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Speech Purpose: To persuade my audience about public school is better than

Central Idea: tell my audience about the benefits of public school which is typically cheaper,
opportunities for social interaction and public schools offer more extracurricular.

i. Attention Getter
i.Before we start,how many people here are from public schools?
ii.Why do you choose public school over homeschooling your children?
iii.Is it worth sending children to public school?

ii. Reveal Topic

today i am going to persuade you guys about public schools is better than

iii. Preview
Firstly I will explain the benefits of public school which is typically cheaper then i
will proceed to second benefits the opportunities for social interaction and lastly is
public school offer more extracurricular.

Transition: Let us start with the benefits of public school shall we. listen carefully and
take notes as your new additional information.

less costly fees
1. history of public school
1.1 public school, also called independent school, in the United Kingdom, one of a
relatively small group of institutions educating secondary-level students for a fee.
1.2 The term public school emerged in the 18th century when the reputation of certain
grammar schools spread beyond their surrounding area. They began to admit students whose

parents could afford the residence fees and were thus known as public schools, as opposed to
local schools.

2. funded by government
2.1. This is a main factor why parents choose public schools to enroll their children.
Public schools are more affordable due to the fact that each state receives funding
for education from the federal government in a specific quantity
2.2. In Malaysia public schools are fully funded by the government in elementary
school or secondary school for all Malaysian citizens.
2.3. This is to ensure that Malaysians receive a proper education from the age of 7
without having to worry about financial problems.

3. free facilities
3.1. Other than that Public schools provide a lot of free facilities. In Malaysia, for
example, we have textbook loans for students, which relieves parents who have to
withdraw money. but when you are homeschooling you have to buy the book by
yourself and it costs a lot for a book so imagine if one book cost 20 something and
multiplied with 6 books. How much is it ? more than a hundred right?
3.2. Next, some public schools have better facilities such as sports fields, art and
music programs and even science labs, all of which can be difficult for
homeschooling parents who lack specialized training.
3.3. Last but not least,there are facilities like hostels for students with lower cost or
even free. This can help students be more independent when entering hostels.
These things cannot be applied when your children study homeschooling.
Transition: Next lets us proceed to next benefits.

opportunities for social interaction

1. develop social skills
1.1. It is important for children to interact with their peers to help them relate well to
others, build their self-esteem and how to react to different situations. This social
interaction helps them face the real world when they grow up later. but when

parents just let their children study homeschooling there is no more interaction
between people the same age with them so their social skills will be stunted.
1.2. Next, children can improve their social skills by joining a club or taking classes at
school - none of which exist with homeschooling because your children interact
with teachers. It can also lead to them being bored one day because they are
always at home and have no opportunity to interact with others.
1.3. When your children attend public school, they will also learn to make friends,
work as a team and solve problems - things that can only be done in groups.
Teachers will teach their students to work together while applying the three things
I mentioned earlier.

extra curricular activities
1. Public schools often offer extracurricular activities for students based on various
activities such as sports that have badminton, basketball and soccer. Then there are
arts and crafts, which include activities such as playing musical instruments and
theatre, and if your child likes academic subjects, there are also classes in science,
maths, English and more.
2. All of the things I mentioned above will not be when your children study
homeschooling. There are many benefits your children can gain from
participating in extracurricular activities, such as boosting self-confidence,
promoting a healthy lifestyle and improving overall academic performance.
3. Moreover, children often choose their activities according to their own interests.
Extracurricular activities are also a platform for students to discover and showcase
their talents. So, if your children are only learning at home, imagine how they will
boost their self-confidence if they interact with the same person every day.

Internal Summary
I really hope that my speech can open your mind about public school being better than
homeschooling. There are a lot of advantages and you can see how good public school is for
your children.

Transition: So we already know that public school are better than homeschooling. So should
you still want to send your child to study homeschooling? thing wisely

In a nutshell, education is important for parents who are concerned about their children's
future, they want their children study at Best school. but don't you know public school now
are much better now then homeschooling? especially among skilled educators. so public
school are better than homeschooling.

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