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Psychoanalysis – The context of the story can be explained with psychoanalysis because
of what the protagonist felt after her husband died. At first, she was shocked and wept
at the death of her husband, but as time passed by and when she was alone in her
room, it was stated that she began to recognize the thing that was about to possess her.
The thing that was about to possess her was her happiness because she could finally be
free again; she no longer had to live for her husband but for herself. Thus, in
psychoanalysis, it can be seen that Mrs. Mallard had unconscious feelings, which is
happiness, that she only got to recognize after her husband died but it quickly left her
body when she realized that her husband is still alive.

2. Feminism – When understanding the story from the feminist view, it can be seen that
there was inequality between the genders in the story. The protagonist of the film was
indeed married, but was stuck in a state of repression. After reading the story, I realized
that women were treated as a man’s possession when they became their wives since
the women lost their freedom and became subjected to become a wife. Meanwhile, the
freedom of man is still present, and they can still do anything they want. This shows that
the genders did not have equal rights and opportunities since the freedom of the
women was taken away when they got married.

3. Cultural criticism – In the story, a cultural phenomenon affects their situation. Since the
story was written in 1894, it was just after the American Industrial Revolution when
women were given economic independence, but it was still not fully practiced and given
to them. Thus, the protagonist in the story was still stuck as a housewife until she
learned that her husband had died. Since women are given partial independence due to
the revolution, but the protagonist of the film was not given any, it shows that she
experienced grief when her husband died, but afterward, she experienced happiness
because she will get the chance to be independent and free.

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