Case Study

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1.0 SUMMARY OF THE SPEECH.......................................3
2.0 ANALYSIS.........................................................................3
2.1 The Introduction...........................................................3
2.2 The Body........................................................................4
2.3 The Conclusion............................................................4
2.4 Delivery Method...........................................................5
3.0 DISCUSSION....................................................................5
4.0 CONCLUSION................................................................10
5.0 REFERENCES................................................................11

Alhamdulillah, my greatest thanks to Allah S.W.T. because this group

project can be successfully completed. First of all, we would like to thank our
lecturer, Miss Zaidatul Nadhirah Binti Roslan, for her valuable advice and
constant guidance throughout the process. She has inspired us greatly
throughout completing this group assignment. Her willingness to share
knowledge, support and motivations contributed tremendously to the success
of this group assignment.
An honourable mention goes to our families and friends for their
understanding and supports in completing this project. Without their support,
we would not be able to face many difficulties while doing this group
assignment. In addition, we would like to thank all my classmates for giving
fullest support, cooperation, ideas and undeniable efforts that have shown to
complete this assignment. We could not make it without the effort and
cooperation from all of you.
Finally, we also want to show our deepest appreciation to the
management of Department of Postgraduate and Professional Studies. In
addition, special thanks for Popular Bookstore Sunway Pyramid because
willing to be our respondents. It has been a wonderful experience working
together and it is indeed a rewarding journey for us, thank you.


Do You Really Need 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night by Dr. Jen Gunter is
advising people who are having insomnia and explains the truth behind the
necessity of 8 hours of sleep. Insomnia sufferers fear the diseases that they
might afflict by not getting 8 hours of sleep. Dr. Jen Gunter has stated that
sleep duration is different according to the individual. Some people are
having enough sleep by only 6 hours, and it is not affecting their health at all.
The main point is as long you don’t have any negative thinking such as your
sleeping duration being unhealthy, you would not have any problem with your
sleeping time. You need to believe in yourself and your timetable to avoid
stress and depression. If you are not convinced of yourself, you can consult
with a doctor. To conclude, we should not believe in every piece of
information that has been found on the internet or been told without making
research about them to avoid misunderstanding instead we should find
specialists to ask questions that we have problems with.

2.0 Analysis

2.1 introduction
A speaker, Dr. Jen Gunter expressed the importance of her topic that
sleep is important. With this verse, she captivates the audience by using
social issues by provides statistics to support his statement that 20 percent of
adults in the United States use sleep tracking advice and that number may be
rising. The speaker explains the topic clearly and simply for all ages. He also
states what people usually do by turning to the internet when they need a
quick solution to improve their sleep. The speaker is credible and qualified to
speak on a particular topic because of his knowledge and direct experience.
He has already researched that wearing a sleep tracking device will only
cause one to become dependent on the timing of sleep, and he can prove his
talk by giving a talk by a recognized expert. The speaker previews the content
by starting with a problem that people often face in his topic of sleep problems
then shows the solution and makes the content convincing through the talk
from an expert. Finally, he assures that the solution he presents has a low
error rate.
2.2 The Body
In this speech the speaker there are two main points clearly stated in
this video at minute 1:05 which is not completely accurate, and the second
point is at minute 1:47, counter productive.

Causal Order
Dr. Jen Gunter arranges every speech into causal order. Causal order
is a method of speech organization in which the main point show a cause-
effect relationship The specific purpose of this speech into informing the
audience importance of sleep. Then the central idea is the inaccuracy of the
article about the 8 hours of sleep we need as adults.

For example, at minute 2:14 speaker stated when we depend too much on the
sleep-tracking device it is causing some people to become obsessed with it,
and this can lead to a condition some call orthosomia a preoccupation with
the constant need to achieve perfect sleep. The speaker talks about the
cause and effect when we depend too much on sleep-tracking advice.

2.3 The Conclusion

Dr. Jen Gunter ends her speech by using the crescendo ending which
is a conclusion in which the speech builds to a zenith of power and intensity
as the signal to end her speech. She gave a question to ask ourselves
regarding the main problems in her speech so that we can find a solution
before she ends her speech. As for this part, Dr. Jen Gunter reinforces the
central idea by using the refer to the introduction method. This method is
referring to the main problems or main issues being covered so that the
audience will not forget your points. To conclude, Dr. Jen Gunter ends her
speech beautifully so that the audience can understand the main point of her
whole speech.

2.4 Delivery Method

Dr. Jen Gunter delivers her content by using the speaking
extemporaneously method. This method is a carefully prepared and
rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes. Her voice
volume is also soft and calming and her pronunciation of every word is very
good. In addition, Dr. Jen Gunter’s voice articulation made her speech easy
to understand. Dr. Jen Gunter also uses nice gestures which are the motion
of a speaker’s hand or arms during the speech to delve into her speech. She
also makes eye contact with her audience to focus on delivering her speech.

At minute 2:04 we can see the speaker's hand movement and facial
expression as she delivers the speech.

The Most Important Thing to Analyse: The Speech Objectives

Based on the video, I have discovered some of the speech objectives.

One of the speaker’s goals is to persuade her audience that has insomnia to
stop using fancy devices that will waste their money to help them sleep.
Instead, they should learn how to sleep on their own by avoiding negative
thinking before sleeping and consulting with a doctor about their problems.
The primary message that was delivered in the speech is do not believe every
piece of information that you have found without researching it. Dr. Jen
Gunter delivered this speech because she wants to clear the
misunderstanding about the necessity of 8 hours of sleep so that people who
are having insomnia can solve their problems.
The Audience and Context for the Speech
Based on the venue of the speech, it was delivered at studio. It was a
suitable place to record video because of the preparation in terms of
sophisticated camera equipment and a studio atmosphere that helps the
speaker to focus on delivering his speech.
The key demographic features of the audience are adults who have
problems with time sleeping. The audience was huge because the speech
was recorded on video and uploaded to Youtube, which people around the
world can see. In addition to the live audience, there is also the external target
audience. Because we know the video was posted on youtube and the viewer
is around 766k.

Speech Content and Structure

The speaker’s speech content and structure are according to the topic
without adding any unnecessary information that might confuse the audience.
The speaker only focuses on the speech topic and gives solid information with
based evidence that can have the audience’s trust. More than that, her
speech was well-organized and delivered by following the order to make sure
the audience can follow her speech without losing track. The speaker also
does not use any difficult vocabulary when delivering her speech to make her
speech simple and easy to understand.

Before the speech

This speech is delivered by the speaker and there is no speaker first.
The introduction to the speech was quite interesting. The speaker began the
speech by telling the audience that sleep is very important to life. This
introduction keeps the audience focused on the topic. Then, on the video
slide, the name of the speaker, Dr Jen Gunter, was introduced. This
introduction has the advantage of arousing the interest of the audience to
listen to the talk. From our point of view, the introduction is appropriate
because it shows the need for information. According to the speech, the
introduction to the topic explains how important sleep is to continue living.
Moreover, this speech is closely related to our daily routine. Therefore, the
audience needs to listen to the speech and get information from it. The
speaker's body language is static, and the speaker does not move too much,
which can distract the audience.
According to the speech, the introduction to the subject explains how
important sleep is to continue living. In addition, this speech is closely related
to our daily routine. Therefore, the audience needs to listen to the speech and
gain information from it. Dr. Jen Gunter plays an important role in her body
language by showing facial expressions while speaking to convince the
audience about her speech.

The Speech Opening

The speaker’s speech opening was interesting because she just
straight to the point regarding the speech topic which do not make the
audience wait for the speech content. The speech also starts with a powerful
visual so that audience can focus on understanding the topic. In addition, the
speaker does not include any unnecessary information that has nothing to do
with the main topic to make sure the audience does not confuse and stays on
track with the speech.

The Speech Body

Based on the speech all the arguments, examples and problems
speaker given are related to the main objective, which is the importance of
sleep. Next, the example in which he said that the duration of a good night's
sleep can vary from person to person, i.e. some adults need eight, and others
can manage six. So the speaker stated that 21 percent of adults in the United
State country sleep training devices. In this presentation, the speaker did not
use metaphor or symbolism to enhance understanding. The presentation was
logically structured, i.e. the speech started with the meaning of the topic so
that the audience could grasp the actual point the speaker wanted to get
across. Then the speaker mentions two points of her speech, namely two
flaws in sleep massage, and gives an example for each point. She also gives
the solution for a good night's sleep. The speaker's body of speech smoothly
transitions from one part of the presentation to the next without any
misunderstandings. At the end of the speech, the speaker concluded that we
should seek counseling and treatment if we have problems with night sleep
instead of searching the internet or other websites and using any devices to
sleep better. Moreover, the conclusion is concise and memorable. The
conclusion of this speech also contains a call to action, with which the
speaker convinces the audience to follow the evidence-based
recommendations of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Delivery Skills and Techniques
The speaker’s delivery skill was brilliant because her voice and
gestures are not awkward. Her speech also does not seem to be read from
any manuscript instead she might already understand her speech content and
elaborate to make sure her audience can understand the speech. The
speaker also leaves a question to the audience at the end of the speech to
test the audience’s understanding of the speech.

Enthusiasm and Connection to the Audience

From what I can tell, I can confirm that the speaker is enthusiastic
because her voice can be heard clearly, and her intonation is also energetic.
This can prove that the speaker is passionate to deliver her speech. The
audience is also large and attracted by her interesting speech which means
that the speaker and the audience interaction is effective.
In this speech, there is no humour shown by the speaker. The speaker
delivered the speech seriously and without any humour throughout the
Visual Aids
The speaker’s visual aids were designed effectively. The visual aids
also match the speaker’s words to avoid confusion for the audience and have
a simple design that is easy to understand. The visual aids are designed
largely to make sure every audience can see it. Additional visual aids might
help to convey the message of the speech for the audience to understand the
speech more clearly. The speaker also does not waste any minute of the
speech time and uses the speaking area wisely. The speaker’s posture was
full of confidence and poise. More than that, the speaker’s gesture was
natural and matched with the speech timing which was also easy to see by
the audience. Fortunately, the speaker does not have any distracting
mannerisms that might intrude on the speech. Eye contact is also important
in connecting the speaker to the whole audience and is effectively used by the
speaker. The speaker’s voice is easy to hear, and she used only used soft
variations of voice so that audience can hear the speech calmly.

The speaker’s language was easy to understand and appropriate for
the audience. The speaker also delivered her speech content one by one and
clearly. More than that, the speaker’s sentence is a bit long but thanks to her
normal vocabulary her speech is easy to understand. In addition, the speaker
does not use any unnecessarily complex language to avoid confusion in her

The speech made me realize that the duration of a night's sleep for an
adult is not 8 hours, but only in a certain range. But getting a good night's
sleep depends on us not just focusing on sleep duration. This can lead to a
condition called orthosomnia; preoccupation with the constant need to
achieve perfect sleep, and this can lead to further sleep problems. The talk
won over the audience with the expert example of Dr. Colleen Carney,
psychologist and head of the sleep laboratory at Ryerson University. I would
like to listen to the talk again because it is very clear and convinces me of

In short, to have perfect sleep, we should not simply depend on an
expensive gadget or the number of hours we sleep, because this can only
make us worse if we are obsessed with numbers. So, for your own sake,
follow the steps recommended by experts and make sure you get the solution
from the right channel. Being a great speaker is not easy because we must
research to make sure the information, we are delivering is accurate and the
audience understands our presentation. The speaker, Dr. Jen Gunter,
delivered her speech clearly and backed it up with examples, according to
expert Dr. Colleen Carney, psychologist and head of Ryerson University's
sleep lab. A good presentation engages the audience and persuades them
with our speech by reciting research from experts.

2023 Edition Public Speaking Learning Manual (COM165).

TED. (2022, November 5). Do You Really Need 8 Hours of Sleep Every
Night? | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter | TED [Video]. YouTube.

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