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NUMBERS FR()[,I 21 T() 50

Read ng and wr nn8 numbeG from 21io

Bu ld.g numbeGfrom 21to 50

what we already know
' Reading, writine .nd bui ding numbers up to 20

and obserue how the number picrure of 14 is buitt. Then, colnplete the

1. 14 a ten
::;t: ia: Tens Ones
? 12

L 18

Teacher's Suppo"t
ding numbe6wthiensand oiestodeveropthe ideaofptaceva usthroush..ivhes
lke stuup of 10 obleds (10 one rupee ,ptay c. n{) cai be reared ar ,1 ten, teB rupee ,ipray.o
tl n"t
. ') Numberl from 2l to :to
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

The numbers from 21 to 29 are composed of two tens and one, two, three,
fout five, six, seven, eight or nine ones respectrvely.
count, read and vrrite the n!rmbers. One is don€ lor yru-

I S' S
i.l te
Twenty-one 21
l one make 21.

2 tens mak," 22.

2 tens and make 23.
Twenty three
; q( t
2 t-ans and
n Twenty{our


r io
make 26.
7 ones

T Ol
8 ones make 28. Twenty eight i

2 t-^ns and 9 ones Twenty-n ne

2 tens and l0 ones (t ten) mal,e 30. Thirty

lvrlt. ih.,r!,itrltrer in rhc blur troxet and rhe n!nber names in thl] or:ng. box.r.
Oi: is ir.rr: fur !o!.


l'cacher's Supp6"1Q'
Dvide the. as i sroups of 10 Dispay a number.hafr or number
name chart lrom 21to r0 Dnrbure numberu 21
s,ou0 dl0nudentsand haverhem.oro!rrhe r nrmba.on the nuhber
:h:n Repeat t wrh the oth.r Eroups of 10 $ude s oi a new char

",@ Numberi from 3l to 40
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
The nurnbers from 31 to 39 are composed of three tens and one, two,
tlrree, fout five, six, seven, eight or n ne ones respectively.
c.unt, .ead and write the nxnrbers- One is don€ foryou.

f .o
3 tens and j1 Thrrty-one

make 32 Thirtylwo

i :j j
{"i fr nrake 33. tn TIy rnree

3 tens and Th rty four

z\ TO
5 ones make 35. Th rty five

I tens and 6 ones make 36. Thirty-s (

t..i *
make 37. Thirty-sever
3 tens 8 ones make 38. Thirty eight i l

,q ;€" "9e- ,<

9 ones make 39 Thlrty-nine

3 tens and 10 ones (1 ten) male 40.

1. Complete the followinE.

(a) 3 tens and 1 one
Tlo (b)
make ,h rrv'ohe 1r-.io1
. 31
k) _tensand3ones iiol (d)
m.keth rtv

2. Cou .t in tens

ard ones. One is done foryou.
iiioi (b)

tt t '" ,rr': (d)
It t
ililililt t
Teacher's Support Q
of obieca that visua y di5pay a cbup of 10 lbae 10)to teach the vaue ot numbeE whe^
are oosiironed d fferen{y wirht^
".e Numbert from 41 to 50
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4A 49 5A
The numbers from 41 to 50 Ere composed of four tens and one, two' three'
four, five, slx, seven, eight or nine ones respechve y'
cou.t, read 3nd wrjtethe.lmbers one is done for You'

41. Forty-one + -1
4 iens and make

4 tens and
,r,ake 42- tortylwo ,

4 and 3 ones make 43.

,*,*,*-+ I..., o ]
4 tens and

4 rens and 5 ones make 45.

**t-* 4 iens and 6 ones male 46.

.' 1,- 1f 1f 1
4 ttll 1!q . 7 9i": make 47.

tens4 and
8 ones make 48. Fortv-eieht
4 renr ;r nd

and 10 ones (1 ten) make 50

TO o

TO o

o o

.,.G Twentier to Fortiet

€i (:, (,, ei a,i ?) Q,) €r) ?";

MsJones p ays planovery
we l. Playing the plano is
her favourite pass time. lw€nt! m€ans 2 t€ns
ondO ones 9utiwenties
she earnt piano in her heons the .umbers

(9 (-D €l (D (:;t i:i l.i [r a,, ei


Q9(AQ 3,) i*) ni) '461 471 '481 491

Kartik, Diwan and the r fr ends

are rehearsing for a p ay on
the ndependence Day.

' lorE srf€on9 numberwhose enetr

or€ n dlphdbetcd o.der F",
' One s th€ onl! numb€r !,hos€ ell€6 40 is wriiten
o.€ ir rcve6€ o phobel co order

".Q Number on the Abocur
Ths s an abacus. lt has two spikes.
The spike on the eft ls for tens.
The spike on the rlght is for ones.
The abacus glven a ongs de shows Srm ar y,
2 beads on the tens spike and
4 beads on the ones sp ke. lt shows

the number 24. 36

1. Fillin the blanks. One

(a) ffi (b) ffii
ffi ffi
flfnfn ffi
2J= 2ltens andl i lones l8=( jtensandl l
(d (d)
[ffi o [ffi
ffi ffi
ffi [ffil
:: =f ) tens ana ( )one' 40 =, rtens and i )oneE
?. numbers shown by the abacus. one;s dcne foryou.
G) (b) l (c) 1
d6 :E !T U

TO TO :i-61
Represent the number
! d!t I f!trrb?r
,A 2
havins4tensand 7 ones il 'eprcslnts
numberof 't€.s'ondnuhL.r
on the abacus siven. TO
(Mothr Art)
:.-slL aal,:
Look at the given meaningful shap.s
ihat ere created lo reprelent nu$bers ir .-+r'- r:
21an.I50. r 1'+-rr -,
Llse your creativity to repre5ent at least
two more n!mbersbetween 21to50in
a merningfu des gn u5ing dots, c rcles
or any other shape ofyour own cho ce
in the space prov ded Give a name to

L€arnins obiective: Understand ng the numbers from 21to 50

. The teacher takes sufficient number ofkulrsticks, few nibber bands and a timer
. The teacher d v des the into 4 groups.

. D stribut€ 20kulr sticks and 2 rubber bands to each group.

. Ask each group to make 2 bundl€s of 10 krl, sticks
. Co lectthe bund es from the groups.
. Ca lone sroup. Give th€m the bundles of tens and some loose kul, sticks
. Ask them to make two n!mbers say,24.nd 29.
. Let ihe other students count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,... with the
timertilthe CroLrp comp etes the
Check how they worked.
Repeat the acivity with other groups with different

. Declare the w nning sroLrp who d d correct by and took the least trme.

Ask the students to wrlte a I numbeE between two nlmberc- Each digt with
different co our pens such that the tens dlgit is wrltten wlth one colo!r and the
ones distwlth other co our.

1. Write the following numbers with different.olou6. Tens digit with red ano
ones digit wilh blue. One is do.e ior yot.
lu) t, (b) 28 lc) al (d) so
(e) ". (o (s) (h)
3G re rq
2. comelete using forwa.d counting.

(b) 37


l. Cohplete us ng ba.kwa,d .ourtin8.

4. Draw and .olour the dots to represent the nulnber in Palt lb). Pari (a) is do.e

.I .'; ;'
34 ir.
) 5. Break down the given
names. one 1s done for

'"' .--' i'o (b) (.)

rh .-,- 4 +
1-50 and fill in th€ m'ssing numbe6 in the

Broken parts of the chart

1. Match the followins. one is done for vou.



4a [=rh]I4-" l
1=r- rn, l
2. Choose ihe corect number the blank to compiete each
numb€r name sequ€nce.

Four, Fourteen, Twenty-four

(b) lhi(y-seven Th rty-e ght Th rty nine

(c) Forty two

Forty'one, Fourteen, Fortyjour

lnstru.tior: Answerthe following quenions without using paper and pencil.

1. How many numbers le
(a) between 21to 30?
(b) from 31to 40?
(c) from 20 io s0?
2. How many numbers from 21to 50 have 0 at their ones p ace?
3. Telal thenumbersfrom2lto50thathavethes.medigtaton€sandtens
places and how many are these in total?
4- Find a pairs of 2 diglt numbers from 1 to 50 where both dlgits add up to
(a) s (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2 (e) 1
5. Are there any numbers from 1to 50 whose ones p ace occupy the digitO?
6, How manvtens together make
(a) s0 (b) 40 (c) 30 (d) 20 (e) r0
7. Readthe gven numbersequences names
forties, thirties, twenties

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