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Records Management and Archives:

Finding Common

Today there is increasing integration of records

management and archives in the workplace.
But can the question of ownership be resolved?
Sue Myburgh

24 The Information Management Journal • March/April 2005

Differences between the two professions are based largely

f all the changes in the turbulent environment of
records management, perhaps none has had around cultural, societal, and historical dimensions.
greater effect over the past decade than informa- Archives are political; they cannot be seen only as preserving
tion and communication technologies (ICTs). records for historical research or as a warehouse for old records no
This has prompted many leaders in records longer in current administrative use. The institution behind
management and archives to urge cooperation archives – government or business organization – will provide a
between the two professions, as both need to be involved in the model for preservation, which frequently suggests keeping those
management and administration of electronic records. Indeed, records that support the dominant position, the metanarrative, or
some contend that an integrated approach among records man- the status quo.
agement, libraries, and publishing has become imperative. In his Records management, on the other hand, has emerged from a
article “Ensuring Essential Evidence,” Adrian Cunningham modernist, late-capitalist philosophy of management in both
warns that “[t]he case for a continuation of the strict separation business and government. The emphasis is on efficiency, produc-
of archivists from active recordkeeping has become completely tivity, competitive advantage, strategic value, increase of profits,
unsustainable.” and avoidance of loss. Management of records is an integral part
While the development of ICTs has been a major change of business processes, is associated with workflow, and is based on
agent, there are multiple simultaneous changes that have had sig- administrative and legal necessity.
nificant effects upon the information management professions: Evidence in the archival sense can be defined as the passive
globalization, the Information Economy, the ability of documents and objects and their
influence of postmodernism, and changes in associated contexts to provide insight into
society at large, to name a few. Some of these At the Core
the processes, activities, and events that led to
are intertwined. For example, the use of ICTs This article their creation for legal, historical, archaeolog-
can influence society by changing the ways ical, and other purposes. Evidence for the
in which people work, as well as their expec- discusses similarities and
differences between the records manager means that the record must
tations of how their lives can be led, both
archives and records have sufficient integrity to be admissible in a
personally and professionally. In turn, carry-
management professions court of law. The primary evidential values
on effects give rise to new developments,
related to legal, fiscal, and administrative
such as the rise of e-commerce and the examines how the continuum
purposes are the domain of records man-
notion of the Information Economy. Finally, theory encourages both
agers; the subsequent cultural, historical, and
the concept of globalization is hard to put professions to engage with
social evidential values are determined and
into practice without ICTs. each other
understood best by archivists.
Changes in the environment have neces- explores the integration The different societal needs to which each
sitated changes in the practice of both pro- of archives and records profession responds means that there are dif-
fessions as they come to terms with con- management ferent groups of users seeking the services of
comitant issues such as privacy, security,
intellectual capital, and digital preserva- records managers and archivists. For records
tion. These changes also are drawing the professions closer managers, users are largely seeking legal evidence and adminis-
together. Perhaps records management and archives have trative information; for archivists, users are historical researchers
always been similar in a number of ways, which are only now attempting to create new knowledge about past events, people,
being recognized. and organizations.
There also are differences in education and training for the
Similarities and Differences professions. A survey conducted at the Records Management
There are some obvious similarities between the archives and Association of Australia Convention in 2001 found that
records management professions. Both archivists typically have a university degree, and often post-
graduate education, whereas records managers show evidence
• are called upon to identify which documents (records) they
primarily of vocational training. This is reinforced by the devel-
will manage
opment in Australia of competency standards (which are skills-
• need to be careful about maintaining the physical and intel- based) and the emergence of recognized training organizations,
lectual integrity of the documents in their care though several Australian universities offer degrees in records
• describe and arrange records to provide access as well as con- management.
textual information The separation between records management and archives
is historically a North American device, which has been copied
• observe necessary legislation regarding disposal, privacy,
in the United Kingdom and in Australia. In the United
intellectual property, and other issues
Kingdom, the United States, and Australia, records creation
• maintain the physical – including digital – condition of records and retention have always been recognized as an unavoidable

March/April 2005 • The Information Management Journal 25

The records
result of business activities; but
manager focuses these two fates are often regarded as syn-
the quality of recordkeeping and com-
pliance with regulations has varied
largely on serving onymous; both finalize records manage-
ment’s responsibilities.
widely. the organization, In contrast, Australia’s continuum
In Sweden, there are long-established theory recognizes the interconnection
links between records management and whereas the between the roles of records manager
archives. According to Nils Brubach, and archivist and represents a paradigm
archivists established records centers in archivist attempts shift in theory that closely links the two
Germany, although there were still clear
distinctions between each function:
to serve society professions at a basic level. The idea of
the continuum is not to indicate a life
records were instruments in decision-
making, and archives were used to pro-
as a whole. span or otherwise of a record; it indicates
how such records should be managed
vide insights into the methods used. and the chain of responsibility. The
The manner in which business is con- emphasis is less on archival arrangement
ducted and records kept in Asia also is and description, although it does indi-
quite different. cate the organizational and social context
The countries of the Caribbean have in which records are created. In her paper
been influenced by a number of fac- “A Chinese View of Records Continuum
tors, from slavery to colonialism to Methodology and Implications for
independence and early regionalism Managing Electronic Records,” Xiaomi
through integration movements An proposes that the continuum frame-
together with the influence of donor work can provide “common understand-
agencies. The British Registry system ings, consistent standards, unified best
and the Public Office tradition figured significantly in the way practice criteria, interdisciplinary approaches and collaborations
records were dealt with. Today the regional university (the in the recordkeeping and archiving process for both the paper
University of the West Indies) offers records management and the digital worlds.”
training that seeks to provide for the development of archival Adrian Cunningham explains in his article “Ensuring Essential
theory and records and information practices that fit within Evidence: Changing Archival and Records Management Practices
the culture of the Caribbean. This has led to contextualized in the Electronic Recordkeeping Era” that “A key element of this
interpretations of, for example, the international records man- [Australian] system was a rejection of the traditional North
agement standard (ISO 15489) in Jamaica. American division between the work of records managers (who
Similarly, the organizational status and authority of records work with current records) and archivists (who work with non-
managers varies from one employer to another across both the current or historical records). Intrinsic to the Australian system is
public and private sectors in different areas of the world. There the philosophy that if archivists are to have historical records to
appear to be more differences than similarities until these are put preserve they first of all have to ensure that the current records
into the larger context of theory. There are similar considerations are properly created and maintained.”
that need to be brought to bear at the points of creation and The continuum model, however, emphasizes that as records
appraisal, yet each profession contributes different insights and end up in archives, records managers should have equal social
values. The identification of the political, economic, social, and responsibilities in deciding what is captured and preserved for
cultural milieu in which records were created is an area that posterity.
more often involves archivists only. In other words, the records Records continuum management comprises a series of
manager focuses largely on serving the organization, whereas the rather indistinct phases and therefore cannot be considered as a
archivist attempts to serve society as a whole. simple addition of two discrete functions – records manage-
ment and archives – which may have irreconcilable differences.
The Emerging Theory of Integration and Both professions combine to form “recordkeeping” – managing
Convergence records from creation to long-term preservation or disposal.
The records management function is frequently described as The continuum theory encourages both professions to engage
having responsibilities for records in all formats throughout with each other at critical points along the continuum, notably
their life cycle, from planning and creation to ultimate disposal. at creation and when the record ceases to be active.
The lifecycle model of records management offers two choices of The continuum theory also deconstructs the notion of cus-
“death” for the active record – destruction or removal to an todiality as an essential element of archival preservation, as
archives. This is misleading as records are not “disposed of” in an owning a document or considering it at a certain place.
archives; in fact, they start another life. In records management, Custodiality no longer applies to the same extent in a virtual

26 The Information Management Journal • March/April 2005

Records managers
world. There is a focus on the process
and archivists can gy is constantly changing, legislation
rather than the product, the concept unite to increase follows rather than leads. There are also
rather than the item. difficulties associated with the sheer
However, there is a parallel and political clout in number of records in the electronic
equally important paradigm shift environment.
occurring across many information the face of threats to Records managers and archivists can
professions – the shift from a docu- unite to increase political clout in the
ment-centered focus to an informa- the professions, face of threats to the professions,
tion-centered one. In the report
“Enduring Paradigm, New Oppor-
notably from IT notably from IT and information pro-
fessions such as knowledge manage-
tunities: The Value of the Archival
Perspective in the Digital Environ-
and information ment. Given the fierce competition that
now exists, it is only sensible that
ment,” author Anne Gililand-Swetland professions ... records managers and archivists should
notes that “[t]he practices of many collaborate and cooperate, particularly
information communities focus on the as both groups draw on similar theoret-
best and most effective ways to organ- ical bases and share many tasks of prac-
ize and retrieve discrete information tice. Formal integration between the
objects,” but a focus on documents professions is actually happening due to
alone is becoming less important, par- these factors.
ticularly in a virtual world. In addition, To practically integrate records man-
the value of the document is often agement and archives, there must be
located in the content or information agreement that users need access to
of the document rather than the docu- organized records, including both cur-
ment itself. rent and inactive records. This requires a complete historical
It is for this reason that clear and practicable definitions for understanding of the organization and its processes and deci-
the terms that are used in records management and archives are sions, which demands input from both professions. Added to
essential, particularly documents, knowledge, records, and infor- this, the question of custody and ownership as records pass
mation. Briefly stated, knowledge is identified as that which a from one phase of the continuum to another needs to be satis-
person knows (through accumulated experience); information factorily resolved, which requires a holistic view as well as the
is that part of a person’s knowledge that can be communicated development of a classification scheme and thesaurus that will
(via various channels); information can be stored in a docu- accommodate all types of records at all stages for all purposes.
ment, which is like an information container. Recognition of each profession’s role in each of these tasks is
The content of a record, or the information it contains, can essential if the work is to be properly done.
have a strategic and competitive value, thus becoming the
object of interest for strategic information managers and com- Sue Myburgh is a Senior Lecturer at the University of South
petitive intelligence professionals. Australia. She may be contacted at
The influence of postmodernism philosophy is clear in these
professions as they change. Notes An: “Postmodern archival
thinking considers archiving to be a key feature of society’s
communication processes in shaping the reality rather than just An, Xiaomi. “A Chinese View of Records Continuum
documenting it. It views archivists as co-creators of knowledge, Methodology and Implications for Managing Electronic
culture, and society rather than just passive recipients merely Records.” 2001. Available at
guarding and retrieving records and knowledge created entire- Xanuum.html (accessed 2 February 2005).
ly by others.” Postmodernism also is claimed to be the founda-
Brübach, Nils. “Development and Traditions of Records
tion for the continuum theory.
Management and Archives in Germany.” Available at www.calde- (accessed 19 January 2005).
Integration of Records Management and Archives
There is increasing integration of records management and Capurro, Rafael.“On the Geology of Information.” Information:
archives in the workplace, but this is poorly understood and New Questions to a Multidisciplinary Concept. Akademie Verlag
recognized. As mentioned earlier, today’s records managers and Berlin, 1996. Available at (accessed
archivists have to manage digital documents, which can be cre- 19 January 2005).
ated anywhere, at any time, and by an enormous range of peo-
ple. Such records raise issues of privacy, security, preservation, Cook, Terry. “Archival Science and Postmodernism: New
intellectual property, surveillance, and access. As the technolo- Formulations for Old Concepts.” Archival Science. Vol. 1, No. 1

28 The Information Management Journal • March/April 2005

(2000). Available at Steemson, Michael. “Cricket, Rugby and Records Management
00.htm (accessed 19 January 2005). … We’ve Set the Standard.” Caldeson Consultancy, 1999.
Available at (accessed 19
———. “Beyond the Screen: The Records Continuum and January 2005).
Archival Cultural Heritage.” Presented at the Australian Society
of Archivists Conference, 18 August 2000. Available at Upward, Frank. “Modelling the Continuum as Paradigm Shift in Recordkeeping and Archiving Processes and Beyond: A Personal
(accessed 19 January 2005). Reflection.” Records Management Journal. Vol. 10, No. 3 (2000).

Cox, Richard. “Re-defining Electronic Records Management.” ———. “Structuring the Records Continuum, Part Two:
1996. Available at Structuration Theory and Recordkeeping.” Archives and
cle1.htm (accessed 19 January 2005). Manuscripts. Vol. 25, No. 1 (1997).

Cunningham, Adrian. “Dynamic Descriptions: Australian

Strategies for the Intellectual Control of Records and Record Read More About It
Keeping Systems.” Presented at Royal Society of Archivists of the Other articles on this general topic by this author:
Netherlands Symposium, Amsterdam, 23 October 1998.
“The Convergence of Information Management and
———. “Ensuring Essential Evidence: Changing Archival and
Information Technology.” Information Management Quarterly,
Records Management Practices in the Electronic Recordkeeping
April 2000.
Era.” Provenance. Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 1997). Available at (accessed
“Education Directions for NIPs (New Information
19 January 2005).
Professionals).” Presented at the 11th Information Online
Gililand-Swetland, Anne J. “Enduring Paradigm, New Exhibition and Conference of Australian Library and
Opportunities: The Value of the Archival Perspective in the Information Association, Sydney, Australia, 21-23 January 2003.
Digital Environment.”Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Available at
Information Resources, February 2000. Available at myburgh.html (accessed 19 January 2005). pub89abst.html (accessed 19 January
2005). The New Information Professional: How to Thrive in the
Information Age Doing What You Love to Do. Oxford: Chandos
Heald, Carolyn. “Are We Collecting the ‘Right Stuff’?” Archivaria Publishing, 2004.
40 (Fall 1995).
The New Information Professional: How to Succeed in the
Kitching, Christopher. Archives: The Very Essence of Our Heritage. Information Age Doing What You Love to Do. Oxford: Chandos
Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1996. Publishing, 2004.

March/April 2005 • The Information Management Journal 29

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