Hot and cold water (2) from the taps and dirty water disappears (3) the drains, Many of our homes have balconies or gardens. In the past, people made their homes from materials that they found nearby. When we look at different houses, wwe can tell how old they are from the materials used and the way they were built, It was different long @) people did not have water in their homes and there were no electric lights. To keep warm, they sometimes made (5) inside their homes. With a fire started they could cook their food and heat water. 1. A.who B. which C. where D. whose 2. A. flows B. finds, C. flies D. floats 3. Avup B. towards C.on D. down 4. Acback B. then C.ago D. time 5. A. flames B. food C. fires D. furnaces Céu héi sé. 1 kiém tra kién thite vé ménh dé tinh ngir. Dai tir quan hé thay thé cho danh tir chi vt “flats and houses”, déng vai tré lam chit ngit truée dong tir “have” nén ta ding which, chon duge phuong 4n B. 7. Dao ngit Cau dio agit 1a mot cu tran thudt bin thudng nhung vin dio ty dong tir hove dong tir len wre cho nti Ta thuéng dao ngi trong cac truéng hop: ‘Dao ngit voi No/ Not Dio ngir vii cde trang ngtr phi djnh Céc trang tir phi dinh ding trong cau dio ngit: never, rarely, seldom, little, hardly ever. Dao ngit voi Only Only once, Only later, Only in this/that way, Only then, Only when + clause, Only if + clause, Only after, Only by, Only with. Tai sch mién phi tai: Dio ngir véi edie eym tir e6 No At no time, on no account, on no condition, under/ in no circumstances, for no reason, in no way, no longer. ‘Dao ngir véi No sooner...than; Hardly/ Barely/ Scarcely ...when = No sooner + had + S + PII + than + clause ~ Hardly - Barely + had + $+ PII + when+ elause = Scareely Dao ngir véi Not until Not untilAill (then/ later) Not until/till + Clause + Au+ $+ V ‘Dito ngir vei Not only....but also Not only + Au + $+ V, but...also... Not only + tobe + $ + Néadj, but...also Dao ngit trong cfu diéu kign + Dao ngét trong cau diéu kién loai 1. If+S + (should) + V, $+ will = Should +§ + V.inf, $ + will + V.inf + Dao ngit trong cau diéu kién logi IT Cau c6 d@ng tit tobe: IFS + were + .., $+ would + Viinf= Were + $+... S+ would + V.inf Cau diing dong tir thang: If S + V.ed, $+ would + V.inf = Were +S + to V.inf, S+ would + Vint + Dao ngit trong cau diéu kién loai IIT If+ $+ had PIL, S + would have PHL = Had +S + PII, S + would have PII Bai tap van dung SMART SHOES Smart shoes that adjust their size throughout the day could soon be available. A prototype of such a shoe has already been produced and a commercial (1) may be in production within a few years. The shoe contains sensors that constantly check the amount of (2) left in it, If the foot has become too large, a tiny valve opens and the shoe expands slightly. The entire control system is about 5mm. square and is located inside the shoe. This radical shoe (3) a need because the volume of the average foot can change by as much as 8% during the course of the day. The system is able to learn about the wearer’s feet and build up a picture of the size of his or her feet throughout the day. It will allow the shoes to change in size by up to 8% so that they always fit (4) They are obviously more comfortable and less likely to cause blisters. From an athlete’s point of view, they can help improve performance a little, and that is why the first use for the system will find a place in other household items, from beds that automatically change to fit the person sleeping in them, to power tools that themselves to the uscr’s hand for better grip. For no reason (5) for use in hundreds of consumer possessions. 1. A. assortment B. variety C. style D. version 2 Aarea B. gap C. room D. emptiness 3. A.detects B. meets finds D. faces Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 4. Acexactly B. absolutely C. completely D. totally 5. A, could the system not be adapted B. the system could not be adapted C. could not the system be adapted D. the system not be adapted Céu héi sé 5 kiém tra kién thire vé dio ngit. Véi cum tir For no reason, ta dimg dio ngtt cho vé cau sau, dao tro dOng tt could len phia truse chi ngi, Ta chon duge phuong an A. 8. Mgo tir C6 ba mgo tir: a an - the Mao tir bat dinh: a, an 1. “A® ding true mt phy am hose mt nguyén Am 6 am Ia phy dim, Vi du: ~agame ~ auuniversity 2. “An” ding trude mot nguyén fim hoje mot im cm ~ an egg, ~ an honour “An” cing dimg true cic miu ty dic ~ an SOS 4.*A/An” cé hin thire giéng nhau & tit ca ge nhw m§t nguyén am. gidng, loai - atiger Céch dimg mao tir bat djnh 1, Trude mot danh tir s6 it dém duge. - We need a microcomputerichair/pen ~ He eats an ice-cream’ egg ‘Trwée m6t danh tir lam bo tac tir (ké ca danh tir chi nghé nghiép) - Itwas a tempest + She'll be a musician Luu y Khong ding mgo tir bat dinh L. Trude danh tir s6 nhidu 2. Trude danh tir khong dém duge 3. Trude tén goi cée bita Sn, tri khi c6 tinh tir dig trade ‘Mpo tir xée din The 1, Khi vat thé hay nhém vat thé la duy nhat he Vidu: ~ The sun, the world (Gn goi do duge xem 1a duy nhat 2. Truée mot danh tir, voi diéu kign danh tir nay vira moi duge dé cap truée dé. - I saw a beggar. The beggar looked curiously at me, 3. Trude mgt danb tir, voi didu kign danh tir nay duge xite dink bing mgt cum tir hose mot mgnh ae. Tai sch mién phi tai: - The mechanic that I met 4, Trirée mt danh tir chi mot ¥: riéng biét - My father is working in the garden 5. True so sinh cyc cdp, Trude “first” (thi nha), “second” (thir nhi), “only” (duy nhat) tiendy duge ding nhwr tinh tir hay dai tir. = the first day, the best 6. “The” + Danh tir s6 it tugng trung cho mOt nhom dong vat, mOt loai hose dé vat - The whale is in danger of becoming extinct “The” cé thé ding Trude m6t thanh vién cia m6t nhom ngwdi nhat dink, - The small shopkeeper is finding business increasingly difficult 8. “The” + Danh tir sé it ding Trurée mt dong tir sé it. Dai tir la “He /She /Tt” - The first-class passenger pays more so that he enjoys some comfort. 9. “The” + Tinh tir tugug (rung cho m§t nhom ngwdi, mt cing lép trong x4 hgi - the old, the rich and the poor 10. “The” ding Truée nhimg danh tir riéng chi bién, sing, quan dao, day nai, tén goi sé nhiéu cia cde née, sa mac, mién + the Pacific, the Netherlands - the Crimea, the Alps Khong ding mgo tir x4e djnh 1, Tréc tén quéc gia, tén chau Iyc, tén nd, tén hd, tén during. Europe (Chau Au), South America (Nam MJ), France (Phap quéc), Downing Street (Phé Downing) 2. Khi danh tir khong dém duge hoge danh tir sé nhigu ding theo nghta chung nbat, chit khong chi rigng trudng hop nao. ~ [don't like French beer. 3. Truée danh tir trivu twgng, trir phi danh tir 46 chi m@t trudng hgp ea bigt. - Men fear death, 4. Sau tinh tir sé hitu (possessive adjective) hoje sau danh tir & sé hitu céch (possessive case). Bai tap van dung EDUCATION AND WORK Have you ever asked yourself what you are working for? If you have ever had the time to (1) this taboo question, or put it to others in moments of weakness or confidentiality, you (2) well have heard some or all of the followings. It’s the money of course, some say with a smile, as if explaining, something to a small child. Or it’s the satisfaction of a job well done, the sense of achievement behind the clinching of (3) important deal. | worked as a bus conductor once, and I can say I felt the same as I staggered along the swaying gangway trying to give out tickets without falling over into someone's lap, It's the company of other people perhaps, but if that is the (4) . What about farmers? Is it the conversation in the farmyard that keeps them captivated by the job? Work is power and sense of status say those who have cither attained these clusive goals, or fecl aggrieved that nobody has yet recognized their leadership qualities. Or we can blame it all on someone else, the family or the taxman. I suspect, and I say this under my breath that most of us if work rather as Mr. Micawber lived, hoping for something to turn up, We'll win the pools, and tell the boss what we really think, We'll scrape together Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 the money and open that little shop we always dreamed of, or go around the world, or spend more time in the garden, One day we'll get that (5) we deserve, but until then at Icast, we have something to do, And we are so busy doing it that we won’t have time to wonder why. . A.consider B. meditate C. propose D. launeh 2. A.will B. ought C. might D. would 3. Aa C. the D.0 4 Accase B. one C. question D, former A. ambition B. promotion C. vocation D. station Cau héi sé 3 kiém tra kién thite vé mao ti. Vi deal & day 1a danh tir chua xc dinh, chua duoc nhic dén trude dé nén ta khong ding the, Ding tude tinh tir “important” bat dau bing m6t nguyén 4m, nén ta ding “an”, Chon duge dép an B. 9. Clip so sinh a. So sinh ngang bang + Cong tht ~ Vidy: Lan is 16, I'm 16, too, Lan is as young as I. b. So sinh kém “ong thite: not so/ not as + adj + as s+ adj + as ~ Vi dy: Quang is 1.7 metres tall. Hung is 1.6 metres tall. Hung is not so tall as Quang. ¢. So sinh hon = COng thire: Tinh tir ngiin + er + than More + tinh tir dai + than (tinh te ngan 14 tinh tir cé mot am tiét, tinh tir dai 1a tinh tr ¢6 tt hai am tiét wo 1én) - Vi dy: My ruler is $ cm long. Nam's ruler is 7 em long. —» My rulers shorter than Nam’s, > Nam’s ruler is longer than mine, Chay + Khi thém “er” nhan d6i phy 4m cudi néu trude né 1a mot nguyén am, Vidu: hot > hotter fat > fatter thin + thinner fit + fitter + Mot sé tinh tir c6 hai Am tiét két thac bing “et, ow, le, er, y” thi ap dung qui tic cita tinh tir ngin Vi du: quiet quieter clever —> cleverer simple— simpler narrow—> narrower + Khéng e6 dang phii dinh etia so sinh hon Ais taller than B — B isn’tas tall as A (khong viét: B isn’t taller than A) d. So sdnh cao nhat - Cong thire: The + tinh tir ngan + est Tai sch mién phi tai: The + most + tinh tir di = Vi dy: This She is the most beautiful girl in my class. = Bon cdu tric viét 131 binh phim: That’s/ it’s + the + tinh tir ngin + est + noun +S + have’ has + ever + PIL s the longest river in the world That’s/ it’s + the + most + tinh tir dai + noun + $+ have/ has + ever + PUL Vi dus That’s the most interesting book I've ever read. That's the longest bridge I’ve ever seen. S + have/ has + PII + a/any + tinh tir ngén + er + noun + than... $+ have/ has + PIL-+a+ more + tinh tit dai + noun + than... Vi du: T’ve never read a more interesting book than this one. I’ve never seen any/a longer bridge than this one. e. So sinh kép (cang...caing....) + Céng thie 1: the comparative + $ + V.,. the comparative + $+ V.. ‘Vi du: the more you learn, the more you know. (cing hoc ban cing biét nhiéu) The sooner you start, the earlicr you arrive + Céng thite 2: the more + $+ V, the comparative + S+V Vi du: the more you study, the smarter you will become, The more exereises you do, the better you understand the lesson + Trong tnrdng hop néu ca hai vé déu c6 chi ngit gia “it is” thi cé thé bé ching di ‘The shorter (it is), the better (itis). f. So sanh béi 56, + So sanh b4i sé 14 so sénh: bang ntta (half), gap d4i (twice), g4p ba (three times)... - Khdng duge sir dung so sinh hon kém ma sir dung so snh bing, khi so sénh phai xae dinh danh tir 1a dém duge hay khong dém duge, vi ding trude ching c6 many/much Vidu: This encyclopedy costs twice as much as the other one, Bai tp van dung Think of a triangle when you think of the structure of the U.S. federal court system. The federal court system's structure, when (1) as a triangle, is easy to understand. At the lowest level, or the base of the triangle, are the trial courts is easy to Which are called the District Courts. The next level contains cuit Courts of Appeals, and at the top of the triangle is the United States Supreme Court. Article IIT of the United States Constitution establishes the federal court system. The document provides for the Supreme Court, (2) court of the country, and the Constitution is considered the supreme law of the land. The Constitution also provides that other inferior tribunals shall be established, The word “inferior” in this sense means “lesser” or “lower” and even though the names or duties of the inferior tribunals are not spelled (3) in the Constitution, these courts have been established by Congress. The inferior tribunals are the District Courts and the Circuit Courts of Appeals. The Constitution also establishes special courts to (4) special types of cases. One types of special the Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 court is the court that deals with issues involving patents and one special court is the Bankruptcy Court, 6) , the Constitution explains that federal judges, who are appointed by the President, will serve during a term of good behaviour. 1 A. view B. viewing C. viewed D. views 2. A.bigh B. higher C. highest D. the highest 3.0 Ain B. on C. for D. out 4 A. listen B. hear C. attention: D. focus 5. A, Addition B, Additional C, In addition D, In addition to, (Essence Reading 4, Rachel Lee) Cau hoi s6 2 kiém tra kién thie vé cap so sanh. Khi muén noi “nhat” trong sé cac di twong thi ding “of” phia sau - edu trie so sinh hon nhat. Ta chon duge phurong an D. TCAU HOTU VUNG G dang cau héi tir vung, e6 nhing céu chiing ta chi can dich ngbia cdc tir cho sin va nghia cia cau dé chon duge dap an ding, Trudmg hop nay diing khi nghia cia céc tir khdc nhau rd rang Tuy nhién, 6 mot tan suat 1én, cdc cau hoi vé tk vung dua ra nhiing tr goi ¥ 6 nghia kha giéng nhau, tham chi 1d cde tir déng nghia. Vay ching ta Iya chon nhu thé nao? Khi gp nhing edu héi dang nay, ta cin xem xét vé cach sit dung ciia cde tir do. Tiéng Anh c6 mét pham tri goi la “collocation” - cdc ttt hay di kim véi nhau dé tao thanh cde cum tit ¢6 nghia, de trung theo céch str dung cia nguéi ban ngit. Vi du: a chat’? Aswift B. quick C. prompt Cai ba tit swift, quick va promt d&u ¢6 nghia ki ngin gon, nhanh chéng. Néu ta dich nghia thi c6 18 khéng lam duge cau héi nay. Nhung thuc t&, ngudi bin ngir sé diing “quick chat” thay vi hai phuong dn cdn Iai Dap an 6 day LAC. Phuong phap nhat thoi dé tim cau tra loi ding cho dang bai nay [a tra tir dién vé collocation. Mgt website rit httu ich dé chia sé voi cdc em dé Li Mac di da nim trong tay céng cy nay, nhung ching ta khong thé etr phu thuge vao né duge vi trong gid thi, kiém tra, ching ta khéng duge str dung dién thoai hay laptop 48 uy cap Internet. Vi thé, hay chim dge sich, doe bao, doe cae bai viét bing tiéng Anh dé hoe thém cdc cum tirdi kém véinhau ny nhé. Bai tp van dung Tn (1) countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as re) a8 32.6 years. In the developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates are as high as 81 years, If you are living in a developed country, don’t think you are the cat’s pajamas just yet. There are an increasing (3) of factors which can cancel out the advantages you have. That one that we are looking at now is (4) your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career may result (5) a short life! 1. A. develop B. developing C. developed D. developable 2.4 low B. short C.down D. close 3. A. number B. numbers C. amount D. amounts 4. A. what B. how C. when, D. who Tai sch mién phi tai: 5.A. in B. for C from (Pre Essence Reading 3, Rachel Lee) Cu héi sé 2 1a cau hoi tir vung ma chi can dich nghia ta sé chon duge phuong an ding Low (adj): thdp (nghta bong) short (adj): ngan, thdp (chiéu cao...) down (adv): xuéng close (adj): gan, low life expectancy: tndi tho binh quan thép A little bird told me that our feathered friends have also adopted this method of (1) a snooze when they are flying. The birds (2) the edge of the flock will keep watch for predators by always (3) ‘one eye open. When they are not flying, birds practice a method called “vigilant” sleep where they interrupt (4) sleep with “peeks” — they open their eyes to check (5) predators. L.A. taking B. making C. doing D. putting 2. A. with, B.on D. behind 3. A. keep B. keeps Cato keep D. keeping 4. A. their B. his C.its D. our 5. A. out C. for D. up (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) Cau hoi s6 1 1a mot dang cau hoi tir ving ma dich nghia khong thé gidp ching ta tim ra dap an ding duoc. GO day, ta c6 cum tir Take a snooze: ngi mét gide ngin. Nén ta chon A thay vi cdc phurong én con Iai. 1. CAU HOI VE LIEN TU Dinh nghia lién tir Lién tiy la tir ding dé néi hai phan, hai ménh dé 6 trong cau Tai v6i nhau. Phan loai lién tir L. Lién tir két hop Ding loai lién tir nay dé ndi ning cac tir loai hoc cum tir / nhém tir cung mit loai, hoac nhiing ménh dé ngang hing nhau (tinh tir véi tinh tir, danh tir véi dan tir.) Lién tir két hop gdm: + but= yet: Eg: He is intelligent but very lazy. She says she does not love me, yet I still love her. + and: Eg: She is a good and loyal wife. sor Eg: We have to work hard, or we will fail the exam, + nor: Eg: That is not what | meant to say, nor should you interpret my statement as an admission of guilt, + for: Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 Eg: He will surely succeed, for he works hard. #08 Eg: I want to work as an interpreter in the future, so Tam studying Russian at university. 2. Lién tir rong hd + both... and... Eg: She is both beautiful and intelligent Both my brother and my friend like English, + not only... butalso... Eg: He did the exercise not only quickly but also correctly. 1 like playing not only tennis but also football, + either ... or... Eg: Either | or he is wrong, Thave either houses or cars + neither... nor. Eg: He drinks neither wine nor beer. Neither I nor he likes watching movies, + whether ... or Eg: [ wonder whether he loves me or not. 3. Lién tir phy thuge Loai lign tir phu thude ndi két cde nhém tir, eum tir hotic ménh dé c6 chite nding khde mhau - ménh dé phy véi ménh 3 chinh trong edu. + after: sau khi + before: truée khi + as soon as: ngay khi + As= when: khi + Since: tir khi + As= since= because: boi vi + Until: cho dén kchi ong khi rong khi (trai nguge) + Athough/ though/ even though: mac dit + Byen ift ké ca khi + If’ unless: néw/ néu khong + as long as: mién la + in case: phong khi + so that/ in order that: dé B. Trang tirlién két Trang tir lién két 14 nhiing trang tir ding dé ndi nhiing ¥ tuéng, nhimg ménh dé trong mot doan van. 1. Tir néi ding dé thém ¢hong tin + In addition: Thém vao 46 + Also: Hon nia Tai sch mién phi tai: + Furthermore: Hon nita, thém nita + Again: Lai nia + Moreover: Hon nita + Besides: ngoai ra + Additionally: Thém vao d6 + What's more: Hon niia Tir néi chi nguyén nhan, két qua + Asa result: Két qua la + consequently: Do dé + As a consequence: Két qua la + herefore: Do + Accordingly: Theo nhur * hence / thus: Do 46 + resultedly: Két qua la 3. Tir néi chi su d6i lap + However: tuy nhién + Notwithstanding: tuy nhién + Nevertheless: tuy nhién + still / yet: dy thé ma * Nonetheless: tuy nhién + on the other hand: mat khie + in contrast: Trai lai + Otherwise: néu khong thi + on the contrary: Trdi lai Eg: My teacher helped me a lot, Otherwise, I wouldn't have passed the exam, 4, Tir néi chi sy so sinh: + Likewise: trong tur thé + Similarly: tong ty thé + in the same way: theo cach giéng nhw tl 5. Tir ndi dé chi vi dy + For example: Vi i + For instance: Vi du + Namely: vi du Eg: Malaria can be prevented, namely by taking tables and by using nets. 6. Tir néi mang nghia nhan manh: + In fact: thu ra. + In theory: theo ly thuyét * In practice: thuc té la + Indeed: thy su la Eg: He is a hard - working employee. Indeed, he works ten hours a day. 7. Tir néi dwa ra két van + after all: sau tite + on the whole: néi chung + at last, finally: cudi cing + to conclude: dé két ludn n brief: néi chung. + to summarize: t6m lai + in conelusion: két lugin lai thi . Bai tp van dung Some people are very kind and are always willing (1) Others are selfish and are only concerned about (2) center of attention, while others are shyer and avoid busy places. There are many different personalities in the world, (3) we often take for granted how they are formed. No one can be totally certain how (4) personalities develop, but there (5) Three major theories that try to offer an explanation. Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 1 Avlend B. lending lend D. lent 2. Achim B. himself C. them D. themselves 3. Aas B. and C. but D. for 4. A. differ B. different C. difference D. differed 5. Ais B. are C. was D. were ‘Cau hoi s6 3 kiém tra kién thite ve Tign tit. But: nhung And: va Phan tich hai vé cu: (Pre Essence Reading 3, Rachel Lee) There are many different personalities in the world: C6 nhiéu logi tinh ech trén thé gidi we often take for granted how they are formed: Ching ta khong coi trong, khong quan tam ching duge hinh thanh nur thé nao. Hai vé cau thé hién sy ddi lip, nén ta ding lién tir but. Chon durge phurong An C. Tv. CAU HOL VE GIGI TU VA CUM DONG TL’ 1. Gidi tir Cae Logi gidi tir: - Gi - Gidi tir tir i nai ché thai gian: at, on, in, before, after, during, by, unti/till, since, for, afterwards... at, in, on, over, above, below, bencath, under... ~ GiGi tir chi str chuyén dich: to, into, from, across, through, along, round, around... ~ Gigi tit chi thé cach: with, without, = Gigi tir chi mye dich: to, for... - GiGi tit chi ly do: at, for, on... ‘MOt s6 cum di voi gidi tir thuong gip IN In love: dang yeu In fact: thye vay. In need: dang cin In trouble: dang gp rac réi In general: nhin chung In the end: cing In danger: dang gap nguy hiém AT At once: ngay lap tire Ata moment’s notice: trong théi gian ngin Al present: bay gidr Atall cost: bing moi gia ON On second thoughts: nghi lai On the contrary: trai lai On the average: trung binh In debt: dang mie ng In time: kip lite In other words: néi céch Khée In short: n6i t6m lai In brief: néi t6m lai In particular: ndi riéng In tum: lin luot At ease: nhan ha At rest; thoai mai Atleast: it nbit At most: nhiéu nhat On the whole: nhin chung On fire: dang chay On and off thinh thong, Tai sch mién phi tai: On one’s own: mot minh On foot: di b6 On purpose: 66 mue dich On time: ding gicr BY By mistake: nham Lin By heart: thuge long By oneself: mt minh OUT OF Out of work: that nghigp Out of date: 16i thoi Out of reach: ngoai tim vii Out of money: hét tign Under control: dang duge kiém soat Under rest: dang bi bat 2. Cum dong tir Déng tir di kém gidi tk OF Ashamed of: xau ho Afraid of: sg, e ngai. Aware of nh thire Capable of: 6 kha nang Fond of. thich Independent of: dc lip Cum tir di kém gii tir TO trong tiéng anh Able to: c6 thé Accustomed to: quen véi Addicted to: dam mé Delightful! to sb: thi vj Familiar to sb: quen thuge déi véi ai Contrary to: trai lai, déi lap Equal to: tong duemg véi Gidi tir FOR voi ai Good for: tot cho Ready for sth: sin sang cho viée gi Convenient for: thujn lgi cho. Famous for: néi tiéng Grateful for sth: biét on vé viée Prepare for: chuain bj cho Qualified for: cé pl GiGi tr FROM. To borrow from sbi/st: vay mugn eiia ai /edi gi chat ‘On the spot: ngay tai chd On sale: ban giam gid On duty: trye nbét By all means: che chin By no means: kh6ng chic ring khong Out of danger; hét nguy hiém Out of the questions: khong ban edi Out of order: hur Within reach: trong tm voi From time to time: thinh thong Proud of: ty hao Jealous of: ganh ty véi Suspicious of: nghi neo Terrified of: khiép so vé Grateful to sb: biét on ai Harmful to sb (for sth): e6 hai cho ai (cho cai gi) Important to: quan trong Identical to sb: giéng hét Willing to: sin long Responsible for sth: c6 trich nhigm ve vige gi Suitable for: thich hop Sorry for: xin 16i / lay lam tiée cho Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 To escape from...: thoat ra tir cdi gi To protect sb /st from: bio vé ai /bio vé cai gi To prohibit sb from doing st: cam ai lam viée gi To separate ssh from st/sb: téch edi gi ra khoi edi gi/ ach ai ra Khoi ai To suffer from: chju dymg dau khé To be away from st/sb: xa each céi gi /ai To be different from st: khae vé cai gi To be far from sbist: xa eiich ai edi gi To be resulting from st do cai gi cé két qua GiGi tir IN To beliveve in stisb: tin tang cai gi / va ai To delight in st; ho hoi vé cai gi To be engaged in st: tham dy, lao vao cude To be experienced in st: ¢6 kinh nghiém vé edi gi To help sb in st: gitip ai viée gi To be interested in st /doing st: quan tim cdi gi /vige gi To involed in st: dinh Lin vao edi gi To share in st: chia sé cai gi Gidi tir ABOUT lam tige, hi To be sorry about st: To be enthusiastie about st: hao himg v8 e: To be uncasy about st: khong thoi mai Giéi tir WITH To angry with sb: gidn ddi ai To be busy with st:ban véi cai gi To be consistent with st: kién tri chung thiy véi cai gi To be content with st: hai long véi edi gi To be familiar (to/with) st: quen v To be crowded with: day, déng duc To be patient with st: kign tri v6i edi gi To be popular with: phé bién quen thuge Gidi ti. ON To be dependent on st’sb: 1¢ thuge vao cai gi /vio ai To be intent on st: tip trung tur tudng vao edi gi To be keen on st: mé cai gh Trong tiéng Anh c6 nhiing cum dong tir ghép lai tir dong tir + gidi ty, nhung nghia lai khie hoan toan so ‘vai cic tir gée tao nén nd. Cach duy nhat dé hoe dang kién thire nay 1a kim nhiéu bai tip va hoe thude nghia ca cae cum tir 46. Break down: bj hu Break in: dot nhap vao nha Get rid of sth: ba cai gi dé Tai sch mién phi tai: Break up with s.o: chia tay ngudi yéu, cit 6 iit quan hé tinh cam véi ai Bring s.o up: nuéi nang (con cdi) Cateh up with sb: theo kip ai dé Cheek in: lam thi tue vio khéeh san Come across as: c6 vé (chi ngit 1a nguéi) Come off: tr6e ra, sitt ra Come up with: nghi ra Count on sb: tin edy vio ngudi nao 46 Cut down on sth; edt gidm cai gi dé Dress up: in mge dep Drop by: ghé qua Figure out: suy ra Find out: tim ra Get along/get along with sb: hop nhawhgp véi ai Give up sth: tir bd edi gi d6 Look after sb: cham séc ai da Look down on sb: khinh thuong ai dé Look for sb/sth: im kiém ai d6/ cai gi dd Look sth up: tra nghia cita edi tir gi a6 Put sth of tri hoan vige gi a6 Put up with sb/ sth: chju dymg ai dé) cai gi dé Run into sb/ sth: v6 tinh gap durge ai do/ cai gi Run out of sth; hét cai gi do : khoe khoang Show up: xudt hign Take off: edt canh (cht ngit la may bay), té nén thinh hanb, duge ua chudng (cht, Show o ngit la y tuémg, sin phém..) Work out: tp thé duc, c6 két qua tét dep Negoai ra, con rit nhiéu cum déng tir/cum gidi tir thudng gap khde nita cé thé xudt hién trong dé thi. Bai tap van dung Ask most people for their list of top ten fears, and you'll be sure to find (1) ‘burgled is fairly high on the list, An informal survey I carried out among friends at a party last week revealed that eight of them had had their homes (2) into more than twice, and wo had been burgled five times. To put the record straight, (3) of my fiend owns valuable paintings or a sideboard full of family Iverware, Three of them are students, in fact. The most typical burglar, it seems, involves the theft of easily transportable items - the television, the video, even food from the freezer. This may have something to do with the (4) that the average burglar is in his (or her) late teens, and probably wouldn’t know what to do with a Picasso, whereas selling 2 Walkman or a vacuum cleaner is a much casier matter. They are perhaps not so (5) professional criminals, as hard-up young people who need a few pounds and some excitement. LA. been B. having C. being D. out 2. A, robbed B. broken C. taken D. entered 3.A. none B. some Call D. few 4.A. information B. fact C. idea D. knowledge 5. A. many B. much ©. that D. rarely Cau s6 2 kiém tra Ii thuyét vé cum dong tir, Break into: d6t nhap Do do, ta chon ditge phurong din B. Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 Mata Hari had claimed that she was a spy French generals. All’s fair in love and war, EXERCISE 1 for the French - a statement corroborated by (1) and it seems that she was betrayed by one George Ladoux who had reeruited her (2) a spy for the French, and (3) arrested for being a double agent himself, For now, the details remain sketchy as the case documents are (o remain (4) for 100 years. Hopefully, all will be (5) death of Mata Hari will remain a mystery. when they are reopened in 2017. Until then, the life and Question 1: Avanamountof — B.theamountof —C.anumber of —_D. the number of Question2: A. to Beat C. with Deas Question 3: A. later B. late Ci lately D. latest Question 4: A. seal B. sealing C. sealed D. to seal Question 5: A. reveal B. revealing C. revealed D. revelation (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) 1. Dap an C @ number of: mét s6 nhiing, nhieu ‘Vi danh tir ding sau ché can dién la “French generals” - danh tir dém duoc sé nhiéu, nén cdc dap an A, B loai. A number of + Noun dém duge sé nhiéu: mang nghia “mét s6 nhimg” ding khi muén néi cé mét vai ngudi howe mot vai thir gi dé, The number of + Noun dém duge sé nhiéu, mang nghia “sé Ingng nhimg”, ding dé ndi vé sé Iugng. Ta dich nghia thi chi c6 a number of li phit hop hon ca. “Mata Hari had claimed that she was a spy for the French - a statement corroborated by a number of French generals.”- “Mata Hari da tuyén b6 ring €6 14 giin digp cho Phip - tuyén bé nay duoc xdc nhéin béi mét sé tuéng linh Phap” 2. Dap an D, As: nlue ld, vii vai tro ler Ding cum “as + a/an noun” dé chi vj tri, c6ng vige, vai trd cia ai d6, Asa spy: lam vige nhur mét digp vién 3. Dap an A. Later: Sau do 4. Dap an C. Sealed: duege bit kin, niém phong, déng dau =>Remain sealed: van con kin, van con duge niém phong Remain 1a mot “linking verb” (dOng tir ndi), nén sau nd phai li mde tinh ti. 5. Dap din C. revealed: durge tiét 16 Cau nay mang nghia bi dong. Bi dng ctia thi tuong lai don, Will be + PIT Tai sch mién phi tai: Dich bai Mata Hari da tuyén bé ring c6 1a gin diép cho nude Phap - tuyén bé nay duge xe nhAn bei mst sO tung linh Phap voi tit cd cong bang trong tinh yéu va chién tranh, c6 vé nhu Mata Hari da bj phan boi boi George Ladoux - ngudi da chiéu m9 ¢6 lim gidn digp cho Phép va sau dé, cing bi bit vi li digp vién hai mang Cho dén bay gid, cde chi tiét ctia vu an van cin kha sor sii vi ede tai ligu bude phai niém phong trong 100 nam. Hy vong ring, tat ca sé duoc tiét 16 khi ching duo t4i mé vao nam 2017. Cho dén lac 46, cude doi ‘va cai chét cia Mata Hari sé van 1a mét diéu bi an. Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 EXERCISE 2 A little bird told me that our feathered friends have also adopted this method of (1) a snooze when they are flying. The birds (2) the edge of the flock will keep watch for predators by always (3) one eye open. When they are not flying, birds practice a method called “vigilant” sleep. Specifically, they interrupt (4) sleep with “peeks” - they open their eyes to check ©) predators. Question 1; A. taking B. making C. doing D. putting Question 2; A. with B.on C.t0 D. behind Question 3: A. keep B. keeps C. to keep D. keeping Question 4: A. their B. his Cats D. our Question 5: A. out C. for D.up (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) agin Sau gidi tir “of”, ta ding V-ing 1, Dap an A. taking Take a snooze: ngii mgt 2. Dap an B. on On the edge of the flock: bén ria bay din, 6 ria ngoai cia din chim, 3. Dap an D. keeping Keep sth + adj Sau “by” (prep) + V-ing /Noun. 4, Dap an A. their: ctia ching Cho ngir la “they”, nén tinh tir sé hi str dung 1a “their”, 5. Dap an C. for Check for: kiém tra xem 6 gi dé hay khong Dich bai MOt cho chim nh6 noi véi ti ring ohting ngudi ban long vo khéc cua ching ta cong 4p dung phrong phap nga mét gide ngin nay khi dang bay. Nhing con chim bén ria bay din sé dim nhan viée quan sat nhimg ké sin méi bing cach ludn luén gitt m6t mit mé. Khi khng bay, c4e con chim thye hinh mot phurong phap goi la ngii “than trong”. Cu thé 1a ching doan gide nga ciia minh véi nhiing lin mé mit dé kiém tra xem ¢6 cdc ké sin mbi hay khéng. Tai sch mién phi tai: EXERCISE 3 Around 12,000 years (1) some people began using stones to build houses for (2) House building caught (3) in different areas at different times. The ancient Egyptians, for example, began building houses around 10000 BC. The first Greek houses dated (4) to 6000 BC. (5) in England, the earliest signs of houses are from 3000 BC. Question 1: A. later B. soon C.ago D. before Question 2: A. ourselves C. them D. themselves Question 3: As up B.on Cy with D. by Question 4: = A.on B. from C. back Dz later Question S: A. while B. therefore C. during D. despite (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) 1. Dap din C. ago: muse day, céch day “Around 12,000 years ago” (khong 12.000 nam truée) + ménh dé chia qua khir don. ‘in D. themselves: ban than ho “Around 12,000 years ago, some people began using stones to build houses for themselves”. -“Khoang 12.000 nam true, mét sé nguisi bat dau sir dung da dé xay nha cho minh.” 3. Dap dn Bon cum dong ti “catch on” = “popular (think hanh, phd ign). 4. Dip din C. back Date back to: c6 nién dai tir 5. Dip in A. While. trong khi dé Ta ding “while” hoge “whereas” d& ndi 2 ménh dé di Jp nhau, Dich bai Khoang 12.000 nam trude day, mét sé ngudi bat dau sit dung da dé xay dimg nha 6, xy dug nha rat thinh hanh 6 cae ving khac nhau tai cc théi diém khae nhau, Vi dy, ngudi Ai Cap 06 dai bat dau xay dung nha & khoding 10.000 nam TCN, Nhing ng6i nha dau tign cua ngurdi Hy Lap ed nign dai tir 6.000 nam TCN, trong khi & Anb, nhimg dau higu sém nit ciia nha 6 La tir 3.000 nim TCN. Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 EXERCISE 4 Opera singers also have to have very powerful voices, so they can (1) over the orchestra, They also have to hold notes for an (2) period of time. This requires a lot of air, so they need to have a strong diaphragm. A strong diaphragm allows them (3) breathe in more ait and create the kind of note (4) can break wineglasses. A large chest cavity and a thick, strong body frame help the diaphragm (5) this monumental task. Question 1: A. hear B. be heard C.listen D. be listened Question 2; A. extend B. extension C. extending D. extended Question 3: A. for B.t0 . from D. by Question 4: A. that B when Chow D. whom Question 5: A. with Cat D. for (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) 1. Dap in B. Be heard: cd thé dege nghe | “Listen” mang tinh chi dng, cdn “hear” mang tinh thy thay. dong. “Listen” thurimg di véi “to”, Cau nay mang nghia bi déng. “Opera singers also have to have very powerful voices, so they can be heard over the orchestra.” - “Nhimg nghé sf opera cing phai c6 giong hat dy ndi tye sao cho khan gid c6 thé nghe duge ho trén nén dan nhac.” 2. Dap fin D. extended: chev kéo dai, gia han | Ché cin dién 1 m6t tinh tir, vi sau né 1a danh tir “period of time.” Ban than théi gian khéng tu kéo dai duoc, nén phai ding tinh tir e6 nghia bi dong “Extended period of time”: khoding thdi gian kéo dai 3. Dip in B. Breathe: the ‘3+ allow sb to do sth: Cho phép ai lim gi 4. Dap an A. Dai nr quan he “that”: ngwoi | Ding “that” dé thay thé cho danh tir chi vat “the kind of nae, Gait ma note 5. Dap an A. With: voi $+ help sb/sth with sth: Gidp 40 ai, efi gi Tai sch mién phi tai: Dich bai Nhting nghé s¥ opera cing phai cé ging hat day ndi hye sao cho khan gid cé thé nghe duge ho hat trén nén dan nhac. Ho cing phai gitt duge giong trong mét khoang théi gian dai, Diéu nay doi hoi phai cd nhiéu khong khi trong phéi, nén hg can 6 m6t co hoanh manh mé. Mét co hoanh manh mé cho phép ho hit duge nhiéu khong khi vao phdi hon va tao ra mot 4m thanh cao vit ¢6 thé dinh vo ca céc udng rugu, Mét khoang ngute 1én va day cing mot co thé manh mé sé gitip cot ho’inh thuc hign nhiém vu khé khvin nay, Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 EXERCISE 5 Soap operas are the daytime dramas we have all (1) to know and love (or hate). They got their name from the soap manufacturers Proctor & Gamble and Colgate ~ Palmolive (2) sponsored the carly radio and TV shows. According (3) the Guinness Book of Records, Guiding Light is the world’s (4) running story. The show has been (5) for over 70 years! On September 7%, 2006, the show celebrated its 15,000th episode. Question 1; A. come B. gone C. remained D. taken Question 2: A. what B. they C. by whom D. that Question3:; Avon C. with Question 4: A. long, B. longer C. longest D. lengthened QuestionS: Ain Bion C. with D. down (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) | Bap dn A. come Come to know and love (or hate): biét dén va yéu (hode ghét) 2. Dap én D. Dai tir quan hé “that”: ngucri | Dimg dai tir quan “that” dé thay thé cho danh sé, thie més tir chi ngudi “the soap manufacturers Proctor & Gamble and Colgate - Palmoliv: 3. Dap an B. to ‘According to + sth: Theo edi gi, theo digu gi 4. Dap dn C. longest The longest: dai nhat, liu nhat So sanh hon nhat voi tinh tir ngan: the + adj + est. = to be popular? fashionable: ni 5. Bap an A. Jn To be i thai thurong, phd bién Cée dip an cdn Iai: on: trén, with: vi down: xudng Djeh bai ‘Thé loai Phim truyén hinh tinh cam dai tap (soap opera) 1a loai phim truyén hang ngay ma ching ta déu biét va yéu (hoae ghét). Chiing lay cai tén tir nhimg nha sn xudt xa phong (soap) 14 Proctor & Gamble and Colgate - Palmolive, ho da tai trg cho cae budi phat thanh va truyén hinh dau tién. Theo cudn sach ky Iye Guinness, Guiding Light ld cau chuyén dai nhat thé gidi, BO phim nay da duge céng ching biét dén hon 70 nam nay. Vao ngay miing 7 thing 9 nim 2006, chyong trinh di ki nigm tp phim thé 15000. Tai sch mién phi tai: EXERCISE 6 There are many different kinds of myths. (1) purely fictional stories which contain no clements of truth, myths (2) “sacred stories” often have a divine or religious aspect. Religious myths can explain the creation of the Earth, The story of Adam and Eve (3) in the book of Genesis in the Bible is an example of a religious myth. Origin myths explain how things have come into (4) i while cult myths explain festivals and rituals. A good cxample of a cult myth is the myth of Santa Claus and Christmas. Social myths enforce social norms and rules, and eschatological myths deal (5) how the carth will end, as in, for example, the book of Revolutions in the Bible. Question 1: A. Like B. Unlike C.Justunlike ——_D, Just as Question 2; A. with Bike Cras D.of Question3: A. find B. finding C. found D. founded Question 4: A. be B. being Cy exist D. existing Question 5: A. with, B.on Dain (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) 1. Dap an B. Unlike: khéng gidng v6i 2. Dap an C. As: nhue lr Ding cum “as + noun” c6 nghia chi vi tri, eéng vige, vai trd ctia ai dé, cai gi Myths as “sacred stories” - “huyén thoai nhu la “cau chuyén thiéng ligng”. 3. Dap an C. Found: dieac tim thay Rut gon ménh de quan hé & dang bj dong, ta ding PII. “The story of Adam and Eve found in the book of Genesis in the Bible is an example of a religious myth” - “Cau trayén vé Adam va Eva duoc tim thay trong cudn sach Genesis cia Kinh thanh 1a mét vi dy vé huyén thoai t6n gido.” 4. Dap dn B. being Come into being: ra déi 5. Dap dn A. with Deal with: giai quyét Dich bai Cé nhidu loai thoai khac nhau. Khong gidng nhu nhing cau chuyén hoan toan hur céu, khong hé chita dung cac yéu té su that, nhimg huyén thoai nhu “nhiing cau truyén linh thiéng” thuéng mang mét ¥ nghia thigng liéng hay tén gido ndo dé. Huyén thoai ton gido cé thé gi truyén vé Adam va Eve duge tim thay trong séch Genesis ca Kinh Thanh a mét vi dy cita huyén thoai t6n gido. Cac huyén thoai vé ngudn ci giai thich moi thir ra divi nhu thé nao, trong khi huyén thogi vé 1 Oi gidi thich sy ra doi ctia ede 18 hoi va nghi 18 Mét vi dy diém hinh cia huyén thosi, 1é hoi LA buyén thoai vé éng gia Noel va 18 Gidng sinh. Huyén thoai A mut va quy tie x3 hich sy hinh thinh cia Trai dat. Cau 4 h6i gidp giai thich cde chudi hoi, va huyén thoai vé tin thé fi giai Trai dat sé két thie nhw thé nao, vi du nhu cudn sich Cudc cach mang trong Kinh Thanh, Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 EXERCISE 7 William Post won a gob-smacking USD 16.2 have brought joy and prosperity soon had his million in the Pennsylvania lottery. (1) should siblings demand money for their business ventures. His girlfriend sued him (2) part of his winnings. His brother went a step further and hired a hit man (o have him killed, (3) for an inheritance. He now (4) on a USD 450 Social Security check. For Mr. happened to him. Question 1: A. That B. What Question 2; A. for B.t0 Question: A. hope B. hoped Question 4: A. lives B. lived Question 5: A. yet B. still Post, winning the lottery was the worst thing that (5) C. Who D. When C. with D. at C. hoping D. hopeless Cu living D. will leave Crever De even (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) L. Dap an B. Ménh dé danh tic voi “what” lam bé ngit “What should have brought joy and prosperity soon had his siblings demand money for their business ventures.” = “Bidu ma 1é ra nén mang t6i niém vui va su thinh vugng thi lai khién cae anh chj em ruGt cua anh ta doi hoi chia tién cho dy dn kinh doanh cia ho.” 2. Dap din A. for Sue (to) sb for sth: kign ai dé dé lly cai gi 3. Dap an c. hoping Ding V-ing khi rit gon ménh dé & dang chu dong 4. Dap dn A. lives live on some money: song dura vio 86 tien nao d Chia thi hign tai don véi dau higu “now” => “lives” 5. Dap dn C. Ever: timg Cie dip an con liz Yet: edn, hdy con (ding & hign tai hodn thanh 6 dang pha dinh va nghi van) Still; vin Even: tham chi Tai sach mién phi tai: Dich bai William Post gianh mét chién thang day kinh ngac v6i tién thuéng 16,2 trigu USD trong tr quay x6 56 Pennsylvania. Diéu ma 1é ra nén mang t6i niém vui va sy think vugng sém thi lai khién cho cée anh chi ‘em rudt lén tiéng doi tién cho dy an kinh doanh cia ho. C6 ban gai cua anh ta cling khoi kién dé lay duge m6t phn tién thug, Neudi anh trai thm eb edn di mot bude xa hon la thué mot ngudi din dng ehuyén dam thué chém mum giét anb ta, hang chiém lay thita ké, Hign tai anh ta dang séng dura vio mot tim sée bao an xi hdi t gid 450 USD, Déi vi Post, tring sé la didu t6i t@ nhdt timg xay ra voi an ta. Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984.456582 EXERCISE 8 Mother Theresa (1) the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Bom (2) Yugoslavia (now Macedonia), she moved to the slums of Calcutta, India to tend to help “the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared-for... and are (3) by everyone”. Mother Theresa lived (4) the poor, she often had to beg for food (5) _ Now her foundation has 610 missions in 123 countries, Question 1: A. awarded B. was awarded C. awards: D. is awarded Question 2; A. into C. from D. within Question 3: A. shun B. shunning C. shunned D. shuns, Question 4: A at B. between Cy among D. on Question 5: A. her B. them herself, D. themselves (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) Dap an B. Be awarded dire tao téng, | In 1979 => Qué khi don duge nhén gidi thuing Cau nay mang nghia bi dong. “Mother Theresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979"- “Me Té- ré-sa duge trao Uing gidi thudng Nobel hoa binh yao nim 1979” 2. Dap an B. Born in: duege sinh ra 6 dau Born in Yugoslavia (now Macedonia): duge sinh ra 6 Yugoslavia (nay la Macedonia) 3. Dap an C. shun sh/ sth: né trdnh ai dé, edi | Bi d6ng hign tai don: be + PIL gi 4. Dap an C. among Among: gitta (dimg khi khdng xde dinh duge ¢6 bao nhigu vat) Among the poor: gitia nhing ngudi nghéo (chua xic dinh duge sé long cu thé), Khie véi “between” 06 nghia gitta 2 vat, 2 nguii 5. Dap an C. do sth one's self: tu minh lam gi | “Mother Theresa lived among the poor they often had to beg for food herself. "- “Me Té- ré- sa séng gitta nhing ngudi nghéo, ba dy thudng xuyén phai ty minh xin thire an.” Dich bai Me Te-ré-sa di duge (rao gidi Nobel Hoa binh vio nim 1979. Sinh ra 6 Nam Tu (nay li Macedonia), bi chuyén ic khu nha 6 chudt & Caleutta, An D6 véi ¥ dinh gidp de nhiing “ngudi doi khat, khdng 66 cai An cai mic, ngudi v6 gia cu, ngudi tn tat, nguéi mi, nhiing ngudi bénh hai, va tt e nhiimg ngudi cam thay ho khéng duoc chao don, khéng durge yéu thuong, khéng duoc lo lang... va bi xa lanh bdi tat ca Tai sach mién phi t moi ngudi”. Me Té-ré-sa da sng gita nhtimg ngudi nghdo; ba thudng phai di xin an mot minh, Bay git t6 chite ctta ba d& c6 610 co quan dai dign 6 123 quéc gia, Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984456582 EXERCISE 9 Around the fifth century AD, the Angles and Saxons invaded England and introduced Old English (1) is a Germanic language. English was also influenced by Old Norse, a language spoken by the Vikings (2) had settled in northern England, Throw in a bit of Greek and Latin and you have the English we know and love today. English is a combination of all these languages and (3) grammar rules (¢.g. photography comes from the German photograpic, derived from the Greck roots, phos, phot - “light” and graphos - “writing”). This makes (4) a real hassle to master English and causes confusion and anxicty in English students (5) the globe Question 1: A. who B. which C. what D. where Question 2; A. who B. which Co what D. where Question 3: A. its B. their Cu his D. our Question 4: Avus B. it Co with D. by Question 5: A, across Cin D. with (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) 1. Dap an B. Which: thit ma, vat ma Ding “which” dé thay thé cho danh tir chi vat “Old English”. 2. Dap an A. Who: nguoi ma Ding “who” dé thay thé cho danh tir chi ngudi “the Vikings” 6 vj tri eb ng 3. Dip an B. their Ding tinh ti s@ hifu “their® d8 phi hop véi “all these languages “English is a combination of all these languages and their grammar rules...” - “Tiéng Anb la su két ndi eda tat ca cic ngén ngit va nhimg quy tic ngit phap cua ching...” 4. Dap an B. it Make it a real hassle: tao nén mét sy rée i thye sy 5. Dap din A. across ‘Across the globe: trén ton elu Dich bai Khoang thé ky thir nim sau Céng nguyén, ngudi Angles va Saxons xam luge ving dit Anh va truyén ba thir tiéng Anh cé c6 nguén géc ar tiéng Die. Tiéng Anh cing chju anh hudng béi tigng Na-uy cd, mot ng6n ngit duge ndi boi nhing ngudi ViKings dinh cu 6 mién bic nude Anh, Két hop v6i mét chit tiéng Hy Lap va Latinh, ching ta cé tiéng Anh hién dai duoc biét dén va yéu mén ngay nay. Tiéng Anh 1a két hop eta tit ca cdc ngén ngit nay va nhimg quy tac ngit phap cita ching (vi du nhu “photography” bat nguén tir tiéng Duc la “photograpie”, duoc tich ttr cde géc tiéng Hy Lap 1a roots, phos, phot - “anh sang” va graphos - “viét”). Dieu nay khién cho vige nam vitng tiéng Anh thit su ric roi va kho khan, gay ra su nham Kin va lo king cho ngudi hoc tiéng Anh trén toan eau, Tai sach mién phi t : EXERCISE 10 Being as (1) as a bear doesn’t help, either. People who are angry, anxious or depressed are more (2) to suffer (3) heart disease (also due to an increase in blood pressure). People who are stressed or moody have weaker immune systems and are (4) ‘more susceptible to gelling sick than happy people who don’t (5) life 10 seriously. Question 1: A. anger B. angry C. hunger D. hungry Question2: A. like B. alike C. likely D. liked Question3: Ain C. from D. for Question 4: A. so B. therefore C. because D. however Question 5: A. make B. take have D.end (Pre Essence Reading 2, Rachel Lee) 1. Dap an B. angry Be angry as a bear: rit tire gidin 2. Dap an C likely $+ be + likely + to do sth: C6 kha nang/ c6 nguy co gap phai 3. Dap an Cfrom ‘Suffer from: chiu dung 4, Dap dn B. Therefore: vi thé, vi vay Cie dip an con Iai so: nén (trude so phai cé déu phay, néi gitta 2 ménh dé) because: béi vi (ndi gitta 2 ménh a8) however: tuy nhién 5. Dip an B. take Don’t take life too seriously: lac quan ma song Dich bai Vige qua tire gidn cing ching gi ich duoc gi. Nhiing ngudi tite gidn, lo King va chin nan thi c6 nguy eo mic bénh tim hon (m6t phan Li bai vi ho sé bi tang huyét dp). Nhimg nguoi thuong bi eang thing hay i ric hé mién dich yéu hon va vi thé dé mac bénb hon nhitng ngudi hanh phic, ludn lac quan séng. Mua file word lién hé Zalo: 0984.456582

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