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1890 as an illustration, this gave a surplus area in wheat of 11,264,478

fitting, or modifying, a thing to other uses, and so altering

use as an ordinary consonant, and not limited to a symbol for

Since aesthetic experience is brought about and its modes

9 and iii. 22 two trees are referred to, the fruit of both

remarkable fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of the north-east of

divided into five arrondissements--St Quentin and Vervins in the

"In passing upon the validity of legislation, attacked

is ordained that houses which within three years have been

Nesce) was the most considerable. The polygonal terrace

Bengal and Assam, and is bounded on the east by the Mishmi Hills

decomposition. Hence if the two names, secondary and storage

pronounced a glowing panegyric on the French Academy as a

the electrolyte had to be kept constant in composition lest

capital of L. 155,000. At Blairs, in Kincardineshire, five

1360 onwards, wherever their crimes were committed, subject

on the electromotive force is illustrated by fig. 12. A

Aulus Gellius xvii. 21; and article MACEDONIAN EMPIRE.

ruins of which still subsist. In 647 the Arabs penetrated

by the action of alkalies on sal-ammoniac. At a later period

for Sweden but for Great Britain, whose trade in the Baltic was

Shipping and Commerce.--The carrying trade between Algeria

designs made with thorns, the tattooing paint being a mixture

aesthetic experience, and (b) of the fuller and more complex

357, when their king Chonodomarius was taken prisoner. Early

who chose to approach him with complaints or petitions, he

conditions, the old Hellenic culture. This direction of

worthy of the name, in wood and stone. They are inseparable

(1849). His Elegias y armonias (1863) was no less

and Baca rivers, from which it derives its name. Pop. (1900)

that all persons declared themselves to be in better physical

United States.---There is no federal legislation on the

area. The working temperature lies between 750 deg. and 850 deg.

The vent-sealing tube accurately fits into a chamber formed

of a mile in length. At each corner stood a solid brick

Special permission from the city praefect was necessary in

divine abode, and such a story may some day be discovered.

south -- at Rio de Janeiro in 1555-1567, near the present

he made in the Mediterranean for the sake of his health.

services. The same year he was appointed to succeed Sir Charles

noteworthy feature is that between the landlord and the tenants

on the vendor, when he retains any portion of the property

Kent. He had received his education at Cambridge, where he

notable independence of advertisers' influence, which English

printed---the second edition having been published in

early 19th century the Meyer family of Aarau conquered in

Spain (1873), Holland (1874), Constantinople (1877) and Morocco

matters within the jurisdiction of that court as a prize

ultimate mark for ambition, the theme of idealists. The

status of a university, with the power of conferring degrees.

Ba-Kundu Ba-Koko Ja-Mbute

to 1572 it declined with the decay of the dynasty of Gujarat;

to enhance their reputation and secure the favour of the

until they are superseded by efficient flying machines. (See

Panixer Pass (Elm to Ilanz), bad bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,897

like another Julius Caesar, and in the battle which followed

reformer. His programme was to attack notorious abuses one

of the French School at Athens, much pottery of a class now

Shutargardan, and can be traced to a connexion with the great

on the N. from the territories of the Gruda, Hot and Klement

Morona has been the scene of many rude explorations, with

(Journ. Prak. Chem., 1887, [2] 37, p. 473), L. Knorr

and their gradual approach towards the amir's northern border,

to La Vera Cruz for the trade of New Spain, and returned home

1890 2,483,595 2,300,994 4,137,790 8,922,379

on the Orange River Boers, while in 1865 the mind of the

hands. The laws of thermodynamics, including the fundamental

is known from a bull of Gregory XI. addressed to the monks

critic and essay-writer, and in 1860 he began working on his

of the great valley makes the convenience and accuracy of this

certain festivals in honour of Dionysus, probably because

yds. In the case of the high- explosive shell, the

first of these is the duodenum. In the vast majority of

temple was excavated in 1889 about 1/2 m. to the north of

appears in history during the 9th century. At that time

the S. As regards its soil, Alabama may be divided into four

group be compared, it will be found that the gut of the larger

state. Affidavits made abroad must be made before such

person than his father and much more amiable. Like him he was

ambrosia. Ambrosia beetles bore deep though minute galleries

by George Jamesone, a noteworthy set of carved oak chairs,

at Olympia (Paus. v. 13. 5). The last-mentioned stood on a

Chicago of an ingenious contrivance named, after the inventor,

La Montagne a travers les ages (2 vols., 1902-1904); G.

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