Physics 2: Heat Transfer

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 Heat may be defined as energy in transit
from a high-temperature object to a lower
temperature object.
 An object does not possess "heat"; the
appropriate term for the microscopic

HEAT energy in an object is internal energy.

 The internal energy may be increased by
transferring energy to the object from a
higher temperature (hotter) object - this is
properly called heating.
 1 cal = 4.18J
(mechanical heat
CONVERSION equivalent)
OF HEAT  1 BTU = 1054J = 252cal
 1 BTU = 778ft·lb
Have you ever wonder why the pizza
sauce is hotter than the crust even
though they are removed from the
oven at the same time?
 The heat capacity of a particular sample is
defined as the amount of energy needed to
raise the temperature of that sample by 1°C.

CAPACITY  When heat is transferred to an object, the
temperature of the object increases. When heat is
removed from an object, the temperature of the
object decreases. The proportionality constant in
this equation is called the heat capacity (C).
 the specific heat c of a substance
is the heat capacity per unit mass.


HEAT  The specific heat of water is 1

calorie/gram oC = 4.186 joule/gram
oC which is higher than any other

common substance
Substance C in J/g· K
Aluminum 0.900
Bismuth 0.123
Copper 0.386
Brass 0.380
Gold 0.126


Alcohol(ethyl) 2.4
Water 4.186
Ice (-10 C) 2.05
Granite 0.790
Glass 0.84
The heat that deals in the
formula, Q = mC∆T, is what
we called Sensible Heat. It
SENSIBLE is the heat wherein there
are change in temperature
HEAT but constant phase - solid
to solid, liquid to liquid , or
gas to gas.
 It is the heat that occurs when there is a constant
temperature but there is a change in phase.
 QL = Latent heat of fusion (solid to liquid)
 = where hf is heat of fusion

LATENT  QV = latent heat of vaporization (liquid to

HEAT  =
where hv is heat of vaporization

 QSUB = Latent heat of sublimation (Solid to

 = where hv is heat of sublimation
Latent Heat
kJ/kg Cal/g BTU/lbm

333.5 80 144

2256.7 540 970

2838 667.8 1120

 = 900 ℃;

How much heat

is needed to
raise the
temperature of
a 3kg of
aluminum 8K?
A 200-g copper calorimeter can contains 150g of oil at 20 °C.
A 80g of aluminum at 300 °C is added to the oil. What is the
temperature of the system after equilibrium.
What is the temperature of the mixture if 0.6 kg of alcohol at
60℃ is added to a 0.5 kg of polystyrene cup at 20℃? Use: c=
4180 J/kg∙K as the specific heat of polystyrene.
It takes 487.5 J to heat 25 grams of copper from 25°C to 75°C. What
is the specific heat in Joules/ g•°C?
Given that the specific heat capacity of water is 11 times that of copper, calculate
the mass of copper at a temperature of 100°C that is required to raise the
temperature of 200g of water from 20.0°C to 24.0°C, assuming no energy is lost
to the surroundings.
How much heat is given up when 20g of steam at 100°C is
condensed and cooled to 20°C?
Determine the final temperature that results when 150g of ice at
0C is mixed with 300g of water at 50C.
2. A 20-g piece of aluminum (c = 0.21cal/g·°C) at °is dropped into
a cavity in a large block of ice at 0°C. How much ice does the
aluminum melt?
3. A 20 kg metal rod is heated 100°C with 2000 J of energy. What
is the specific heat of the metal?
4. One kg of water at a temperature of 45°C is mixed with 1.5 kg of alcohol
at 20°C. Find the final temperature of the mixture. Take the specific heat
capacity of water to be 4200 J/ kg-K and the specific heat capacity of
alcohol to be 2400 J /kg-K. Assume no other exchange of heat occurs.
1. How much energy is lost by 20 kg copper if it is cooled from 50℃ to 30℃?
2. A 200-g copper calorimeter can contains 150g of oil at 20 degree Celsius. To the oil
is added 80g of aluminum at 300 deg. Celsius. What will be the temperature of the
system after equilibrium is established?
3. Two identical metal plates (mass = m, specific heat = c) have different
temperatures; one is 20°C and the other is at 90°C. They are placed in good
thermal contact. What is their final temperature?
4. An electric heater that produces 900W of power is used to vaporize water. How
much water at 100C can be changed to steam in 3.00min by the heater?

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