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Imagina que tienes que hacer una pequeña presentación en la que tengas habl ar sobre cómo
ayudar al medio ambiente en la oficina. Intenta seguir un orden y responde a las siguientes
•What can you do to go green at the office?

Reuse the documents you no longer need to make notepads and notes. In this way you
are giving 3 lives to the same piece of paper: its original print, the notepad and the
recycling of the note when you throw it into the blue bin.

Turn off your computer when you finish your workday, you will save energy, you will
prolong its useful life and you will contribute to the fact that the work environment is not
so loaded with the heat that the machinery gives off.

When you are not going to be in front of the computer for a long time, turn off the
monitor to save energy.

•Why do we need to protect the environment?

It is important to take care of the environment because human well-being and that of all
living beings depends on the good conditions of the natural environment in which they
live. If care is not taken, the environment is polluted and this harms the health of both
humans and animals.

•What do you usually do to be eco-friendly?

Take public transportation

Save electricity

Eat food that is grown locally.

Buy second hand products

•If you were a politician, what would you do to help the environment?

If I were a politician and we expressed the part that we want to be fulfilled in a simple
conditional: I would make more green policies, I would plant more trees, I would give aid
to renewable energies.

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