J American Water Resour Assoc - 2007 - Miller - Experimental Analysis of Desiccation Crack Propagation in Clay Liners1

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Carol J. Miller, Hong Mi, and Nazli Yesiller2

ABSTRACT A laboratory investigation on a scaled model of a land- disposal of solid and hazardous waste. In these regu-
fill liner was conducted to provide data regarding the occurrence lations, primary reliance is placed on the landfill liner
and extent of desiccation cracking of prototype liners. The crack
intensity factor, CIF, was introduced as a descriptor of the extent of system as the ultimate barrier against leakage of the
surficial cracking. CIF is defmed as the ratio of the surface crack waste to the surrounding environment. The value of
area A, to the total surface area of the clay liner, At. A computer the hydraulic conductivity of the barrier liner is used
aided image analysis program was used to determine CII' values as the principal indicator of it's containment poten-
from scanned photographs of the desiccation process. The variation tial. However, numerous observations of leachate
of the CII' was related to duration of drying and measured soil
moisture suctions. plumes downgradient of landfills have illustrated that
The soil of this investigation experienced significant cracking, leakage occurs in spite of the existing design regula-
with crack widths approaching 10 mm in the first drying cycle and tions (Assmuth, 1992; Goodall and Quigley, 1977;
penetration through the entire 16 cm thickness. Crack propagation Lesage et al., 1993).
was limited to a very intense period of the desiccation process. Clay soils are commonly used in the construction of
Nearly 90 percent of the crack development occurred during a 19-
hour time period, although the total duration of the desiccation landfill liners. Clay soils are also the primary compo-
cycle was approximately 170 hours. The soil moisture suction nent of other environmental barriers, including slurry
changed by only 2 bars during the period of rapid crack growth, walls for containment of contaminated groundwater
although it changed by more than 40 bars during the period of and pond liners for the storage of liquid wastes. Previ-
reduced growth. ous investigations have shown that the performance
(KEY TERMS: soil liners; clays; desiccation cracks; geo-environ-
mental engineering.)
of these barriers is affected by desiccation and subse-
quent cracking of the clay soil (Miller, 1988; Mont-
gomery and Parsons, 1989; Benson and Daniel, 1994).
Other failure mechanisms involving clay liners
INTRODUCTION include syneresis cracking (Mundell, 1986) and
freeze/thaw cracking (Erickson et al., 1994). Cracking
Historically, land disposal has been the most com- leads to a decrease in the containment function of the
monly used method of waste disposal. Even now, land- liner, which can result in an increase in infiltration of
fills continue to accept nearly 75 percent of the surface water into the containment system or migra-
municipal waste generated in the United States. tion of the contained liquids into surrounding soils
Landfills accept a variety of wastes that could contain and groundwater. Both effects jeopardize the integrity
a mixture of organic and inorganic hazardous con- of the containment system and, thus, the environmen-
tal quality of the surrounding subsurface.
stituents. Therefore, poorly designed landfills and The presence of cracks may alter predicted contam-
migration of leachate from the landfills pose a serious
environmental threat. inant concentrations due to bypass flow, resulting in
Federal and local regulations govern the design increased transport rates and modifications to adsorp-
and permitting of containment facilities for the land tion and other nonconservative processes (Freeze and
Cherry, 1979). Desiccation cracks are also important

1Paper No. 96118 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until February 1, 1999.
2Respectively, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202;
Project Manager, Integrated Environmental, Inc., 21435 Gill Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48335; and Assistant Professor, Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202 (E-Mail/Miller: cmiller@ce.eng.wayne.edu).


Miller, Mi, and Yesiller

in agricultural applications. The movement of pesti- 35, excessive shrinkage can be expected (Daniel,
cides and fertilizers to the root zone, as well as the 1991).
efficiency of irrigation operations are impacted on by Morris et al. (1992; 1994) offered analytical solu-
the presence of desiccation cracks and other forms of tions to predict the depth of cracks for the case of a
macropores (Prendergast, 1995). steady state suction distribution from ground surface
The determination of the crack geometry is to water table. The suction was assumed a maximum
required for characterizing various phenomena asso- value at ground surface and zero at the water table.
ciated with desiccated soils. Bosscher and Douglas Fredlund and Rahardjo (1993) presented another ana-
(1988) emphasized the need for accurate description lytical solution for depth of cracking as a function of
of the spatial characteristics of joint systems includ- depth to groundwater table, Poisson s ratio, soil den-
ing desiccation cracks. These characteristics were sity, matric suction, and soil elastic moduli. They
required for groundwater models to determine flow in assumed a linear matric suction profile extending
fractured soils and for geotechnical models to deter- from the groundwater table to the ground surface.
mine the strength parameters of fractured soils. In These analytical solutions have limited applicabili-
addition, knowledge of the spatial characteristics of ty. Many engineering applications involve layered
jointed systems is required in environmental applica- soils, far removed from the water table, having non-
tions to accurately model dispersion of contaminants linear suction profiles, and anisotropic behavior. The
(Domenico and Schwartz,1990). Benson and Daniel most obvious example of such an application is the
(1994) also emphasized the need for information soil liner of a landfill. This study provides an analysis
regarding the geometry of macropores for porous of desiccation cracking in a compacted clay soil simu-
media flow models. lating a landfill liner. The results of this study provide
In this research, a laboratory model of a compacted an empirical basis for regulatory criteria involving
clay liner was used to investigate the development liner thickness, in addition to providing a better
and progression of desiccation cracking. The surface understanding of the conditions promoting desicca-
geometric features of cracks developing as a result of tion cracking.
wetting and drying cycles were monitored and rela-
tionships were developed between the extent of crack-
ing and the water potential of the clay liner. The Quantification of Crack Dimensions
research implications are limited to the specific soils
analyzed in this investigation. Ongoing and further Most data available regarding the geometry of des-
research will facilitate the development of applica- iccation cracks are related to landfill applications.
tions to fine grained soils with varied characteristics, Basnett and Brungard (1992) observed cracks result-
which will allow the development of generalized and ing from desiccation on the side slopes of a clay liner
specific predictive models of crack geometry for during landfill construction. The cracks were 13 mm
known soil types, placement conditions, and climate- to 25 mm in width and extended to 0.30 m depth.
logical history. Miller and Mishra (1989) observed uniformly dis-
tributed desiccation cracks during their field investi-
gation of landfill clay liners. The cracks exceeded 10
mm in width and some penetrated the entire depth
(0.30 m) of the compacted clay layer. Montgomery and
Parsons (1989) observed desiccation cracking at test
Crack Theory plots simulating covers constructed at a landfill in
Wisconsin. Subsequent to three years of exposure, the
Although the mechanisms controlling cracking are upper 0.20 to 0.25 m of the compacted clay plots had
very complicated, there has been some progress in become desiccated, with crack widths exceeding 13
developing theoretical models of the process. It is mm. They reported maximum crack depths of 1.0 m
known that surface tension effects at air-water-solid at a number of locations in the test plots. Corser and
contacts inside the soil generate negative pore water Cranston (1991) reported observations of cracks down
pressures (positive suctions) in the unsaturated soil. to 0.10 m deep within compacted cover sections from a
The matrix suction may result in soil contraction, and test fill in an arid part of California.
ultimately soil shrinkage and cracking. This shrink- Morris et al. (1992) reported that macrocracks were
age produces vertical cracks below exposed horizontal produced by the growth of microcracks under tensile
drying surfaces. The depth of the cracks increases loading at crack tips. The uniform tensile stress
gradually, as desiccation of the soil deposit progresses. (transverse to the crack) which causes a crack of
The volume change is directly related to the shrink- length 2A to propagate was found to be inversely pro-
age limit. For plasticity index (P1) values greater than portional to the square root of A. They also reported
Experimental Analysis of Desiccation Crack Propagation in Clay Liners

that the suction at the crack tip was inversely propor- stresses due to soil self weight, and their surficial
tional to the radius of capillaries and hence to particle length is limited by intersection with other cracks.
size. Comparison of the above two relationships for
tensile stress and matric suction in terms of crack
length A shows that soil suction related macrocracks
are more readily produced in fine-grained soils than EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP
in coarse grained soils. This is because fine grained
soils have smaller intergranular voids which can trap The laboratory investigation was designed to pro-
larger volumes of pore air per unit area per volume vide qualitative information and quantitative data on
than coarser soils. the physical processes involved in desiccation crack-
Morris et al. (1992) explained that matric suctions ing of a compacted fine-grained soil under wetting
in uncracked soils produce compressive stresses and drying cycles. The experimental apparatus
between the particles. Therefore, conditions for crack included: a soil tank, rainfall simulation system, dry-
propagation are most favorable at the ground surface ing system, drainage system, surface crack recording
where self weight stresses are zero and matric system, and water potential measuring system (Fig-
suctions are maximum. They show that the depth of ure 1). The primary component was the steel rein-
cracks is ultimately constrained by the increasing forced Plexiglas tank, of dimensions 1.5 m (width), 1.0

35mm Camera

Oscillating vee jet i,4" Pipe


Frames Presure
,.' Gauge

Flow Meter
Air Flow

Psychro metrs
, Fans


/ 4
HP-uS Water /
Potential Data System Drain Pan Drain Pipe

Figure 1. Components of the Experimental System for Desiccation Crack Development and Analysis.


Miller, Mi, and Yesiler

m (length) and 0.5 m (depth). Three blowers were soil consists mostly of illite (63 percent by weight).
fixed on the wall of the tank to simulate wind action The second dominant clay mineral is kaolinite (11
on the soil surface and increase the rate of soil desic- percent by weight). These minerals contribute to the
cation. A rainfall simulation system consisting of low plasticity of the soil. This soil is representative of
pipe, regulator, flow meter, pressure gauge, and water soils used for landfill liner construction in Michigan
spraying nozzle was positioned over the tank. The (Salim, 1994). Therefore, it is expected that the
oscillation of the nozzle was controlled electronically results of the investigation can be applied at the
to provide complete and regular coverage of the entire regional scale.
tank. Variable rainfall intensities were simulated by
changing the flow nozzle. A drainage system beneath
the tank was equipped to collect and measure leakage
TABLE 1. Clay Liner Properties (Salim, 1994).
via the compacted clay. These leakage measurements
were used to calibrate a hydraulic model of flow Property Standard* Value
through desiccated liners (Mi, 1995). A 35mm auto-
mated camera was mounted 1.2m above the tank to Specific Gravity ASTM D 854-92 2.70
record the entire process of crack initiation and prop- Hydraulic Conductivity, cm/sec ASTM D 5084-90 1.07x10-8
agation. Wescor Model P55 psychrometers were Particle Size Analysis ASTM D 422-63(90)
embedded inside the soil and were connected to a Percent Sand 20
Wescor Model HP-115 Water Potential Data System Percent Silt 25
for automatic measurement of the water potentials. Percent Clay 55
Psychrometers were selected for the soil water Atterberg Limits ASTM D 4318-93
potential measurements of this study because very Liquid Limit (percent) 22.6
dry conditions were expected. In these applications, Plasticity Index (percent) 6.2
tensiometers are inappropriate due to air entry prob- Optimum Moisture Content 13.5
lems. Psychrometers have successfully measured in- (percent) (Standard Proctor) ASTM D 698-9 1
situ suction values as high as 30 atmospheres and Maximum Thy Density, kN/m3 19.3
appear to be the best monitoring device for very dry (Standard Proctor) ASTM D 698-9 1
soil conditions, where other methods may be limited *The complete citation for each standard (ASTM, 1994a-e) is
(Hoffman et al., 1972). Psychrometers provide mea- provided in Literature Cited.
surements of soil water potential using a relationship
between soil water potential and relative humidity.
Psychrometers are composed of a porous bulb to sam-
TABLE 2. Mineralogical Analysis of Soils (Salim, 1994).
ple the relative humidity of the soil, a thermocouple, a
heat sink, a reference electrode, and related circuitry. Weight
Calibration is required for each psychrometer unit Soil Fractions Minerals Percentage
before it is used to measure soil water potential.
Psychrometers are very sensitive to temperature fluc- Clay Chlorite 8
tuations and require correction for even minor tem- Illite 63
Hornblende 3
perature changes. A layer of six evenly spaced Kaolinite
psychrometers were placed during the liner com- 11
paction process, at mid-depth of the clay liner. Microcline 6
Quartz 5
Plagloclase 4

MATERIALS Silt Chlorite 3

Illite 3
Quartz 56
The clay soil used in this study was obtained from
a borrow area used for construction of a liner for a Albite 6
Calcite 21
landfill in metropolitan Detroit, Michigan. The soil is
Dolomite 11
classified as a silty clay (CL-ML) using the Unified
Soil Classification System (USCS). The properties of
Sand Quartz 90
the soil are presented in Table 1.
Calcite 7
The mineralogical composition of the clay, silt, and
Dolomite 3
sand fractions (Table 2) was determined by Salim
(1994) using a Rigaku RU200 X-ray rotating anode
powder mount difFractometer. The clay fraction of the
Experimental Analysis of Desiccation Crack Propagation in Clay Liners


The experimental procedure consisted of two main Water Potential Measurements

steps: (1) soil preparation and compaction and (2) sim-
ulation of wetting/drying cycles. The water potential of the soil liner throughout the
wetting and drying process is shown in Figure 2. The
water potential decreased during the compaction-dry
period from -22.1 bars to -58.3 bars. During the dry-
wet period, the water potential values increased from
The soil compaction required special attention to -58.3 bars to -6.0 bars. Finally, during the wet-dry
ensure uniformity in density and moisture conditions period the water potentials decreased to -60.7 bars,
throughout the test liner. Prior to compaction, the which was the driest condition achieved.
large soil clods were broken down into smaller units
(maximum equivalent diameter less than 1.0 cm). The
soil was wetted approximately to the optimum mois- Crack-Intensity-Factor (CIF)
ture content (1 percent). The wetted soil was left in
sealed boxes for two days of soaking to achieve uni- The geometric features of cracks, such as width,
form moisture absorption. The loose soil was then depth, and surface area, are important parameters,
placed in the experimental tank and manually com- because they influence both the soil hydraulics and
pacted using a square steel pad of area 25 cm2 and mechanics. The crack intensity factor (CIF) was intro-
weighing 96 N. The pad was lifted approximately 60 duced as a descriptor of the extent of surficial crack-
cm and dropped freely to the soil surface. The specific ing. CIF is defined as the time-variable ratio of the
values for lift height and number of blows (approxi- surface crack area, A, to the total surface area of the
mately 70) were determined by equating the com- clay, At. A computer aided image analysis program
paction energy per unit area of this method to the was used to determine CIF values from scanned pho-
standard proctor compaction test. The clay soil was tographs of the desiccation process.
compacted in the tank to a depth of 16 cm, which is Figure 3 illustrates key aspects of the CIF. Figure
within the range of the recommended lift thickness 3a shows the CIF variation with time for the wet-dry
for landfill liner construction (Bagchi, 1990). Follow- period (C-D of Figure 2), while Figure 3b shows the
ing compaction, the dry density and water content relation between the CIF and water potential for the
were measured to be 18 kN/m3 and 11.01 percent, same period. From Figure 3a, the CIF remained close
respectively. The water content of the soil was approx- to its initial value of zero for approximately 17 hours.
imately 2 percent dry of optimum moisture content. Subsequently, the CIF increases rapidly for a period
The relative compaction (as a ratio of compaction den- of approximately 19 hours of drying. At the end of the
sity to maximum dry density) was 93 percent. 36 hours, the CIF approaches a steady state of
approximately 5.5 percent. Figure 3b illustrates that
the surface crack area increases rapidly when the soil
Wetting and Drying Cycles water potential changes from 6.0 to 7.9 bars. At
water potentials higher than that, crack growth
Soil moisture suction and crack propagation were increases at a much smaller rate. Although the water
analyzed for three distinct periods of wetting and dry- potential increases in a nearly linear fashion during
ing. The first period, termed compaction-dry, corre- this time period (Figure 2), there is little change in
sponds to the time between the completion of the CIF.
compaction to fully dry conditions (defined as the Extensive cracking occurred during the wet-dry
onset of a stable soil pore water suction). Rainfall was period. The propagation of cracks during this period
then applied to the dry soil. The period between the was analyzed in detail and three distinct stages of
fully dry condition and infiltration of the ponded crack formation were identified. The initial cracking
water from the simulated rainfall was termed the stage encompasses the period following water addi-
dry-wet period. The soil tank was sealed with a glass tion to the time corresponding to crack coverage over
cover during the infiltration phase to prevent evapo- the entire surface, or the development of "first-gener-
ration of moisture. The last period of a cycle was the ation" cracks. During the second stage of cracking,
wet-dry period. The cover was removed at the begin- initial cracks became wider and deeper, with a few
ning of the wet-dry period which began with the end new cracks being formed inside existing polygons.
of the second period and terminated with the develop- These represent "later-generation" cracks and this
ment of fully dry conditions. stage was termed the "enhanced cracking stage".


Miller, Mi, and Yesiller







0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (Hours)

Figure 2. Soil Water Potential Measurements for the Clay Liner:

A-B: Compaction-Dry Period; B-C: Dry-Wet Period; and C-D: Wet-Dry Period.

Crack propagation in the final stage was limited. No on simulated climatology and hydrology of a site.
major changes in crack formation or physical charac- Using experimental data such as those provided in
teristics were observed during this stage, termed the Table 3, these modeled water potentials could be used
"stable stage." Table 3 summarizes the variation of to infer the potential for cracking problems in the soil.
time, water potential, and CIF during the three crack- As an example, the model HELP (Schroeder et al.,
ing stages of the wet-dry period. 1994) is often used to estimate leachate production
The data of Table 3 indicate a maximum measured and leak generation at existing and proposed landfill
water potential of 53.2 bars at a test duration of 168 facilities. As one step in that process, the model esti-
hours. The psychrometers remained embedded in the mates the soil water potential in the clay liners of the
soil for several weeks beyond this endpoint. However, landfill containment system. If information regarding
the readings from the psychrometers became increas- the cracking/water potential relation is available for
ingly erratic. It is likely that at such dry states the the soil used in the landfill liner, it may be possible to
necessary equilibrium between psychrometer and soil assess the adequacy of a proposed landfill design.
pore space is not achieved, creating erratic and unpre-
dictable readings. Visual observations confirmed that
the maximum CIF during the stable cracking stage, Qualitative Observations of Crack Formation
extending for several weeks beyond the 168-hour
duration of Table 3, was limited to approximately 5.5 The behavior of surface cracking was distinctly dif-
percent. ferent in each of the three test periods analyzed.
It may be possible in the future to use this type of There were no observable cracks on the soil surface
information to predict crack growth based on mea- immediately following compaction. During the
sured water potentials. Alternatively, numerical mod- compaction-dry period, limited cracking of the soil
els may be used to predict soil water potential based
Experimental Analysis of Desiccation Crack Propagation in Clay Liners

__ 6.0




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time Elapsed from Start of Wet-Dry Cycle (Hours)



0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Soil Water Suction (Bars)

Figure 3. Crack Intensity Factor (CIF) Analysis for the Wet-Dry Period —
(a) CIF Variation With Time; (b) CIF Variation With Soil Water Suction.

TABLE 3. Characteristic Features During the Three Stages of Cracking.

Time Water Potential CIF

Stage (hours) (negative bars) (percent)
Initial Cracking 17— 36 6.0— 7.9 0.0 — 4.8

Enhanced Cracking 36 — 72 7.9 — 17.6 4.8 — 5.3

Stable Cracking 72 — 168 17.6 — 53.2 5.3 — 5.5


Miller, Mi, and Yesiller

surface occurred (Figure 4a). The crack pattern was not penetrate the entire depth of the soil layer. Fol-
primarily linear, with a few extensions of smaller lowing moisture addition, desiccation was allowed to
cracks. During the compaction-dry period, cracks did continue. The cracks which formed after moisture
not penetrate the entire depth of the soil layer. Dur- addition developed a polygonal pattern of crack net-
ing the dry-wet period, rainfall was simulated. The works and some penetrated the entire liner thickness.
cracks that had formed during the previous period The CIF was introduced to describe the extent of
gradually disappeared due to expansion/swelling of cracking in soils. The visual observation of the crack-
the soil. Extensive cracking occurred during the wet- ing process was quantified using the CIF. A signifi-
dry period, with some of the cracks appearing in the cant change in the CIF was observed at the beginning
same locations as in the dry-wet period. There was of a drying cycle. However, the CIF stabilized with
significant growth in the crack dimensions during further increases in soil moisture suction.
this period. The observed maximum crack widths for Crack propagation was limited to a very intense
the compaction-dry and wet-dry periods were 5.0 mm period of the desiccation process. Nearly 90 percent of
and 9.5 mm, respectively. The crack pattern during the crack development occurred during a 19-hour
the wet-dry period was polygonal (Figure 4b), as time period, although the total duration of the desic-
opposed to the linear nature of the cracks which cation cycle was approximately 170 hours. Cracking
developed during the compaction-dry period. commenced when the soil moisture suction reached a
Although the quantitative tracking of crack propa- value of approximately 6 bars. The soil moisture suc-
gation was limited to the first wet-dry cycle (C-D of tion changed by only 2 bars during the period of rapid
Figure 2), additional simulated rainfalls were applied, crack growth, while the soil moisture suction changed
repeating the dry-wet and wet-dry cycles, providing by more than 40 bars during the period of reduced
the basis for further qualitative observations. The growth.
CIF increased during subsequent wet-dry cycles, with In general, the addition of moisture, via simulated
cracks reappearing in the locations of the initial wet- rainfalls, caused partial closing on the surface of the
dry cycle. In addition, the crack dimensions appeared cracks. However, the actual response appeared to be
to increase in proportion to the increased number of dependent on the rate of moisture application (rate of
wet-dry cycles. the simulated rainfall). Large intensity rainfalls led
During the dry-wet periods, the rainfall intensity to widening of the cracks with erosion of soil particles.
controlled the crack characteristics. For intensities
less than 1.0 inlhr, the cracks were closed at the sur-
face and were no longer visible. However, increased ACKNOWLEDGMENT
intensities resulted in the widening of cracks due to
the erosive action of water flow through the cracks. This research was funded, in part, by the National Science
Foundation, Division of Geornechanical, Geotechnical, and Geoenvi-
ronrnental Systems (Grant No. MSS-9 123563).

A laboratory investigation of desiccation cracking
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geometry and to relate cracking to measurable soil ASTM, 1994a. Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soils. ASTM
properties. Previous studies have suggested that des- Standard No. D 854-92, Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
iccation cracking is not expected to be significant for ASTM, 1994b. Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
low plasticity soils and that desiccation cracking is Plasticity Index of Soils. ASTM Standard No. D 4318-93, Annu-
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less likely for soils compacted dry of the optimum ASTM, 1994c. Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. ASTM
moisture content (Daniel, 1991). The soil investigated Standard No. D 422-63 (1990), Annual Book of ASTM Stan.
in this study had a low P1 and was compacted dry of dards.
optimum. However, it experienced significant crack- ASTM, 1994d. Test Method for Laboratoiy Compaction Character-
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dent on the cycle of desiccation being observed. The meameter. ASTM Standard No. D 5084-90, Annual Book of
ASTM Standards.
initial crack pattern was primarily linear with many
small branches. Cracks initiated during this cycle did
Experimental Analysis of Desiccation Crack Propagation in Clay Liners





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