Korean War

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Korean War (1950-53) from Realism Perspective

Rafiga Pashayeva

Abstract: In this paper, it would be researched and analyzed The Korean War in 1950-1953
from Realism perspective. Moreover, it will be given brief introduction to the war explaining
how it happened and what were the causes for beginning the war. The paper’s foremost intent is
to highlight how Realism explains the war itself and what kind of information Realism gives in
this situation. As the first and foremost consideration in Realism is power and states are rational
actors, in this circumstance it would be clear to notice how struggle for power started such mass
conflict and how people suffered for those power actors. This paper would highlight Realism’s
perspective on the war and analyze which aspects of Realism mostly explain the war’s goals.
Which side gained more and which side lost for the struggle and how superpowers reacted to this
conflict. From the International Relations, Korean war can be explained from various levels of
discussions such as level of analyses, states and actors who were involved to the conflict. Every
state and actor who involved to this conflict had different approaches, even had aims. That was
the time when it was a chaos period in far East which comprehended Korean peninsula.
Introduction: As all wars in the history, Korean War was full of terror, chaos, blood and
courage. This was one of the most dramatic scenery in Korea’s history with lots of courage as
well. Korean War was first great confrontation of the Cold War. It was spring 1950 just two
months before tensions started between North and South Korea, a military photographer captured
a mess execution on film. It was North Koreans that were captured while spying on the South
Korea. The tensions between North and South born in the wake of World War II. These tensions
then reached the boiling point. As World War II came close to peninsula when Korea was under
Japanese rule for decades. In July 1945 Soviet leader Joseph Stalin joined its forces with the
United States to expel Japanese out of Korea. For this regard, two superpowers met at 38 th
parallel, in the middle of the peninsula. Superpowers agreed to split and control the Korea along
that line. The Soviets would control the Northern part, while the United States took the southern
half under their control. Then these powers tried to model a government for their self-image. It
was 1947 when superpowers pulled out from the peninsula, however, they left behind two
dramatically different regimes. In North Communist regime was dominated and the South was
Capitalist regime. Two different as well as contradicted regimes which was hoping to conquer
one another and to merge two sides together. In this was one of the regime should be defeated
side. Millions of people killed, struggled on account of two sides’ power games. Defeating,
killing, gaining more power was essential for both parties. Both sides wanted the other


eliminated. In the peninsula tensions got stronger, spies increased in number alongside the
border. Violence as a sign of war reached to the peak point. This small peninsula was not big for
both sides however, passion about power was stronger. It was waited from other countries that
which part will start spilling blood. In 1950 North Korea could not wait longer anymore and
stormed across 38th parallel to crush the Southern part. North’s actions appeared to be offensive.
North besieged the southern half of the peninsula. Fear along with courage, failure along with
wish to victory started conflicting. South Korea was lack of power that moment, lack of
firepower. The United States thought that, South will defeat the North however they were
catched unexpectedly by North. South Korea had less power to defend itself. That time Truman
was the president of the United States. As understanding the real danger, Truman addressed a
message to America by saying “This was a direct challenge to free nations to build a kind of
world in which men can not live in freedom and peace”. The danger was sensed to the southern
half. United States called for American air and sea strikes against North Korea. This danger
maybe was not seen as a future danger to the whole world, but it was.

How Realism explains and analyze Korean War: Theories of International Relations
explains war from different lenses. Each lenses of theories have their own specific explanations
and those different theories see the whole form of war differently. Theories such as realism,
liberalism, neoliberalism, neorealism, constructivism are distinct and incompatible with each
other. As an example of Liberalism and Realism, as a theory Realism describes war as a struggle
between states and states should go to war if it is needed because human nature is evil and it is
the structure of international system which forces states to power politics. The structure of
International Relations is anarchic and states looking for their motives in the system. In the
anarchic system intentions of the states are always obscure and their intentions can be offensive
and defensive. However, even if the intention is defensive, the intention can be comprehended as
offensive towards other states. If it is looked through realist’s lenses, states are always skeptical
about other states actions such as expanding their military strengths. Korean war was the war
which lasted short between communist North Korea and non-communist South Korea. It was
after the World War II that Korean peninsula divided into two parts North and South which
along then called as 38th parallel. In International Relations the Korean war includes various
stages in itself such as actors who involved, levels of analyzes and IR theories. Actors who


involved in war were U.S, China, Russia, North and South Korea. Nevertheless, in this war
involved also IGOs such as United Nations which set forces of other states under U.S command.
Troops which sent by United Nations which linked with U.S forces played major role in the war.
From a state’s lenses the Korean war seems like a “ good against evil ”. Here it was communism
against anti-communism. It was also displayed Russia’s reaction to capitalist U.S.
That times, Stalin was likened by many academics to Eastern potentate and they thought that
his regime was Oriental despotism, the worst features of the “Asiatic mode of production”
coming to the force (Cumings, 2011). Here, “Asiatic” describes brutality and cunningness, ruling
over stable societies with the huge peasant base. North Korea is like a modern form of monarchy
which realized to be a most nationalistic and postcolonial state where people are presiding by a
body of the despot. The practice of such kind of regimes should be nationalism: the leader’s
body, the body politic and the national body (Cumings, 2011). Nevertheless, Korea is the place
where the war never ended and never left however, it still can be seen on the cable. In Cold war
bipolarity, majority chose the right one which says never harm and be pure in your motives. Thus
the left one which is called Communist party was hateful and dangerous in their actions.
In Korean war there are some incorporated elements of Liberalism and Constructivism as well.
However, Korean war can be better described through Realism’s perspective. According to
realism, the world is full of evil intended people around and people are selfish and mostly
focused on their own motives. Self-interest and goal for attaining more power can change the
circumstances dramatically. So, good ones can be the major target for evil ones. States always
seek their survival. In this war, North Korean intent was to conquer South Korea with the desire
to spread communism to South part and in this way to complete their competition. However,
South Korea’s strategy changed in course of time that, South Korea shifted its strategy from
defensive to offensive. Their first and foremost aim was to conquer the North Korea and release
themselves from Communism. Here, it is easy to observe that, the countries which allied with for
example, North Korea and Russia, China and South Korea with United States – their intentions
were not peaceful and mostly self-interested. Both parties in Korean War was acting in an
aggressive manners with the aim of to conquer the other hostile one and demonstrate their
forceful attempts, gain power and spread their own beliefs to the whole nation. Moreover, it is
possible to look at other theories of International Relations and see the difference how they
explain the war through different lenses. Whereas, each theory has its weaknesses and strengths


as well. There are always a dispute among academics that which theory is more accurate in IR
system. For instance, a Marxist approach to this war would be quite different than Realism,
which would say that, elites of wealthy states wage war to exploit the poorer people (Lisinski,
2012). Realism’s approach to this war would be dissimilar which put forward the idea of
‘statism’ and ‘individualism’. Furthermore, Realism claims that, the system is anarchic and there
is no higher authority to turn and complain about other states actions. The core assumption of
this theory is human behavior. Stalin and Kim-IL-Sung’s behavior towards the South was quite
aggressive and hostile which was a threat for the Southern part of the peninsula. In this conflict
both sides tried to secure their existence and maintain their territorial integrity. However,
Constructivist approach is quite complex and different from Realism’s explanation. In
Constructivism, one of the important factor is interaction. Furthermore, ideas, culture, society are
also elements of social constructivism. Constructivism would explain this conflict through
problem of ‘interaction’. As the human behavior is evil for classical realism, the behavior of
North Korea was considerably antagonistic so, it was inevitable to use of force. The personality
of the leader was power-oriented and domineering. USSR and China both were expansionist and
revisionist states and their unity with the North Korea challenged the South Korea. It was the real
picture of Communist versus Capitalism. Both ideologies wanted to maintain and spread their
own ideas and beliefs over the world which would lead to hegemony.

Conclusion: For Realism war and conflict in anarchic system is always inevitable as states can
never be certain about other states’ intentions. All states rely on themselves because only states
can ensure their survival. States foremost goal is to be the hegemon in the region because
powerful is less likely to be attacked. They can acquire power by aligning as the both North and
South did. The both parties maximized their power and shifted their strategy from defensive to
offensive. Nevertheless, North Korea’s intention for maximizing its power and hegemonic goals
still continues. With its nuclear weapons power it is a real danger and threat to the whole world.
After the war, things have changed dramatically that, South Korea started developing since
1960s and nowadays South Korea is a peaceful and very successful with its daybyday
development in technology sphere. However, North Korean population is like under surveillance
by the government. Fear, threat, brain-washing, torture of population is widespread in the
country and it makes things even difficult to be free. Freedom is obstructed and only sincerity


and endless devotion to the ruler of the government guarantee the survival. Standard of living in
the nation declines and communist marks are still visible. It was after collision of the Soviet
Union that North Korean economy collapsed. The ceasefire was established between two
enemies was only in 1953 and this was temporarily. After that event, South Korea still threatened
by aggressive North Korea. Isolation is better than pressure because pressure will make North
Korea even more insecure (Kang, 2003). Even economic sanctions and economic engagement
seemed to be unsuccessful in order to back out nuclear weapons program in North Korea. North
Korea’s nuclear weapons program and threats to the whole world abandoned the state from
engaging with other states and blocked them from the making friendly relations. These kinds of
policies demonstrate how threat and being unfriendly towards the world put the states into a
isolated place.




Cumings. (2011).

Cumings. (2011).

Cumings. (2011).

Kang, D. C. (2003). International Studies Quarterly, 301-324.

Lisinski. (2012, May 3). Retrieved from e-ir.info: https://www.e-ir.info/2012/05/03/explaining-


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