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Joseph’s School
Half Yearly BIOLOGY (2022-23)
Time :3 hrs. Class-12TH M.M-70
General instructions:
a. Section-A: Each question is of 1 mark.
b. Section-B: Each question is of 2 marks.
c. Section-C: Each question is of 3 marks.
d. Section-D: Each question is of 5 marks.
[Section –A] [1x10=10]

1. Which one is one of the nonsense colon?

a) UUU
b) UGA
c) CAU
d) AAU

2. The flow of information from DNA to m-RNA and then decoding into protein is called………

a) Transcription
b) Duplication
c) Addition
d) Central dogma

3. Which are is a “Palindromic DNA sequence”.


4. Repetitive DNA are used in………………..

a) Transcription
b) Replication
c) DNA finger printing
d) Translation

5. The packaging material of DNA double helix is…………….

a) DNA Polymerase
b) RNA Polymerase
c) Histone
d) Ligase

|1| P.T.O.
6. DNA double-helix Model is given by…………….

a) Griffith
b) Garrod
c) Taylor
d) Watson & Crick

7. Who has proposed theory of Spontaneous generation?

a) Louis Pasteur
b) Oparin
c) Surez
d) Cuvier

8. Who proposed modern theory of evolution?

a) Arhenius & Asistotle

b) Oparin & Haldane
c) Radi & louis
d) Ritcher & Huxley

9. Organs similar in structure but different in function are called………….

a) Connecting link
b) Analogous organ
c) Vestigial organ
d) Homologous organ

10. Incomplete dominance is seen in………………..

a) Rabbit
b) Four o’clock
c) Pea Plant
d) Wheat

[Section –A] [2x10=20]

11. What is co-dominance? Give example.

12. How ovulation & menstruation are related?

13. A non-haemophilic man marries a carrier woman. Draw the pedigree chart for inheritance of this
disease in their offspring.

14. If the sequence of DNA is TATTGAGCCCTAT, What will be the sequence of complimentary strand.

15. How many types of RNA are found? Write in short about them.

|2| P.T.O.
16. What is the fomula for calculating population density?

17. What is Polyembryony? Give example.

18. What is double fertilization? Write its events.

19. What is back cross? Give diagrammatic representation.

20. What was the evidence of DNA as genetic material proved by Griffith’s experiment?

[Section –C] [3x5=15]

21. What is multiple allelism? Give example.

22. What is linkage? How you will explain complete and incomplete linkage? Give example.

23. How many types of sex chromosomes are involved in sex determination in animals?

24. What are the salient features of Human Genome Project (HGP)?

25. Explain Darwinism with suitable example.

[Section –D] [5x5=25]

26. Explain DNA replication in detail. Why it is called semi-conservation?

27. What is DNA finger printing? How it is helpful in tracing inheritence? Write its procedure.

28. What is Genetic Code? Why few codon’s do not code for protein?

29. What is operon model? How it is helpful in regulation of gene expression?

30. What are the Human Genetic diseases which are caused by sex chromosomes?


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