Selective Proxy by DNS Using Squid and BIND - Server Fault

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Selective proxy by DNS using Squid and BIND

I am wondering on the feasibility of this setup.

I want to selectively proxy some DNS entries. For example, I want most DNS queries to resolve
normally, but I want to go through my proxy server. Furthermore, my proxy server
is not in my office (it's in my data center).

The solution I have imagined comes in two parts:

First, use BIND as a caching DNS server, and overwrite or force to point to my
proxy server. I assume this can be done? I am not very experienced with BIND configuration.

Second, use Squid to proxy all requests received that target to the REAL IP. I want to proxy http requests and other protocols that hit the right ports. So for
example, I would also want to proxy ssh if it is done through port 80 for example. Can Squid
work as this sort of proxy, or can it only work as an http proxy?

So for example the end result would look something like this. For the initial DNS query:

+----+ >--dns query> +-----------+

| PC | | my-server |
+----+ <----return my-server IP---< +-----------+

Then the the PC is "fooled" into thinking that points to my server, instead of the
real So this happens:

+----+ >--> +-----------+ >----> +------------------+

| PC | | my-server | | REAL |
+----+ <----return content----< +-----------+ <----< +------------------+

Is this setup feasible? What configuration directives should I investigate to do the hard part?

proxy bind

1 Answer

Your first, DNS approach seems to be the best of two. To configure this, you should configure
your bind as an authoritative server for zone A piece of BIND config should look
nearly so:

zone "" in{

type master;
file "";
}; in this example should contain address records for all subdomains of, you want to redirect. Of course, IP address in these records should point to your
proxy server.

I'm not absolutely shure, but you may need to configure your squid in "transparent" mode. There
are many examples over Internet.

Squid is HTTP, HTTPS, FTP proxy server. But HTTPS is handled with CONNECT http method
used. This is why you may use programs like Corkscrew or Proxytunnel These programs utilize
CONNECT method for tunneling. There is a problem with CONNECT timeouts - it is described
on ProxyTunnel page. The other approach to handling different protocols is redirecting data with
iptables. In this case, handling is done on the 3-rd and 4-th OSI levels (address and transport
protocols) and level 7 (application layer) isn't touched.

Hope, my answer will direct you to the right decision.

answered Mar 29 '11 at 17:53


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