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Aspek Indonesia Inggris Arab

Keterangan Jenis Manusia: Pria dan Prince - princess, (Mudzakar -

Kelamin Wanita Steward - stewardess, Mu’annats)
Hewan: Jantan dan Waiter – waitress Muslimin - muslimat,
Betina mukminin -
mukminat, haji -
hajjah, dsb
Keterangan Segala, seluruh, para, Singular: boy, girl, Mufrod (Muslimun),
Jamak semua, sebagian, car, dsb Mutsanna
beberapa, dsb Plural: boys, girls, (Muslimaani), Jamak
cars, dsb. (Muslimuuna)
Keterangan Kemarin, Akan, Present, Past, Future, Fi’il Madhi, Fi’il
Waktu Sekarang, Tahun Ini, Present Continuous, Mudhori, Fi’il Amar
dsb. dan Present Perfect

1) Parts of Speech
a) Noun
Person (police officer, Michael), place (coastline, London), thing (necktie, television), idea
(happiness), or quality (bravery)
is used for the names of people, objects, animals, places, and ideas or concepts. Noun itself can
be further divided into various types, such as countable, uncountable / mass, common, proper,
concrete, abstract, and collective noun.
Types of nouns and examples:
 Countable (countable) = Book, Elephant, Train
 Uncountable / Mass (cannot be counted) = Love, Sand, Happiness
 Common = Country, City, Month
 Proper (Something specific) = Switzerland, Jakarta, January
 Concrete (Something that is tangible) = Bag, Cake, Building
 Abstract (Expressing ideas, concepts, circumstances, and other abstract things) =
Friendship, Time, Imagination
 Collective (Refers to a group of people, animals, or objects ) = Deer, Family, Governmen

b) Pronoun
A substitute for a noun or noun phrase (I, you, they, we, etc)
is a word used to replace a noun. There are 8 types of pronouns, namely personal, demonstrative,
interrogative, indefinite, possessive, reciprocal, relative, reflexive, andintensive pronoun.
Types of pronouns and examples:
 Personal = I, We, He, She
 Demonstrative = This, That, These, Those
 Interrogative = Who, Which, What, Whom, Whose
 Indefinite = Nothing, Someone, Anywhere, Everybody
 Possessive = Mine, Yours , Hers, His
 Reciprocal = Each other, One another
 Relative = = Who, Which, Whom, Whose
 Reflexive = Myself, Yourself, Ourselves, Themselves
 Intensive = Himself, Herself, Ourselves, Themselves
Relative Pronoun Examples:
 The boy who is playing football on the yard is my neighbour.
 The table which was made of oak wood has broken.
 He always eats bread whichever he likes.
 The woman whose car I want to buy is my old friend.
 He is the one for whom I’m waiting.
 The laptop that I bought five years ago is still work properly.
 My mother, who always comes on time, suddenly came late last night.
 We don’t know the person who donated this money.
 He went to the school that my father went to.

c) Adjective
is an adjective that is used to give information to a noun or pronoun. Example: Pretty, Sad,
Faithful big, brave, good, interesting, thick, etc.

d) Verb
A word denoting an action (walk), occurrence (happen), or state of being (be)
is a verb which is used to denote an action or state. Verbs can be divided into several types, such
as action verbs and linking verbs.
Types of verbs and examples:
 Action Verb (Transitive) - Shows action or ownership, followed by a direct object.
Examples: Have, Give, Ride
 Action Verb (Intransitive) - Shows the action, not followed by a direct object. Examples:
Arrive, Rise, Wait
 Linking Verb - Subject link and description. Example: Be, Taste, Remain

Transitive verb >>> ask, bring, buy, clean, explain, kick, learn, paint, sell, want, write
Transitive Verbs need objects to make sentences complete and have meaning. In other words, the
object following the verbs gets the action of the verbs . Example:
 I clean my own room every morning. [I clean my room every morning.]
The word 'clean' cannot stand alone without being followed by an object. 
 Hilda raises her hands. [Hilda raises her hand.]
 We are speaking English. [We speak English.]
 I have painted my walls in broken white.
 She wanted a bag with low price but high quality.
Intransitive Verb >>> arrive, come, die, go, lie, sneeze, sit, work
This type of verb does not require a direct object so that the sentence is complete and has
meaning. Example:
 Joshua screamed when his mother surprises him. [Joshua screams when his mother
startles him.]
The word 'scream' doesn't need to have an object following it to make a perfect sentence.
If we omit the adverbial phrase and leave only 'Joshua screamed' [Joshua screams], this
sentence still has meaning.
 They arrived later than usual. [They arrive late than usual.]
 Anita reads fast. [Anita reads quickly.]
 Many city park’s visitors are sitting on the grass.
 If you arrive late, I’ll go to the bookstore without you.

Transitive and Intransitive >>> eat, run

e) Adverb
Describes a verb, adjective or other adverb (quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really)
is to provide additional adverb of the verb, adjective, or adverb itself. Adverbs can also be
grouped into several types, such as manner, degree, frequency, place, and time.
Types of adverbs and examples:
 Adverb of Manner = Well, Softly, Quickly
 Adverb of Degree = Just, Almost, So
 Adverb of Frequency = Usually, Always, Rarely
 Adverb of Place = In, Above, Below
 Adverb of Time = Annually, Daily , Yesterday

f) Preposition
links a noun to another word (to, at, after, on, but, in, of)
is to show the relationship between nouns and other words in a sentence. Example: In, On, At,
Through, With, By, Of.

g) Conjunction
Joins clauses or sentences or words (and, but, when)
Conjunctions are used to connect two words, phrases, clauses to sentences. There are 3 types of
conjuction, namely coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjuction.
Types of conjuction and examples:
 Coordinating Conjuction - Relating the same 2 grammatical forms, for example a word
with a word. Example: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
 Subordinating Conjuction - Connecting a main sentence and a clause. Example: After,
Since, Although
 Correlative Conjuction - Paired conjunctions. Example: Not only .... but also, Either ... or

h) Interjection
An emotional greeting or exclamation (Hi, Bye, Goodbye, Cheers!, and Hooray!)
Type of word is usually used to express emotions. Example: Oops, Whoa, Oh no!

i) Article
A grammatical marker of definiteness (the) or indefiniteness (a, an). Not always listed among
the parts of speech. Sometimes determiner (a broader class) is used instead.
2) Grammatical Features
a) Simple Sentence
Ex: Joe waited for the train.
A simple sentence is a sentence that consists of just one independent clause. A simple
sentence has no dependent clauses.
 I cannot drink warm milk.
 A day without sunshine is like night.

b) Compound Sentence (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)

Ex: Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.
A compound sentence is a sentence with at least two independent
 I like my job and boss, but I’m not paid enough.
 Vina and Amel wake up at 5:00 am, and they go to school at 6:30 am.

c) Complex Sentence
Ex: While Joe waited at the train station, he realized that the train was late.
Dependent Clause Independent Clause
Sentence type consisting of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
 I’ll give you a call when I finish.
(Saya akan meneleponmu setelah saya selesai.)
 Keterangan:
 when I finish = adverbial clause
 I’ll give you a call = independent clause
 I like the book that he just read.
(Saya suka buku yang baru dia baca.)
 Keterangan:
 that he just read = adjective clause (essential)
 I like the book = independent clause

d) Compound-Complex Sentence
While Joe waited at the train station, the train has arrived an hour longer from
schedule, and he realized that the train was late.

Bold Mark = Dependent Clause

Bold + Underlined Mark = Independent Clause
A Compound-Complex Sentence is a  sentence type, which is a combination of compound
sentences and complex sentences. 
 Yulia, who works out three times a week, feels good about her body; therefore she is
happy all the time.
(Yulia yang berolahraga tiga kali seminggu, merasa nyaman dengan tumbuhnya;
karena itu dia bahagia sepanjang waktu.)
 Keterangan:
 dependent clause (adjective clause) = who works out three times a
 independent clause = (1) Yulia feels good about her body. (2) She is
happy all the time.
 subjunctive adverb = therefore
 People who do exercise regularly rarely get sick; they usually have a good immune
(Orang-orang yang berolahraga secara teratur jarang jatuh sakit. Mereka biasanya
mempunyai sistem imun yang baik.)
 Keterangan:
 dependent clause (adjective clause) = who do exercise regularly
 independent clause = (1) people rarely get sick. (2) they usually have
a good immune system.
e) Question Tags (Mixed Examples)
 Short question in the last of statement
 Confirmation
 Agreement
 You don't really love her, do you?
 This'll work, won't it?
 Well, I couldn't help it, could I?
 Nobody knows, do they?
 We'd never have known, would we?
1. Jika kalimatnya positif, maka question tag-nya negatif. Contoh:
 Sandy is smart, isn’t she?
 Jeremy and Tom are making a bowl of noodles, aren’t they?
 Catatan: Jika question tag-nya negatif, maka not harus disingkat. Contoh :
 isn’t he? (Benar)
 is not he? (Salah)
2. Jika kalimatnya berupa larangan atau perintah, gunakan will you untuk question tag-nya.
 Don’t be noisy, will you?
 Don’t make me upset, will you?
3. Jika kalimatnya negatif, maka question tag-nya positif. Contoh:
 Sandy is not smart, is she?
 Jeremy and Tom are not making a bowl of noodles, are they?
4. Jika kalimatnya menggunakan simple present atau simple past, maka
gunakan do/does (present) atau did(past). Contoh:
 Sinta buys Amanda Cakes in Bandung, doesn’t she?
 Jack found the key on that desk, didn’t he?
5. Jika subjeknya I am, maka question tag-nya aren’t I. Namun, bila subjeknya I am not, maka
question tag-nya am I. Contoh:
 I am not rude, am I?
 I am diligent, aren’t I?
6. Jika kalimatnya menggunakan modals, maka gunakan modals untuk question tag-nya. Khusus
untuk modals have to, gunakan kata bantu do untuk question tag-nya. Contoh:
 Imogen will come back soon, won’t she?
 Jack can’t drive a car, can he?
 They have to make a film now, don’t they?
7. Jika subjeknya somebody, everyone, someone, everybody, no one dan nobody, maka
gunakan they dalam question tag. Contoh:
 Everybody went to the restaurant, didn’t they?
 Somebody brought the guitar to my studio last week, didn’t they?
8. Jika kalimatnya mengandung sebuah kata dengan arti negatif, contohnya nobody, hardly no
one, rarely nothing, seldom, barely maka gunakan question tag positif. Contoh:
 No one comes to my house, do they?
 She never seems to care, does she?
9. Jika subjeknya something, everything, dan nothing, maka gunakan it dalam question tag.
 Something is moving, isn’t it?
 Everything should be ready, shouldn’t it?
10. Jika kalimatnya dimulai dengan let’s, maka question tag-nya adalah shall we. Contoh:
 Let’s forget it, shall we?
 Let’s draw the good picture here, shall we?

f) Singular And Plural Nouns

 child – children  watch – watches  memo – memos
 leaf – leaves  mouse – mice  sheep – sheep
 man – men  goose – geese  deer – deer
 box – boxes  potato – potatoes  window – windows
g) Passive-Voice
 He sings a song (Active)
A song is sung by him. (Passive)
 I am writing a letter.
(Active) A letter is being written by me.
 She has finished his work.
(Active) His work has been finished by her.
 I killed a snake. (Active)
A snake was killed by me. (Passive)
 He was driving a car.
(Active) A car was being driven by him.
 They had completed the assignment.
(Active) The assignment had been completed by
them. (Passive)
 She will buy a car.
(Active) A car will be bought by her.
 You will have started the job.
(Active) The job will have been started by you.

h) Clause And Phrase

 A clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb.
Examples: She is hungry. He laughed. The Guests Arrived
 A phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb component, used as a single
part of speech.
Examples: Best friend (noun phrase)
Needing help (adjective phrase)
With the blue shirt (prepositional adjective
phrase) For twenty days (prepositional
adverb phrase)
Under the tree
Near the wall
At the door
On the roof
On the table

i) Degree Of Comparison And

Superlative Positive: Tom is
tall a boy. Comparative : Tom is taller
than his sister. Superlative: Tom is
tallest boy in his class.
Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they
modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are
Contoh :
 My house is larger than hers.
 This box is smaller than the one I lost.
 Your dog runs faster than Jim's dog.
 The rock flew higher than the roof.
Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower
limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in
sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.
 My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.
 This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
 Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race

3) Pronunciation
A. Short and long vowels
 Short: ă, pronounced /æ/ as in apple, pan, or mat.
 Long: Long A (ā ), pronounced /eɪ/ as in ate or mate.

B. Dipthongs
[ei], [ai], [au], [oi],
[ou] ray – ride – how
– boy – no

C. Consonants
Bread, Crab, Drink, Frappuccino, Glamor, etc.

D. Word and sentence stress

 Word: photograph, doctor, guitar, hotel, understand, university
 Sentence: We DON'T WANT to GO to WORK at NIGHT

E. Linking and Merging sound

Linking: Do it (duwit), don’t you (donchu), orange juice
(orenjuz) Merging: I’ve finished, space ship, cat tongue, crab
bowl, sniper rifle
4) Speech Function
Statements: Mr. Iwan was
helping him Questions: Who was
helping him?
Commands: Help me!
Offers: Can I help

5) Type of Text
 Recount: To retell something that happened (just tell them about your story).
 Narrative: To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story.
 Descriptive: To describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.
 Report: To presents information about something, as it is.
 Analytical Exposition: To reveal the readers that something is the important case.
 Hortatory Exposition: To persuade the readers that something should or should
not be the case or be done.
 Spoof: To tell an event with a humorous twist and entertain the readers.
 Discussion: To present information and opinions about issues in more one side
of an issue.
 Explanation: To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of
natural or socio-cultural phenomena.
 News item: To inform readers about events of the day which are considered
newsworthy or important.
 Procedure: To present information about step-by-step to do something.
To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story
Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Complication
3. Resolution
4. Reorientation (optional)
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Past Tense
2. Using action verb
3. Chronologically arranged

To retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event
Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Event(s)
3. Reorientation
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Past Tense
2. Using action verb
3. Using adjectives
Narrative and recount in some ways are similar. Both are telling something in the past so
narrative and recount usually apply PAST TENSE; whether Simple Past Tense, Simple Past
Continuous Tense, or Past Perfect Tense. The ways narrative and recount told are in
chronological order using time or place. Commonly narrative text is found in story book; myth,
fable, folklore, etc while recount text is found in biography.

To describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.
Dominant Generic Structure:
1. Identification
2. Description
Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using action verb
3. Using adverb
4. Using special technical terms

To presents information about something, as it is.
Generic Structure:
1. General classification
2. Description
Dominant Language Feature:
1. Introducing group or general aspect
2. Using conditional logical connection
3. Using Simple Present Tense

To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or socio-cultural
Generic Structure:
1. General statement
2. Explanation
3. Closing
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using action verbs
3. Using passive voice
4. Using noun phrase
5. Using adverbial phrase
6. Using technical terms
7. Using general and abstract noun
8. Using conjunction of time and cause-effect

To reveal the readers that something is the important case
Generic Structure:
1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Reiteration/Conclusion
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using modals
2. Using action verbs
3. Using thinking verbs
4. Using adverbs
5. Using adjective
6. Using technical terms
7. Using general and abstract noun
8. Using connectives/transition

To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done
Generic Structure:
1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Recommendation
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using modals
3. Using action verbs
4. Using thinking verbs
5. Using adverbs
6. Using adjective
7. Using technical terms
8. Using general and abstract noun
9. Using connectives/transition

To help readers how to do or make something completely
Generic Structure:
1. Goal/Aim
2. Materials/Equipments
3. Steps/Methods
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using Imperatives sentence
3. Using adverb
4. Using technical terms

To present information and opinions about issues in more one side of an issue (‘For/Pros’ and
Generic Structure:
1. Issue
2. Arguments for and against
3. Conclusion
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Use of relating verb/to be
3. Using thinking verb
4. Using general and abstract noun
5. Using conjunction/transition
6. Using modality
7. Using adverb of manne

To tell an event with a humorous twist and entertain the readers
Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Event(s)
3. Twist
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Past Tense
2. Using action verb
3. Using adverb
4. Chronologically arranged

To inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important
Dominant Generic Structure:
1. Newsworthy event
2. Background events
3. Sources
Dominant Language Features:
1. Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
2. Using action verbs
3. Using saying verbs
4. Using adverbs : time, place and manner

To critique an art work, evnt for a public audience
Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Intrepretative recount
3. Evalutation 4. Evaluative Summation
Dominant Language Features:
1. Focus on particular participants
2. Expression of opinions
3. Complex clause
4. Metaphors

To share with others an account of unusual or amusing incident.
Generic Structure:
1. Abstract
2. Orientations
3. Crisis 4. Reaction 5. Coda
Dominant Language Features:
1. Material processes
2. Exclanatins, rhetorical
3. Relational & Mental Processes

6) Antara TOEFL, IELTS, dan TOEIC


TOEFL singkatan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language, dipakai untuk mengukur
kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. TOEFL diperuntukan bagi mereka yang
hendak sekolah ke negara-negara English-American, seperti Amerika Serikat contohnya.
Ada tiga macam pilihan tes:

1) PBT (Paper Based Test) >>> Skor TOEFL PBT: 310 - 677
2) CBT (Computer Based Test) >>> Skor TOEFL CBT: 30 - 300.
3) IBT (Internet Based Test) >>> Skor TOEFL IBT: 8 - 120.
Skor TOEFL berlaku selama 2 tahun. Jika lewat dari 2 tahun, kamu harus mengambil lagi tes
TOEFL. Untuk bisa mengajukan beasiswa kuliah di luar negeri, skor TOEFL kamu minimal
harus 550 (PBT).


IELTS singkatan dari International English Language Testing System. Ada dua versi IELTS:
Academic Version (versi akademik) dan General Training Version (pelatihan umum):

 Versi akademik: Untuk masuk perguruan tinggi dan sebagai syarat bekerja di negara
pengguna British English (seperti Inggris dan Australia misalnya).
 Versi pelatihan umum: Untuk keperluan imigrasi (mengurus visa luar negeri, pindah

Materi tes IELTS ada 4, yaitu: Listening (30 menit), Reading (1 jam), Writing (1 jam), dan
Speaking (12-15 menit).

Rentang skor tes adalah IELTS: 1 - 9. Jika akan digunakan untuk keperluan sekolah ke Inggris
Australia, Kanada, Selandia Baru maka skor IELTS yang dibutuhkan adalah 5,5 ke atas.


TOEIC adalah singkatan dari Test of English for International Communication. Khusus
untuk orientasi pekerjaan. Jika kamu ingin bekerja di luar negeri atau perusahaan asing di
Indonesia, maka kamu harus memiliki sertifikasi TOEIC.

Materi tes TOEIC hanya listening dan reading. Tipe soal-soal TOEIC biasanya mengarah ke
bisnis. Adapun rentang Skor TOEIC adalah 10 - 990.

Agar kamu dapat bekerja di luar negeri, usahakan skor TOEIC kamu lebih dari 450.
1. Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense to state the facts, habits, and events that occur at this time.
Simple Present Tense Sentence Formulas and Examples

We agree with the speaker's opinion.

(We agree with the speaker's opinion.)
S + verb-1/be (am/is/are)
She is so beautiful.
(She's very pretty.)
simple present tense problem
2. Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous tense to discuss current actions or future plans.

Formulas and Examples of Present Continuous Tense Sentences

I'm driving a car to Bandung now.

(I'm driving to Bandung right now.)
S + am/is/are + present participle (-ing)
The buses are arriving in an hour.
(The buses arrive in an hour.)
present continuous tense problem
3. Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense is used to reveal an activity or situation that has started in the past
and has been completed at some point in time in the past or still continues to this day.
Formulas and Example Sentences Present Perfect Tense

I've read this book.

(I've read this book.)
S + have/has + past participle (verb-3)
I have lived in Cilegon for 3 months.
(I have been living in Cilegon for 3 months.)
present perfect tense problem
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present perfect continuous tense to reveal the action that has been completed at some
point in the past or the action has started in the past and continues to this day. Usually
the action has a certain length of time and has relevance to the current condition.
Formulas and Example Sentences Present Perfect Continuous Tense

S+ The toddlers have been playing a ball for an hour.

have/has (The toddlers had been playing ball for an hour.)
+ been +
present The construction labors are thirsty since they have been removing the
participle scaffoldings.
(-ing) (Construction workers are thirsty because they have moved scaffolding.)
present perfect continuous tense problem
examples of English tenses sentences and their meanings
5. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense to indicate that an event occurred in the past.

Simple Past Tense Sentence Formulas and Examples

The party starts at 10:00 a.m.

(Party starts at 10 a.m.)
S + verb-2/be (was/were)
I was really busy yesterday.
(I was really busy yesterday.)
simple past tense problem
6. Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous tense is used to reveal that an action is taking place at a certain time in
the past.
Formulas and Examples of Past Continuous Tense Sentences

The team was playing basketball all day

S + was/were + present participle (-ing)
(The team played basketball all day
about past continuous tense
7. Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense to state that an action has been completed at some point in the past
before another action occurs.
Formulas and Examples of Past Perfect Tense Sentences

When he came last night, the cake had

run out.
S + had + past participle (verb-3)
(When she came last night, the cake was
about past perfect tense
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense is used to reveal an action (with a certain duration of time)
has been completed at a certain point in time in the past.
Formulas and Examples of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Sentences

The labors had been

demonstrating for an hour when the
S + had + been + present participle (-ing) manager came.
(Workers had been demonstrating for
an hour when the manager came.)
about past perfect continuous tense
examples of English tenses sentences and their meanings – 2
9. Simple Future Tense

Simple future tense to state that an action takes place in the future, spontaneously or
Simple Future Tense Sentence Formulas and Examples

You will win the game.

S+will+bare infinitive
(You're going to win the game.)

S + be (is/am/are) + going to + bare I am going to meet him tomorrow.

infinitive) (I'll see him tomorrow.)
10. Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous tense to reveal the action that will take place at a certain time in the
Formulas and Examples of Future Continuous Tense Sentences

S+ will + be + present participle (-ing) He will be sleeping at 10

p.m. (He will be sleeping at 10 p.m.)
about future continuous tense
11. Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense to reveal that an activity will be completed at some point in time in
the future.
Future Perfect Tense Sentence Formulas and Examples

At this time next month,I'll have

finished my English course.
S+ will + have + past participle (verb-3)
(At the same time next month, I will
have completed an English course.)
about future perfect tense
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future perfect continuous tense to reveal that an action will have been going on for a
long time at a certain point in the future.
Formulas and Examples of Future Perfect Continuous Tense Sentences

I will have been sleeping long when

you get home.
S+will+have+been+present participle(-ing)
(I'll have a long sleep when you get
about future perfect continuous tense
13. Simple Past Future Tense

Simple past future tense to declare an action to be performed, make predictions, and
make future appointments in the past.
Simple Past Future Tense Sentence Formulas and Examples

He would forgive you.
S+would+bare infinitive
He will forgive you.
about simple past future tense
14. Past Future Continuous Tense

Past future continuous tense is a form of verb to express an imaginary action or

situation that is in progress if the unreal condition is fulfilled (present continuous
conditional ~ conditional sentence type 2 with continuous tense).
Formulas and Examples of Past Future Continuous Tense Sentences

I would be attending the conference if

I was in Jakarta.
(I would be attending the conference if I
was in Jakarta.)
S+ would + be + present participle (-ing) Fact:

but I'm not in Jakarta (but I'm not in


15. Past Future Perfect Tense

Past future perfect tense to talk about an action that did not happen in the
past(conditional sentence type 3).
Formulas and Examples of Past Future Perfect Tense Sentences

If you had saved your jewelry and

foreign currency in a safety deposit box,
they wouldn't have gone.
S+ would + have + past participle (verb-3)
(If you have stored your jewelry and
foreign currency in a safety deposit
box,they will not be lost.)
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Past future perfect continuous tense is a form of verb to express an imaginary action or
situation is taking place at a certain point or during a certain period in the past (perfect
continuous conditional ~ conditional type 3 with continuous).
Formulas and Examples of Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Sentences

If his Visa had been approved, he would

have been working abroad for a week.
(If her visa had been approved, she
would have worked for a week.)
S+would+have+been+present participle(- Fact:
but his Visa wasn't approved (but his
Visa wasn't approved)

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